Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Izaya watched her walk away, making a noise and returning to his desk and spinning around in his chair.
Izaya looked over to Ayane and smirked. "Yes, Mika-sama~" He said, then started to type on his computer.
Izaya finished his work in a little under thirty minutes, slowly standing when he finished, stretching and grinning up a storm.
Izaya moved over to the couch and took a seat beside Ayane, leaning back on the couch and looking to her with a foxlike grin.
Izaya was a bit surprised at first, but he slowly pulled Ayane closer against his body, holding her gently by the hips and returning her kiss.
Izaya made a noise and grinned seductively at her. "Is that all I get for now, Mika-sama...?" He asked, gently rubbing his hands against her sides.
"And what would earn me a reward~?" Izaya purred back, leaning slightly closer, hands still on her hips.
Izaya inched even closer, smirk growing. "And is there a possibility of the pet rewarding his master~?"
"And how would a dog reward his owner? Cock your head and be cute to make me smile? I don't think that's how you play the game, Izaya~" She answered
Izaya's lips were inches from Ayane's. "Would you like to find out~?" He purred before he kissed her softly.
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