Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise looked up and gave a small smile. "Hopefully I'm not too behind on my rent, I'll catch you later, Shizuo...!" She said and waved, jogging off down the street to her apartment.

"Just to keep an eye on you." He said simply. "I don't want anything else to happen to you."
When Makise arrived at her apartment, she frowned at the sign on her door: an eviction notice. "Shit." She muttered and tore the sign off before heading inside.

Izaya shook his head. "I simply cannot ignore a damsel in distress..!"
Izaya's cheek turned red where he was slapped and he grinned. "Hai, hai~ Not a damsel~"
Izaya's smirk twisted his lips and he fell silent, loving every abusive moment Ayane was putting him through.
Izaya winked at her, flashing her a toothy grin, but remained silent like he had been commanded.
Ayane smiled softly and shook her head, "You may speak, Izaya. But be wary of what you say, my hand tends to fly on its own nowadays."
Izaya merely rubbed his cheek, though he still wore a twisted grin in his face. "Gomenasai~"
Izaya sat down at the table across from her and folding a leg over the other, watching Ayane. Suddenly her phone beeped, showing Ayane had gotten a message from Makise. "Got kicked out of my apartment, have to return home tomorrow."
"What?!" Ayane gasped, "No, Maki!" "You have to stay! Don't leave me here alone with your brother! He follows me around and enjoys getting slapped around; literally!"
"I'm sorry, my land lord won't let me pay for this month or next month, he told me to pack up and get out." She replied.
Izaya made a noise and smirked softly. "Hai, hai~" He said, then sent another message once he got a reply to his earlier one.
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