Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shizuo made a disapproving noise, "Alright, I'll be there soon." He said and hung up. He looked to Makise and made a face, "I'll be back. I gotta go check on Mika."
Makise nodded. "Okay, be safe." She said, just as worried for Ayane as Shizuo was. Izaya returned to Ayane's side and crouched down beside her. "Shizu-chan's on his way." He said.
Izaya sat with Ayane until Shizuo arrived, glancing over at Shigure, who kept staring at him.
"Mika...!" "Sh-Shizuo..." Ayane looked up and smiled weakly, finding some comfort in her friend being there. Shizuo knelt next to her, "What happened?" "S-Someone's...stalking me..."
Izaya jerked his thumb towards Ayane's apartment door and looked to Shizuo. "You should take a look inside, see the damage for yourself."
"You didn't trash her place, did you?" Shizuo scowled and stepped inside. His eyes nearly bugged out of his skull, "Wh-What the..." He looked around somemore, wanting to double check if Izaya missed anything
When Shizuo walked past Ayane's room, the door opened slowly and silently, a shadowy figure appeared and lunged for Shizuo, a kitchen knife raised and ready to plunge into his back.
Shizuo had seen too many horror movies and had gotten into WAY too many fights with Izaya to fall for that. He turned quickly and punched the assailant hard in the face, "IZAYA, YOU DUMB FUCK!! YOU MISSED SOMETHING!!" He yelled. Ayane felt sick, Shigure whimpering after sensing her discomfort
Izaya smirked faintly, but it quickly disappeared as he moved in front of Ayane protectively. The man went flying an dthe knife dropped form his grasp. "H-Hime-sama!" He smiled insanely when he saw her and he struggled to his hands and knees. "Hime-sama! See how much I love you!"
Ayane screamed in horror and moved as far back as possible, wanting to be as far away from the creep as she possibly could, "How can you say you love me when you have a knife!? Stay away from me!" "Mika, be quiet!" Shizuo growled.
The man's eyes widened and he slowly stood, swaying as he did so. "Y-You don't..." He became very angry all of a sudden. "If I can't have you, no one can!!" He yelled and ran towards Ayane, wielding his knife, but Izaya stopped him with his own flick blade. "This is no way to treat a woman." He said as he blocked his attackers blade easily. "Shut the fuck up and move!" "No~" "MOVE ASS-WIPE!" He pulled away and swung wildly at Izaya, who simply dodged. Suddenly, the attacker froze, watching as his kitchen knife fell to cleanly cut pieces, eyes wide. "W-What the hell...?!"
"I-Izaya..." Ayabe muttered in astonishment. Shizuo came up behind the guy and cracked his knuckles, "You know...I really do hate violence. Especially when that violence is pointed at my friend." He said lowly
The man let out a scared scream and suddenly took off down the street away from the two, dropping his knife that was in pieces. Izaya looked at Ayane and grinned. "Are you okay, Mika-san?"
Ayane nodded weakly, "H-Hai..." Shizuo made a noise, "Hopefully we won't see him anytime soon...but I'll go pack you some clothes and you can stay at my place..." He said. Ayane nodded, "Th-Thank you..." She muttered. Shizuo nodded and went to go pack her stuff.
Izaya helped Ayane off of the ground and looked her up and down. "Do you want me to take care of clean-up?" He asked, motioning to her house.
"O-Oh...alright then...if you really want to..." She muttered. She looked so vulnerable, so defeated. Shizuo came out with the bag of her stuff and things for Shigure, "Ready?" "Hai..." Ayane replied
Izaya waved them off as he stood in front of Ayane's apartment, then he went inside to go destroy all of the photos that had been left behind, burning them in a trashcan out on her balcony.
Ayane walked slowly behind Shizuo and he looked back, "You ok...?" "I feel..." She swayed and her eyes rolled back, fainting from what had happened. Shizuo caught her and scooped her up, easily carrying her and her things; Shigure's leash tied to her wrist so he trotted along next to them
Once all the pictures were burned, Izaya went to washing the pen off of the wall, then to throw away all of the soiled articles of clothing.
Shizuo got Ayane to his house and laid her on the bed, smiling faintly when Shigure jumped up and laid with her. He set her things aside and went outside, lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag
Makise, who had been able to walk for about a week now, was finally let out of the hospital. "Arigatou, Shizuo." She said, bowing at the waist to the bottle blonde. "I'm so thankful for your help." She said softly.

Izaya walked beside Ayane on her day off, keeping close to her, his hand brushing her every so often.
Shizuo shrugged, "No problem." He said dismissively

Ayane glanced at Izaya and took a step away from him to keep him from touching her any further, "Why are you following me again...?"
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