Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shizuo looked to her and nodded, "No problem..."

Ayane's eyes flashed and she slapped him so hard, her hand stung with a fiery vengeance. She winced and rubbed her hand, cursing softly
Makise looked to Shizuo, making eye contact and feeling her cheeks heat up slightly, but she couldn't look away.

Izaya's head, as promised, spun to the side and he made a grunt, hand finding his cheek before he slowly turned to Ayane, a huge smirk on his face. "Should we really be doing such things in a public place~?"
"Y-Yeah...! I was just lost in thought." She said, waving her hand.

Izaya waved as she left. "Bye, Mika-san...~!"
Makise flushed more when Shizuo moved closer. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine...!" She said quickly. "Promise..!"

Izaya chuckled and placed his chin on his hands, watching her as she worked.
"I-It's just hot...! Could you open the other window please?" Makise said, quickly changing the subject.

"I don't mind waiting, plus you shouldn't walk home alone." Izaya said.
Shziuo blinked and nodded, opening the window

Ayane's eyes widened slightly as images of her rape came flooding back and she trembled. She gripped the blade in her apron and bit her lip, "I'll be fine."
Izaya made a noise and picked up the knife out of the cushion and closed it, got up and moved over to Ayane. He held the knife out to her. "I'd at least like for you to take this with you."
Izaya merely chuckled and shook his head, moving away from Ayane. "I care very much for most things, but material items can simply be replaced."
Izaya made a noise and moved back to his table, sitting down and playing with the squid.
Izaya had indeed paid for the meal, but he didn't bother eating a single piece. When Ayane left, he left as well, following her at a safe distance and out of sight in case something happened, making sure he always had his eye on her at all times.
Izaya stepped out of the shadows with a smirk. "I'm surprised that you noticed I was here, Mika-san~"
Izaya shrugged, hands in his coat pockets. "Alright, whatever the lady wishes." He said before he disappeared.
Pretty soon, a shadowy figure emerged from the shadows behind Ayane, and started to follow her, staggering slightly as though the person was drunk. Sure enough this man started to gain on Ayane, then he slowly pulled a knife from his jacket, watching Ayane with crazed eyes. As soon as Ayane turned the next corner, a hand shot out of the alley way and grabbed Ayane by the arm, pulling her in and another hand covered her mouth. "Ssh. Don't scream."
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