Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise nodded. "Positive." She said. After another couple of day's, Makise's eye was uncovered, the swelling had gone down and was almost completely gone, most of her bruises had faded to yellow marks and she was able to use her hand, but it was still tender.
Gradually, Makise was able to stand, though on wobbly legs and she had to use her I.V pole as a support, only attempting to walk when either Ayane or Shizuo were there; Izaya still bothered Ayane whilst she was at work, finding her more and more interesting everyday. And with every slap and mean comment she shot at him.
Makise took another wobbly step and she felt like her legs were going to give out, and they did, her knees buckling before her legs gave out.

Izaya entered Russia Sushi a three o'clock exactly, like he always did and he strode over to Ayane, smirking widely. As always.
Shizuo caught her and kept her stable, "Easy..." He muttered

"Hello, Izaya..." Ayane grumbled as she wiped down the table he usually say at, "Not here to eat again?"
Makise leaned against him, her entire body trembling as she tried to stand back up. "Sorry.." She said softly.

Izaya sat down and grinned up at her. "Actually, I would like to order some food." He said and laced his fingers together.
Shizuo shook his head, "Don't worry about it..."

Ayane looked genuinely surprised, "What'll ya have?" She asked, pulling out her pen and paper
Makise nodded and tried to stand again, but couldn't. "Sh-Shizuo...? Could you help me to the bed...?" She asked, blushing softly.

Izaya made a noise. "Whatever you think is the best, Mika-san~"
Makise laid down and looked down at her legs, frowning at the broken blood vessels and large bumps that still littered them; she gripped the bed sheets and frowned more. "It only seems to be getting harder and harder to walk..." She muttered.

Izaya waited patiently, watching Ayane with very interested eyes.
Shizuo made a face, "You'll be fine..."

Ayane came back with urchin eggs and squid sushi, setting it in front of Izaya, "Here you go. One of my personal favorites."
Makise gave a trusting nod and she slowly ran her hands over her legs, wincing. "They hurt all the time... Even with the pain killers..."

Izaya looked down at the plate, then back up at Ayane. "Arigatou, Mika-san." He said with a smile, but didn't touch the plate.
Makise blinked at the word brat and she looked to Shizuo. "Brat?" She repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Izaya shook his head. "I'll bring it home when I leave~"
"No, it just, well, surprised me was all." Makise said. "I've never been called brat before."

Izaya's smirk twisted more and he crossed his legs. "How abusive, Mika-san...~" He said, feigning fear.
"Sorry..." He said, "I guess I can call you by your name...but brat seems easier."

Her hand twitched, aching to smack that smirk clean off his face. So, she did. Her hand flew out and smacked his cheek hard. If it had been anyone other than Izaya, she would've lost her job. But it was Izaya, so no one cared
"No, no..! I don't really mind...!" Makise said, holding up her hands and flashing a smile, which she could fully do now.

Izaya's cheek reddened instantly and his head snapped to the side, his smirk gone. Then it appeared again and he held his cheek, turning to look over at Ayane. "How mean...~" He said teasingly.
Shizuo made a noise and moved to the window, opening it and lighting his hidden cigarette, "Cool, I guess...brat it is, then..."

Ayane fumed and smacked him again, twice as hard
Makise nodded and watched him. "What should I call you?- If we're doing names now." She said with s slight teasing tone.

Izaya felt something twitch below his boxers and a chuckled escaped his lips, letting Ayane slap him. "Please be kind, Mika-san...~"
"Shizuo." He said simply, "I don't do petnames..."

She rose her hand to smack him again but stopped, her hand dropping. "Do what you want with the food, as long as you pay." She said bitterly, "Sorry for slapping you..."
Makise nodded. "Alright, Shizuo it is." She said, then looked out the window. "Hey... I know I've asked this before... But why do you visit me...? I'm really thankful and all, and I'm not asking you to leave... I'm just curious."

Izaya chuckled. "Of course I'll pay for it...~ I am a gentleman after all~" He said with a seductive purr.
"Keep you company. Izaya won't do it and Mika is busy; otherwise, she'd be here." He answered

Ayane smirked seductively and leaned closer, "Hearing you talk like that makes me want to slap you so hard, your head will spin~"
Makise made a noise. "Thank you, Shizuo." She said, smiling genuinely.

Izaya smirked right back, placing his chin on his hands. "Is that a promise~?" He purred lowly.
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