Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

The person slowly let go of her and pointed out to the entrance of the alley way where a man staggered by, looking around and holding a knife. "H-Hime-sama? Where did you go...?!" He started to look very distraught. "Please, Hime-sama! I love you! And I know that you love me! I've seen visions of us together! U-Us kissing... And making love... I know that's truly what you want! I know it! Just come with me and we can be happy together!" The man who had pulled Ayane into the alleyway slowly turned her around to face him. It was Izaya and he put his finger to his lips. "C'mon." He whispered, taking her hand and leading her silently away from the crazed man.
"I-Izaya, who was that guy...?" She asked softly, looking back to see if they were being followed, "Wh-Why was he saying that stuff? I knew I had men who desired me but that's just ridiculous..."
"He's been ranting all night about you, I couldn't just let what he was going to do to you happen." Izaya said as he left the alley way with Ayane and leading her onto a more busy street, but didn't let go of her hand.
Izaya grinned. "It's my pleasure saving you, Mika-san." He said and bowed to her. "Would you like if I accompanied you home?"
Izaya nodded and shrugged his coat off, putting it around Ayane's shoulders and continuing on with her.
Ayane pulled on his jacket more so it wouldn't fall off and absentmindedly took in his scent; oddly finding it appealing. He didn't smell like cheap cologne or anything any other guy she knew (other than Shizuo) smelt like. He faintly smelt of honeysuckle and cucumber melon - maybe he used some fancy soaps. She looked up at him, analyzing him. Well, he was more carefree and boundless than other men. She made a face. Maybe he was gay?
Izaya looked down at Ayane when he felt her staring and he blinked. "What is it, Mika-san?" He asked, hands in his pant pockets.
Izaya nodded and continued to walk with her, keeping stride with her step for step as they made their way to her apartment.
Izaya nodded and took his jacket, pulling it back on. "I'll wait until you get inside, Mika-san."
AS soon as Ayane turned on the light, the walls in the hallway inside were clearly plastered with dozens among dozens of pictures of Ayane: In her house, at work, outside her house, through the window, while she slept, ate dinner, pet Shigure, walking Shigure, getting dressed, even in the shower. The word 'Hime-sama' was scribbled over the walls hundreds of times as well as the apartment being trashed.
Ayane's eyes widened in pure horror and she let a blood curdling scream, stumbling back in terror and falling on her ass. "Shigure!" She called and the puppy ran over, jumping into her lap and she cradled him, trembling in utter fear
Izaya frowned and moved inside, and started to look around to see in anyone was still inside. Izaya turned on the light in Ayane's room, looking down at all of Ayane's clothes scatted around her bedroom, looking to her bed where a couple pairs of underwear laid soiled by the seed of another man, and almost a dozen pictures. Moving closer to the bed to see the pictures better, his eyebrow twitched upon seeing them. They were pictures of Ayane, whilst she was being raped, and the photographer was the rapist. He made a noise and pocketed the pictures so Ayane wouldn't see and have a mental break down. After checking out the house and finding no one inside he went back out to Ayane. "The house is empty... Mika-san, but you shouldn't go in there."
Ayane trembled harder, weak whimpers escaping her throat as she kept a dead stare on the horrifying collage of her on her wall; holding Shigure like he was the only thing keeping her sane, "Wh-Who...Wh-Why...? Wh-Why does this keep...h-happening to me...? Wh-what did I do...?" Tears slipped down her cheeks, her bravado snapping slower and slower the more she thought about how unsafe she truly was.
Izaya closed the door so she couldn't see the pictures or the trashed house. "Do you have someone you could stay with, Mika-san?" He asked as he kneeled down in front of her. "Any friends?"
"Sh...Shizu...o..." She managed to say slowly, still shaking in terror. Shigure whimpered and nuzzled Ayane to try and comfort her, but it was in vain. She just wanted to find a dark hole or cave and hide in there forever; but whoever was stalking her would probably follow her there, too.
Izaya gave a nod and stood up, pulling his phone from his pocket and dialing Shizuo's number, waiting for him to pick up.
"No hello how are you?" Izaya asked, though his heart wasn't truly into teasing Shizuo right now. "I need for you to come down to Mika-san's, something happened."
Makise looked up when she heard Ayane's name, frowning worriedly. "Yes, well, she isn't hurt, but I don't think she's fine." He said. "Why not just come look for yourself?"
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