Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Three months passed and Makise was still in a coma, Koishi had just arrived after school, changing out the dying flowers with fresh ones. "Ohayo, Kaa-san... School was kinda rough today.." She sat down in the chair beside Makise's bed. "I really miss you... Tou-san misses you more than anything..."
Shizuo was out on a job with Tom so he could keep food on the table and pay the medical bills. Masashi sat in his room and practiced hs braile, giving Koishi her space so she could be with Makise
Shizuo's phone rang, Koishi's ringtone, something that was quite rare. She never called Shizuo unless it was an emergancy.
Koishi was crying so hard most of what she said was incoherent babbling, but one sentence came out perfectly clear. "Kaa-san's awake!" She cried. "Kaa-san woke up!"
Koishi sat with her mom, holding her hand and trying not to cry. "Kaa-san, T-Tou-san's on his way..!" She said, petting her hair. Makise's eyes were open and she was conscious, but the neuroses still kept the breathing tube in her throat, so she couldn't respond.
Koishi looked over at Shizuo, smiling happily. Makise looked over to Shizuo with tired eyes, lifting her hand and giving a slow wave.
Makise's lips twitched, but the tube going down her throat stopped her from smiling. "The nurses said they wanna keep the tube in a little longer so they can be sure that she doesn't strain herself." Koishi said softly.
Makise grunted weakly and closed her eyes, squeezing back. Koishi wiped her mascara off her cheeks and took her moms hand again.
Koishi got her milk and some from her dad. She ran her hand through her hair and let out a breath, sitting in the cafeteria.
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