Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Orihara Makise?" The nurse typed on her computer, then looked up. "I'm sorry, but she's in ICU, her condition is unstable, you'll have to wait until she stabalizes before visiting her."
"Ah.." She nurse looked taken aback. "Yes, she's alive.. We nearly lost her, but she came back. I guess it wasn't her time... What relation do you have to her? You're her boyfriend, yes?"
She gave him a sympathetic look and held up a hand. "One moment please." She stood up and left the desk, going inside the nurses station and talking to a man in scrubs and a lab coat for a minute before coming back. "Alright, you can see her, but you'll have to make it short, and please understand if she doesn't regain consciousness while you're there, we had to put her under once we got her back, her heart was beating to fast and it had to be slowed down." She said as she lead him to the ICU wing.
She nodded and pulled open the curtains that gave Makise privacy. "Take your time." She said, leaving the two alone.
Soft foot steps sounded behind Shizuo; Koishi. "She... Kaa-san's..." She bit her lip, jaw trembling.
Koishi took Shizuo's hand and moved closer to Makise, reaching out and touching Makise's arm, choking back a sob.
Koishi broke down in tears and clung to Shizuo, holding tightly to her mothers hand. "Kaa-san..!"
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