Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Koishi's mind became fuzzy as her moans grew louder. She kissed his neck, biting and sucking the soft flesh.
Koishi gasped softly and moaned, arching her back. Her release crept closer and closer, making her move her hips faster. "Masa~!"
Koishi kissed his cheek, moving closer and resting her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. "Will you stay the night...?"
In the morning Koishi woke early, jumping in the shower and getting dressed. She drank a bottle of milk and looked to the clock, maybe she'd have to go down to the police station and see if her dad could be bailed out.
Masashi slep comfortablly, not waking up to the repeated beeping of his phone. He got a text message from Ayane, telling him to be safe and that she loved him.
Koishi poked her head in the room and smiled softly, placing a note on the bed beside Masashi telling him she was going to bail her dad out or at least try, she loved him and to take anything he needed, closing the door quietly before heading out.
"Heiwaijima Shizuo? Some ones here to see you." A guard said, stepping aside to let Koishi through. "Tou-san..!"
Koishi looked down at the ground, shaking her head. "I'm fine..." She muttered, biting back her tears. "When can you leave?"
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