Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise stumbled inside and dumped her bag on the couch. "A few hours ago." She said, eyes red and puffy, it was obvious she had been crying. "When did you get back?" She asked, eyes narrowing, but she instantly waved her hand. "'Doesn' matter, what matters is I'm here to see my baby.." She looked around. "Where is she, is she at school still?" She asked, sounding confused.

((Oh you should be~))
Shizuo looked at the clock then back at his drunk girlfriend, "Its midnight, Makise, why would she be at school still? She's in her room, trying to sleep. Leave her alone, she shouldn't see you like this."
Makise's mood instantly turned a one eighty. "Like this? What do you mean like this? You mean home, huh? Haha, soooo funny, I'm home for once in my lifetime." Her voice started to raise in volume, and by this time, Koishi had crawled out of bed and was sitting by her door in the dark, frowning softly. "Well you know what Shi-Shizuo, fuck you, you got an easy job so close to home, I'm sorry I have a wonderful job ruining peoples lives a hundred fifty miles away!" She started to pace, staggering and nearly tripping in the process. "Y'know I've been working day and night and god do I wanna see my baby girl and the love of my life, but there's always so much work to be done! Work! Work! Work!" She turned to face Shizuo again. "And at least I stay faithful to you, no matter how many times men ask me out on dates, I shoot them all down... I guess it's jus'a one way relationship now huh? And I get to find out from Izaya." She hissed.
((*flips a table* Dammit Izaya!))

Shizuo furrowed his brows, "That's not what I meant. I meant she shouldn't see you drunk. And I know I fucked up, ok? It was a mistake and I'm sorry. I don't deserve any forgiveness from you or Koishi. She didn't even look at me when she came home and I deserve it. I deserve a lot more but the silent treatment is suitable enough, I guess."
"Sorry?" She jabbed her finger into his chest. "You're sorry? You slept with my best friend who just happens to be your ex and we both have children and you're sorry?" She laughed bitterly. "I already enrolled Koishi at the school back where I work, that way she can live with me and I can see her more, it's obvious I'm not appealing to you anymore!" She spun on her heal and headed toward Koishi's room. "Koishi, get your things, we're leaving!" Koishi scrambled away from the door and jumped into bed, covering herself and closing her eyes just as Makise threw open the door and flipped on the light.
Shizuo clenched his fist and stormed after her, "You listen here, you flea bitten brat! You can yell and scream at me all you want, but she's my kid too and you aren't taking her some where where I'll never see her again! I screwed up! I get it! Sorry won't cut it for either of you! Fine! Don't take Koishi, ok!? You aren't thinking straight, dammit!!"

((Now when he says "flea bitten", he meant that she's always taking Izaya's word as law...!))
((Yeah~ Probably more than she should~))

Makise spun to face him, teeth bared. "I'll take my daughter where ever I damn well please and you can't stop me!" She snarled. "Please stop fighting..!" Koishi had sat up in bed, looking conflicted but meeting neither of their eyes. "Please... Maybe... I should go with Kaa-san for a bit... I can come back and visit.." She said quietly, though she looked crushed. "See? She doesn't want to stay here either." Makise said, grabbing a bag and tossing some of Koishi's clothes into them.
Shizuo scowled and glared at the floor. "Fine. Leave. I don't care anyway. Its just my luck to fuck up anything good in my life." He said lowly and left the room, "Don't bother coming back. Lord knows you'd both be better off forgetting an asshole like me."

((This hurts me ;n; ))
((Oh it gets hella better~))

After packing a bag of clothing and grabbing her school things as well as anything else she might need, Koishi followed her mother to the door. She looked around for Shizuo, but from the smell coming from the kitchen, he was probably smoking by the window. She frowned and followed her mother out and into the car. "Kaa-san.. You're drunk, you shouldn't drive.." "Shut up and get in the damn car." "Hai.." She murmured and got in, buckling her seat belt and watching Makise get in and start the engine, pulling away from the apartments and speeding off.
Not fifteen minutes after Makise had left with Koishi, the phone rang, loud sirens wailed out on the street, heading toward the main road, passing Shizuo's apartment.
Shizuo's attention shot towards the door. No. No way. Not even bothering to answer the phone, he bolted out of his apartment and followed the sirens, praying it wasn't what he thought it was.
As Shizuo got closer to the sound were the sirens were, a horrid scene hidden by two police cars and two ambulance. The car Makise had been driving was totaled, flipped over and laying in a crumpled wreck down the road, Koishi who was screaming was restrained by a gurney and being loaded into the back of an ambulance. "Kaa-san!!" She screamed, trying to break free. Makise lay in a crumpled broken heap in the road, paramedics trying to carefully lift her onto a stretcher without hurting her anymore than she already was. Makise was completely unmoving, not even her chest moved and horrible cuts ran down the sides of her face and arms.
Two police men moved in front of Shizuo, trying to stop him. "Stop! You can't go any closer, we need to get these people out of here..!" He said as Makise was loaded into the back of an ambulance and it drove off, sirens blazing, obvious it was no minor accident.
"That's my girlfriend and daughter, you bastard!" Shizuo growled, "Now I have to run all the way to the fucking hospital because you were the dumb shit who stopped me from consolling my daughter, who was freaking the fuck out by the way!! And if you try and stop me from going, I'll make you regret it."
Both if them took a step back, looking nervous. "I'll drive you there, don't worry, they're in good hands." One of the police officers pulled his car around, unlocking to doors so Shizuo could get in.
The police man got Shizuo to the hospital in no time, letting him through the back and telling the nurses who Shizuo was so he could be directed to his daughter, who wasn't all that hard to find. "Tou-san! Kaa-san!" She was crying and knocking over beds, trying to get away from doctors. When she spotted Shizuo she teared up and dropped to her knees. "Tou-san..!" She hiccuped. "Kaa-san is-!" Her lip quivered.
"Sh-She wouldn't put on her seat belt!" She cried, hugging Shizuo tightly. "She said she'd be fine but she was too drunk! She clipped the cement intersection and, and.." She whimpered softly.
Koishi cried hard, burying her face in his shirt. "She looked dead on the road! Oh god, Kaa-san's dead!"
Koishi wheezed and coughed, trying to calm her breathing. After ten minutes of borderline hyperventilating she finally calmed down, hiccuping and sniffling. "I-I'm sorry I ignored you... I'm so sorry... Please don't leave.. Please don't make Kaa-san leave..!" She looked up at him. "Please don't send me away!"
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