Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Koishi demolished seven shops and three cars as she rampaged down the street, gulping in air as she sobbed, hitting a few people along the way, but what did she care? Her life had gone to shit, her mother was dead and her father would be in jail for the next few hours or so, she needed to blow off a lot of steam.
"Ya know, when I heard that someone was destroying Ikebukuro, I would've thought for sure it would be Shizu-chan..." Masashi's voice sounded. He was sitting on a near by wall, wearing his pajamas and Izaya's jacket (it was the first thing he grabbed when he left). "Why are you so upset, Koko?"
Koishi was in the middle of punching a wall into dust, leaving her knuckles a bloody mess. She stopped before she hit the wall again, breathing hard. "She's dead... My moms dead."
Koishi ground her teeth and smacked his hand away, not wanting any physical touch. "She was stupid and got drunk after she found out what happened with my dad and your mom. She flipped her car on the highway... She made it through surgery, but died soon after.." She muttered bitterly, starting to punch the wall again, ignoring the pain that started to flare in her knuckles.
"Calm down..!?" She punched the wall harder. "Otou-san is in jail and my mom is dead! I don't have to calm down!!" She snapped, tearing up again.
Koishi collapsed on the ground, hyperventilating. "She's dead...! She's really dead!" She wheezed, trying to breathe.
Masashi moved and felt around before kneeling and holding her close, no matter how hard she fought him. "Stop. Let me fucking hold you. I'm here for you, ok...? Just relax..."
Koishi struggled a bit more, but she finally gave up. "I don't want to relax... I want my mom back..." She muttered.
Koishi whimpered before squirming, twisting around so she could face Masashi, hugging him tightly.
Masashi held her around her waist, resting his head against her shoulder, "Kaa-san and Tou-san are cool with each other...Tou-san isn't leaving..." He said softly; he figured some kind of good news would cheer her up, but he doubted it
"Maybe you can stay with me for a while...?" He kissed her shoulder gently, "We can cuddle all night and maybe kiss when Tou-san and Kaa-san finally hit the sack.."
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