Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Koishi nodded and kept a tight hold on him. After five hours of waiting, a doctor moved over to Shizuo, face grim and Koishi asleep in his lap. "Mr. Heiwaijima?"
"Well... She just got out of surgery... And well, to be honest, her condition isn't good. She has major head trauma, she has six broken ribs that pierced both of her lungs, her skull was broken in four places, three on her jaw and one on her cheekbone. She needed reconstruction surgery and her sternum was crushed..." He finished flipping through his notes. "To be frank... I don't think she'll wake up. I'm terribly sorry."
"I'm very sorry, once she's set up in her room, you can see her... Though don't expect her to wake up." He said softly before leaving him to himself.
Koishi shifted in his lap, her hand clutching his shirt as she slept, a small bump on her forehead, an other than a few small scrapes from flying glass, she was unharmed.
After an hour, a nurse came over. "Shizuo Heiwajima? If you'd like to see Orihara-san now you can." She said softly. "Room 34B, just down the hall."
"Thanks..." Shizuo muttered and sat there a moment, figuring out what to do with Koishi. He carefully moved her to lay on the bench and moved down to Makise's room
Koishi stayed asleep, breathing lightly and laying still on the bench. Makise laid in the hospital bed, a breathing tube in her neck and an I.V and morphine drip hooked to her arm. Her right side of her face including her eye was bandaged as was her chest down, the life support system beeping and hissing as it breathed for her.
Makise didn't move, though not like she was expected to in her condition. Her chest swelled with each pump of air forced into her lungs, her heart rate going at a steady pace.
Nearly as soon as Shizuo took Makise's hand in his, her heart monitor skipped a beat and dropped quickly, flat-lining it seconds and setting off an alarm that rung through the hospital floor. "Code blue, code blue." A team of nurses rushed into Makise's room, pushing Shizuo away from Makise and laying her flat on the bed, pulling the covers away and pushing her shirt open. "She's gone into Cardiac Arrest, use the defibrillators!" "Sir, you need to leave!"
Makise convulsed as the defibrillator was used on her, but nothing happened. "Again! Clear!" They used the paddles on her chest again, but again nothing happened. Her chest convulsed for a third time when they shocked her, but her reading still remained flat. "Come on..!" The nurse charged up the paddles for a fourth try, but by this time, Makise's lips were turning blue, and she looked sickly ill and pale.
Makise's heart monitor didn't change, the noise still making a droning sound. "Call it." One nurse said, looking down at his watch and calling the time of death. "Time of death: Five-thirty six A.M." He said, the female nurse setting the paddles down and covering Makise up, turning off the heart monitor.
Shizuo's eyes widened and he snapped. "No!" He burst in and picked the doctor up by his shirt, lifting him easily off the ground, "Bring her back!! Bring her back, now!!" He demanded
The doctor looked like he was going to shit a brick. "Th-There isn't anything we can do! We're very sorry for your loss, n-now please let me down..!"
Shizuo trembled hard and threw the doctor into the wall, ears ringing. He didn't even hear the nurse calling for an orderly. When he felt his arm being grabbed, he threw the orderly aside, only to feel more people grab him and hold him down. He struggled and growled, tears stinging his eyes
As more orderly came to pin Shizuo down, more noise was caused, a few people poking their heads in to see what was happening. Koishi had been woken up by the noise and had gone to see where her father had gone, and she had been standing there long enough to understand what had just happened. Her eyes were wide and she trembled, gripping the doorframe so hard it was crushed under her grip. "No...." Her vision went red, then black as she watched her dad be handcuffed and she tore the door from the wall, screaming as tears streamed down her face, throwing the door as hard as she could down the hall, jaw clenched as she stormed to the nurses station and demolished two stretchers easily and knocked a male nurse down the hall, storming out of the hospital, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.
((Oh shit. .-. ))

Shizuo didn't struggle anymore. He gave up. There was no point in him fighting anymore. He was going to jail for the next few hours and Koishi would be alone for that entire time.
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