Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

After someone brought him lunch, the phone beside his bed rang and the nurse popped her head in the door. "You have a phone call." She said.
"Masa, thank god you're okay...! I heard you were in the hospital, and your mom too, are you okay?" Koishi's soft voice came from the other end, full of worry.
"I know... I miss you so much... God it hurts... Okaa-san is home and says we can come visit you, she's in the shower, so we can head out soon... When do you get out of there? How is your mom?" She asked.
"I don't know how Kaa-san is...I haven't been able to leave...Tou-san hasn't even come back to see me yet...she must be really bad if Tou-san won't even say hi..." He said softly, "I'm glad Auntie Maki is home though...! We both missed her a lot.."
Koishi made a noise. "I promise we'll be there soon." She said. "I miss you, Masa..." Her voice quivered. "I miss you so much..."
Koishi smiled, then ended the call, finishing brushing her hair and putting makeup on to make her bruising look a little less horrible. There was a knock at the door and it opened. "So Masa~ How much do you loooooove Tou-san~?" Izaya asked, moving over to the bed, two boxes in hand.
Masashi moved his head to the sound of his father's voice, "Depends on the reason you're here, Tou-san...you were practically glued to Kaa-san..."
Izaya took a seat and set both boxes on his lap. "I think you'll like both reasons I'm here..~" He said, grinning like nothing was wrong.
Inside the first box was a pair of glasses, red sunglasses to be exact. "I figured since your old ones broke, I'd get them remade~ I hope you don't mind, I just noticed your other ones were missing as well~"
Masashi blinked and slipped them on, feeling as if he had regenerated a part of himself, "Arigatou, Tou-san...!" He said gratefully before reaching for the other box
In the second box was a knife, a lightweight but sturdy flick blade. "I had it specially made for you, I figured you needed to stop stealing mine, just don't tell your mother~"
"Am I even allowed to have this in the hospital, Tou-san~?" He asked slyly, gingerly picking up the knife and carefully running his fingers along it to pain a mental picture
Izaya chuckled. "Only if you get caught~" He said, leaning back in his chair. "Ne~ Why don't I take you to visit your mother~?"
"I'll ask the nurse." He said, standing up with a soft chuckle, going to ask permission, and when he got the okay, he went back to tell Masashi. "Alright, now when your mother sees you, she'll probably want to do a full pat down to make sure you're all still there, so just let her fuss over you for a while." He said, helping Masashi out of bed. "And Masa..?"
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