Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

The next morning the door opened, Makise coming in with her hair pulled into a bun that looked like she had been sleeping, stray strands loose and hanging down. "Tadaima.." She called tiredly.
Makise dumped her bag on the couch and moved over to Shizuo, kissing his cheek. "Sorry... The train was to crowded so I had to take a later one." She said, rubbing her eyes. "Koishi still asleep?"
Makise made a face and cupped Shizuo's cheek, making him look her in the eyes. "What really happened? Was she out drinking?"
Makise searched his eyes, which seemed to not want and meet hers. "Shizuo..." She slowly moved away from him and headed toward Koishi's room, frowning worriedly.
Makise opened the door and entered the room, turning on the light and moving over to Koishi's sleeping form. She sat on the bed beside Koishi and let her hair, then frowned at how short it was and she pulled the blanket away from her face, gasping and covering her mouth. Koishi's face was still quite swollen and was covered nearly entirely in large black and purple bruises. She stood and left the room, moving over to Shizuo after closing the door behind her. "That is not something you get from a fight." She hissed. "What happened to her...!? God she looks horrible...!" She tried to keep her voice down, but panick made her stress levels rise.
"Shizuo, you need to go in there and take another good long look at our daughters face and then you can come tell me that you promised her to keep it a secret." She said, arms crossed tightly against her chest. "Tell. Me." She hissed.
((Das low... :/))

Makise's expression dropped and she looked down at the ground, shoulders slouching. She pursed her lips and took in a breath. "If I could be around more... I would... But you know that my job keeps me away..." She said quietly. "God, you think I wanted to miss all those birthdays? Koishi probably hates me for that... I'm more of a nanny to her than a mother..!" She said, bags under her eyes.
((He's pissed off, he's stressed out and he didn't get any sleep :'/ ))

"She doesn't hate you. She misses the shit out of you. She needs you right now, Makise. And you're wasting your time arguing with me when you could be comforting our daughter." He hissed
((I know but still~ :''/))

Makise nodded and scratched her head, moving to enter Koishi's room, knocking lightly and causing Koishi to stirr. "Okaa-san...?" She asked groggily, Makise sitting next to her on the bed and gathering her up in her arms. "Hai, it's me..." She kissed Koishi's head gently and Koishi hugged her mother tightly. "I missed you so much Kaa-san..." She whimpered. "I missed you to, my snowflake.."
Shizuo lit up another cigarette and leaned back on the couch. He ran his fingers through his hair before looking at the time. He had to leave soon. He exhaled heavily and stared at the ceiling
After talking and venting for a while, Koishi had fallen asleep again, and so had Makise, Koishi cradled in her arms.
Makise only stirred and held Koishi against her chest, breathing softly and nuzzling the top of her head.
Around lunch a nurse knocked at the door. "Orihara Masashi? Your parents are in the room just down the hall, how are you feeling? Hungry?" She asked, checking his saline drip.
She smiled softly. "Your mother is doing wonderful, but she'll have to stay for a while longer. I'll see what I can get you for lunch, is there anything you'd like while you're waiting?"
"Alright, I'll bring you your lunch soon." She said, leaving quietly to go put an order out on some lunch for Masashi.
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