Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Don't blame yourself because of this, Hime-sama, thugs will be thugs." He scowled, cupping her cheek.
"He did well protecting you... I'm proud of him." He said, running his had through Ayane's hair.
Izaya shook his head. "He wouldn't remember... Or maybe he would, he was on a heavy morphine drip." He said, looking troubled.
"For once, the fox is worried..." Ayane took a mental picture of Izaya's face so she could always remember that secretly he did have emotions.
Izaya quickly pulled a grin on his face. "Fear not, Hime-sama, I will take care of the lowly thugs~ They shall never bother you again~" He said, standing and bowing. "If you'll excuse for one moment~?"
"I promise~" He said, taking her good hand and kissing it before leaving the room to make a phone call.

((And soon my plan shall be set into motion~))

Izaya returned to the room ten minutes later, a dark smirk on his face as he took his seat beside Ayane's bed.

((Teeny timeskip~))

The same night, around midnight, Koishi had been late from getting back from detention, and still there was no sign of her arriving home anytime soon, and once again, Makise was away on business, leaving Shizuo all alone.
((OhGodsI'msoscared!! DX))

Shizuo paced, cellphone to his ear as he called Koishi for the hundredth time that night. "God-fucking-dammit!" Shizuo snapped his phone closed and marched out, going hunting for his daughter
((Oh it's gonna get really good~))

Just a ways down the street there was a soft beeping noise, and flashing on the ground was Koishi's cellphone, showing all the missed calls from Shizuo. The phone lay just outside of a warehouse on a back alleyway, voices coming from inside. "Dude, she's totally fucked up..!" Laughter came from the warehouse, followed by a muffled voice, then a hollow thud and a heavier thud and more laughter. "C'mon man, if you hit her anymore she's gonna pass out." "Okay, okay, shut up already will ya?" Footsteps sounded from inside, then the sound of a small struggle. "N-No...!" A females voice murmured groggily. "It's okay baby, this'll feel good~" After a moment of silence, a soft moan sounded from inside, then snickering. "She's starting to get wet..~!" "Maybe she just pissed herself." "Nah man, she's wet~" "P-Please... Shtop.." Koishi's slurred voice came from inside, followed by another soft moan.

((I feel so bad typing this ;^;))
((*explodes not nearly as badly as Shizuo will*))

The more Shizuo grew closer and heard the voices, the more his rage grew. His fists clenched and his walking speed slowly escalated to a full out sprint. Using his momentum, he ripped out a street sign and broke down the warehouse door, gripping the sign so tight the metal groaned in protest as it bent and dented.

((So...not only is Shizuo going to kill Izaya...but Ayane will probably take Masashi and leave for a while... >.> if they were to ever find out he made this happen...))
((No~ Izaya told them to just scare Koishi a bit, maybe rough her up a bit, but things got outta hand~ He only wanted the Squares to do that so Shizuo'd take them all out for him~))

A man around the age of twenty was sitting on Koishi, her shirt pushed up over her head and covering her face, arms pinned over her head as he rocked back and forth against her, grinding slowly against her crotch. Koishi struggled, bruises covering her pale stomach and legs, her skirt pushed up, though she wasn't stripped of any of her clothing. The room reeked of sake and a bloody plank of wood lay on the floor next to Koishi. The man had just slipped one of his hands under her bra as Shizuo burst through the door, making him freeze and look up, eyes wide. The other two kids jumped and froze, both of them holding camera phones and taking pictures and filming the first boy who sat on Koishi. "Who the hell are you?!" One of the kids lowered his phone with a scowl and picked up a baseball bat, moving towards Shizuo. "Get out, we're busy, and you don't wanna mess with the blue squares, do you?"
The sign snapped in half. Shizuo gnashed his teeth, "You little shits have to be the biggest idiots I have ever met. And I've met some pretty big idiots in my lifetime. Here. You wanna know who I am? I'm Shizuo," He moved his foot and pulled the broken sign back like a bat, "Heiwajima!!" He swung the sign hard and smashed it against the guys head without a second thought, "You have two seconds to get the fuck away from my kid!!" He yelled

The first guy went flying and the other dropped his phone and ran straight for the back door, eyes wide with fear. "Shit! Fuck this, I'm outta here!" The man on top of Koishi quickly stood up, practically stumbling over himself as he ran for the door, leaving Koishi on the ground, who squirmed and rolled onto her side slowly. "O-O... Otou... Shan..." She managed weakly, struggling to push her shirt down. Once she got it off from over her head, it revealed a bad sight. One of her eyes was swollen shut, the other puffy, her mascara running down her swollen and red cheeks, nose broken and bleeding. Her once long snowy hair was butchered, leaving it a choppy length just over her shoulders and stained red with her own blood. Her swollen lip trembled as she sat up, pulling her skirt down and looking at the dirty floor in shame, closing her legs and hugging herself, starting to cry softly. "Otou-san...!"
Shizuo dropped the sign and moved over quickly, pulling her close and holding her, "Sshh...its ok, kiddo...don't cry...you're ok...I'm here now..." He cooed gently, voice gentle but his body was trembling with the still growing rage he had built up, "I'll kill them for you, kiddo, and it'll be ok..."
Koishi clung to her father like a scared little kid, whimpering and hiding her face in Shizuo's shirt. "I wanna go home..!" She trembled as she cried, closing her good eye and gripping Shizuo's shoulders tightly. "I wanna go home!" She reeked of alcohol and cigarettes, but if she was drunk before she was completely sober now, though still fuzzy from taking a few hits with a plank of wood to the head.
Shizuo scooped her up gently and carried her home, "Don't worry, we'll get you cleaned up, get you some milk, some ice cream and you'll be ok...I promise, kiddo..."
Koishi bit her sleeve to keep from sobbing, hugging Shizuo tightly and curling up tightly against his chest.
Shizuo got her home and carried her to the bathroom, "Here...you get washed up, I'll get your milk ready and I'll book it to get your ice cream. Chocolate and gummy bears?" He needed to get out, he needed out to burn out this steam before he exploded.

((She won't~! She's gonna fix her hair and cry though~))

Koishi nodded and pulled off her shoes, then her socks, tossing them aside on the floor. "Yeah..." She muttered, getting her stuff ready for her bath.
Shizuo nodded and pet her head with a trembling hand, "If it makes you feel any better, your hair is kinda cute short. I'll be right back!" Shizuo moved out quickly and ran as fast as he could to get her her ice cream

Koishi closed the bathroom door and pulled off her clothes, balling them up and tossing them in the hamper before getting into the tub and washing herself, then doing it again, scrubbing until her skin turned red, then getting out and draining the tub. She cleaned her face the best she could without causing herself anymore pain, getting a pair of scissors and frowning at herself in the mirror, trying to fix her hair the best she could.
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