Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Izaya reassured Masashi, and after they left he took a seat in the waiting room, head in his hands as he thought.
"You came in with Mika-san and Masashi-kun, yes...? What is your connection to them? Its an annoying question, I know, but its for the report..." She said
She nodded and jotted it down, "Do you know what happened? Masashi-kun was given morphine to relax...he started having a panic attack when we explained Mika-san's condition so he couldn't really explain much when it kicked in.."
"What is her condition?" He asked, grinding his teeth. It was so out of character it almost scared him, but how could he not be angry?
Ah, gomenasai..." She bowed slightly in apology, "Mika-san's wound didn't hit any arteries but she did lose a good amount of blood. Her shoulder was dislocated and her arm was broken in three places. There were bruies on her ribs, a couple were cracked; consistant with blunt force trauma. She might have been hit with a bat or a plank of wood, we aren't entirely sure. We've given her a transfusion and we've relocated her shoulder and now she's resting in her room. She isn't ready for visitors just yet but Masashi-kun can see you if you like."
Izaya ground his teeth and nodded, following the nurse back to see Masashi. "Masa?" He called as he entered.
Izaya moved over and pulled up a chair, sitting down and pushing Masashi's messy hair away from his swollen face. "Hai, Tou-san is here.."
"No, I haven't, she's resting, like you should be." He sad, tucking Masashi under the blankets.
"I couldn't protect Kaa-san as good as you can...she got really hurt..." He sniffled and put his arm over his eyes, "Its my fault she's in here..."

((The morphine is makin' him all emotional...~ :'3 ))
((N'aww~ *rips heart out*))

"You saved her life, Masa, don't be so hard on yourself, now rest." He said, turning is the light even though Masashi couldn't see.
Izaya left, closing the door quietly and heading to the nurses station to find out where Ayane's room was. After gaining the information from the nurse, he went to see Ayane, frowning softly.
Ayane laid in bed, resting peacefully; she wasn't hooked up to nearly as many machines as she was when Shizuo hit her all those years ago. She had a faint wheeze but other than that and the ugly cast, she looked fine.
Izaya sat down in the chair beside Ayane, frowning softly and cupping her cheek. "Hime-sama.." He murmured, seeing if she was somewhat conscious.
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