Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Izaya forced a grin on his face. "Hai~ Your king is here~" He said, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. Whoever did this was going to pay dearly.
"What do you mean Hime-sama? After you're all better we'll go home and we can spend all the time in the world together, I'm not going anywhere."
Ayane made a face. She had forgotten that Izaya wasn't a sap for romance. "You're right...go do something...I'm not leaving anytime soon..." She muttered and wheezed, wincing when she inhaled
"No...Izaya..." She looked away, scowling softly, "If I could slap you, trust me, my hand would be saying hi to your face at high velocity..."
Izaya leaned over and bit the back of her neck gently. "I'll be holding you to your promise..~"
"Hai, hai~" He held his hands up and smirked softly, glad she was still well enough to reject and abuse him.
"His face is a bit swollen, but he should be alright, they had to use morphine to calm him down though.." He said with a frown.
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