Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"You've been much more affectionate lately, Izaya...and then this random date with Masa...are you two scheming something?" She asked. Masashi shook his head, "No. I felt really bad for making you worry, so I'm taking you out..." He answered, lying smoothly.
Izaya smirked. "I never scheme~ Anyway~!" He pulled a credit card from his back pocket and pushed it into Masashi's hand. "Take your mother somewhere nice, no leaving the contry~" He teased.
"Cool, so I'll take her to a male strip club- ow!" Ayane smacked Masashi's arm, "I was joking!" "I know, but still. There's a nice restaurant that your father never took me to that I want to eat at. We're going there." "Hai, Kaa-san..."
Izaya answered instantly, putting the phone to his ear. "Hey Masa~ I was beginning to worry that maybe you really had left the country~"
"Tou-san! Hey, so...!" Masashi stopped and grunted, having nearly tripped, "So, some Blue Squares showed up...! A-And Kaa-san got really mad that they interrupted our date! So - fuck! - so, she told them to leave but they were rude and told her to go to hell! Ah, Jesus!" He nearly tripped again, breathig heavy. Was he running? "Long story short: Kaa-san is hurt really bad and I'm running as fast as I can to get her to the hospital. I'm a little beat up, too, b-but she's bleeding and I can't-" He stopped, wheezing and voice cracking, "Please get here, Tou-san, w-we're down the street from the resturant and I don't know where I'm going!"
Izaya was already pulling on his coat. "Stop running back and forth, stay with your mother I'm on my way- Where is your mother?" He asked, heading out the door hurriedly.
"I-I'm carrying her...she's barely conscious..." Masashi moved into an alleyway and sat down, holding Ayane against him protectively, his phone on speaker in his breast pocket. "Kaa-san...Kaa-san, wake up...let Tou-san know you're ok...!" "Kit...sune..." Ayane rasped out, "Hayaku..."
Izaya's lip twitched at the weak sound that was Ayane's voice. "I'll be there soon, try to slow the bleeding and keep her awake." He said, jogging down the street towards the restaurant.
"H-Hai..." Masashi looked at the blood that caked into her dress and tried to stop it. "M...Masa..." "Sh-Shut up, Kaa-san..." Masashi said weakly.
Izaya hurried down the street, keeping his eyes peeled for Ayane and Masashi, spotting them easily and rushing over. "Masashi it's me." He said, taking Ayane into his arms gently and pulling Masashi to his feet. "We'll need to hurry."
"T...Tou-san..." Masashi's suit was covered in dirt and blood; most of it Ayane's. His lip was busted and his eye was swollen. Ayane, on the other hand, looked the worst. Her arm was broken and she had a stab wound, red staining the lavender of her dress. She winced when Izaya moved her but opened her eyes tiredly to look up at him, "Kit...sune...?"
Izaya scowled, his skin crawling, but he quickly shook off the feeling, grabbing Masashi by the wrist and leading him to the hospital while he carried Ayane carefully. "Ha, Hime-sama..~ It's me~ Just stay awake, okay?"
"Hai, Kitsune..." She muttered, forcing her eyes open. Masashi trembled as he followed after Izaya, his stomach churned and he felt like he was going to throw up.
Izaya go them to the hospital in no time and the doctors rushed Ayane back in a wheelchair, a nurse leading Masashi back to take care of him.
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