Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shizuo picked up Koishi's phone on the way, making it all the way to the ice cream shop and getting her ice cream before heading back, his adrenalin calming down
Koishi had styled her hair and had fixed it as much as she could without cutting it all off, going to her room and finding her pajama's. She ditched the top for one of her large jackets, pulling it over her head carefully and climbing into bed, curling up under the covers.
Shizuo came home and locked up, moving and peaking into the bathroom only to see Koishi wasn't there any more. He moved to her bedroom and knocked before stepping in, "Still want to kill helpless gummy bears, kiddo...?"
Shizuo moved over and knelt in front of her, holding out the ice cream to her, "You can tell me to fuck off, you know...it won't hurt my feelings..." He told her
Shy shook her head, taking the ice cream and picking off a yellow gummybear, nibbling the head off.
"I understand if you wanna stay in here til your mom gets back...I'm no good at these comforting things...just...if you do lock yourself up in here...let me know you're still alive every now and again, ok...?" He pet her head gently. He remembered Ayane after her encounter and he actually pulled his hand back quickly, breath catching in his throat
"No... Yes.... I don't really care..." She gnawed on a red bear. "Could ... You stay with me...?" She asked, eyeing Shizuo warily.
"I carried your ice cream all the way home...my fingers are cold...." He said. He put his hand on her neck gently, fingers ice cold, "Let me just warm them up right here.."
Koishi's lower lip quivered and she held his hand, nuzzling his hand like when she was a child, sniffling. "H-He said he wanted to be my friend..." She said. "I was so happy... I didn't question it... N-Not even when he led me to the warehouse... He said his friends were there and that they wanted to meet me because I was so pretty..." She smiled bitterly. "Then they started to hit me... And hit me, and hit me... Then they... They crammed a sake bottle in my mouth.. They said I needed to loosen up..." She took a shaky breath. "A-After like, I don't know, two bottles of sake... They decided I needed a haircut, so they took out a knife and cut off my hair.... It started to get kinda fuzzy because they started to hit me with the planks again..." She rubbed her eye, holding Shizuo's hand. "Then... One of them got on top of me... And he said I wasn't as pretty anymore, so he pulled my shirt over my face... And laughed, saying it was an improvement...!" She wiped away more tears with her sleeve. "A-And... Th-Then he..." She clamped her hand over her mouth, not able to finish her sentence. "They filmed it, Tou-san..!" She cried, breaking down.
Shizuo moved onto the bed pulled her close, "Its ok, now, kiddo...they won't ever bother you again..." He told her gently, "I'm here...I'll protect you..."
Koishi hugged her father, crying so hard her body shook. "Th-They said I had messed with the Squares, s-so I had to pay..!" She stuttered.
Shizuo scowled, "What could you have possibly done to them?" He asked. He didn't understand now; Koishi was never with any gangs, he would've tanned her hide
"I-I don't know!" She sniffled, shaking her head. "They didn't say... All they said was I had pissed someone off and I had to pay..."
Koishi nodded and closed her eyes. "Tou-san... They filmed it... Everything.... What... What if they uploaded it..?" She whispered weakly.
((Didn't they drop their phones after they shat themselves??))

Shizuo shook his head, "They won't. Because if they did, they know I'd come after them again."
((She doesn't know that~))

Koishi nodded, laying her head down on his lap and closing her good eye. "Don't tell Okaa-san.." She said softly.
Shizuo laid back and sighed tiredly. He would have to call Makise and let her know how things were; beg her to come home early so Koishi could have her mother in her time of need. He would have to beat Izaya for always sending Makise away.
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