Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

She scowled softly, leaving him alone and going to make breakfast for herself before going to feed Thane.
"So you're not going to tell me vhat's going on? Please tell me liebe." Saxony was holding Thane against her chest.
At the end of the day, Saxony brought in a plate of food. "Iain , liebe.. You haven't eaten all day, please have some food?"
Saxony frowned, nodding and taking the plate. She didn't know what else to do. She covered the food with foil and put it in the fridge before sitting down at the table and putting her head in her hands.
Saxony knew he was drinking again, but it hurt her so much to see his eyes. He looked crushed, and it crushed her heart. She sipped her cup of water, staring out the window, trying to think of something.
Ireland called Scotland's home, wondering why he had been missing World Meetings. Scotland listened to the phone ring and didn't even twitch a finger; only stared into the fire of his fire place
".... It's Iain...." She said, running her hand through her hair. "I don't know vhat to do, he's... He came home drunk zhe ozher night und every since.... He locks himself in his study... He doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, sometimes he sleeps all day... He's drinking more zhan he should everyday.. Will you please come over..? I don't know vhat to do anymore."
"Zhank you, Ireland, I just... I need to talk to you in person... But he von't even look me in zhe eyes anymore..."
"Don' worry, luv, Oi'll be dhere soon. Sit toight." Ireland told her and said goodbye before hanging up, "Lu'twig! Oi'll be bahk, Oi gotta talk to Monika!"
Germany was struggling to feed Cian, giving a small nod. "Jah..!" He said , wiping the baby's pudgy cheeks gently.
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