Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Saxony gave a small nod. "I'll be okay." She said, standing and heading out of the nursery and into the study. "Liebe...?" She opened the door and entered, picking her way around the bottles on the floor.
Saxony moved over and gently cupped his cheek, making him look her in the eye. "Please, Iain, zhis needs to stop, you need to eat, you need rest, und you need to get out of zhis study..!"
"No you're not, Iain." She said sternly. "Please, I know zhis vasn't supposed to happen und I know you're depressed, but please, I need you. Our babies need you."
"I know ve aren't, but ve can do zhis...!" She said, kissing his forehead gently. "Trust me." She said.
She kissed him softly, pulling back and looking him in the eyes. "Vhy don't you take ein shower und I'll make you some food."
Saxony smiled, shaking her head. "I'll go check on Thane zhen, vhy don't you get into zhe shower?"
"Isn't it?" She smiled widely. "I should get started on some food, Iain'll be hungry." She said said. "Vant to help?"
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