Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Saxony answered the door, holding Thane bundled in a blanket and sleeping. "Come it, I just got Thane to get to sleep, I'll go put him down for his nap." She said softly.
"He's in zhe den." She said, heading down the hall and setting Thane in his crib and tucking him in before meeting Ireland back out in the living room.
Ireland moved down to the den and frowned, seeing Scotland in his chair surrounded by bottles of scotch; all empty. "Iain?" "Gu away." Scotland grumbled
Saxony followed, looking down at the ground. "Eire... Can be talk... A-After you're done vith Iain.." She said.
Ireland got as much as she could out of Scotland, and even then it wasn't much. Ireland walked up to Eidenburgh's nursery and knocked gently, peeking in, "Monika?"
"Yeah, come in." She said. "How is he?" She asked, looking up at him. "Did you at least get him to stop drinking?"
Saxony nodded. "Zhat's a start." She chewed her lip. "So... I... Zhe whole reason zhat zhis ist happening ist because... I'm pregnant again..."
"Ve aren't ready for two babies, Ireland... Und zhat's vhy he's drinking." She said, taking a shaky breath. "Maybe.... Maybe I should get rid of it..." She whispered softly.
"Zhen vhat do I do? I can't raise two babies alone..! Iain hasn't even come to see Thane anymore... He von't look at me eizher."
Saxony nodded. "... I am hoping for ein girl zhough..." She said, looking up at Ireland with a faint smile.
Saxony laughed weakly. "Zhat's adorable." She said, then looked to the door. "I'm... Going to try und talk to Iain..." She said.
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