War Really Does Change Everything ... [Naruto RP, Yuna x Malin's 1x1]

Shizuki stayed silent for a bit, thinking on the words and simultaneously listening to the ones that were leaving Malin's lips. He seemed to be choosing them carefully. She was trying to determine and figure why exactly. Ideas were going through her mind but exact ones ... she couldn't quite determine it. More than that, she was trying to figure her own plan and ideas out. It'd be easy to get hers done and rendezvous back. But it'd also be simple to be caught by ... someone. They had no idea who even was here. Even the Land of Fire wasn't immune to having shady figures, worse than Kabuto had been. It wouldn't be wise, though she did keep the ideas on what she wanted to get in her mind.

Her head shook no as she also stood up. "Maybe not as badly as you, but I need to also. I won't lie .. I hardly feel like a kunoichi, woman even with the damn thing on. But all the same, talk to me bluntly regardless .. please. Most people can't handle the truth and try to make up some bullshit lie to themselves. Unfortunately, I've never been one like that. Even if it's brutal or painful ... I'd rather be told everything honestly than lied to." Without another word, for now, she headed back to the bath houses. Her head lowered for a few minutes as she began stripping, sighing softly as each article of clothing had left her body.

"... He tried to guise himself as you yesterday upon reaching the island. I kinda had my doubts ... it just all felt off. But the question I asked which helped me figure out it wasn't really him, I'll toss over to you." By now, she was standing nude but not yet in the water. ".... Back at the other hot springs .... was all of that ... did you mean it all? It ... wasn't just something out of lust or instinct is what I'm trying to ask I guess. Because unlike Sensei ... I'm not just going to let myself be used ... by anyone or in any means. I can't imagine he didn't know what was being done to him, he was no fool." A few silent tears formed in her eyes. "But he had nowhere else to go all the same. I tried to talk him out of leaving so many times .... and only did he agree right before that Uchiha brat killed him. But before then, he was too adamant, maybe even afraid."

A nervous chuckle passed her lips as she glanced up. "I do take a lot after Kabuto. But there are some things I'll never allow myself to repeat is what I'm trying to hint, why it was brought up." A slight shiver trailed down her spine before she grabbed onto the ledge and eased herself in, not overly desiring to slip or fall.

Malin blinked as shizuki told him too be blunt with her. He didn't know how too say what had been on his mind, but he knew that now that he was given an ultimatum like that he had too be. He walked into the hut with her, taking his time as he undressed feeling the slight sting where he still had burns and wounds that he needed too clean. He stretched lightly letting himself be visible too Shizuki as he looked at her a light blush came across his face making it a little harder too speak. Finally as he walked into the water he felt more at home, though Kiri didn't have hot springs just the presscense of water, and a bath house was more than enough too make him feel a little better as he let himself relax and soak for a moment feeling the clean water on him gave him a slight chill. He breathed slowly at first feeling his body flex, and finally he had the nerve to talk.

"Back then I pulled away because I was scared. I wanted to, I still want to. I meant my motions, I just didn't have the heart to carry out anything." Malin said lightly He leaned back in the water letting the words travel. "When we were apart I was told I was gonna have a rather expedient death. My mind kept wandering too you, and how much I regretted not taking any action. I like you Shizuki, your the first friend I have really had, and more than that your really the only thing that matters too me in this situation. Without you... I would be dead right now." There were many other ways he would have died if not just the starvation and bleeding from the first night. By now he would have gone insane on some island, or executed at dawn. There were a thousand ways he saw himself dying without the thought of Shizuki around to help him. It was those thoughts that also stopped him from making the first move, he had a plentiful amount of respect for the Konoichi.

"I can't take advantage of you. I don't want that, but if you made a move I would gladly accept that. I am not a person for brutal statements. It's not the way of Kirigakure too just state what's on our mind. We are all crazy and paranoid remember? When you told me too leave you and run. It felt like you were telling me to kill myself. Because without you I wouldn't have anything right now. You are too important to me." Malin smiled calmly looking at Shizuki, he was happy to have her back around him. Even if she wasn't a konoichi right now it didn't matter to him.

"As for you not feeling like a konoichi, that's why I will get you to konoha no matter what, and when we get there I will make sure they remove that seal. Till then I will give everything too protect you." He laughed slightly, he hated the idea of being a knight in shining armor, hell he was the last person who could swear too protect someone with a serious face, but he had a goal, and he would make sure that Shizuki would get back too full strength if it killed him.

Did he not have the heart to carry anything out because he wasn't sure what was motivating him? Or had he genuinely been that scared? Hopefully the latter, though if it was a mix of both at least he'd been honest with himself. Even if subconsciously, it was still appreciated all the same. Her head lowered back towards the water and as she tried to figure herself out, tears slowly fell down her face. It wasn't that she didn't like Malin. As much as she'd saved him, the same was true vice versa. And thus for that among other reasons, she had grown fond of him. But there was still the very selfish part of her that missed Kabuto ... and an even stronger one that hated herself for never having spoken up to confess her feelings for him. Hell, maybe they would have gotten away sooner if she did. The what-ifs were enough to make her tears fall faster.

It was incredibly stupid, she knew, to even be trying to have intimate feelings towards someone deceased. Moreover, an individual who'd want her to move on. But before Malin came into her life, he was the only thing that'd helped ensure she lived to meet the Kirigakure nin. Never once did Orochimaru even attempt to aid out. If anything, he tried to get rid of her ... the Cursed Seal was more than proof enough of that. But even with a mere ten percent, she'd survived -- likely from nothing more than willpower.

Her head finally shook no slowly as she swallowed, finding her voice. "... I still don't know, on myself I mean. I need to figure it out. Maybe getting out and shopping will help clear my head. But right now ... I feel like such a burden to you. I didn't want to show you earlier because .. well we'd just arrived on an unknown island, both terrified of what the hell was gonna happen to us. I didn't want to make it all worse. But .... that seal isn't the first or only one I have." Pulling her hair back, she finally revealed the Cursed Seal on the back of her neck.

"He never explained what the hell it's meant for. It's never bothered me like this newer one has. But I do know a few things about it; it wasn't just placed there for the hell of it. There was a reason, he always does things with a plan in mind. But perhaps the worst fact was knowing it was more likely to kill me than spare me. I'm pretty sure I all but clung to my life and - at the time - reason for living. And now with him gone ... I hardly know what to do with myself."

The light ripples began to increase in frequency and even with her back facing Malin, it was obvious that though the tears were silent they were also falling even faster. "And without the ability to do anything .... I know even less. Malin .... what if it can't be removed? What if I'm stuck like this? I don't like the mere aspect or thought but ... I was taught enough to know some jutsus and conditions ... you just can't get rid of. Sad, but true. But even if there is someone ... there's a huge coin toss on whether they'll help me or not ... "

It felt good in way to seem like she wasn't hiding her real self anymore. But the more she spoke and revealed, the worse her own fears and anxieties about everything became. Her head shook no repeatedly, her knees going up to her chest. "... I just .... " Her head continued to move from side to side before finally she let her head fall on top of her patellas, shaking as tears continued to fall down her face.

Malin got up from where he was sitting for a moment after hearing everything that Shizuki was saying and seeing the ripples in the water from her tears. He felt compelled, and walked slowly towards her. Feeling a physical need too be at her side he walked up too Shizuki and placed a hand on her shoulder. He didn't know how they would break the seal, but they would find a way too do it. His grip on her shoulder tightened for a moment as he leaned in against her. Pressing his chest towards her back he leaned over his arms sliding around her too embrace her in a tight hug. Malin didn't say a word rather he just held Shizuki in his arms. He wasn't good at speaking directly too another persons emotional state. He didn't have a clue as too what he could say when a woman he liked started to cry. All he knew and all he cared about was Shizuki. and so he did the only thing that came to his mind he embraced her. And held her. His eyes drifted over the curse seal having no idea what it was, or what it did. He didn't know at all but she did say that it was a dormant seal, for the moment he didn't know or even care about that one. it was the second the one that he was worried about.

The thought that it couldn't be removed was disturbing yes, but even then he refused that notion. He would have done anything too make sure that seal came off even if it meant he had too devote his life too taking down a fuinjutsu himself. He had too admit that he didn't know anything about the art of seals, but it couldn't be that hard. Seals were just locks they were all meant too be broken. His grip around Shizuki tightened as he held her body close too his own. He would find a release for it, he knew that much. "Seals are meant too be broken. We will find a way even if Konoha doesn't have someone we will find a way, and when we find that person who can help... we will make sure they do." He sounded confident if only because he was in strong enough denial too suddenly know exactly how too make the universe too bend it's knee too him. In the mean time he held Shizuki close.

"I don't know if I would call you a burden. Honestly if it weren't for the seal I would be the one burdening you... If I can be truthful with you." Malin sighed as he worked up the nerve too confess something. Even with all that he had displayed really it had been his best. Which really had he been left alone it would have been enough too get himself killed, the real reason they got away from Orochimaru was the help of Aiyasha. He swallowed slightly as he looked at the water. "I never made it. In Kiri... I'm still a genin. I have flunked out of the chunin exams of my village six times. I know it's not what you would want too hear, your life being in the hands of someone like me, but I will do my best for you."

He sighed slightly knowing that the two confessions didn't exactly equal out, but this was still his secret shame. He wasn't at all that strong, in fact the highest rank jutsu he knew was the wave, which though impressive for a genin, his was much smaller than the the traditional A ranked version. Malin wasn't the strongest smartest or even the quickest member of his village. He was practically still a kid, and all because he of the finals. He bit his lip remembering the way the chunin exams of his village used too be. Sure they were improved, less fatal, but even so Malin had never managed too keep up with his age group. He didn't have the stomach for it.

He pressed his head against the back of Shizuki's neck. She probably lost all confidence in him, even so. He had managed too survive this far. He wasn't sure if it was luck, or maybe he was made of stronger metal than what he had thought. Fighting wasn't as easy as others made it seem, he certainly wasn't ANBU material. Hell he didn't even have a summon. He was just the one people tended too mock. As he said, Shizuki had been his first friend he had ever really made. He wouldn't let that go.

The contact from Malin was somewhat unexpected. But certainly not enough to make her try to jerk away. Compared to the touch from the Sannin, it was a lot more gentle and merciful. No spiteful emotions could be detected, no hints of wanting something in return and so she allowed it and relaxed against the embrace. There were a few reasons the Cursed Seal was bothering her despite being dormant. Not only did neither of them know it's purpose, but even dormant items could be awakened. It was uncommon but certainly not impossible. The damn thing was literally like an invisible bomb with an unknown timer counting down. And she had no idea where it was at ... if there were weeks, months, hours, days, seconds left before it'd show what it was meant for. But she still knew the main threat was the seal on her midsection. Until that was removed, she could literally do next to nothing.

A deep sigh passed her lips as she nodded slowly. At least the one on the back of her neck, she could live with. The second? Fuck no. She wasn't amazed to hear he'd misinterpreted her words. The fear wasn't that they wouldn't find someone, well not so much. The worst part was she'd be tossed away and left to die in Konoha's prisons for having been with Kabuto for so long. He'd been a traitor to them and especially in the recent war, thus she would be one too. And they would find out, whether it was from an ANBU, ROOT, or herself just getting that confession out of the way.

Her head shook no as she turned to finally face him. "I didn't just take up medical ninjutsu because Kabuto knew it. I wanted to learn it, wanted to help others out. So one could literally say the Snake prick sealed one of my few prides away. I'd rather have all my chakra and risk using it up doing what I love than be ... like this .. unable to do anything." Her head tilted, slightly confused on what he'd meant about never making it in Kiri. And then when he went onto explain that, she let the words echo a few times ... and then chuckled softly. But not at him like it would likely immediately seem.

"... And? I didn't either, technically. We had an Academy, yeah. But ranks and crap .. no one cared about that. Could you wield any weapon? If so, could you go out into the world, fight, and live? As long as you could do all of that ... it's all we really cared of. That's why the sight of me healing my former best friend at like .. twelve ... was so taboo. He had lost his fight and was ready to accept death, even knowing he hadn't hit his teenager years officially. That ... just felt too wrong, too fucked up for me to accept. And that's when they awoke. So essentially, I was exiled for being different and breaking traditions. But on many technical levels, I'm likely a Genin if not an Academy student myself, mainly because I never went through any of those tests. So ... the fuck with rank. You're tougher than a lot of jounin I've seen in the past and that says something."

Actually, he would get the exact opposite reaction. If anything, the last that Shizuki had done - or wanted to do - was give up on him. And it was clear he felt the same back. She didn't have a summon either, though to be fair, she'd never had a need for one before. Now ... maybe she would consider it. The making of a pact didn't need chakra, just the correct incentives to get the respective animal to agree. Her hands rested gently upon his shoulders as the tears finally slowed, beginning to cease. Her forehead rested against his as her eyes closed.

Finally, the violet hues slowly opened. "... You know, it's probably some of the most ironic words sensei ever told me. But sometimes, you gotta be selfish for yourself. You had your own worst regret .... and I have my own. I'm not repeating it again." Her heart raced slightly but it didn't alter her mindset. Her arms remained gently draped over Malin's shoulders as she leaned down and gently pressed her lips upon his, keeping her body close against his.

Malin closed his eyes for a moment content too hold Shizuki as close as he was, he wasn't about to ask for any more than this. As she laughed he at first wanted felt indignant by it all, but then he heard her logic, and he realized the laughter wasn't meant for him, but rather just how similar the two of them were. So they were both special cases so it seemed, His grip seemed too relax hearing her story and he breathed deeply as he watched her eyes close. His brown eyes blinked slightly as he looked into Shizuki's. He brushed the side of her head hearing the words she was speaking. He felt her lips press against his and Suddenly Malin had a whole new surge of enery flow through him. As Shizuki kissed him Malin pushed Shizuki back towards the bath house walls, his lips never leaving hers, as he turned a soft kiss into a rough one. His hands stayed around Shizuki's shoulders as they suddenly clawed into her. It was like an animal was being released from it's cage.

As Malin held Shizuki he pressed his skin against hers, wanting too just feel their bodies connected. His claws ran white and red lines over her back. His mind temporarly going blank as he turned a simple kiss into a rather harsh one. His hands resting as he touched her ass. His brown eyes seemed too gleam with a new light as he pulled back. She had told him too live a little selfishly, and she was in his element. He smiled lightly as he looked at her, He leaned in and took a second kiss as he closed his eyes for a moment. He honestly didn't think he would meet any resistance. After all that had happened Malin felt himself acting as a preditor wanting for a moment too simply ravage Shizuki before his mind snapped back too reality where he was about too take advantage physically of the one woman that he had just swore he would protect, but at the same time.

"I only have one question before I act out any further." Malin said his body still pressing Shizuki's into the side of the bath house his hands still pushing her down into the awkward seat. He wanted too be selfish, too have no regrets from this moment onward but at the same time. "I want you, I know I do, and I know where I stand, but I also know you are haunted by your phantoms, I can't hope too be that person, but I need too know before I go any further."

Malin sighed he didn't want to compete with a dead man. He didn't know how too put that thought into words, but at the same time he didn't want too have any regrets. In this moment he just needed too hear that he didn't have to fight. "Do you have enough room in your heart too let me have a place? I know I can't be him, but I don't want you too call out for him when your looking at me." Nothing could have been more devastating or embarrassing too his ego than if she called out for her sensai at a time like this. Malin was seeking acceptance, and let Shizuki get as close as she did too him because she accepted him, The thought of anything else or her using him as a replacement hurt, and even though he didn't want too hear the answer he so desperately needed too.

Even so His body was posed too be as selfish as he truly was. He was showing Shizuki both his strongest and weakest sides. He wanted this to be real, he could think of no other woman he had ever let get this close too him. His brown eyes were scanning her violet and he felt a gleaming hope and happiness too this moment. Just the fact that she was as close too him as this physically and the fact that they had now kissed, everything had fallen into place in much the way he had wanted it. He could have done anything and he felt like it would have been acceptable in that moment. He sighed having too give up the feeling of power and warmth just so he could have a simple answer. Why did he always have too try and play the hero?

It was true that Shizuki had all but encouraged Malin to let go and follow his instincts. She hadn't known or thought they'd be as ... rough as he'd hinted. Maybe because she'd wanted it though - and it appeared to make her crotch tingle - was one of the few reasons that Shizuki didn't whine or object to it all. As the pace of everything increased, she leaned further into the kiss, sighing and moaning softly. The second was what she had thought would likely happen, a more gentle and sensual touch. Her arms slowly draped around his neck, moving forward and closing any remaining distance that was between them.

As he pulled away and expressed his concerns, her head instantly shook no. It was a fair thought, but she wasn't at all like that. "If any of that were true ... I wouldn't have done or said all I just did. Despite having been taught by an espionage expert, I do have more honor than to backstab people like that. I'm not haunted, no. Many other emotions ... but that isn't one." The heat from the water plus the new confession made her cheeks go crimson. "Honestly .. on the way here ... I nearly parted my legs and begged for you to be my first. Because I could feel just how strong the tension was and it was beginning to drive me a bit nuts. I figured it likely was you .. and that you've wanted this for a hell of a while. Simultaneously, that's why I asked rather than assumed if all upon the island was ... real."

Aside from keeping a few things hidden away, namely the other reason for having almost begged being afraid of someone else raping her, the words were all otherwise true. And it could easily be heard within her voice. Even though Kabuto had been damn good at lying, she never bothered. It seemed like too much of a hassle, especially if they'd be found out about in the end; another difference between herself and her former mentor. Her head shook no again slowly as Shizuki made fingers gently dance through his hair. "I wouldn't want you to be him. As much as I respected him .. there were some aspects I'd never enjoyed. Just be yourself ... let yourself go and allow the concerns to go with the wind and breeze. If anything, let me prove through words and actions that I'm not just spouting bullshit to you."

They always spoke so much louder than words according to the saying ... and part of her was ready to make a blood oath in front of him. It'd be easy enough to do, even without healing. All she'd have to do was choose a non-vital spot, like the palm of her hand. But she doubted Malin would want that also .. so she merely waited to see if he'd believe her words or not.

Malin breathed out slowly hearing the answer he wanted, and seeing her as close as he needed, there was a small smile on his lips as he leaned foward and kissed Shizuki as he had before, but this time he was gentle with it. hearing that this was Shizuki's first time made him re think his approach too things. and seeing her blush made him happy. He placed a careful hand on her breast just feeling it for a long moment before he smiled. "I believe you, and, well I can see the actions, and yes I will admit the tension has been killing me. Even so." He leaned foward slightly letting his hand sing between them and gently stroke Shizuki's clit and pussy. "The good thing about Kiri ninja, is we don't need too breath underwater." As he spoke he sank into the depths of the pool his his lungs filling with water as he formed a small hand sign and his chakra began too separate the air from the water. Water breathing wasn't really a difficult trick it just wasn't one they used often.

Malin floated under the hot water for several moments his hands gently spreading Shizuki's legs as he began too lick at her pussy tasting her flesh, as his hand went up and grasped at her breast, he squeezed lightly as he licked harder and harder against Shizuki's Clit. the tension seemed too be gone from his body, leaving only a strong feeling of happiness at his actions. Every second he spent under the water was a moment he spent pleasuring Shizuki. He had too admit that he had wanted this for a while, and he moved from licking her out too sucking her breasts in some variation or another. He wasn't really concerned about his pleasure in that moment really he wanted Shizuki too feel the pleasure as he licked and played with her he could have happily done this forever, using his tongue too clean her body.

When it came down to it he believed her words, because of these actions. With his head at the mercy of her legs he looked up at the five marks on her stomach. He touched them lightly with his hand before he returned too playing with her in one way or another. He didn't need any other actions except for how close Shizuki was with him. In all reality if she had wanted him too stop he was vulnerable where he was, and he knew that. As he headed her advice and let himself go he felt happy that he was with Shizuki, and content that he was willing too have him around. Her words and her actions matched, and he knew that he believed her words fully. He was the one she had chosen, at least for the moment and that made him happy.

There wasn't much thought in his mind at this point, and he lifted shizuki up slightly his hands lifting her ass in the water so that he could have a better angle on her pussy, His arms wrapped around her, and there was something too the taste that he found delightful even under the water he could both taste, and smell shizuki though it was mixed in with the bath water, it was all still very refreshing.

Thankfully, no seemingly desperate actions were needed when all was said and done. Her own smile crossed her face as she heard Malin's verdict. "Thank you .. " She replied softly, an eyebrow unable to help but raise slightly. She assumed he could breathe damn well if not perfectly under water. But why did that ... ?? As she felt the answer, her head tossed back, a long moan passing her lips. "Mmm ... " She inwardly cursed the Sannin, realizing the only reason she couldn't join him was the damn seal. Most of her water jutsus she knew were more offensive, but after a few close calls with drowning, she had self-taught herself the same technique. Having both Water and Wind chakra made it all the more easier to pick up on.

As Malin worked on sliding his tongue repeatedly in and out, he'd feel easily enough the tell-tale sign she really was still a virgin. Her moans increased in frequency and volume as her nipples hardened from his hands. Come hell or high water, both if needed, she would take her turn to return the favor and spoil him like he was doing to her now. Until then, she'd enjoy every second, every motion being felt on her body. Her hips lightly moved up and down, if anything silently hinting she was enjoying this as much as he definitely was.

Could he hear while underwater? She'd never tried the technique out much before in the past and it'd been too long. The answer was likely maybe but not as well. It at least made sense... though she was beyond complaining on much of anything. At the same moment he worked on getting her into a better angle, she parted her legs more for him, blushing from her own actions and all the stimulation being given to her. Her focus was much more on all the blissful feelings that she didn't even note him toying with the symbol upon her stomach for a bit.

Her chest heaved slightly as her hips continued to move up and down gently, moaning and panting in delight. "Gods yes ... " She moaned softly. After a bit of mental contemplation, she let her eyes closed, allowing her body to quietly surrender to Malin for now.

Malin could hear very little of what Shizuki was saying, but her body and taste, reflected her emotions rather well, the more seemed too play with her pussy, pressing his tongue against her clit, and pushing her body around. The more she seemed too respond well too his touch. He smiled slightly as he felt Shizuki's hips rock against his tongue playing just as much with him as he played with her. The fact that she was a virgin wasn't really lost on him, but he was one as well. He did the best he could though his tongue felt clumsy as he licked, and his motions felt slower than he intended. Still he could tell just by the way Shizuki was acting that his motions were getting rather raving reviews. He knew that the two of them could be caught at any minute, this was after all a public bath house, but it hardly seemed too matter too him as he tasted her pussy.

His nails dug into her hips slightly as he held her close too him. Malin's tongue played with her clit pushing on it and licking it hard. His body was going slightly numb even as he breathed he wanted a little bit more from all this, he could feel his cock going harder and harder wanting some attention which he ignored for the most part. He was still having too much fun trying too see how much of a reaction he could get from Shizuki with only his mouth. He tasted her fluids as his tongue slid inside her body, and as he went back too licking her clit he used one of his fingers too fil her body. Exploring her pussy without damaging her hymen. As far as he was concerned that was his cocks too break and as he pushed her body against his making use of her hips as they swayed slightly he let out a soft under water moan releasing several air bubles from his mouth, which would tickle and rub against her body as they went up towards the surface. Shizuki was at his mercy and for the moment he was taking advantage of that.

The fact this was meant to be a public location and not a part of their room had long since left Shizuki's mind. She was way too focused on the sensations and pleasure, her hips continuing to lightly move up and down. The constant stimulation upon her clit was already getting her so close. Her hands grasped the edges behind her as she whimpered slightly, her body trembling. "Dear gods ... " She murmured, unsure of how much more she could endure. She wanted to hold off and when her memory managed to help Shizuki recall this was for anyone to use, not just them, it only strengthened her resolve to return the favor and please Malin.

Her right hand slid down and gently tugged at his arm, helping him break the surface. In between pants, she managed to speak. "Room ... resume ... there. You're spoiling me ... way ... too much. I do .. want ... to return those sensations back ... " She added, a smirk mingling in with her smile as she leaned forward to press a passionate kiss upon his lips, pulling slowly away to hear his reply. The fact they'd been so hasty that both had forgotten towels also dawned upon her ... as she inwardly cursed. Ah well, she'd be able to slip back fast enough, even without chakra.

Malin caughed as he broke the surface. His lungs hadn't been ready too take in air yet, and the abundance of oxygen almost made him gag before his breath normalized and he breathed slowly. He was about too ask what the big idea was, before she reminded him that this was in fact a rather public place and they were in the middle of a rather intimate action. He blushed slightly at the idea of having been scene, honestly that didn't disturb him that much. Looking himself over he was certainly cleaner then when he had entered the pool. "Right um... give me five too just clean up." He said his voice almost panic'd.

Nodding and taking some soap in hand he quickly did his best too lather and clean himself which had been his original purpose for comming here, not wanting too seem rude too the idea that this was in fact a public place and not wanting too loose Shizuki's taste on his tongue he simply nodded and agreed, though he did let out a small huff of annoyance as he cleaned the burns on his body, both from the slight sting and the fact that he didn't want too seem rude, but did need too clean himself too some degree.

It wasn't till after all of that did he come too the realization or rather joined her realization that neither of them had brought towels, and they only had one set of clothing. He blinked looking around. The way back too the hotel room would have a lot of people around. after all they had too pass through the lobby too enter the hotel. He bit his lip for a moment. "We could go outside, wait too dry off before." Any further idea was cut off with a roar of thunder, and the patter of rain against the walls.

Malin's jaw dropped for a moment as he slowly realized they were stuck in the bath house.

Shizuki cringed, sheepishly smiling at him. "Sorry. I've never used the technique before myself. I didn't think ... well much it would seem." She nodded at his request to try to clean up first before heading back. While her own motives had originally been more along the lines of relaxing, she supposed her own body did need some cleaning; especially because she'd likely be a bit fragrant the second she stood up. Her body had definitely reacted to having been eaten out and the slight teasing of her nipples. Even now, they were still hardened slightly as was her clit.

As she finished up with herself and set another bar of soap down, her eyes looked around. "Well ... " That was as far as she got before the rain which had threatened to fall was soon heard .. in the form of a storm. She sighed softly. ".. At least we weren't outside when that began." She offered, hoping it would be some form of reassurance for him. All the same though, this was quite the predicament. And she wasn't sure how to go about this now.

"...Hm well ... I doubt anyone else will try to come here with that storm. So ... I don't think the issue on being found is really existent by this point. Or .... do you not want to risk it?" She wouldn't seem too pushy; or try not to. Aside from heading back to the room, it did hint that the shopping for new clothes trip would definitely have to wait. Upon waiting to hear Malin's reply, she gazed around. Tables, chairs .. there had to be other surfaces to use if push came to shove and, hopefully, would help Shizuki out in making a back-up plan of sorts for them.

Malin blinked slightly as he heard the thought that they could just continue. In all honesty Malin hadn't wanted too stop from the get go, even when there had been a good chance of being caught or watched, Malin had thought little of it. ~Let them watch, doesn't mean they would get any.~ He thought lightly as he moved around the water. He smiled lightly as he was still very much hard, and he could tell by looking at Shizuki's body that she was still rather sensitive and excited from the motions he had taken earlier.

Malin felt oddly curious for a moment, and as he moved through the water, he didn't say anything verbal, rather he just took Shizuki's hand. Standing close too her, he guided it towards his cock, letting her take hold of his most sensitive and weak area. He breathed deeply as he pressed his lips onto hers. wraping an arm around her neck as she tried too look for a platform or anything too use he simply smiled. "There's no risk. Even if we are caught what could happen really? No one is gonna be able too pry me away from you." Malin leaned in closely his lips touching her ear as he spoke, "We don't need a surface, we have a perfectly good floor."

Malin's voice was joking, but his eyes had a gleam too them that said he was actually very serious. He didn't think it would be that uncomfortable the ground here was mostly tile, and smoothed rock. Though the thought that was flashing through his mind was that it wasn't really his back that would be pushed against it, so what did he care about the location? As he leaned back in for another kiss His hand took Shizuki's breast and pinched her nipple rolling it between his thumb and index finger. Wanting too show her that he no longer had any fears.

Shizuki had to think on a few minutes. The worst case scenario is they'd get stared at, maybe even scolded. But they had paid to remain here so .. it seemed difficult for the staff to be able to kick them out despite the possibility of catching an act that was normally done discreetly. She swallowed softly upon feeling Malin guide her to a standing point, more of her feet mainly in the water now as opposed to all of herself. Even before he'd guided her hand, it had already begun to make it's way to the respective destination. She hadn't been lying to herself upon thinking and mentioning to him about wanting to return the concept and favors he'd been giving her thus far, mainly in the pleasure department.

A smile managed to cross her lips as she nodded, "Fair enough --- " That was as far as she got before they locked lips, moaning softly. Her hand eagerly began moving up and down, gliding slowly along each and every inch she could grasp softly. Whimpers began to join in as her nipples got teased. Her legs slowly parted to allow him both a view and access to her slit and clit. Even with having washed the area, there was still a faint aroma that suggested just how aroused and worked up she'd gotten during the short amount of time.

And it only seemed to continue as he kept working on the same, sensitive areas. Deep sighs mingled in with the moans that passed her lips as she gave his lower lip teasing nips every now and again. Now it was her turn to pull away and whisper into his ear. "No shame in hiding a ... side of yourself you prefer, you know? I think I've hinted I'm not as frail as typical women. If you wanted to keep being a bit rough ... go for it." All the while, her hand never stopped moving along his shaft, noting which spots would make him groan or shudder the most only to purposely touch them again. Just as he wanted to prove to her that he wasn't anxious anymore, so did she ... along with display how curious and willing she truly was by now.

Malin smiled as she told him not too hold back, to just take her and take her hard. He leaned in closely too her his hand sliding behind her back so that she couldn't see the hand sign he made, when suddenly another set of hands grabbed shizuki from behind, a second Malin bit down on Shizuki's neck sucking on her skin as his cock, though slightly more moist than a regular one poked against Shizuki's ass. Between Malin and his clone they were easily able too lift Shizuki off of the ground, a slight glow in both of their eyes saying that they weren't going too hold back, as they lifted her up.

Malin took his cock and brushed against Shizuki's pussy, her legs were held wide open by his clone as he positioned himself. "Just because you can't cast a jutsu doesn't mean i can't, and really once he dissipates I get his experiences so it's not really sharing." Malin said with almost a teasing giggle too his tone, spreading out Shizuki he didn't allow her time too protest as he took her hips in his hands digging his nails into her legs as he pushed his cock inside her pussy. Breathing a heavy moan as he took her virginity in her front and pulled her towards him.

Malin rested Shizuki on his chest feeling her breasts against his body as the second malin groped her, if she was protesting anything he wasn't listening too it, rather the second rubbed his cock along her ass, before taking it as well, taking some time too actually push himself inside the two rather tight wholes. the clones cock was formed from heated water, but it didn't shrink too fit, rather it pushed it's self inside her with a heated force. Malin had thought about making a second clone for her mouth, but then he couldn't hear her voice, and the animalistic part of Malin, wanted too hear Shizuki scream as he took both her virginity's at once. "Just think of me like a heated enema."

Even without the clone, the task of lifting Shizuki up was relatively simple enough. Then again, medical shinobi weren't known for brutal strength; not usually anyways. Her head shook no as she managed a smirk, speaking in between gasps, pants, and moans of pleasure. "I wouldn't have thought this to be sharing. Not when the other person is technically yourself." Goosebumps crawled along her skin as her neck got nipped at, her moans and whimpers increasing in frequency and volume.

Even if she considered objecting, she wouldn't dare. This had been her idea, after all. It'd be hypocritical of Shizuki to go back on her word. Oh yes, she was definitely nervous on both virginities being taken at the same time, no doubts on that. But somewhere in her mind, it was rather erotic and sensual somehow. Before she could piece together the logic, both of them penetrated her. Her head tossed back as far as possible and before she could try to muffle herself a bit, she let out a loud and long scream. With what few times she had masturbated with herself and felt her hymen, Shizuki had always assumed the first time would hurt. But she'd never been able to prepare for this degree of agony.

But as quickly as it appeared, the pain was replaced with pure bliss. "Oh gods ... " She panted, her muscles wrapping and squeezing around shafts, her body relaxing against the grip the two had upon her. It'd only be with him .. but this would clearly be one of the few consensual times she wouldn't mind being treated more harshly than usual. Hell, it honestly made her wish they hadn't been so hasty to leave the room; some form of restraint had likely been in the pouch Aiyasha had given Malin ... or even in his own. And right now with how her head was swimming with not-so-typical ideas and fantasies, she wouldn't have minded them becoming more real.

The sensation of being controlled, for now, would work. More than that, she had no idea how to confess her thoughts to Malin. They seemed even more taboo and sleazier than if she had just parted her legs for him earlier and begged for him to fuck her back on the walk towards here.

Her head leaned down as she caught the real Malin's lips, pressing a deep and passionate kiss upon his lips, muffled moans passing as her nipples got played with while they worked on both her holes simultaneously.

The two Malin's set a heavy pace of enjoyment for themselves. As Shizuki pressed her lips too Malin's he thought only about how lucky he was too be in this situation in the first place. His mind was running over with rather sleazy ideas of his own, about how he suddenly wanted too abuse Shizuki, and do a lot of just dirty things too her. His nails dug into her hips taking her hard as he pushed his cock deeper inside her, working in tandem with his clone too plunge and plunder her body taking her, and clawing at her skin. The clone held her breasts pinching and squeezing them as he took her from behind feeling the tightness that he rather enjoyed. As the real Malin finnished his passionate kiss with Shizuki the clone seemed too pull her head back and press his lips against hers biting down playfully on her lower lip as he rocked his cock against her ass.

The odd thing running through Malin's mind was the lack of any and all rope he had too work with, As part of him wanted too try and bind Shizuki in such a way that her arms would be suspended from the ceiling. The more he thought about it, the more he decided that a second clone, wasn't such a bad idea. The more his brain was addled by his sex drive the more he came up with twisted ideas. Finally he remembered the metal railing, and from there it was a simple matter of control, He didn't stop pounding Shizuki's body forming another hand sign the railing into the bath house disappeared melting into metal dust, turning around it reshaped it's self into metal restraints that wrapped around Shizuki's arms and hands binding them to be held up right, while at the same time the cold metal wrapped around her skin holding and pushing up her breasts. Malin said nothing on the matter as he leaned in and bit down on her breast sucking her nipple and playing with it in between his teeth.

"You look good in chains Shizuki. Maybe I could leave you in them for a while." Malin teased her knowing full well that he had too put the metal back at some point, but with the cold metal chains wrapped around her body he had too admit she looked more like his prisoner, and victim. There was something too the amount of power he had right now with Shizuki being his hostage that he was enjoying. Something about the display and the way that he could push and pull her body that he was loving every second of, and the clone was also seeming getting into it, as he pulled lightly on the chains around shizuki's back causing her breasts too bounce a little harder and be pulled a little closer together that. "Mmm, and you taste so good." The clone spoke with a lower more devious tone as he leaned in and licked across Shizuki's neck.

Both him and the clone were letting out hard panting noises as they rocked Shizuki between the two of them. Both him and the clone were clawing her body rather feircly leaving long white and red marks, and that was when the real malin spanked the side of Shizuki's ass. leaving a heated red impression of his hand from how hard he had spanked her, and a loud echo that reverberated through the room.

Shizuki wasn't certain whether to be more confused or mortified with herself. She wound up going with the first option this time as opposed to the latter, recalling she'd never reacted this way during her 'stay' with Kabuto and Orochimaru. There had been a few rare times the Sannin had found an excuse to try to discipline her as opposed to Kabuto and it had resulted in some restraints being used then locked away and forgotten for an amount of hours, days at worst. And if she hadn't gotten the slightly masochistic tendencies then, she felt better about how she was acting now. It meant it would only be shown to Malin and herself, no one else would be able to draw or tempt this part of her to be revealed again.

All the same, had he read her mind? Somehow and to certain extents, he must have. Or was he just thinking of a rather similar scenario himself? Regardless, her logic was fading more and more by the second. And even with the times she tried to focus, they failed from the mixed sensations of slight pain and pleasure. Her wrists definitely ached a bit ... though that was to be expected. Besides, it wasn't like they were threatening to break. Her body shivered slightly as she watched both Malin's surround her, using the metal to keep her controlled and kept to them and them alone. It was slightly reassuring, in an odd way. If they were this possessive over her just while making love .. she could only begin to imagine how it'd be if this were an actual fight and he was trying to get her back again. It'd mean he'd do literally any and everything.

And with knowing she was as powerless as she was now until they found someone to remove the seal ... it was a sign of faith for her. Unorthodox? Oh definitely. But then again, nothing had been overly 'normal' throughout the years.

"For as long as the storm remains?" She suggested, blushing furiously. While there were, or so she heard, jutsus to manipulate and control weather in various forms, she didn't know any. So even without the seal, she wouldn't have been able to make it remain all night even if it would have been interesting. But, she did have to admit, she did still eventually want to do the clothes shopping. And that would have to happen after both the storm and Malin's were done. Though she wouldn't dare try to rush the latter -- or either, really, to be finished. In fact, she somewhat hoped the storm would last naturally for a while.

"Ngh ... " A low wince left. No matter how much or little, pain was still that and the feeling of her breasts and nipples all being manipulated did seem to not only make her tormented sounds pass her lips but better reveal what masochistic side did indeed appear to exist within her. Even with how rough they were being, she was still squeezing around both shafts, still coating them both with her juices ... and her nipples and clit all continued to harden despite the not-so-typical touches being applied to them, the latter doing so more out of anticipation.

Thunder rumbled in the distance as the storm continued showing no real sign of letting up any time soon, which is what made both the malin's agree too the time limit. Though he had too admit the idea of leading Shizuki back too their room, naked and in chains was a fantasy, especially because all it would take was a bit of adjustment, and he could have turned these chains into a leash, binding her hands and feet separately forcing her too crawl like a dog. Although he appreciated the image, he could only imagine that such a display would make Shizuki regret several things. Still he bit his lip thinking it over for a later day. He didn't realize just how possesive he was over Shizuki, but right now he only wanted too keep her close, and keep himself inside her. Even as he tugged slightly on her breasts and his nails dug into her soft warm flesh he felt only affection for the woman.

His clone continued too rock his cock into Shizuki's ass, taking advantage of her as she leaned back against him he pushed his hand down towards the girls pussy tuching her clit as the real Malin pushed himself inside her. Before pinching down hard on her swollen nerve. At the same time he sucked hard on Shizuki's neck using enough pressure that he was sure too leave a visable mark. Part of him wanted it too be known too the world who Shizuki belonged too. Even though it was highly inappropriate in their current state. The two of them worked in tandem too rock her body between them.

The two Malin's seemed too becoming more cruel with their motions, pushing in harder against Shizuki's body exploring her body a little harder and a little deeper.

Malin moaned out in extacy for a moment as he suddenly fell backwards the clone reading the motion let go of Shizuki and pulled out of her ass. Once again Malin's head was completely under the water as he activated the water breathing technique. While Shizuki's head and arms were still above the water, She was now sitting on Malin his hands went too his hips controlling her and forcing her too essentially squat over him, as he moved around inside her at the new angle. The clone's cock was now standing at level with Shizuki's head, and the clone smiled.

"Open wide." As he spoke he pressed his cock against her mouth pulling her hair, and completely ignoring where it had been just moments before.

The noise of the thunder made her relieved on a few things. One, her selfish desires would indeed be fulfilled it seemed. Two, that they'd gotten into this inn before the damn storm actually started. It really would have been quite the wreck to have been stuck in, or so the sounds hinted. Not only would rain have been something they would have had to look out for, but lightning likely as well. And that ... wouldn't have been something that either would likely have wanted to endure. She definitely didn't want to. Then again, no sane person would likely want to risk not only rain and pneumonia but getting hit by lightning.

Her body jerked slightly as Malin began working on her clit, shuddering and panting heavily. Her body was tensing up and she could feel herself already close to being driven over the edge. "Fuck ... " She murmured, hissing and shuddering hard as her neck got roughly sucked upon. It was ironic and the thoughts made her unable to help but inwardly chuckle; but it seemed the medical kunoichi had a tendency to get branded quite a bit. While the first two hadn't been wanted, they still did ... and all the marks were upon her. For now at least.

The harder they got, the closer she approached her climax .. though the near-bite upon her neck had damn well tempted her quite a bit to give in. Soon, she watched and felt herself guided to straddle upon Malin while his clone was beside her. The new command made her cheeks get even redder ... and before she could begin to think on it, she felt her hair grasped and head moved back. A low wince passed her lips but she made no movement to suggest she'd fight against the movements. Her mouth remained open as she tentatively licked and sucked upon the clone's shaft, working on taking every inch - or as much as she could - into her mouth.

Malin's nails dug into Shizuki's hips holding her as he bounced her against his body, forcing her too ride his cock hard. At the same time his hand slipped lightly down from one from one of her hips too pinch her clit, using his nails too pinch the sensitive nerve hard, he felt her body tighten around his cock and he anticapted her climax, his own cock hungry for some release of the tension. He spanked her ass again hard with the hand he using too guide her motions leaving another stinging red mark, even under the water his motions didn't seem to be slowed or sluggish at all. Rather he seemed too be completely in control of himself and the element around him.

At the same time his clone held onto Shizuki's black hair pushing his cock deeper down the girls throat, he let out soft panting moans. enjoying every second of the play. as he pushed his cock deep down her throat he let out soft panting moans. He partly wondered how it must have tasted for Shizuki, he was comprised of hot water after all, even if it had been inside her ass, did he taste like Malin to her? His thoughts were interrupted as he let out a small moan, and pushed his cock deeper down her throat, his balls lightly bouncing off Shizuki's chin as he pushed and pulled her hair.

The real Malin under the water pushed and pulled her body bouncing her along his cock while playing with her clit, flicking it just too see what her reaction would be. Malin's other hand reached around her hips grabbing her ass and spreading her already abused cheeks, he put two of his fingers back inside her ass. Using the fingers too play with her anally and stretch her ass out a little bit more. He seemed almost sadistic in how much he enjoyed torturing and testing Shizuki's body. He played with her roughly, and seemed too relish every sigh, and moan the woman made.

"Mmf ... mmf .... mmmm!!" Her breathing quickened through her nose as she felt her clit and ass all tormented, her body tensing up again. She was ready to give in ... and yet, Shizuki wanted to try to wait a bit more. But the longer the acts continued, the more tempting it was to let herself get driven over. Everything was feeling too good for her to note or recall her wrists being held up above her head. Even the bouncing of her breasts sent shudder after shudder down her spine. They continued to remain hardened, her clit following suit as it got relentlessly assaulted over and over.

Even the rougher elements, like her hair being grasped and controlled, was making her coat Malin's shaft with juices while she continued to drag her tongue up and down. And it seemed that as much as she was loving this, they both were. Each were twitching and throbbing every now and again within their respective locations. And even if she shouldn't, she loved it; knowing she was not only receiving so much pleasure but succeeding in returning the favor to the two Malin's.

Her body jerked again from the flicking but finally, as he slid two fingers into her ass, she felt herself give in. A full body shudder trailed down every inch of her as she convulsed wildly. A muffled scream passed her lips as she trembled and came hard, riding even with Malin still guiding her up and down.

Malin was in bliss, and for every second that he seemed too punish Shizuki. Her body seemed too reward him more and more. His body was starting too lose what concentration it had. and He felt his lungs taking in less air from the water. As Shizuki's orgasm rocked her body he felt his body give in, the tightness of Shizuki's cunt around his cock causing him too feel his own pleasureful climax. His nails dugs into Shizuki holding her hips as he held his breath. His load pounded and twitched inside her pussy. letting his head go light for a moment as he lost concentration on the water breathing technique.

As Shizuki tried too talk and moan, her throat seemed too vibrate the clone Malin's cock. Letting out soft moans as he pushed his cock a little. As her body reached a climax however, Malin's clone pulled out of her mouth, and released his own climax onto her face. The heated cum falling onto her face as the clone seemed rather winded from the display. Wiping his cock onto her tongue too clean it. The clone felt slightly winded, and it took a moment for him too realize why as he pet Shizuki's head. "good girl." He said in a light teasing tone almost as if he was complementing a pet rather then shizuki.

The real malin let his body slide out from under shizuki resurfacing as he breathed real air again this time more gently then had before, but still caughing lightly from being water logged. His arms wrapped lovingly around Shizuki for a moment as he kissed the back of her neck on her curse mark. Holding her tightly as he left her restrained, not even really sure if he had the chakra he needed too let her out of the restraints.

Not but seconds after reaching her own peak, both Malin's followed suit -- though the clone she hadn't quite expected to pull out. She gave him a mocking pout-like expression, chuckling softly. "Tsk, look what you did. Now I really need to clean myself up when I can." She teased, a smirk forming on her lips as afterglow began to sweep over her body. Her tongue licked off as much as she could, soft pants and sighs still passing her lips as she tried to regain some breath. Her eyes closed, not seeming to mind or care about the chains. "Mmm .. Malin ... that was fucking amazing .. " She murmured, ensuring the words left when both could hear them. On the off-chance he'd still been worried about her thinking of Kabuto and not him .. hopefully that would ease the last of them away.

Her head gently rested against Malin while he stayed behind her, shuddering as her neck got kissed. Her smirk widened as she sensed his chakra had gotten slightly lower than usual. It was a doable task without any but it put a slight strain on her. Ah well, it'd been worth it. "Don't worry. I don't mind waiting for you to get more ... all the same, I'm sure you don't mind the view much, hm?" Her eyes slowly closed as she relaxed, a bit sore from her wrists at worst but nothing too intolerable.

Her ears, though, remained alert to listen for hints on how the storm was at this point. Still going? Weakening? Completely done even? Aside from the answers she was trying to hear out, Shizuki heard just her pulse and Malin's. She thought about all that'd just finished happening ... and even if it was incredibly unorthodox and something people wouldn't usually want .. that really had been as good as she'd said. If anything, she couldn't wait for a less occupied day. It'd be even better, especially without feeling the need to rush the session.

After another pause, she added softly, "...Thank you by the way. For trusting me and all."
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