War Really Does Change Everything ... [Naruto RP, Yuna x Malin's 1x1]

Malin breathed lightly as he held Shizuki's naked body against him. Enjoying the feeling and after glow of the sex as he looked over her body and admired her for a moment. With her arms held upright he smiled lightly. His vision was a little blurry and he was tired, but he could do a bit of something for her. Too his command the chains loosened shifting around her body too the point where they became cuffs on her hands, and a small collar and chain around her neck. Stretching he let out a small yawn. "It takes too much energy too reform them completely or move them, but I can at least let you be a little more comfortable." He said with a small smile and a light giggle thinking how this was exactly the idea he had in his head earlier.

The storm outside seemed too be lightning up. Even as he held Shizuki he realized he hadn't heard thunder in a while, and what had originally been, a giant storm was now just the patter of light rain drops, as a small mist fell from the sky. He sighed not wanting his time with Shizuki too end as he his grip around her waist tightened for a moment holding her even as he sat down and forced her too take a seat as well. His clone fell back into the water as it was no longer needed, and Cale suddenly had the sensations and memories of the water clone. Feeling a light pleasureful sting moving through his body. "The view is appreciated, I have too admit." He said with a light blush very thankful that it had been him she thought of during all of that. Not once had he ever thought otherwise, and it made him appreciate Shizuki even more.

Hearing her thank him, he giggled slightly. "That goes both ways Shizuki. I put my faith in you, and I am more happy now than I think I have ever been." He said truthfully too the situation. Though he did find it all a little weird he had just had sex, with probably the woman of his dreams. He felt content enough that he let out a small sigh. Happy too hold Shizuki's body against him even now. His hand lightly dripped between her legs, petting her still abused pussy, not wanting a round two, but just enjoying the fact that he still had the ability too touch such a sensitive area.

"Your really good." He said quietly giving her his complement.

After what had felt like forever, Shizuki was finally moved from partly in midair to back on her feet, though the chains remained. They did, though, move slightly ... and soon she looked like a convict. To some extents, that was true which made this all more ironic, and her own chuckle pass her lips as she smirked more. "Oh? My, aren't you the little deviant one. Hm, guess it really is the more quiet ones you need to watch for, isn't it?" She teased, raising both hands but letting one rest upon his cheek gently. As it recalled the clone shooting upon her face and not in her mouth, it slowly left and Shizuki began cleaning herself off. After all, no one still needed to know what they'd just done. Not if it could be helped.

All the same, she allowed herself to be guided and soon felt herself sitting. As Malin blushed and giggled, Shizuki thought back. Even when they first met, he'd never done that before. It made her smile, knowing somehow this .. had made them both content. Then again, she couldn't overly recall a time she'd teased or smiled much herself. And it reassured herself that the right choice on both their behalves had indeed been made. It was definitely quite the relief; she wouldn't have wished for her first time to be a mistake or have regrets. And with the way both of them were reacting, that concern had practically flied out the window.

Shizuki remained quiet, wanting to make damn well sure she was certain of the reply. She'd been sure this had made Malin happy; but to actually hear it from him .. her spirits finally lifted up for the first time in a hell of a while. And after a bit over a minute, she had her own answer back for the Kirigakure shinobi. " ... Same for me." It was slightly depressing, that prior till having met Malin her life had been so horrid, she'd hardly ever been happy. "They do say, I suppose, better later than never. Hopefully though, we can have an even better, immediate future. I don't overly feel like repeating much of my past ... and I doubt you'd wish to either."

Feeling her fingers done cleaning her face off, she turned around to face Malin, straddling his lap in the process. A gasp and moan passed as he slowly toyed with her slit. "...You ... trying to tempt me?" She asked, shuddering lightly as her sensitive pussy got rubbed again. She wouldn't mind either way .. but she did want to know how to react.

Malin gave a small smile as he was teased. It was partly true that in his mind he was still rather deviant, the high from the sex, and all the little thoughts he had during it had given him new insight into himself. He wasn't sure if he was a deviant, but he certainly felt a slight amount of comofort and heat seeing Shizuki in chains. He enjoyed it, but only because they were his chains that he could control and move too his will, at least that would be the situation when he was feeling more awake, as it was he felt more like he was ready too curl up and sleep.

Or at least that had been the reaction up until Shizuki straddled him. He didn't really know what too say too the situation only that Shizuki's body felt warm too his touch, and the feeling of her slit pressing against his cock was starting too give him a second wind when it came down too sex. There was also something about this that was slightly different, Seeing Shizuki straddle him, without a command, or even a warning from her. It felt new slightly exciting. Malin was rather inexperienced with all these things, but when it came down too it he knew he was loving the feeling of Shizuki's body. Leaning upwards he pressed his lips too hers gently biting down on her lower lip before pulling away with a smile.

"The storm subsided too a drizzle at this point, so I would say that even if I play devil's advocate, how you treat this one is up too you." He said with a slight grin, he had been in control for a while, and now with Shizuki having more mobility and being on top of him, part of him wondered what being her servant would be like. Then part of him also knew that there were other things they had too do before night fall came and they had too hit the road in the morning.

Add too that they needed too sneak back too their room, and it didn't seem likely that they would do anything more at least in his books. His hand rubbed against her thigh touching her skin enjoying the sensation. Reflecting about how he had gotten here, and ended up where he was, he just smiled. "Getting lost on an island in the middle of no where... best choice of my life."

If he was, at least she wouldn't be alone in that aspect. That was her train of thoughts regarding the issue. Also, it was more merciful and pleasant than anything Orochimaru would have tried to force upon her. So over all Malin would give her versus the Sannin .. the winner was obvious. Her eyes closed as she contemplated how to go about this. It'd be so damn easy to sneak in at least one more round. After all, it'd be annoying to buy new clothes and risk them getting drenched. Though drizzle wasn't as bad as it could be, that meant. But it was still slightly irksome all the same. That alone was making part of her suggest to remain here for a bit longer. The other reminded herself that because of the fact they didn't have many clothes, procrastinating might not be wise. Just to be able to go out and even do the shopping, they'd already have to sneak by and without a towel. That in itself would require quite the amount of stealth, focus, and concentration all at once.

"Hm ... I won't lie. It's very tempting. But we have almost nothing as it is. We need to sneak back, dry ourselves and by the time that's all done, the drizzling will likely be completely done or even less so we can get the clothes and not have them ruined. And especially before they close and dinner is officially served, I would like to get that all accomplished." Truth be told, the idea of staying in another village - one that wasn't even their final destination - was slightly nerve-wracking. Orochimaru had a knack of having many spies among his ranks; Kabuto had been one. And a spy could look like the most normal citizen ever so ... pinpointing them out wasn't as easy as one would assume. But she didn't want to sound overly paranoid either.

A sigh passed her lips upon feeling the lower one get teased. Shizuki's smirk widened as she let her slit rub along the head of his shaft before pulling up. "Likewise, now come on. We've got quite a bit to do before night falls. And a new outfit plus dinner sound damn good to me. Besides ... if nothing else, round two can be done after we satisfy our stomachs, depending on how conscious you feel by then." And after offering him a teasing wink, she turned towards the entrance and exit of the hot springs showing that she was, somewhat unfortunately, keeping true to her decision.

Malin couldn't help but give a small animal like whimper as he was basically told too wait for later. As much as common sense agreed with Shizuki, and as much sense as the woman made, he couldn't help but stair lightly at her nude figgure wanting a hint or taste of more. Shaking his head he put a hand on her chain leash giving it a light pull back too stop her from getting too far away from him. It wasn't that he disagreed with her position it was that she was still wearing part of the bath house, He gave a slight blush as he held the chain. "I will put this back." He said with a teasing wink of his own. Knowing that now was the time for a more serious motion.

Malin breathed in through his nose focusing his mind, and gathering his energy after his short rest tapping into his chakra seemed easier, and as he moved the metal around Shizuki's neck and hands faded away too small magnetic dust, leaving nothing behind he moved it back into the ground where it belonged. Finally breathing out through his mouth and pushing his hands downward as he ended the motion. He felt relaxed, at least more alive than he had in the past few days. The hot water having cleared up the issues he had felt with his back. He put a light hand on Shizuki's shoulder giving her a small smile. "Next time however I am gonna make you crawl." He said with a light smile and a bit of a wink in his eyes riding the line between joking and being serious.

Malin breathed as they walked out into the dreary light, feeling the cold ground under his bare feet, he looked around peeking around and between corners. Looking too Shizuki, he bit his lip slightly He didn't want her too see that he felt awkward about this situation. But at the same time had no intention of backing down when Shizuki had already walked outside. Joining her he tried his best too keep a clam face about this though in reality he could feel his cheeks go red from being so exposed. Finally looking out at the world he was standing awkwardly looking around. "Think we could sneak into our room via the window?" He said lightly. "Otherwise we would have too walk through the lobby and while I am okay with being watched and seen like this. It could be a little awkward for you." He said trying too lie too both Shizuki and himself.

For a few brief moments, Shizuki felt herself slightly confused on the tug. And then, she felt he meant and smiled. "Very well, fair enough." Her head tilted up to better allow the chain to slip off easier. She remained standing silently, both waiting for Malin to finish up and silently thinking all the same. This had all begun out rather ... interestingly. It definitely wasn't the typical way to meet any person, let alone someone you wound up falling for. But Shizuki wouldn't have it any other way. At the same time, Shizuki was glancing out of the door, trying to note the best ways out.

And unfortunately, Malin did remind her of the lobby. She inwardly frowned though didn't show it, instead smiling slightly as her head shook no. "It's fine. With the window though, unfortunately, there's no guarantee it'll be big enough to fit us both. Not all are made large enough to fit two teens, some are even smaller. And somewhat unfortunately, I'd rather take the route that has no chance of failure."

Besides, she stood by all she'd said earlier on the chance of maybe getting caught. What would be the worst that could happen? They got scolded? Oh yay, something she knew of. They'd already paid for tonight, it'd take a lot more of a serious offense for them to have actual jurisdiction to kick them out. "I'll be fine, really. If anyone recognizes the mark, maybe they'll be able to give a name of someone who can remove it, if anything. So don't worry about it too much." Her pulse quickened slightly as she waited near the door, ready to head out when Malin was and go to their room.

Malin grasped Shizuki's nodding slightly, it wasn't really that he was worried about her marks, just that he was worried about her. At the same time though he had too admit, it wasn't as risky as being caught in the act. Something about this, being out in public was exciting too Malin, and he could feel a small amount of happiness that it was happening. It wasn't something that he would let happen every day, them being cornered outside with no cloths on but at the same time, there was some charm too the way this all had started and was ending up. It would be a story they could laugh at later, or something like that. Taking the first steps out of the bath house he walked into the drizzle letting the cold rain fall on his skin as it would, the sensation giving him a new kind of strength as he felt the dirt under his feet and the wild forest air that the land of fire seemed too have built into it. There really was something primal too it all, and he turned back too watch Shizuki as he walked quickly across the clearing. "Right then Lobby it is."

Malin breathed lightly as he walked. He kept his motions quick, what was being a ninja if they couldn't sneak past a couple of people while they were walking into a room? Really isn't this one of the situations the village trained them for? well not really no, the village trained them for stealth needed situations, but this was certainly an extreme that he hadn't thought of. Even so it was stealth over all and they should have had a simple time doing this, even as the drizzle pelted his body and he felt a sudden cold breeze. His skin broke out in slight goose bumps feeling the cold nature against his unprotected flesh. It was somewhat amusing too his body, and he watched Shizuki too see how she reacted. The heat of the bath house left him with every breath, turning too a light fog as he breathed, walking around the building he peered around the corners, watching the tree line. He blinked for a moment looking out at the forest. He watched for a long time, unsure of what it was he saw, but for a moment he could have sworn he saw something out in the woods. His mind wanted too say an animal, but he couldn't help but wonder why he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

There was a thrill too this, as he watched the forest the rustling of tree's he felt oddly entranced by it. His eyes glazed over for a moment as he watched the woods, bending in the wind, leaves moving so lightly swaying side too side. Malin's back straitened, he stopped hiding for a moment, as he took a step towards that forest. It wasn't his goal, but it was so inviting, entrancing even. Taking another step there was a loud snap of a twig, under his foot the pain of the wood and the splinters causing Malin too awaken from his daze. He shook his head for a moment still standing upright and fully exposed. He turned his attention too Shizuki unsure of what had just happened. "Thought I saw an animal." He said with a light joke. His attention returning too the building and his goal at hand, though he felt a little more confident about his body he seemed too not have a problem walking the rest of the way towards the entrance of the building.

The walk back was .. intriguing and nerve-wracking simultaneously. Though Shizuki continued to reassure herself nothing too bad could happen on the chance people did note them while heading back, she was still anxious all the same and wanted to avoid being stared at. Whether the mark got noticed or not, she didn't care about so much, honestly. In all honesty, she was more terrified on people seeing her nude and thinking it would be in their right to try to grab and rape her, and especially like this. If anyone could identify the mark, they'd know she could do nothing but try to outrun them ... and it only made her shiver slightly, her head shaking no. Don't think like that ... And yet, she couldn't fully shove it away. Anything could still happen, whether she liked it or not.

Another shiver trailed down her body as the natural rain fell upon her body, the cold mingling in with the warm temperatures. As she noted Malin glance out towards the forest, not only did she also think of seeing something but began following him slowly behind. Her mind freaked out though. Not many were used, but enough for it to have registered that wasn't just a typical 'calling' of sorts.

Genjutsu?! Shit! Why now? Why with this damn seal on ... ?!

And then, she remembered another way to dispell without using any actual chakra. Without a hesitation or second thought, she bit hard on her lower lip, gasping and wincing lowly as she panted slightly. An arm quickly grasped one of Malin's right as he stopped proceeding forward. Something, thankfully, had made him wake up too. Her arm shook as she pulled him into a gentle hug. "No ... no definitely not. Please .. faster. Someone here ... that was a genjutsu. Let's go, please." She pleaded, her ankles already tensing and ready to move back to their room.

Suddenly the word 'safe' didn't seem to exist much anymore in her mind. It'd been what Shizuki had thought they were. Now, though, she saw this appeared to be the very opposite concept.

It took a few moments for Malin too agree, mostly because going over the few seconds he had been under it were now too fuzzy too remember. The idea or thought that someone around here was strong enough too use Genjutsu? but they were in the land of fire, He bit his lip cursing lightly under his breath as he returned Shizuki's embrace, turning he grabbed running for the hotel room. Not much else mattered at that moment in time, taking Shizuki he pulled her into the lobby, passing by at least two people. their staring eyes became less of his concern, shutting the door of the hotel room tight, and closed the binds avoiding the gaze of the window. He didn't want too make the same mistake twice. He breathed heavily leaning against the door. The window had in deed been to small too crawl through, meaning they had made the correct choice in going through the lobby. Malin blinked feeling a cold chill down his spine. His mind had been so preoccupied with the horror of the situation that he didn't even really enjoy the fact that Shizuki had just been dragged around naked publicly, any other day he was sure that would have actually done something for him, now however was time for being a little more serious.

"A genjutsu user out in the middle of no where? There are at least sixteen villages closer too the coast then this one, I changed directions dozens of times when we were out in the water..." His mind was frankly aflame as he started too think, did they stay here for the night? even after all that had happened? did they even have a chance, if they went off they would be taking roads into the forest, the forest where the genjutsu had he come from. Malin took a few moments too grab towels from a hamper tossing one too shizuki as he dried himself. The room hadn't been tampered with, everything had been exactly where they had left it, but there was something more too this. Thinking back over their actions they had been careless.

"We could have been watched that whole time."

His voice was light, trembling slightly as he started too dress himself. He had been so focused on Shizuki that had never even considered keeping a watch on them. But in that case why not attack? something wasn't right, he didn't know why but this all felt wrong too him. He turned too Shizuki, something wasn't right with this image, and he was having trouble placing it. The longer they stayed here the more danger they were in. "Should we leave? run? stay?" Malin was looking at Shizuki for all that they had just done and how good she was as a pet, he had no doubt that she was the more experianced ninja in the room. He couldn't help but deffer too her logic in this situation especially since his own logic was screaming in terror.

Thankfully, her ankles didn't have to wait long and soon they were both heading to the room. Her head shook no frantically as she went on to give a lesson regarding the likely subject at hand. "If skilled enough, distance doesn't matter. The actual source, for all we know, could be in Sunagakure or Kumogakure even; though not likely the latter. Our mindset is too much like that of a pure brawler to consider learning any." She managed a weak smile despite her joke. All the same though, her tone was dead serious on the matter at hand and it managed to show in her eyes. "It was one damn good reason that Orochimaru was so obsessed over the Uchiha bloodline, for the Sharingan eyes. They can copy any technique and if you get skilled enough, it has some of the most powerful genjutsus. But .... aside from Sasuke, I could have sworn the rest were dead even before the war."

Of course, there had been a few details even Shizuki hadn't been told about, like Itachi being brought back via the Edo Tensei, that she'd found Kabuto in the state he'd been because of that exact fight, and even it'd been why Sasuke had been able to find them so easily. It was also the true motive for his death, unfinished business, per se. But to add onto everything, the existence of Madara was one she hadn't heard of. She had indeed been more in the front lines despite her profession .. but not near that area. More around the summoned and formerly deceased people, to gaze from afar and check how the technique was going. It'd been smooth for quite a while, but in the end it'd been halted.

And that exact role would be what would either get her killed or imprisoned once they got to Konohagakure; hopefully just the latter. Her head lowered as she thought quickly. "I would say leave ... but we did pay for this room. It'd be a waste. Besides, we do need the clothes. However, we need to try to leave as early as possible in the morning. That would likely be the best course of action. Furthermore, if we don't eat soon, we won't have enough energy or strength to arrive. Hopefully whatever that genjutsu was .... it won't be attempted again. Not anytime soon at least."

Exhaling deeply, she began getting dressed as they arrived within their room. Any and all stares they'd gotten, Shizuki had ignored on the way over. It was the very last thing on her mind, especially now of all times. And she knew Malin had the same mindset. She went silent again, waiting to hear his thoughts and input on the idea.

Malin bit his lower lip calming down as Shizuki explained the situation too him. The idea that they could be targeted with such a technique so far away was already worrying, but she was right they had spent what precious money they had too rest here. If they ran away now because of one illusion they would loose out on so much more then just the meal, but also sleep. Their minds and bodies were already tired and there for easy prey for someone who wanted them dead. Let alone someone who could trap them in an illusion. If they left now they would never make it too Konoha, they had too wait out the night at the least. Nodding slowly Malin let out a low grown. He was fully dressed now, dry, and clean, he was exactly what he wanted aside from well fed and rested, but he didn't feel safe at all.

"I would give you something to stab me with if I fall under another spell like that, but as long as I am awake metal can't actually hurt my skin." He said with a shaking head, He didn't know what else to do in this situation he avoided looking out the windows, as he stood up he walked towards Shizuki putting a calm hand under her chin he leaned in and kissed her pressing her lips too his. If nothing else he had her at his side and honestly that alone felt like a reason he could celebrate slightly. Turning around he breathed a little calmer then he had when he had been freaking out, the adrenalin was passing now and he was thankful for that as the drum beat died away from his ears he was able to focus on the bigger picture.

"So now the question becomes dinner or clothing? which do we get first?" Malin said lightly part of him really didn't want too leave this room. Too just lock him and Shizuki inside till morning and run for it. But both dinner and cloths needed too happen, and both were events that required them too leave the relative safety of the one room. Stretching himself and pacing himself Malin's stumach gave a long hard growl. "This one's just my gut feeling, but I say we go for dinner."

Malin tried his best too put on a smile and a strong face even though he felt anything but strong at this moment in time. If anything he felt a little sick and a lot of nervous, but at least his sense of humor hadn't been affected too badly by all of this. He opened the door too the outside world his head poking out of the room like a mere-cat checking both sides before announcing clear, and stepping out into the hallway. "After you." He said with a slight bow.

Shizuki gave Malin a reassuring smile. "Even a mere pinch can snap you out of it. I don't need - nor would want, at that matter, a kunai." Unfortunately, Kabuto had taught her everything he knew well. Anatomy, thus, was one of those subjects. It'd have only been out of instinct, but she'd be more likely to aim for a more vital spot than otherwise. It was something she was just used to, especially if forced to resort to taijutsu or similar tactics. So the concept of wielding a weapon and using it, even if only to get Malin conscious and out of a genjutsu ... no. That wasn't overly appealing to her.

As her contact was guided from the floor to Malin, she found herself in a deep and passionate kiss. A content sigh passed her lips. It was almost tempting to keep going and continue it .. but it had been her which pointed out they had things to do. No sense in trying to seem like a hypocrite now. As it stopped, she let an arm slide gently around his waist, remaining at least close by him. She'd been ready to say she wasn't picky but her own stomach joined Malin's and growled also. Her cheeks went crimson in slight embarrassment as she chuckled softly. "Well ... I suppose dinner it is first then. Besides, I already have a good enough idea of what I'm looking for, clothes-wise."

Hopefully, she'd be able to find said items. The mere thought made her inwardly smile even more. Especially after their escapade and first sexual experience, she didn't think he'd like it. She knew he would .... and also had confidence that even for herself, she would like it as well. As he finished ensuring the coast was clear, she walked out of the room. A light smirk couldn't help but cross her lips at the bow. "That's sweet of you; but we just finished establishing the last thing I am is a lady." And before he could try to fall into temptation, she walked far enough away to avoid being pulled back into the room.

With any luck, there'd be a buffet .. or something of the like. But Shizuki was practically famished .. and could only guess Malin probably was also. Neither had much in the past few days and even before stumbling across the island, she never had the biggest meals whilst with Kabuto and Orochimaru. This would be a very nice and welcome change of pace.

Malin nodded as he agreed. He was thankful that Shizuki could still snap him out of a genjutsu, and more than happy that she was agreeing too stay with him, at this moment. He breathed lightly, and walked with Shizuki smiling as she said that she was not a lady after what they had done he simply whispered under his breath, loud enough for her to hear him though just barely. "And I am not gentle, but we can act the part." He said with a slight snicker allowing the humor of her words too ease some of his tensions. Though he had far to many to actually count. He was most worried about the night, and what horrors that it would bring. In truth he didn't know if he would be able to protect Shizuki some part of him knew he would give his life before he ever let something happen to her, but that said he was now wondering about it. They had a sannin after them, and were in the midst of enemy territory.

Malin breathed trying to banquish the thoughts, once he had some food in him, and some new warm clothes slept in a warm bed he would feel much more at ease. Soon he would have his full strength back, and that would be enough, he knew that much. Walking down with Shizuki they found a room with a long dark wood table, and several counters lined with rice, fish and several other things. Malin couldn't help but drool as he looked a the fish, though he couldn't help but nottice the few other patrons in the room. Blinking he noticed the wry, and knowing looks that they were being passed. Malin sighed, knowing that they had brought those looks upon themselves for having been as selfish as they were. However part of his mind didn't really care, in fact he allowed their glances and eyes with a smile back. He didn't really feel he had anything to hide as he passed through the food line taking what he needed, and wanted. Fresh fruit, fish, rice, a small bun, and fresh drinking water.

Taking a seat he already knew that Shizuki would take her seat beside his, and so he picked up his chop sticks giving small glances around them. He clapped his hands over the meal, and gave his thanks. "Itadakimas." There were only four or five people around. The hotel seemed to house that many, but why was it so populated? He reminded himself that they would need too examine a map before they actually left on the road again tomorrow. Summer was fading but with all the rain that they had been getting, they could expect clear skies in the morning for tomorrow. Leaning in towards Shizuki he smiled slightly.

"Seems you have some fans." He said joking as he ate feeling his stomach thank him for finally taking in some kind of meal. His body was already feeling tired, both from the workout he had given Shizuki, and from the fact that the two hadn't eaten anything for a long while.

Though Shizuki was trying to avoid thinking of the genjutsu they'd just felt, it was easier said than done. In fact, it was rather nerve-wracking. They had no idea whom to be aware of .. but they likely already knew of them. And not just faces but the fact they had been able to fight off the technique. And when even Shizuki had a seal meant to keep herself from escaping illusions in the more typical manner of dispelling but still escaped ... it was quite a feat when all was said and done. And if the unknown source had seen that ... it made her shudder slightly in fear. Having Orochimaru after her was bad enough. The mere possibility she may have accidentally caught someone else's eye was even worse.

But as the food came into view, her mind managed to shove the worries away for now. Grabbing some chopsticks and a plate, she began to add good upon it ... and felt eyes upon her. To be more accurate, them. And her cheeks quickly went crimson. Well ... they had likely drawn attention she was guessing. Because the only other option immediately coming to her mind was the seal upon her stomach being noticed; though someone would have likely spoken up from that. After all, few people could both place it and remove it as Orochimaru hinted and with the history he had with the Fire Nation ... she had little doubts there would be gasps, maybe even an attempt at a riot if anyone had noted what it stood for. So process of elimination suggested they'd been heard in the hot springs, nothing more nor less.

And indeed Malin had guessed correctly. She sat beside him, resting her plate and chopsticks down in front of her. On the off-chance some idiot did attempt something because of her seal ... she wanted to be ready, physically and mentally. She may be direly limited in what she could have done, but that didn't mean she was completely helpless just yet. No, her arms and legs would have to be broken first if not fully removed. Her head bowed as she clapped her hands, exhaling softly. "Itadakimasu." She chimed in with Malin.

Soon after the praise was given, she grasped her chopsticks and began eating. It was even more tempting to just gobble everything swiftly down, but Shizuki knew better. Still this was so much more than the island had offered them both. And even there, they'd barely had anything. Berries could only do so much along with what else they'd found before the chase. A content sigh passed her lips as she continued to eat. Her cheeks went dark as Malin joked on the concept of having fans. "Fine by me. Look but no touch ... unless I say so. As long as they keep to that policy, I don't give a damn." She replied softly, not wanting others to hear or get the wrong impression.

It wasn't as famous as any of the Konoha nin they knew better, but she still had her own reputation of sorts to keep up. And while the statement usually did apply to 'ladies of the night'-types of women, she'd never sink that low. Nor did she want anyone thinking that to get any wrong or bad ideas.

Malin let out a small chuckle as Shizuki gave him a basic run down of the rule don't touch. It was amusing to him that she had chosen to put it like that, and he smiled as he ate his food, thanking every second that they were actually now able to eat and fill themselves. It was difficult to not just shove food down his throat, as he watched Shizuki with one eye and analized the crowed with the other. It was so tempting and would have been so easy for him to just walk back to the buffet and take more food, or speed eat and make himself sick at this moment in time. Neither of these were things that he actually wanted though and so he took his time chewing over the food at least a few times and enjoying the taste as he ate.

The fresh fruits were his personal favorite,after days of nothing but berries to have some actual real fruit and all it's watery goodness was something he was more than grateful for at that moment. The rice and fish were good as well, but there was something off about the taste of the fish. He never really enjoyed fish though, it was a common meal in Kiri, and something that he had gotten over exposed to as he had grown up. He had taken it because it had been there and as he mixed in the meat with the rice he thought how funny it was that he would rather partly starve himself then eat fish meat. His eye twitched slightly as he took another bite of it clearly not a fan of it, but not at all about to turn down food.

"This inn, was a good find." He said with a light tone, happy too take it for a moment. "but it makes me wonder where we are on the map? we should try and get our bearings down before we head out to konoha right?"

Malin frowned lightly and then they had that other question which was bugging him, it was only a light bugging sensation but he still had to ask. "So... what kind of crimes will we be sentenced with when we get to konoha? think we can talk our way out of it?" Malin had been a little to young for the war, and whats more Kiri hadn't sent that many ninja to protect the other villages there secludist nature had meant the majority of their forces had been guarding the land of water, and the village in the mist. Malin had only been a student during the world events, and even then his knowlege was limited of what actually happened.

He sighed knowing that they would have several things to worry about, not just Shizuki's crimes. "I have never battled against a konoha ninja... what about you?"

Her head nodded in agreement. "Gods yes, this was definitely one of the best finds ever, though I'd say the absolute most favorite one thus far was each other. It may not have been done in an orthodox manner .. but ah well. It still happened all the same." Having been raised in Kumogakure and with Orochimaru and his small 'gang' of sorts, Shizuki had learned quickly there was little point in being picky on what was given to her. Especially with the knowledge that any of it could have easily been injected or somehow poisoned ... so to know that possibility was long gone, finally, was a huge relief to her. When the questions on Konoha came to her, she inwardly frowned and gazed down for a while.

"... Unless you've failed to inform me of a bit of your past that involves you directly doing a crime against Konoha, you should be fine. Myself? Treason, no doubt via association with Kabuto." If anything, the words quickly gave her an idea .. one that while Malin would hate it, she kept it hidden away, buried within her mind. There was a bit of guilt on keeping it secret from him, oh yes. But at least one of them would need to be able to negotiate .. and she'd take the fall. After all, her own 'crimes' were definite and permanent. Even if Malin had any, they could likely be overlooked and ignored. Or if they couldn't ... well, that would be why she had the idea going through her mind. To make them focus upon her.

"At worst, execution. However, it honestly depends if Tsunade-sama is the one running Konoha or not. She was last I saw.... but times have likely changed. That being said, you may or may not have a better chance being able to negotiate with whomever is Hokage. I'm going to assume, though, that since it was association as my first crime that led to treason ... imprisonment will be the most likely punishment I'll be given. But compared to the cell I was about to be put in versus any Konoha will have, I trust the latter's more. They're not nearly as corrupt as the Sannin." Or so she'd heard but what more did she have to lose?

At this point, hardly anything.

By the time the last question caught her ears, she'd finished her first plate but would wait for Malin to do so also before getting more. "... Sorta. I do kind of know their capabilities. I backed Kabuto up during the war more than directly fighting. However, I did get to gauge one ... the same who killed him. Uchiha Sasuke. Knowing his reputation and crimes, I can say I was .... I guess lucky enough to have been able to run from him. 'Mercy' doesn't usually exist in any Uchiha's dictionary though especially his. He all but eagerly killed his elder brother ... or had intentions to do so. Itachi had been ill with a disease and that wound up getting the best of him. Still, they did fight and he would have been the source of death were Itachi in perfect condition. To my knowledge, though, Sasuke's the only remaining Uchiha alive. He has been since his brother went through with the massacre when the brat was 8 years old."

Ah the benefits of having been 'raised' by Kabuto; the Konoha Ninja cards. He'd gone through that and the Bingo book with her religiously, teaching her names, faces, and crimes if they were appropriate to be taught to her. And Sasuke had been a very major one. He hadn't just betrayed Konoha but even the Sannin. And given he had been something that Orochimaru had very badly wanted .. that was an even dumber move than her trying to attack him. In fact, it made her inwardly snicker. She may be spared from death if the snake ever did manage to find Sasuke .. just because of how the difference in severity was between herself and the surviving Uchiha.

Oh the irony in situations ...

Malin felt awkward for a moment hearing that Shizuki was walking into a land where she was most certainly a wanted criminal wasn't exactly the best news to him. The worst part however seemed to be the fact that He would be free to go without any real punishment. It was odd to think that when they got to konoha, she would be the prisoner and he would be free to go, go where he had no idea but he most certainly didn't like the idea that she was throwing away her life to try and protect him or something along those lines. He nodded slightly hearing all the information she had on the country, glad that at least one of them was familiar with the ninja they might have had to face down and fight in this area.

Nodding Malin returned to his food picking at it and eating slowly, he suddenly didn't have much room for an appitite was this really their best option, run to a place that would be likely to imprison them? Sure other countries would execute them, and he didn't have a better idea. Anything seemed prefferable than going back and meeting with the snake that they had to deal with before, but the thought of someone taking Shizuki away was almost traumatizing. It was kind of funny to think about it, but now that he had her by his side he was starting to realize that he had no intention of ever really leaving her. Especially when she had saved her life now more times then he could count.

"Sorry my duties were restricted to inside the land of waves. The night I met you was the first night I had ever been outside of the boarders of my country. In short my information doesn't extend to who's running Konoha currently. You would need to ask someone who read the papers, or kept up on current events. Before meeting you the only thing I had been concerned with was." He sighed slightly embarrassed by the quality of his old missions. "Security contracts. I guarded prisons, rich people.... cats."

Malin didn't even have a real team before Shizuki. Which actually reminded him, didn't most countries use three men teams? Malin's team had graduated past the rank of genin years ago unlike him, meaning they eventually grew past his rank and moved on, it had been years since he had a person to really work with, which was why he mostly worked with private security details, they didn't require teams for those missions mostly because you weren't the only person being contracted, but what about Shizuki? Did she have a team before Kabuto, and the Snake? She said she had healed a teammate before, but where was that teammate now? Malin shook his head any question like that would have been prying into things that he didn't need to pry into. At any rate it wasn't his place to ask that kind of question.

Malin finished his food, and leaned back waiting for it to digest before he could get seconds. There were a lot of questions that needed to be answered, a trip into town and the markets would help answer a lot of them. "I am ready to head out when ever you are." He said lightly with a smile.

It'd be painful, mainly in the mental department, but Shizuki would inform Malin of her idea when they finished shopping. It was only fair he knew, for one. But also, at least one of them really would have to be ... not imprisoned in order for either of them to have a chance at even beginning to survive within Konoha. And though she could imagine how tempting it would be to attack any of the ANBU that would take her away, she'd have to talk him out of doing just that. The second he even tried making hand seals, tried to slash at them with a blade of any kind ... they may as well be dead. She'd figure a way to emphasize that point out.

But that would happen later. Right now, she would get her second plate, paying heed to her appetite - what was left of it - and Malin's words. Her head shook no as she managed a soft smile to him. "No .. that's fine. Honestly, it's better to .. keep a clean slate. Now more than ever it seems." An internal sigh echoed in her mind. The only people whom would have likely known the conditions of Konoha, including the current Hokage, was one very infuriated Sannin and her deceased mentor. One .... was unable to be spoken with and the other ... well ... she clearly wouldn't wish to speak with. No no, the next time she saw the Sannin, she'd slit his throat for daring to put the chakra seal upon her.

Shizuki was still very infuriated that it remained on her skin. Still, what point was there in letting her fury take her over now? None, so she'd been keeping it hidden away. The feat truly had been one of the worst things he could have done.

It didn't take long for her to finish up the second plate. A content sigh passed her lips as Shizuki got to her feet. "Alright, ready when you are. I'll be close by enough to be sensed .. but I did want to surprise you. So don't follow right behind me if you don't mind." And with that, her feet seemed to guide them through the streets of the Fire Nation, as if she'd been here before. And it was odd because to her knowledge, the answer was she hadn't. But soon they would both see the array of markets and within seconds, Shizuki slipped into one.

The task of finding her 'dream outfit' took even less than getting seconds from dinner. A smirk crossed her lips as she tried it on first, gazed at herself in a dressing mirror and paid for it, still dressed in the new attire. Placing the old set of clothes in her bag, Shizuki found Malin within the crowd. Blending in, she snuck behind him and lightly tapped upon one of his shoulders. "You can look now, Malin-sama ... " She whispered, her cheeks already slightly crimson in hopes that he'd like it as much as she did.

Gently grasping one of his hands and opening it, he would feel the change placed into it and then Shizuki's hand guiding his into a gentle fist. After that, she didn't hear or focus on anything more ... save for the anticipation of Malin's reaction and her heart racing.

Malin nodded as he was told not to follow Shizuki, Walking around the place till he found a clothing tailor, walking in it was a rather interesting sight to see all of the clothing lined up as it was. He walked through the shop admiring the longer jackets, and some of the finer matarials knowing that such things were out of his budget range, but did manage to find enough odd peices to throw together a new set of clothing. As he changed, he couldn't help but notice that without the brighter greens and browns he was used to he seemed to look a little older. More disguised, and certainly a little more of a devenair. His clothing seemed to match his body well, as he had it patched up and quicker fitted too fill him a little better.

Walking off from that, he wasn't feeling half bad, finally he had clean cloths, clean body, and a refreshed mind. Walking through the crowed he had to admit that Shizuki probably wouldn't have recognized him at first glance so he used a transformation jutsu, making the illusion of his old clothing that he could disperse once he found her. However he didn't find her, instead she found him, with a few pokes on his shoulder he turned as she called him Sama, already an odd honorific for her to use, though one he certainly enjoyed hearing.

Looking her over his jaw nearly dropped at what Shizuki was wearing. It was attractive, slimmed down and kind of sexy. He leaned in slightly seeing her hair let down he smiled. He liked it to say the least. "Very attractive Shizuki-chan. You look very good in it." He said lightly. It was attractive though he did slightly miss seeing her midrift he more then understood her need to cover it up. His arms held her shoulders lightly as he leaned in to kiss her, before taking a step back.

"Now it's my turn." He said lightly as he let go of the transformation jutsu, showing her his new clothing, and look. He himself thought it was rather impressive, if anything he looked like a pirate, or sailor. Honestly since this town was close to the land of waves shore line, he wasn't at all surprised about it's inspiration. He just waited for a moment for Shizuki to give a yay or nay to it.

The already slightly darkened cheeks only turned a deeper shade of red upon hearing Malin's compliment. "Thank you. I'm glad you like it." The leather hadn't been as tight or restricting as it'd appeared. It actually fit over every inch and curve rather perfectly, as if the outfit had literally been made exactly for her. Soon, her violet eyes saw the new and altered Malin and it made her smile widen. "It suits you a lot better, especially with your origins." Then again, she'd always been a history buff of sorts, the only subject she enjoyed even more - for education and now sexual purposes - was anatomy. Her secondary topic had also been one she'd been taught by the former medical shinobi, though even moreso discreetly than her medical techniques.

She knew quite a bit on the Sannin; he just didn't. Or so she believed. But her knowledge did extend to most of the other nations, though not all.

Gazing slowly from Malin to the crowd and back at her new lover, Shizuki lowered her voice slightly. "It's been a long day. And ... there is at least one more thing I wish to discuss before we pass out and finish our trip to Konoha." Though the information was indeed true, the hints of a genjutsu having been used on them earlier had never fully left her mind. The threat still lingered, moreso with the realization they couldn't even begin to try to pinpoint where the source had come from. Given she hadn't sensed any immediate sources of chakra nearby, though, she could only begin to assume it had indeed been done in a far off area.

And that, honestly, scared her. Few people could do powerful mind-controlling genjutsus ... especially from long distances. So who the hell was still alive and able to do such techniques? She was equally curious and anxious to find that out one of these days.

Gently grasping one of Malin's hands, she began heading back with him to their room. Already, her mind was quickly racing and trying to figure out whether to be subtle on the topic or not. In the end, she decided no. There would be no point in trying to avoid the subject, not with them being pressed for time. As they arrived back inside, she sat upon the bed and looked up to him. Her smile remained though few hints of sorrow could barely be seen in it. Her hands continued gently holding his as she exhaled deeply before beginning to talk.

"... I know this is probably the last thing you'll want to hear. But please ... don't interfere if they do imprison me. At least one of us will need to stay on their good side, prove we're going there to start anew. Hell, they may let me out earlier after hearing your story, what we've been through. But I guarantee the second you swing a weapon towards any of them or attempt a jutsu of any kind on their shinobi ... they won't heed either of us. And we may as well end up dead, with neither of us having any other positive references to help one another out. But at least trust this much. None of the Hokages throughout Konoha's history have ever had one you could view as a tyrant. In fact, they were all rather merciful and generous. It was only when you made a move on purpose to anger them that 'mercy' ceased to exist. I doubt whomever is in charge now will break that chain, so to speak."

She'd never counted Danzo as a Hokage, even if he had technically been one. For one, the reign had been too short to matter. But also, everyone knew he was the only tyrant Konoha had ever began to have had. But with him gone and out of the equation ... well he didn't matter anymore. And the rest of her words, without including the fallen Danzo, were otherwise very accurate and true.

Malin's hand tightened against Shizuki's for a moment as she laid out all the information at his feet, he was thankful that she liked his new look, but at the same time what he was hearing was that he was just supposed to surrender her to a group of people he knew nothing or very little about. On the off chance that they would take time off for her good behavour. It wasn't something Malin was comfortable with, and he certainly didn't appreciate the command. He had done a lot in the past while to prove that he was worth keeping at Shizuki's side. It didn't really matter how practical her words were, they hurt him. Breathing lightly he looked at the ground of their hotel room.

"I don't know." He said honestly. He didn't trust this country. They were bringing valuable information to a nation he was taught and trained to regard as one of the enemies. Then again Shizuki was also an enemy of his state. This felt different though he trusted Shizuki he knew her. She was closer to him then any member of his own village. She was important enough that he wouldn't or shouldn't allow anyone to take her from him. Even if she had to be in a prison he didn't want her to be.

"If they pass down a harsh verdict, or they say you need to be imprisoned, I don't think I could live with that. The way you are now, who knows what could happen in a prison full of ex shinobi. I would rather be imprisoned with you then let you face that kind of situation on your own." He said finally. He didn't know if he could contain himself if the situation got out of hand, but at the same time he had to respect Shizuki's wishes. He knew that she would rather he be on the outside exploring and getting information on the village, but a prison? Who knew what violent acts could happen to her body if she was defenseless in that kind of place. He sighed sitting down on the bed. A heavy breath leaving his side as he looked up at Shizuki, he felt scared for her, and her condition.

For the first time since he had realized that she couldn't use a jutsu, had combined with the fact that she was putting herself in harms way for what would come to pass. Konoha's criminals would be able to pick her to death if they wanted to. The vision of her body being abused and ravaged by someone other then Malin was also disturbingly on his mind. It wasn't an idea he liked to play with, and he certainly didn't want the vision to come to pass. He knew that this was their only option, but the more he thought about it. This option sucked.

"So I can't promise anything, because I already vowed to act in your defense, and be by your side." He said finally looking up at Shizuki's eyes. He didn't want to promise anything to her, he would act as he always had, which was in her defense, and his best interests. Konoha could fuck it's self up the ass if it honestly wanted to feed Shizuki to the dogs.

Shizuki's head shook no quickly. "Please don't say that. I won't think of you as a hypocrite. But seriously ... if we're both stuck behind bars, we both may as well be dead. I know this isn't a fair or easy request. But it's going to be the only way things will even begin to go somewhat smoothly for us. The clean slate you have .. it's one of our biggest advantages thus far. Please Malin ... " Her head bowed slightly, knowing not only how much it had hurt him but herself. And all the exact same fears he was having were also going through Shizuki's mind. She was just ... trying to avoid thinking heavily on them.

Of course, that alone was so much easier said than done. But she'd been in her own secluded cell, wouldn't she? That was one thing keeping her somewhat optimistic on the thought of being thrust into a cell. The other was most of Konoha's ANBU and ROOT staff had a better reputation than ill one. Not to say there hadn't been a share of corrupt individuals in either organization; but the ratio of good to bad was not in favor of the latter. In fact, they generally were able to detect those who tried to break their own rules and properly deal with them. Given they'd been surpassing seemingly impossible odds thus far also assisted her out, somewhat.

She paused, swallowing slightly as a thought came to her. And it'd help her figure out how others may or may not be able to realize she had her seal upon her. "... Can you even detect chakra from me? Or ... is there literally nothing felt?" She couldn't imagine there was even a small trace and if that was the case, it'd be confusing at first. But anyone with enough sealing knowledge and techniques would understand she wasn't dead but disabled.

And finally, she allowed the last thoughts to leave her lips. "... Malin, you do know that even if I tried to keep that information of my former associations hidden away, they'd find out, right? And when they do .. trust me when I say it'll be much worse than admitting it from the get-go. It's the only reason I'm even bringing this up now at all. Please ... " She repeated, pulling him close into a gentle embrace.

Malin finally had to give in to Shizuki's request even though it was far past his better judgment to do so, he sighed taking her embrace and wrapping his arms around her, resting his head against her chest and taking a moment to listen to her heart beat. As she asked him if he could detect chakra from her he sighed shaking his head. He had never been good with Chakra detection even when she had a regular flow of the energy he had basically been blind to it.

"My skill's are rather lacking in that field. You probably do have some, but I wouldn't be able to tell you even without the seal." His voice was light he wasn't sure why he felt so much dread for the comming events. If he couldn't be at her side then what was the point of them going to Konoha? Sighing he knew that he was defeated on this subject he had no chance to convince her otherwise, and he knew she was right. If they were both enemies of the state then neither of them would get what they wanted. Even though at this point he didn't know what he wanted aside from Shizuki herself.

He gave a low sigh pressing his forhead tiredly against her head. "I know your right, but I don't have to like this plan. I... I will go with it though. I promise I will not resist against konoha." His voice seemed distant as his mind wasn't fully focused on what would happen after that. He was almost sure that this would go wrong, part of him knew that it would be a bad idea to leave her alone, but as he looked at her, he knew that they didn't have much of a choice. He would have to endear himself to the higher ups of Konoha till they bought the story, and let Shizuki go. He had to wonder who was in charge, and who would make the final verdict, but it hardly seemed to matter at this moment.

Looking up at Shizuki he leaned forward pulling her body down as he embraced her, and pressed his lips against hers, taking a kiss before pulling back with a small smile. "What about you though? The seal would be a handy cap yes, but if you focused hard enough can you mix some chakra's even for something minor? Like trying to walk along the wall?" He knew she felt drained but he hadn't seen her actually try to use her abilities at all. Maybe if she was focused, or worked hard at it she still had some energy she could access. Often times seals like these would just mess up or supress the persons natural chakra, if she had enough maybe she could force some to the surface it seemed worth a try.

Even if chakra control and sensing wasn't Malin's forte, Shizuki had went on and asked for one reason. Every living individual had a chakra signature and depending on their current status would ultimately determine if it was strong or barely able to be noticed. Hers was likely the latter ... if even existing. But she would take his words on it for now, not pushing the matter as she continued to hold him gently. Her head nodded slowly as he went on to say despite realizing she was correct with everything, he still didn't like it.

"I'm not asking you to like it. If it helps, though, I don't myself either. But I know making it completely impossible for the both of us to further survive is definitely not a wise move either." Allowing a few of her fingers to gently slide through his hair, Shizuki slowly guided them both to lying down on the bed, pressing a soft kiss upon his lips. "Even with the odds against us, I know we'll get through it all somehow. Just .... trust me like you have been so far, please." Shizuki understood perfectly how ironic and hypocritical the words easily sounded, especially when they were so much more likely to go against them than for them.

But some part of her mind wanted to believe not yet all hope was lost and gone. She inwardly chuckled. Kabuto had never been overly optimistic himself .. so the source was all the more interesting. Ah well, the medical kunoichi wouldn't complain on where the seemingly out of place inspiration had come from though it wouldn't make her stop pondering on the answer.

For the time being, though, there was an even more important focus. This would likely be the last time either would be close beside one another before arriving in Konoha. And she'd take full advantage of that, knowing Malin would want the same. Besides, the hot springs had been somewhat rushed. Time wasn't as heavy of a factor now. While they did need to leave tomorrow, they could afford to do so near noon or night if worst came to worst. Just as long as it was by the next day really.

"Hm ... I'll see what can be done. Right now though ... " A deft hand undid the zipper and button on her pants but kept them on for now. Her cheeks flushed as she let one of Malin's hand rest right in between her legs, her slit literally seconds away. "It's an offer. However, I thought you may like it knowing we were somewhat rushed earlier. That won't be an issue ... I figured you'd love it. I know I did." As the last words passed her lips, she placed them beside his ear. After her breath finished gently landing upon his skin, she dragged her tongue slowly around the lobe. Shizuki wouldn't push for him to accept ... but she doubted much more incentive would even be needed.

On the off-chance he declined, she had her own back-up plans .... which only remained in the back of her head for now.

"Well then I will have to take you up on your offer." As he spoke Malin seemed to lean back into the bed, his back straitening and he found himself finding a more comfortable position on the bed, with Shizuki over top of him. He honestly kind of liked this, he had taken her with such force and power earlier, and now seeing her initiate such a thing made him relax, and feel at ease. She was probably the only women on this planet that could put his current fears to rest with just the slightest touch of her body.

Malin nodded he had trusted Shizuki thus far and despite what had happened previously they had both managed to make it out of every situation alive and intact. They were together now, and he had to admit he enjoyed the closeness as he was lured onto the bed. He smiled as she gave him the offer feeling his hand being pushed into her open pants. Her pussy so close to his hand he could feel the heat radiating from her body and enjoyed as she leaned closer and he felt the hot air on his ear. He breathed gently at first blushing out of a reaction as she licked his earlobe.

Malin let out a small sigh of tension as his fingers started to explore her curves, taking a moment to touch her clit, and actually familiarize himself with Shizuki's pussy, exploring her body even though from this angle he really couldn't see what he was doing. His fingers lightly poked and touched along her lower lips, taking advantage of the offer that was given to him. He gladly accepted Shizuki's offer knowing that it would probably be some time before they would have been able to get back together after tonight. He wanted to savor the moments that they had and build upon them.

His free hand pulled her corset down, forcing her breasts out of their hiding place he let out a small moan. His hand playing with her breasts, squeezing them, and pulling on them lightly as he held her body close to his own. His tongue licked along her neck, as he tasted her flesh. He felt happy to be with Shizuki, even if he disliked the plan that they had ahead of them, he could tell the importance of being with her in the now, and keeping his mind on her. He trusted her and at times like these he was more than happy to find the feelings were mutual.

"Oh I do love it." Before in the bath house his voice had seemed nervous, almost shaking with anticipation. Now however Malin had more of a backbone to his tone, it was dark and delighted to have Shizuki near him again. He smiled as he leaned up bringing his lips to hers and pressing her in a hard passionate kiss, his teeth biting her lower lip slightly as he pulled back.
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