War Really Does Change Everything ... [Naruto RP, Yuna x Malin's 1x1]

Malin wasn't banking on these attacks stopping the mizukage from finding Shizuki. Rather this about the long term game, if they ran away now back too the island they could almost be certain that the Mizukage had already beaten them. For the time being as they unlocked door after door he knew this wasn't about beating the Mizukage, it was about stopping Kiri. He had too trust that Shizuki was able too handle herself against the man, it was kind of foolish too just let her be sure, but if he didn't hurt Kiri now while he had the chance then the village would be just as strong as ever, and would easily be able too hunt them all down. What he did now would make sure that the mizukage would be pre occupied once he had too get back too the village. Hopefully busy enough too let any of his other plans stall for the time being.

Malin counted the prisoners that they freed now. They worked effectively enough freeing about 25 that he could count it was a good enough number for sure. Adjusting himself he smiled for a moment. Before addressing them with a light even calm tone. "Right now we have a large collection of kirigakure's enemies, and your probably wondering why your out of your cells. Well it's a little more then that, the doors of the prison are unlocked, by all means leave the prison and start a riot. Go nut's, Kiri would see you all dead, so go forth rape, pillage and pilfer your otherwise filthy black guts out." The prisoners looked confused for a moment as they had just been handed their freedom with the only command of stir chaos.

And then they left angry and ready too burn this city too the ground. Malin turned too Aiyasha giving her a small pat on the back. "Of course with them out and running wild every guard in the city becomes occupied with throwing them back in jail. They become the diversion so we can move quickly and freely, and with them causing damage when the Mizukage does get back he won't be able too launch a search effort for us right away. He will be forced too deal with the damage too his town first. Now we have a choice we could hit the archives and make a general mess of the cities brains or we can cut and run content that we have dealt a serious blow too the body of the city, find Shizuki and run as far away from here as we can." Malin honestly didn't know which was better at this point. He didn't even know where Shizuki was from here he had been unconscious most of the way, and he didn't even know where the island was, but he had the sinking feeling that Shizuki needed his help.


Orochimaru licked his lips as he was pushed back watching Shizuki try and run from him, it was both annoying and rather fun. The world had settled into such an interesting new creature after the war, and the spread of chaos had been rather fun too watch, but ever since the war had ended it had become boring and stagnant. Being a village leader left him with very little actual work and too finally get a chance too fight as himself again was exhilarating. Although he could have ended it at any second with Shizuki's curse seal he would much rather waist some of his time having a little bit of an excersize. Doing things the easy way when he had other options didn't seem too be anywhere near as fun.

As he chaised after shizuki for only a second Before using a rather simple but effective jutsu. In a matter of seconds it would have felt like Shizuki was binded in iron chains. The temporary paralysis technique Was a favorite for bringing people into custody. "Not so fast now Shizuki, these are dangerous times, and I can't have you walking around with all your abilities." Orochimaru walked up too Shizuki his hand rested on Shizuki's cheek for a moment. "So I am not sure as too what I have too with you. Part of me wants too honor Kabuto's memory and let you live, but then your refusing even my most generous offer. At the end of the day it can't be helped if your not gonna join me, I am just gonna have too take back what Kabuto gave you."

After a while, Malin hinted via speaking to the prisoners that she'd gotten enough. A part of her had almost expected some to be bold enough and try to grab her upon hearing the word 'rape'. Some had known she was still affiliated with Orochimaru. After all, it had been partly her fault that some of them were here in the first place. Thankfully, none attempted such actions. Her head lowered as she contemplated all the options. Finally, her head moved gently from side to side. "Konoha ... head there when he returns." She then pulled her pouch off and handed it towards him.

"I noted when we arrived on the island an array of maps and books. Since Shiro failed to get her and there's been time in between his idiotic suicide and the Mizukage's departure, your friend has probably been able to study them. Hopefully anyways. She should know where to head. Inside there are additional chakra seals, chakra recovery pills, additional kunai and shuriken and even some money. I hate to say it, but until you get off of Kirigakure and in another nation, you two may want to keep a seal upon yourselves."

After he took it, she began leading him towards the entrance of the base. While there was time, she'd wait there with him. Hopefully, he'd be allowed enough time to regain enough strength to be able to run. She didn't overly doubt Shizuki's abilities; but she had the misfortune of seeing and hearing the wrath of Orochimaru. It .. wasn't a pretty thing to gaze upon. And her name had seemed to strike quite a chord with him; she was obviously important to him in some form or fashion. No matter what it translated into, she doubted it was a good thing for her.

A frustrated hiss left as Shizuki felt herself ... stopped? But .. how? She didn't see any chains but it sure as hell felt like they were wrapped firmly around her. Her heart raced as the distance got closed ... again! Goddamn, this mess was becoming more and more frustrating. Heavy breaths left through her nose and the second she felt a pale hand upon her cheek, Shizuki jerked her head away, turning it aside.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Her heart raced and ... despite her fears and anxieties, she was honestly confused. Take back what Kabuto gave her? Her abilities? That ... almost made her laugh. This might be the same person her mentor served, yes. But to take those away? That ... she'd never heard of anyone being able to do. No, she was clearly missing something else, something much more ... severe and vital. Her eyes narrowed and her mind raced. He didn't mean her life, did he? Because that wouldn't be true either. Kabuto had saved it but not given it to her.

When she mustered up enough courage, Shizuki finally managed to ask the question ... even if she may regret asking it. " ... What the hell do you mean by that? My abilities? Something else?"

Malin blinked for a moment as he was handed a bag of equipment. Weapons, healing ointments, pretty much everything he could need. The information that he was too go to konoha, was a little disturbing. He wasn't exactly on the best terms with that village, but it made sense for the moment. He took the items and gave a small sigh, this was pretty much as far as they could go, for the moment and he knew it. Something told him that there was no way too get back too the island as much as he wanted too. By the time he did Shizuki's fight would be over. He could feel it in his bones that he needed too wait here.

Malin bit down on his lower lip for a moment. Taking in all that he had done. How the hell was he supposed too ambush a kage when he had pretty much lost his fight too the konoichi beside him. He sat down for a moment concentrating, The only way he could manage too attack the mizukage, was too be in a meditative state. He breathed in slowly and carefully taking his time, for a long moment. He needed a clear mind if he was gonna be able too fight the way he wanted too.

"I don't suppose you know anything that would help us too take down the mizukage? Hell I am not even sure I know who this guy is, so any real information you have on him would be apreciated." As he spoke he took one of the chakra pills, supposedly a soldier pill was able too enhance the personcts abilities and endurance almost 3 fold, but Malin had also heard of why they were hardly ever used. Psychological problems, hallucinations, murderous rage the list went on and on about how these things affected the mind, hence why he was trying his best too clear it out now. He was still drained from the fight, taking one of these would most likely help him.


Orochimaru's smile seemed too widen at the amount of fear he could practically feel coming off shizuki. The confusion was a fun delight, and for a moment he thought about toying with her a little more. His hand went over her stomach for a moment touching her bare midriff. Pulling his hand back for a moment he kept on hand on her shoulder knowing that she couldn't really get away from him. He leaned in close too her, a small hint of laughter on his voice as he whispered into her ears.

"Oh you will see soon enough." As he spoke the hand that had pulled away from her stomach started too glow with purple flames. Each having a white hot kanji ready too burn into her flesh as he held her still with both a steadying hand and his other still active jutsu. Since she didn't want too join him, and out of respect for his appreantice he didn't really want too kill her, this seemed the best compermise. It was true that most people couldn't fathom a way to take away someones techniques from them, but then Orochimaru was not most people. He would seal away her chakra making it just as impossible for her too use jutsu as it had once been for him.

He brought his hand in hard against her gut with a heavy open palm strike letting the seal burn it's self onto her skin. There were very few ninja in this world who could remove such a seal. The last such too orochimaru's knowledge had been the late Jiraiya. It almost made him laugh, with how ostracized Shizuki was she would be hard pressed too find help from any source, and of course he would let her live out a full life. In the midst of Kiri's prisons. Stripped and alone for the rest of her life, that seemed a fitting punishment for the woman who let Kabuto die.

"A few things ... but enough to give you a head start. His real name is Orochimaru; the public was given a false one. If you've ever heard of him, you'll understand exactly why and how dire the fight will likely be. Honestly ... your friend will be lucky to be living when it's over. His mercy and patience are rare .. but they do exist from time to time. You don't beat him; not yet. That's why I said head to Konoha. He hasn't fully explained it to me even .. but from what I can gather every time he does mention it, it'd be too ... risky for him to enter there."

By now she had the same matter-of-factly tone. Unfortunately though, it was hard to give any good news regarding Orochimaru to any person. She would wait first and foremost to get a reaction from Malin. "I, myself, will figure out and do all I can to help the girl out. If she is alive and conscious by the time he returns, it'll be barely on both accounts. Worse than that, it means he's found a reason to keep her, to let her keep breathing. And with his love for experimenting ... I doubt it'd be good in any form or fashion."

Noting Malin resting and regaining his composure, she sat beside him and joined him. Her eyes closed as she began exhaling deeply through her nose. She'd need to be as ready. The boy didn't know it .. but her mind had been made up. And despite him having tried to convince her no one would die .. she was ready to. Her own life had all but been wasted. They .. well, she couldn't fully explain it. But it just seemed like the right thing for her to do.

A frustrated whimper passed Shizuki's lips. Goddamnit, why?! Why did he keep insisting on touching her? Granted, it was nowhere overly intimate, but that didn't make it any less nerve-wracking by any means. An eyebrow raised as she noted the purple flames. .. Purple? Poison? That was usually what the color hinted but she was thankful to note that wasn't the case. Well, to some degree. Mingled in with that though, she was horrified. It took a few moments to register, especially since the unexpected urge to pass out began to overwhelm her.

But dear gods, she did not want to! Not alone .. and with the Sannin of all people! Being unable to defend herself against him and especially with the new sensations flowing through her ... nothing good would begin to come from such a scenario. "No! What did you just do?!" Never before in Shizuki's life did she so very desperately want to be wrong. A few more tears fell down her face as they mingled in with rain, her body relaxing against the invisible chains.

Her teeth had been gripping her lower lip, desperately trying to keep herself conscious. But even with that, it wasn't doing anything. The violet hues that had once been going through REM began to stay closed for longer periods of time. "Please .. take that ... off ... " She pleaded weakly, her body slumping forward as far as the unseen restraints would allow. She'd tried her damnedest to fight against at least the urge to go unconscious ... but for some reason, it was more powerful than it should have been. And she gave into it before even being able to hear his reply ... or know what would wind up happening to her. Especially like this.

It was enough to make a few more tears fall down her face, more out of instinct than anything by then.

There was a low feeling of dread inside Malin's throat as he thought it over. So the Mizukage, was actually Orochimaru. The name was familiar, but he couldn't place it on his lips. One thing was for certain he wasn't about too try and kill this man. If he had Shizuki like the two hoped that he would, then all he would need too do was launch one effective ambush, seperate him from her, and then run. It seemed simple enough. He sighed knowing that this fight would be anything but simple. He felt odd knowing just how dire a situation this could turn into. He waited still holding the pill, still focusing on the world around him, before getting up, he took the pill into his mouth hiding it inside his cheek so that he could swallow it when he needed it. and zipped up the bag.

"Come on, He's not really a kiri ninja, meaning if we are gonna hit him, we are gonna do it our way." He pointed too the water, as he started walking. If nothing else he would cut the bastard off on the water, the ambush and the fact that they were from Kiri meant that if nothing else they would have the home turf advantage, and they needed every advantage they could get.


Orochimaru smiled as he picked up Shizuki. It seemed fitting that she would have too get used too her new life without jutsu. If nothing else the seal would prevent her from healing anyone ever again. He laughed lightly at the prospect he had been much kinder too this girl than he should have been. Part of him even thought about abusing her physically now that she was unconscious, but the thought seemed petty and vastly beneath him. Instead he settled on the idea that he would simply lock her away for the rest of her natural life. He set out walking with Shizuki held over his shoulder. Walking casually back towards Kirigakure.

The rain was pelting as the storm began too worsen around the island, but the longer he walked out of it's reach the more the sounds of the storm began too fade, and the more the calm mists of Kiri began too show around him. Soon he would be back at the island. He waited though too return too the face of the Mizukage, the mist and night would hide him well so there was no need for him too change his face back just yet.

After a few more moments, the ROOT-trained kunoichi opened her eyes and glanced over towards Malin. Aiyasha noted the train of thought that seemed to be racing through Malin's head. "Just bring up that you got away from him to Konoha; they'll likely help you both out. The leader there will definitely inform you if nothing else at all. You will be safer there than anywhere else." It was odd; she hardly knew the man herself. But somehow, the words sounded and felt confident. Once he stood up, she followed suit and followed behind.

Her gaze went down to the water, the parts of the shore not too far away and nodded. "He isn't, not that I know of." It'd been tempting to warn him that despite that fact, he still likely knew water jutsus. He seemed to know most of everything. There were few things that Aiyasha hadn't seen the Sannin do and, admittedly, water was indeed one of the lesser ones. But she'd also seen him able to easily improvise and use even deadlier techniques.

An ambush though -- that would likely work in their favor. Few seemed bold enough to actually attempt such a thing. Hopefully that plus the confusion of her being beside Malin would distract him long enough when he did return.

More out of instinct and fear than anything else, Shizuki felt herself inwardly screaming, begging to wake the hell up. Her fists weakly clenched, grabbing ... cloth? Something, for sure, in the process. Only when they were about halfway off the island did her eyes finally open, a low groan signalling she'd forced herself back into consciousness. Even with her hair in front of her face, she felt nothing from herself. No chakra .... it made her fists clench again, this time grasping her own flesh and not Orochimaru's robe.

Son of a bitch!

There'd be no point in letting the curse leave her lips. He literally controlled her by this point and the thought genuinely terrified her, sending shiver after shiver down her spine. Her head shook slowly in disbelief. Even her exile hadn't made her feel this much shame, mortification, humiliation ... no, that was merciful. This was so much worse. At least she'd left Kumogakure as a kunoichi. Now ... she wasn't even that! Just ... bait, a body to be gazed at. Even from rape ... anyone could do that to her and she wouldn't be able to defend herself.

Goddamnit. Why?! True, there was no answer, but she wasn't thinking straight. A part of her wanted to beg for death rather than live like this. But two main factors made her stay silent. Malin and knowing every jutsu had a reversal. There had to be someone else that could get rid of this. She'd gladly just cut the Seal off ... if it weren't in such a dangerous location. And even then, there'd be no guarantee it'd get rid of the effects.

Besides, she had to somehow deal with her current situation. It'd be easy - in concept - to try to grab for another kunai. But he'd feel it ... he'd be able to stop her. And even on the off chance he didn't, taijutsu wasn't her forte. It made her tremble. There really was nothing .. just wait and see exactly what he had in mind. How Kabuto had stayed sane while serving this man .. she hardly knew.

Even now, she wouldn't give him full satisfaction. Tempting as it was, she would not cry, beg, whimper ... none of that for him. She'd live .. somehow ... and survive this ordeal. One way ... or another.

Malin walked into the water, letting himself feel the cold rush of the ocean against his skin. He hardly cared about any of it though, as he waided into the ocean his only thought was finding Shizuki. As he dove under the water he already had a good sense as too where Orochimaru was. Once he was under the water he formed his hand sign and created his water clones, 3 too be exact. Waiting under the water where he was at his strongest he sent each of them too intercept Orochimaru. The man wasn't even trying too hide his position as far as Malin could figgure out Orochimaru was banking on the idea that he was completely alone in the ocean.

Orochimaru felt more confident than ever about his position having in his possession one of the few people who could have threatened his plans, and he had done so without any real loss. He walked now seeing her awaken He gave her a slight shake. "Must be difficult getting used too the idea that your vulnerable. I lost the ability too use Jutsu once apon a time, it's painful isn't it? The notion that you will never be able to create another jutsu for as long as you live, but I wouldn't worry too much. Once your locked away in Kiri's prison the only company you will be yourself. Or maybe I will let an experiment or two into your cell. That could be an interesting sight too behold."

As Orochimaru gloated, he failed too notice what was happening under the water. When Malin did burst forth it was all four of them. Orochimaru was caught off gaurd both from the fact that he hadn't expected an ambush on his soil and the fact that it came from a person that he was supposed too have locked away in his jail cell.


Orochimaru restrained the want too call out instead lashing out with his tongue he caught the Malin in front of him and smashed it against the one too his right causing both too break into water, as the third and final clone made the sign of the tiger. The real Malin was too the left his hand otstretched and grabbed Shizuki by her clothing trying too tear her away from the sanin and into his arms.

The clone behind orochimaru called out first. "SuirĹŤ no Jutsu."

Even at Malin's full strength he didn't think that the prison of iron water would hold a sanin, but damned if it didn't make a good distraction for what ever Shizuki, and Aiyasha had up their sleeves.

Aiyasha did not join Malin underneath the water. The sight of her seemingly alone would likely throw him off, along with the ambush from Malin's behalf. However, she wouldn't be unprepared for the Sannin either. Her blade was unsheathed and held firmly in her right hand. She waited for the right opportunity to make her own strike. And that came when Orochimaru tried to grab the clone with his tongue. Even if it wasn't the real Malin, she wouldn't take chances. With a rough but simultaneously graceful swing, she cut for the muscle. Even to a seemingly harmless location, they both knew he could die from blood loss.

As Shizuki heard the words from the Sannin, she gripped her lower lip with her teeth. " .. Just kill me ... " She murmured, her head lowering more in defeat. The thoughts he'd forced into her head and seeing few ways to regain chakra ever finally made her snap. She was too far into despair to care much, even with the motivations that had otherwise tried to mentally make her want to live on. But her emotions fluctuated as the ambush began .. or so it seemed.

After a few seconds, her head shook no as she shoved Malin away. "Go without me! I'm useless now ... " Her voice was as shaky as her body and she hid her face in her hands. "Even healing ... I can't anymore. Nothing ... just ... just go! Get a head start while you can ... "

Malin blinked feeling Shizuki say that she was usless, but more at the fact that she was physically trying too push him away as he held her close too his body. He honestly didn't know why she was saying anything right now other than thanks, and the way she was pushing him away was throwing off his water walking technique. So he did the only thing that came too mind in this already stressful situation. He slapped Shizuki, and slapped her hard, there was a slight echo across the waters as he did, though he held her close he made sure too leave a slight red mark on her cheek. It wasn't polite but he panic'd.

"Will you shut up! I am trying too save you from what ever that guy has planned for you, and I can't run and talk, and maintain my jutsu's at the same time. What ever the problem is now is not the time!" Malin knew that he was handling this rather poorly, part of him wanted too hold Shizuki and keep her close, but the fact was he was fighting a sanin with arm holding her with the other. Yes she would slow him down, but even as he tried his best too run away from the island, he held Shizuki with a death grip.

At the same time as all of this was happening, orochchimaru was caught inside the water prison, however, it didn't seem too last for long, as the water clone suddenly came down a case of self imposed rigamortis, his body chained, his arm forced away from the water prison with the temporary paralysis technique leaving a rather angry, and wet orochimaru. Who turned rather quickly on the pair that was running, his tongue lashing out too try and wrap around Malin's leg too pull him and shizuki back too him. He left the boy alive two times now, and he would not make the same mistake a third time. As For shizuki well she was useless now. Only a sanin could remove that seal, and he certainly wasn't about too break it in the midst of combat.

He chased after the two temporarly ignoring Aiyasha. She would be punished for what ever the hell happened too let Malin out of his cell. He would get too her, but right now two people he did not like were about too get away from him, and he was not about too allow that at all.

Shizuki blinked, gasped even. Had .. Malin really just done that? The repeated stinging on her cheek said ... yes, actually. She found herself speechless, honestly. That was the sort of thing she'd expected from the Sannin, not a young man she met a few days ago. But then again, this very well may have come from the saying about desperate times resorting to very desperate measures. Now was certainly one of those times. Her head slowly shook no but even then, she didn't try to move away from him again. The difference in physical strength was made clear to her, even if only using one arm to hold her. Her eyes shut tightly as she watched the tongue lash out once again, fearing the worst.

But that had been a major mistake on Orochimaru's behalf. Strong as he was, Danzo had taught her one thing while in ROOT training. Never turn your back to any opponent .. ever. And with her having slashed at him, he should have known that she wasn't on his side anymore. As he broke into a run, she did also. Aiyasha wouldn't need to catch right up to him, but she would need to be a bit more closer to him than she was now. Her blade vanished back into it's sheath. In the midst of catching back up, she would need her hands to do handseals for the technique.

Dog, Dragon, Rat, Ram ...

"Raiton: Amigumo ... "http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Spider_Webhttp://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Spider_Web

It would at least hold him long enough to allow the two more time and distance. And even without the webbing, the electricity would hurt him. While immortality was his goal, that wasn't what he was. Not just yet .. and she'd take advantage of that. After all, the lightning would weaken him so even if he still tried to chase them after freeing himself, his muscles wouldn't likely function nor react as easily.

Malin blinked partly disgusted by his actions. He didn't know what too say, but at the same time he kept running. He was holding Shizuki as close too him as he could feeling her weight on his arms, and adjusting the weight in his water walking jutsu. He was panting slightly, as he started too form hand signs using only one of his hands. He could do a few jutsu that would help him right now. As he made his hand motions the water under him began too briol slightly.

"Hold on! were gonna surf. Suiton: SuishĹŤha."http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Water_Shockwave As Malin yelled he lifted Shizuki a little higher throwing her onto his shoulders like he was giving her a piggy back ride, the water under them exploded creating a massive wave of water that he used the water walking technique on. He used his hands too control the motion and direction of the massive torrent of water, keeping himself balanced as he stood his ground. He was exerting a massive amount of chakra and his body hadn't fully healed, but thats when he used the secret weapon. With only swallow he took the chakra pill into his mouth feeling a rush of energy surge through him the wave seemed too increase in both size and power as well pushing them even further away. He wasn't trying too win this fight, but damn if he didn't feel like he could at that moment.

Orochimaru let out a small noise of pain somewhere between a curse, and a scream as he felt lightning and a sword bite into his body. He turned towards Aiyasha, he had given her the benifit of the doubt but now. As the net seemed too trap him, he phased through it, feeling his skin burn and crackle from the electricity of the attack. Using the Attack Prevention Technique He walked through her net, and turned his attention given completely too the girl that was trying too harm him. He opened his mouth but this time instead of a tongue he spat out a sword attached too a tongue, whiping the razor sharp blade towards the girl he started making hand motions.

"You, I have had it with your failures. He spoke with a venomous hate. He was angry for the first real time in a long time. He would tear her body in half and leave her for the fish too eat. He was sick of having too deal with these people on his own. Thankfully this was a pawn he had no further use or connection too. Her life was as good as gone, and then he could focus on getting the other two.

Aiyasha chuckled as Orochimaru spoke and charged towards her. She didn't even bother trying to move away from the blade but rather did a last set of hand seals. "Your own are about to begin soon ... starting with the loss of them .... " Coughs and winces passed as the blade went through. Purposely waiting for a few of the drops of blood to fall in the water, it would make this all the more effective -- and ironic simultaneously. The last hand seal was made as she placed a trembling hand upon the water. Again, it would give them ample time to get further away .. especially with all the supplies she'd given Malin not but long ago.

"Suiton: SenshokukĹŤ ... "http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_A_Thousand_Feeding_Sharkshttp://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_A_Thousand_Feeding_Sharks

Another massive wave - but not from Malin - would appear behind Orochimaru and only when he turned around would his amber eyes note it wasn't just water. But there were literally a thousand sharks all ready to chew upon anything in sight. While the blood was hers ... the blade belonged to him. And he'd just stained a good portion of it.

Managing one last weak smirk, her body fell forward as her last breath passed her lips. Hopefully, she'd done well enough for the two.

As more sounds of water caught Shizuki's ears, she turned her head in time to see an impaled Aiyasha and the wave begin to fall. Her head shakily turned ... before she looked slowly back to Malin. "...D...do you even know where you want to head to? I did manage to study those maps before Orochimaru appeared on the island. I .... I am glad you're okay by the way. I .. I just ... " Her arms gently wrapped around his neck as she shivered while he ran with her. Without a second thought, she let her head rest gently upon a shoulder.

Words were hard to figure out; both in her mind and in actually leaving her lips. She'd better explain when the former kunoichi was damn sure they were safe. It was clear the girl from behind them was doing literally any and everything to allow them time and the ability to get distance from the Sannin. Hopefully that wave would do something .. enough to allow them to accomplish their goal. Otherwise, the sacrifice would have been in vain; that much she had seen before Malin got too far away.

They would somehow survive this. That girl back there ... definitely wouldn't from that blade wound. And the fact she wouldn't have been able to try to heal her made the urge to cry only get stronger right then and there.

Orochimaru watched as Aiyasha died slightly content until he felt the water under his feet moving. He turned quickly enough too see the sharks, and realize that his blade was still covered in her blood, heck he was covered in her blood. He blinked for a moment stunned that this konoichi had enough power in her too use that jutsu. He turned for a moment ready too run from the onslaught of sharks, his foot catching on something in the water, Malin's last water clone, who had been freed from the paralasis technique was holding onto Orochimaru's foot. Even as he put his foot through the water clone he knew those seconds would cost him, and as the water washed over him, he screamed.

Malin's vision fadded for a moment as he heard the scream of the sanin, he didn't stop the wave however, not a chance. He knew the sharks wouldn't be able to kill Orochimaru, but he did most certainly know they would hurt him, and stall him. He felt Shizuki rest her head against him as he traveled out, they were now far enough away that he could let some of his body relax even as he controlled the flow of water under neath him. As Shizuki spoke he already knew the answer. "Konoha. We are going too Konoha, I don't know the direct way, but I know which way the continant is from Kiri, I have made the journey enough times too be sure of that." Malin sighed a low long breath as he held onto Shizuki.

good people would have died today. His home was being run by a mad man, and he was once again an outcast. However he had Shizuki with him again. He blushed slightly as he thought about it. "... I'm sorry, about hitting you. I panic'd. When we were seperated... I'm just happy too have you back." As Malin spoke he held Shizuki a little tighter.


Orochimaru coughed water as he landed on the shore of Kirigakure. The sharks had done damage, but nothing that he couldn't have fixed. He snarled slightly, cursing the world as he trudged too his feet. It didn't matter that he was bleeding, or that he had been thrown hard against the rocks of Kiri, or that parts of his body had been torn at by sharks. He had healers he would survive he always did. As for Shizuki, and Malin they got away for now, but next time he met either of them they would die. He had been far too generous too both Shizuki, and Kabuto... "Kabuto..." The name ran through his mind several times, he had offered Shizuki the chance too see her master again... maybe he would make that offer a reality.

A slow nod would be felt on his shoulder. If he had an idea on which was to go or not, that'd suffice for now. And more than that, Shizuki would trust him to ask for more definite directions if he needed them. Her eyes slowly closed, both from exhaustion and trying to gauge how long of a nap she'd had while Orochimaru had carried her back. Not likely more than twenty minutes. Hell, probably less honestly. She swallowed nervously, sneaking a glance upon the mark. Now the bastard had given her two, both not only strong but annoying in what they did to her. She may as well be a civilian at this rate. After a few blinks, the name 'Konoha' registered in her mind.

A nervous but inward chuckle echoed in her mind. She'd be lucky to be spared. They would eventually find out of her association with Kabuto and when they did .. she'd be dead or imprisoned. She knew of his betrayal to them and perhaps worse than that, just how badly he'd wounded them and other soldiers during the war. Especially with the Edo Tensei technique. It was one of the few she did not know. Then again, she wouldn't want to either. It really was quite the unholy thing to use .. she saw it more than enough times, along with the fact that in order to bring one back, you needed to sacrifice a life. It was hypocritical if nothing else.

A weary sigh finally passed her lips. "I'm fucking tired ... sore. If you find some place we can stop and rest at, take it. But until then, I'm gonna rest my eyes for now. And ... I know you are sorry. I'm glad also. Trust me. That bastard's face was one of the last I ever wanted to see again." And though she kept it to herself, she was 99% sure that had not been the last time she'd have to fear the Sannin. She'd give anything to be wrong .. but she knew him well enough. He was as hell bent and stubborn like herself. Especially when he wanted something.

Sure enough, her eyes stayed closed as she relaxed against Malin's body, trying to keep taking calming breaths more than anything else. She wanted to cry and whimper ... but maybe later. When she was alone. But now? And in front of Malin? No .. no point.

Malin's energy boost from the pill was only temporary, even as he moved the amount of energy he was putting into sustaining the wave and water walking jutsu were slowly starting too wear on him. Then there was still the fact that he was covered in burns. He knew that Shizuki would have healed him if she could have, she seemed far too drained too do anything, as he had yet too know about the actual reason behind her initial panic. He accepted the fact that she was tired. He was too, and so he did his best too raise the wave and increase speed. Till he could finally see the fast appraoching shores of the continent. He must have used this jutsu too travel at least a 500 miles in what felt like a half an hour, maybe less, but by the time he finally let the wave break and walked ashore he felt exausted having used up the last of the pill.

He took Shizuki's advice too heart traveling in land slightly and taking refuge far enough away from the shore that he couldn't see the ocean. Putting them under a set of tree's he set down Shizuki on the ground. It was then that he finally saw what had really happened in her fight with the sannin. His hand touched the five burned in symbols along her stumach. Before he simply let himself curl up around Shizuki. He felt almost like he was dead, with his energy crashing he put Shizuki's head against his chest and rested against a tree. Letting the world fade from his vision without having the thought too make a fire. Shizuki's body would afford him all the warmth he needed for the night, and vise versa. There was less of a chance of being caught then if they actually did make a fire. Part of him still thought that the reason those two had attacked them had been because of their old camp fire.

As Malin slept his hands wrapped around Shizuki's stomach holding her closely and making sure that he would wake up if she did. They were both exausted. They both needed too rest. Come morning there would be a chance too talk about what ever more information they needed. Like where exactly was the village hidden in the leaves. The forests of the land of fire were massive, and alien too him. Unlike the village hidden in the mist he found himself alianted by the lack of water around him. Sure he could conjure any water he really needed, but he still felt uncomfortable sleeping in someone elses country. Especially when he was being hunted by his own country. He didn't know what too expect from konoha, only that it was a good idea to go there. Apparently it was the one village that Orochimaru couldn't go too... that alone was reason enough for him too go there. even if they would likely both be imprisoned upon arrival. They were rouge ninja now, with no one else they could count on. Who in there right minds would know what too expect from a village that wasn't there own?

Shizuki could feel the pace slowing more and more, finally coming to a halt. It made an eye slowly open and note that they were at least away from Kirigakure. That wave from Aiyasha ... it must have been huge, or something about it to have slowed Orochimaru as much as it did. Her head bowed slightly. Another person had died to help her out. Not to say she wasn't grateful .. but she felt horrid and sick about herself at the same time. It was also true that she hadn't been as close to Aiyasha as she had been to Kabuto. All the same, it didn't get rid of the guilt sweeping through her.

Her head rested against the tree behind her and as Malin found the mark, she flinched slightly and almost instantly tensed up. She swallowed, trying to find her voice to explain ... but decided to do so in the morning. Not but moments after her head was guided upon Malin's chest did a few silent tears fall down her face. She was glad to be safe .. but it'd come with such a high cost. To try to do anything after tonight would be such a huge risk. They could both be hurt .. killed even. And she wouldn't be able to help either of them. "... I'm so sorry ... " She managed to murmur before literally crying herself to sleep, her arms wrapping around his waist.

Normally, she wouldn't bother with such an intimate action. But the last thing Shizuki wanted by now was to be alone .. especially without the ability to do any jutsus.

Even when morning arrived, she ignored it and slept in till closer towards noon, like around eleven or so. A low groan left as her eyes slowly opened and looked up towards Malin. "You up?" She asked gently, ignoring her stomach growling and tightly clenching.

Malin awoke too Shizuki's movement, hearing her voice he held her closer feeling just how sore his body was. He stretched slightly feeling his sides hurt more than usual. He looked at Shizuki brushing some of her hair for a moment with his hands. The reality of Aiyasha's sacrifice was slightly disturbing, but he honestly didn't feel guilty about it. Even though the death was completely his fault, he offered Aiyasha a chance too live, she had chosen her path, and now where ever she was, she was at least at peace. They say when you die your entire life flashes before you, and so, Any and all memories she had lost would have returned too her in the end. He had seen enough death in Kiri too know it was part of their herratage. Every single member of the village knew it was an honor too die for something you cared about. Aiyasha's death hadn't been in vain. He wouldn't let it be, he would get Shizuki too konoha, just as Aiyasha had instructed.

"I am now." He said lightly. It was a grey morning the wind felt bitter, they were definately in the last days of summer now. "Winter is comming." He said lightly for a moment, before shaking himself and waking up completely. He felt sore, but he was thankful too see that Shizuki hadn't left him in the middle of the night. He had never even really checked too see if this was the real shizuki now that he thought about it, but at the same time, he knew it was. If it hadn't been he would have woken up dead. He felt his stomach growl lightly along side Shizuki's causing a small laugh too escape him.

"Can you move? How are you feeling? How close is a village we can get some food at?" He decided too bombard her with questions. After all that had happened, getting too a village would be great. The idea of a bath house, or even just food that wasn't berries. There had too be something around here? They were on the continent. Villages, and towns were far more plentiful than in the island chains of Kiri, and the land of waves.

A light shiver trailed down her as the breeze got felt. She noted it was colder than usual and it easily confirmed his words on the upcoming season. " ... Damn .. " She murmured, chuckling softly. "I've never been fond of the season much despite having the correct chakras to be able to create Ice techniques." She added, inwardly sighing. Now even that opportunity was long gone .... at least until she could find someone to get the damn seal off of her stomach. And she had wanted to see about attempting it too. They were supposed to be damn powerful, she'd heard.

"Yes. Pathetic and ... " She glanced around, frowning lightly. "... Hell if I know. Is ... this Konoha? Somewhere before then?" She'd felt him move last night ... but hadn't paid heed to the exact directions she was guided towards. So whether this was just a nation nearby Konoha or the Land of Fire itself ... she'd need a sign - literally - to better confirm that. Unless, of course, he knew where he'd wound up taking them to. Even then, though, that wouldn't necessarily help out with where to go to find a village.

After a bit of a pause, Shizuki finally nodded slowly, a weak sigh passing her lips. "The best bet is to sense chakra and follow it. This though ... " She reluctantly let her hand trace along the Chakra Seal, biting angrily on her lower lip. "Well .. I meant what I tried to say last night. I literally can't do any techniques anymore while this is still on. Not even healing and ... I'm horrid at taijutsu. So ... I ... don't know what to do. I can't always stay behind or at a distance but ... it'd be stupid of me to risk being forced into a possible melee situation ... "

Her voice shook as the words trailed off, her grip on her lower lip tightening more. The violet hues gazed down, shame overwhelming her. She should have been able to do a bit more ... at least enough to keep this from happening. At least she thought so. After all, she'd been around Kabuto and Orochimaru so long. She should have done much more and been smarter of it all ...

Malin nodded slightly. He wasn't the best at Chakra detection, but he could manage. Finding the scent of a village was easy enough. He knew the location well enough too tell her where they would have been on the map, but the truth about the seal was troubling. She couldn't use any jutsu what so ever? He bit his lip. Malin only had water elemental jutsu, and the few family jutsu he had which were metal. His taijutsu wasn't great either but between the two of them he was almost certain that Shizuki was the better fighter. with her down it put both of them in danger. He smiled finally and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Well then we just have too find Konoha and get them too remove the seal. They have too have someone capable of it, and till then you will just have too stay close too me."

Malin closed his eyes putting himself into a small meditational state as he tried his best too find all the traces of chakra he could. Following the energy he found the strongest line of it. "Okay there's a road about a mile east of here that will take us in land. Right now were at a thin peninsula in the land of fire. Konoha is probably a few days walk. If we keep too the roads I think we would have an easier time getting there, and where there is a road there is usually a village. Which means a chance too rest in a real bed, get cleaned, and food... but till then."

Malin pulled out the pouch Aiyasha had given him, remembering that there was more than just chakra pills in here. looking through they had some money, but no real food. He sighed missing the boar that the two of them had killed oh so long ago. As he stood up he outstretched his hand. "We will figgure this out Shizu-chan." He said trying too give her a strong smile.

How? How could he smile at a time like this? More than anything, she wanted to break down. But knowing it'd get them nowhere kept her strong front steady enough. Exhaling deeply, she managed her own small smile back. He made the words sound so very simple. Hold on until they arrived at Konoha. But there was so much that could happen before they arrived there. Even mere bandits or other missing nin were now serious threats. "Goddamn him .. " She murmured, her hands quickly wrapping around her stomach to hide the seal. If it could be helped, Shizuki didn't want anyone else knowing of it. It was like a huge sign ... one that may as well have said something along the lines of 'Free jail/kidnap bait here'. If not both ... and if anyone with the right aspect and mindset was run into ...

Her head quickly shook no. She didn't want to think of that or anything that could wind up happening. It was genuinely terrifying her; a feat and emotion that wasn't common for her to normally feel.

Relief made her snap away from the thoughts and fears as Malin revealed they were at least in the land of Fire, just not yet Konoha. Well .. they definitely had a hell of a head start away from Orochimaru. So, for now, he should be out of the equation; long enough for them to actually arrive there. That made her feel somewhat better. But there were still so many uncertainties on what would end up happening to her, to them. Her mind instantly began racing, trying to figure out statistics she'd been taught and knew of. If it was only a few days away ... they could survive without food or water if it came down to it. It'd be annoying as hell, but not impossible.

As long as it didn't try to push too far past seven days ... they should be fine. As the hand was offered to her, Shizuki slowly took it. Her initial reply to figuring this mess out was 'I hope so .. ' but she changed her mind. Instead, a soft but sincere, "Thanks ... for everything, really." left her lips. It still annoyed her, knowing she had to look like the pathetic damsel. But everything that had still been haunting her ... she didn't want any of it happening. Especially rape of all things. She heard quite the number of rumors on how the human body could easily betray even the strongest of people and even during an act one didn't originally enjoy, it wouldn't matter in the end. Their body would react as if otherwise and she did not want to look like a slut to Malin.

"Well ... ready as I'll ever be, I guess. Let's go then." She finally replied, swallowing softly as she began to take soft steps behind him, ensuring to remain out of anyone's immediate reach. At least from the front side; beside and behind her, she was still somewhat vulnerable. But hopefully, none of that would even matter at all.

Malin stretched slightly, his grip on Shizuki's hand tightened slightly. He looked down at her stomach and how she was so desperately trying too hide the seal, and so it was that Malin took off his vest. He actually didn't know what had happened too his cape, at some point along the line it had probably fallen off into the ocean, but he still had the long green jacket. He shivered slightly as he pulled it off, and handed it too Shizuki. He didn't say a word about it, just pushed it into her hands. It was honestly a little hard too say or do anything right now when it came too that seal. Now that they were safe Malin honestly did want too talk about what had happened all the way back at the hot spring. How they had found themselves so close too kissing, how he had implied so many things, and part of him desperately wanted too take that kiss that Shizuki owed him from back then.

At the same time if he did, Shizuki was weakened. She had been shocked enough that he had slapped her in a moment of panic. If Malin made a move now while she couldn't really defend herself he may as well just call himself a rapist. He didn't want too take advantage of shizuki, he was better than that, even so the thought had occurred too him, How easily it would have been too just pin her down and take the kiss, maybe even a little more. Still he couldn't do any of that. Shizuki was his friend and partner, she had saved his life. It wasn't like the hot spring anymore where pinning her down back then had been part of a cute play fight, this time she couldn't even do that much. He sighed feeling the air against his exposed torso, and gave Shizuki a small pat on her back. "Don't mention it. We are in this together remember."

Honestly as much as he wanted too play the cool guy, Malin was lost. He wanted too ask so many questions he wanted too pry into Shizuki's past and find out more about her relationship to Orochimaru. He wanted to find out where Konoha was so he had a better heading then a road, and inland. He wanted food. He felt like he just wanted too punch something hard and scream out obscenities, but every way he cut it. He had too be the one too act strong. Shizuki wasn't a damsel not by a long shot, she was keeping him sane, because without her he would have thrown himself off a bridge by now. Being hunted by all of these people, and yet for some reason no one had managed too kill him yet. His life was a miracle at this point.

He walked beside Shizuki taking up part of the road as he walked. The sky threatened rain, and his eyes threatened too cry. It all seemed rather fitting really. Even so, he could find one peace of happiness, and his eyes were constantly watching it. As every few seconds he would just turn and glance over at Shizuki. Having her close had an odd calming effect on his rampant mind, and for a moment he just didn't need too say anything. Though he was almost certain his constant glances would be noticed by her.

Malin wasn't the only one thinking back to the kiss and the hot springs. It'd be sleazy ... but just to get rid of the pain that would come from her innocence being removed, part of her wanted to part her legs and beg for him to go on, to be her first. Yeah, right then and there ... she was partially that desperate. But she had more pride than to whore herself out. Besides, would it be better or worse if they ran into anyone with a rapist mindset and she wasn't a virgin? Insults that weren't true but would seem it could easily be hurled at her. And given how she was barely clinging onto any sanity of hers, she doubted that would aid out. If anything, such a type of scenario would likely break her, drive her completely insane.

Her hands seemed to react on their own as she took the cloth and pressed it against her, making sure to keep the mark hidden.

The slap .. she'd actually been able to forgive Malin for. True, she hadn't hinted it aloud but her mind had been made up ever since she woke up. And if anything, she somewhat owed and needed to thank him for it. If she hadn't gotten the harsh action, she never would have heeded his words or opened her eyes. And everything he'd hinted and said was right. Things would have gotten even worse if she remained with the Sannin and let him run ahead without her. Though Orochimaru had suggested he'd keep her locked away in the prisons to die, he could be a fickle man. Especially when he got ideas for experiments.

As Shizuki inhaled slightly, her gaze went up to the sky ... and she groaned. ".... Urgh!" The rain wasn't the issue; but rather the thought of it doing so and yet they hadn't found even a small village, inn, some place of residence to hide away in. If the storm began while they were still outside, there would be a huge risk of them getting a cold, pneumonia, or even die. Though Shizuki would likely be first; it'd be the third storm in about a week she'd been exposed to. The first was the one that occurred whilst heading toward the island in the boat, the second was upon arriving at the island and the third was last night. And between all the factors already against her .. she abruptly felt as if her life span had just been cut in half if not shorter.

Oh yes, she definitely noted the glances; though Malin would see he hadn't been the only one doing such actions. Shizuki had been silently gazing over towards him every now and again. It still seemed very unfair. Even if she hadn't meant to, Shizuki had put so much weight upon his shoulders. He literally had to do everything ... and all because she'd failed to hold her own against the Sannin. Her fists shook as she held the cloth against her skin and before she could try to hide her own away, more silent tears streamed down from her violet eyes.

Malin honestly had no patience for another sweep of rain. As Shizuki started too cry he blinked for a moment, trying too hold himself back from doing something stupid. He simply put a hand on her shoulder. While everything was on him when it came too combat, he was still very much depending on Shizuki. She was the one who studied the map, she was the more capable survivalist, and she was someone he needed at his side right now. Seeing her cry was enough too make him want too break down along side her. Instead however he turned away from her trying to avoid her gaze for a moment, and thats when he saw them, small puffs of smoke off in the horizon, the kind you would only get from a village's cooking fires. He blinked and his body shook for a moment as he put a hand on shizuki's shoulder pointing too it with a slightly gaped jaw. The two of them had been saved! They could find an Inn, and have a proper rest, find a map, and get too konoha, not too mention food.

Malin picked up the pace almost on instinct pushing Shizuki to do the same, as he ran. suddenly any words of comfort were lost as he for the first time in several days had a clear goal in his mind. and that was too find that village! Nothing else mattered and he B lined for it taking Shizuki with him at his side. His face had gone from extreme depression too almost exuberant happiness. They were saved! and nothing else mattered than that. There was no need too say anything at least until they reached it. Taking a small path through the forest he kept his eyes trained on those stacks of smoke.

The village was small. More like a traders town in all respect it had a collection of buildings an open air market, and not much else. Still it was enough, and Malin could almost feel himself shaking as he walked into the town's inn, which was by far it's largest building. As the sky continued too make it's threats Malin could have cared less they were in doors now, and they had money. Malin walked up too the teller and got a room, wanting too save as much money as he could he only asked for one room. As well as getting the time for the next meal. For the moment the two of them were safe, and nothing else would matter past that. He sighed happily walking into the room, and dropping down onto honest bedding. Just the fact that he could feel his head on a pillow made him want too sleep even harder, but there was so much more that needed too happen.

"A real bed, food for the night, and a bath house out back. even for a cheap trader town they have everything I have ever wanted at this very moment." Malin chirped. This was a find he could be happy with. Even if it had costed half of their only money for the one night stay and food, Malin would have payed any price for this. He stretched himself out on the bed, feeling the world come too be at peace as he looked at Shizuki. "After dinner we can go into town and find a map, but since we missed lunch the lady said that the next meal won't be for a few hours."

As Shizuki felt herself being dragged away, a weak "....Huh?" passed her lips. But she saw the smoke, town, and inn soon enough. A long sigh passed her lips. For far too long, it felt like some malignant and evil figure, god even, had watched over her. Finally they'd been shoved away enough to allow for the chance to keep from being caught in the storm. Using the back of her free hand, she quickly began wiping her tears away, allowing herself to calm down. Words almost failed to leave her so she let Malin do the talking. A low yawn passed her lips as they walked in the room and her eyes caught sight of the bed. The sand hadn't been too horrid upon the island .. but an actual bed? With a mattress? How long had it been since she'd felt this surface?

Far too long, given the answer was failing to come to her mind. And not caring on reactions, she laid down beside Malin. "I don't know about you .. but at least for myself, I do want a slight alteration with my choice of wardrobe. I've had these damn clothes for .. years. And I'm not like typical women, I swear. I find reasonable things and I don't go overboard with how much I find. But ... just .... I really don't feel like walking around with a target sign of sorts exposed, you know?" And it really had been a hell of a while since she'd done a wardrobe change and could only begin to guess how long it'd been for Malin.

Her eyes slowly closed and were it not for the fact that he'd said dinner was in a few hours, she'd sneak in a quick nap. But then she'd oversleep and miss everything, including dinner. She had wondered slightly on where the abrupt money seemed to come from. After all, they'd been completely broke on the island. But between her actions and knowing Malin and Shizuki had been separated, she began to add up two and two. The girl had not only sacrificed herself, but managed to give Malin several necessary items before dying.

Malin blinked his clothing was partly torn, worn on by sea salt and salt air. Not too mention the general wear and tear of the past few days. Some new clothing would help disguise them both, looking over his body he knew he could use something a little thicker, at the least he needed a rain poncho. A costume change would certainly help him, but at the same time he was also notticing a horrible smell from all that he had been through. There had been the stop in the hot spring a good two days ago, but since then he had been thrown in the ocean more than a few times, worked up a sweat fighting a sannin. been beaten and burned, he felt disgusting. Malin got up for a moment looking at Shizuki as she closed her eyes. He didn't want too leave her alone.

He swallowed for a moment his mouth rather dry, as he wondered exactly what too say. He had never really shared a bed with another person before. At least not nearly as closely as he had too with Shizuki. And as he leaned too get up he towered over her body for a moment, his eyes looking reflectively back down towards hers. What his eyes mostly stuck too however were her lips. Finally Malin just pulled himself away getting up he sighed. "There is a bath out back apparently. Before I go clothes shopping, I want too take care of my physical body at least as much as I can." He wanted too say that Shizuki was welcome too join him, but he didn't know if it would be approprate.

"Here's the money if you decide too go out, and you will know where too find me." He said lightly hoping that she would take the hint that he didn't actually want her too go clothes shopping. It was odd, had she not had that seal he would have just invited her to join him. Probably even make a crappy joke about how he would wash her hair for her. But with her being so vulnerable at the moment he didn't make any such movement, he didn't even dare take the kiss he had thought about for so long. Instead he created a distance between the two of them because it felt more like the gentleman thing to do. At least until they reached Konoha, then once that seal came off, he was certain he would be able too speak more freely too his desires. God he was confused, unsure at the moment if he even wanted too play the gentleman card or if it was even the right thing to do.
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