War Really Does Change Everything ... [Naruto RP, Yuna x Malin's 1x1]

Another chuckle left Shizuki, shaking arms desperately working on pushing herself up to her feet .... or trying to. "What ... we medical shinobi ... lack in physical strength ... we greatly make up for ... in dexterity. Don't ... underestimate us ... ever." Pants left in between words as she managed to get herself up on one knee, at least, though no further. Still, compared to the state he was now in, it had given her a chance ... an advantage. And with how things had gone from earlier, she direly needed. Her eyes remained right upon the archer's, a still shaking hand reaching down.

Her own teeth found her lower lip ... and slowly, painfully began yanking the arrows out one by one. Now that she could begin to focus on herself, she'd start trying to heal the wounds after getting the arrow heads out of her flesh. Each one that was pulled out caused her a wince but nothing more; namely because she was forbidding herself to scream.

"You're done ... " She merely stated, in a matter-of-fact-tone. "Wounds caused by that technique .. can only be healed by those who know it. The only other person I know of that used to .. is deceased. And I have no reason to help you so .... " Her smirk couldn't help but widen, her eyes never leaving Shiro's as she continued to work on the arrow removal.

Aiyasha, however, was getting tired of her fight. The boy was pushing her patience ... but the wide array of handseals suggested he was too. "Good ... about damn time you start getting serious. Though .. don't you think it's a bit too late, Malin? We both know ... I've all but won." Still, he continued and she tried to remember any jutsu that had so many handseals.

It hadn't been till near the very end that she could even guess ... and her eyes widened slightly. A bit of the vortex did indeed hit her, but she focused before it could make her drown or sink too far, disappearing - it seemed - into the water.

Water Release: Hidden in Water Technique ... http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Hidden_in_Water_Techniquehttp://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Hidden_in_Water_Technique

An inward sigh of relief left her as she re-emerged from the water in her true body. As quickly as possible, she sheathed her blade away and began swimming, an arm wrapping around Malin's waist. Soon, both broke the surface. A few coughs left Aiyasha as she swam towards the surface. Once upon the sand, she thrust Malin over a shoulder, keeping him held by the ankles firmly.

With determined and steady steps, she began heading back to Shiro, seeing how he was progressing with Shizuki. Hopefully he would be done so they could both leave ....

Shiro laughed slightly he may not be able to walk, but he wasn't done by any means of the word. He still had his bow, and he still had fight in him. He held up the bow pointing the arrow at her, he pulled it back. "So I am finished, but you won't get anything from me." He breathed heavily still feeling the pain as he coughed dropping the arrow and bow.

It didn't seem like he had a choice in the matter the only things he could do, were be captured, or die. ROOT valued it's secrets above all else, and there were others who would kill him far faster and far more painfully if he didn't do what he was required too. Breathing heavily it seemed like an easy choice moving his vest aside he revealed the explosive tags he wore on him.

Pulling one of the strings all of them ignighted. "Don't worry too much Aiyesha. I am only the start." He said with a smile the explosion would take him out along with most of this side of the immediate area, he was hoping that with all her injuries Shizuki couldn't run away fast enough. Either way he was not the type of person who could allow himself to be captured. Too many questions would be asked of him, and there would be many others who would take his place.


Malin's eyes opened softly as he felt himself carried over someones shoulder, his body felt sore, but he knew one thing was happening he was being taken, and if it got too the point where he would be going back to Kiri, He breathed lightly that wasn't gonna happen. He didn't know who this woman was, but he wasn't about too allow any of that. His body stayed limp as he focused. reaching up his sleeve he felt the cold metal of the Kunai he had been holding earlier.

He let the blade slip back into his hand before plunging the kunai into the womans spine as hard as he could. Turning the metal blade as he tried to bring it down into her back with a sudden movement. "Next time, maybe you will hold people so that their arms are in front of you." He said with a small laugh. His body felt tired, but he smiled any way.

"All but win this." He said lightly into her ears. With a small but sadistic laugh. He caughed slightly on just how water logged he was, but it felt good to finally had her in a position where he could hit her.

Shizuki's eyes rolled, scoffing at the choice of words Shiro used. "Hmph, the only thing I'd want anyways is to know why --- " And that was as far as she got, the sight of the explosives making her eyes widen. " .... Are you fucking insane?!" But he made no move to cut the fuses as a possible last second attempt to save himself. That alone spelled out just how serious he did seem to be. She had seconds .... literally.

And he was right; she wouldn't be fast enough, not in this state. Not to run, at least.

She did, however, have something else.

"Shunshin no Jutsu ... "http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Flicker_Techniquehttp://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Flicker_Technique

With a simple Ram hand seal, she moved herself away and out of range of the explosions. The fact it only needed one symbol was really Shizuki's biggest saving grace; otherwise she probably would have been caught in the blast. Her body trembled as she panted, still on one knee as she finally allowed herself to collapse to her feet, landing lightly on her rear. It hadn't ended the way she'd expected ... but for now, Shizuki was safe.

Hopefully, Malin was also ....

The abrupt feeling of cold steel suddenly registered into Aiyasha's mind. "... Brat!" She hissed angrily, her fingers digging deeper into his ankles. Her head turned at the sounds of an explosion ... and was confident enough it had come from Shiro.

"I'm ... not .... failing this so ... easily ... " She murmured through gritted teeth. Ignoring the pain as best as she could to focus on her next move, her body and Malin both soon got covered in electricity.

"Raiton no Yoroi .... "http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release_Armourhttp://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release_Armour

Her nerves abruptly felt as if they had woken up and were able to react faster. Taking advantage of this, along with the new adrenaline rush she was getting, she began darting off, still gripping Malin.

Not to say she didn't still feel pain within her body; more like she wasn't focusing on it. Maybe after she got them back to Kirigakure ... but right now ... she would focus on arriving at their destination. Her eyes remained looking forward through her mask as she tried desperately to achieve her goal, hoping the constant electricity would slow Malin down.

Malin grit his teeth feeling the pain of her jutsu. Surges of electrical energy pierced through his body. He coughed blood as he felt his muscles tighten his grip on the kunai tightening, as the metal became heated from the electrical charge. He caughed his eyes widened as he coughed the pain surged through him he fell back his body going limp his mind running blank from the pain. For a moment he thought his heart burst his lungs tightening from the pain in his chest. But as he fell unconscious his body reset slightly and he was able to breath.

He was barely concious now, his eyes drifting as his vision fadded in and out of reality, his hand hurt the worst, the kunai had burned it badly, but his entire body felt like dead weight. His mind was blank now. He couldn't escape from this woman while she held him. And her lightning armor had essentually made it impossible for him too move. He didn't have the chakra needed too throw anything else at her, and so now it seemed like he really was down for the count.

His only hope now was that Shizuki was still alive. If she had survived the explosion, he prayed that she had, the last thing he wanted was to go back to kiri. He didn't know how far the travel was back, but he knew he didn't want anything to do with that country. trying another approach he breathed slowly. "Who are you... really. You fight like a kiri... but your... not wearing our band." He had lost his head band in the ocean, not that he didn't want it back, but maybe he could try and talk his way out of this situation.

Shizuki's teeth found her lower lip as she bit lightly on it. She would give Malin time to return. If by the time she finished patching herself up though ... she shivered. The woman hadn't seemed like much; though then again, the mask made it hard to determine what one could guess she appeared like or didn't anyways. Switching from the Chakra Scalpel technique to the Mystical Palm, she first began yanking out any arrows she'd missed, a wince leaving as each one left her skin. Pants left her lips, shivers trailing down her spine as she rested her hands upon her body. The wounds sealed up quick and easy enough ... but her body was still sore as hell.

Her eyes closed as she let her head fall against the back of a tree. Please ... let him be okay ... Then her eyes quickly opened as she remembered what she'd meant to do before the duo had showed up. Crawling weakly to all the books the clone had returned with, Shizuki's eyes finally traced the same route that Shiro had ... and blinked in amazement.

".... Really? How though? I thought this place was impossible to find ... " Regardless, she now at least knew where she was; if nothing else, she could later on use her chakra sensing abilities to track Malin. They weren't the strongest .. but they weren't the weakest either. It would be enough to find him if it was needed; though she definitely didn't want it to come down to that either.

" .... Worry much more of yourself, Malin. I will at least say I am from Kirigakure as yourself; but why the headband is gone is not of your concern. In fact, it should be one of the very last worries if I were in your spot." For the rest of the walk, Aiyasha remained deathly silent, hearing only hers and a bit of Malin's pulse as they walked. It'd be another ... few hours or so until they finished reaching the final destination. Hopefully he could wise up and behave until then; she didn't want to kill him, knowing he would be useful to Orochimaru-sama in his own ways. But if she was forced to resort to such measures ... she would and without a second thought.

Malin caughed lightly as he was being caried back to the place where he had just escaped from. He knew the truth, once they got to that location it was the end of him. He would die, his abilities torn from his body, and there was no real hope of ever escaping this fate. One that was almost sick in just how cruel it was. He didn't seem to have any hope, the woman that was carrying him seemed to have agreed on that account. Still he wanted to buy some time, maybe cause her too bleed a little more, he didn't want to go down without a fight.

"So, how much did you get for selling our villages future?" Malin spat bitterly towards her. If he was gonna go down he was gonna at least get the answers he wanted from this woman, and who knows maybe provoking her could be how he got the time he needed for an escape plan. biting his lower lip to help him stay awake he breathed and coughed lightly still feeling weak. "You realize of course that now that Kiri has reverted, people will die. Exams like the old days, those brutal legends that left so many families with out children, and so many young children with psychological traumas. The purges already returned, how long till that paranoia grows, and what do you get out of betraying the fourth Mizukage? We all know what happened too her. She helped change Kiri from what it was, and now all her work is wasted by this new guy... has anyone even looked into his background? I'll tell you something about your new leader... he smells like a corpse."

By now, a frown was across Shizuki's lips. She was done healing and still nothing from Malin. Pushing herself wearily up to her feet, she half-walked and half-limped towards the water. " .. Malin-san?! Malin?!" Her heart raced and sank when she got no reply nor saw any hints of him. Her head bowed, her fists clenching angrily as they punched the water. She should try to trace him now ... before it became too late and she arrived too late. But her body was barely cooperating as it was; hell, just standing up had been a chore. And trying to stay on her feet was more of one.

A hiss of agony left as she collapsed again, her legs giving in but this time for good --- at least until she healed up much better. Glancing up towards the sky, tears formed in her eyes. She didn't want to be alone again ... and now because she'd taken too long in her fight against Shiro, that possibility was lingering over her again. Her eyes slowly closed, some stray tears falling as they did. A silent prayer was sent up .... just in case some god or goddess may be listening and heeding the following words.

Please .... whatever happens to him, at least let him live somehow ...

The mental and physical fatigue took over and slowly - reluctantly - she felt herself pass out, half of her body upon the sand, the other submerged in the water.

Aiyasha remained silent, all the questions going through her mind several times over first. She wouldn't answer all of them nor do so completely. However, she figured it wouldn't kill him to amuse him just a bit. A smirk behind her mask crossed as she gave a light nod after double checking with herself she was fine with doing this.

No reason not to. Though he wasn't the main one Orochimaru-sama wanted, he was one nonetheless. It'll make up for failing to bring the girl back.

"Hmph, I had nothing to do with the betrayal of the Fourth Mizukage. I wasn't in Kirigakure when that happened. I was a lost soldier -- mentally lost, that is. I'm sure you've been wondering about the outfit .... if you've heard of ROOT, you know what I speak of. If not .... think of it as an elite force of sorts within Konohagakure. I served Danzo-sama proudly ... until his demise. I am now under another's wing. You will meet him soon; do not worry. You're more useful to him alive than dead."

She said no more, answering and not his questions at the same time. In truth, she didn't know much on Orochimaru; but she did know that Danzo must have known him well enough at one point in time to suggest serving him when 'the time was right'. Not only had he suggested it, he put in damn good word and recommendation about her and Shiro to the Sannin. But aside from feeling that his chakra was huge and plentiful, she knew only one other thing. He loved experimentations; it was the fate both Malin and Shizuki were going to have, though probably different in nature. Shizuki, however, seemed to be set up and ready; he would just need to confront her ... or something. Malin ... would have to be 'prepared' and 'set up' .... no doubt a painful process she could only imagine. And just the thoughts and possibilities on how Orochimaru would go about it made her cringe ... very glad that she wouldn't be part of that sort of thing.

Malin let out a harsh laugh as he heard Aiyasha's reasonings. Part of him really wanted to stab her again, for her ignorance. But still he let out his laugh his eyes shifting slightly colder towards her as he thought over what he had heard. "So you were a spy that infiltraited an orginization on her orders, then you turned traitor, and then you turned traitor a second time, Holy shit do you even have a single shred of honor left in you?" Malin said accusingly towards her.

His eyes weakened slightly as he felt fatigue wash through him. Shizuki wasn't coming that part seemed obvious. They were well on their way back to Kiri now, and even if there was an escape plan he was at Aiyasha's mercy. There was almost nothing he could do to resist against her power, which made him kind of sick. To even think that he was going to die like this, he desperately didn't want to die, but it was gonna be so much worse than just death alone. He needed something anything that would stall her just a little longer. The thought of being left alive was unlikely, most likely scenario was that he would be harvested for his abilities, considering he had already broken away once when they had tried to take him. If they hadn't spared him back then there was little chance they would keep him alive now. "Don't suppose I get a dying request do I? Oh who am I kidding someone like you doesn't really care. Your just the mindless ant carrying out the overlords orders. Not one thought in your own god damn head, and not one shred of loyalty either. Your village, your family, your future children if you lived long enough to have them all will suffer and die because your a bitch. Sorry if I seem a little like im complaining but trust me not a whole lot of good in my world right now"

The one shred of good was back on the island, looking back she was miles away now. Shizuki was gone from his life, and he felt a moment of panning regret, he never even got his kiss. Not to mention everything else that hot spring could have offered him. He shivered the moment passing, he felt more awake, after the cold slap of reality, but at also he felt a little more dead inside.

"Just save your breath. If not for yourself, you'll need it for when you get to watch and hear Shizuki have her turn done on her." If Malin hadn't heard or known about the training within ROOT and how people were completely if not mostly emotionless, Aiyasha had all but displayed how well it worked. No regret, no remorse ... just pride in having accomplished her mission as her feet continued to guide the two back towards Kirigakure, to Orochimaru-sama. A light shrug was the only response he got in regards to the last several questions on a dying wish. "It is not my call nor concern. Though I do have one thought of my own ... " Her eyes closed for a few moments, ice entering her tone as she finished empowering the electricity flowing around them. "It's called you talk too much and are becoming annoying. Take a nap, boy."

Malin was struck with another hard shock too his system as he felt his body seize up. This time it was enough too send him into unconsciousness for real, the world fadding away as he looked back towards the island where he had only a few moments ago been safe. Shizuki would come after him, he knew that much, It was only a matter of time. But how much time did he have? he was on his way back too Kiri now, and there was no telling the pain that awaited him. His last thoughts, were oddly enough of the kiss he never had. before the world fadded from his vision.

Orochimaru sat at the desk of the mizukage, a dead mans face covered his true face, and so far the world believed he was dead. A belief he was more then willing to support considering his final set backs at the hand of the child uchiha. His hands tightened for a moment, after all the work he had put in, all of the plans it had all been ruined by the very child he had hoped too use. It was a cautionary tale about giving away too many secrets at once, and in the end the child along with his elder brother had ended up crushing his body and leaving him broken. It was with luck that he had managed to take over a new host, and make it here too the village hidden in the mist. Taking a place as the mizukage's left hand till the time had been right, and now he once again had a village at his command. The village of bloody mist, a name that had a fine ring too it, but he had taken far more then just the village. The network of spies that Kirigakure had in all the villages across the world was more then enough too forgive the loss of otogakure. Even if the culling of old had left the village rather devoid of kekigenkai for him too study, this village was far from bland. He knew secrets now that would make starting a new war easy, the problem was this time he would need to win it.

So far he had pawns, good ones too, but he needed more then that if he was going too win. For now he had no choice but too bide his time with the face of a dead man, but he didn't mind. there were interesting things he could do with this village. He had already started to stir many of the old hatreds and feelings of it's people. He had taken a few members of the remaining clans for his own experiments, and now he was just waiting on his most recent project. They would be coming into the village in only a small time he was sure of it. Hopefully with the boy, and girl in hand.

Finally, Malin passed out. Were the electricity having another purpose aside from calming him, she'd let it fade. But the second that happened, she would likely collapse herself. The additional speed and stamina it was giving her, no matter how temporary, aided her greatly out. It took a few more hours of walking; why run? She was in no hurry and even when Malin woke up, he would definitely be sore. With any luck, his muscles would need a while to adjust due to the electricity. And knowing he had Water chakra like herself, it definitely didn't mix in well. Once they returned, Aiyasha quickly thought of an agenda and to-do list.

And first on that was getting Malin in a secure location. Temporarily ignoring and slipping past the Sannin, a firm look of resolve would have been seen if she had her mask off as she headed to her first destination. Beneath the Mizukage's office, Orochimaru - the true name of the new leader - had made a dungeon of sorts. Some of the cells were empty but had hints they used to have people, others still had people - experiments - within them. Choosing one of the unused ones, she unceremoniously tossed Malin in, shutting the door. From inside her pouch, she pulled a tag; chakra one to be exact. Placing it over the lock, Malin wouldn't enjoy realizing how drained it would make him when he woke up. The last thing herself or Orochimaru would need was for him to escape via any of his techniques. The tag would definitely see to that.

Now.... that damn nuisance's kunai ... Producing a clone of herself, she nodded for it to go behind her. It gave a silent nod before yanking the weapon out from her back, making her wince and pant in agony. It'd been a chore walking with both Malin and that damn thing lodged in ... but it would also be worth it. Especially since Aiyasha wound up performing not only her own duties but Shiro's as well ... given how things had gone with him.

And finally ... reporting back time. Waiting for her clone to apply some bandages really quickly onto the wound, she slowly walked upstairs. Pulling her mask off, she got down on one knee before Orochimaru, panting slightly as her head bowed. "I ... I'm back. Shizuki ... was at the Island of Whirlpools. Shiro ... offed himself so ... I couldn't get both. But I did return with Malin, the one who has been sought after by Kirigakure for quite a while himself now. Shizuki .. will likely be weakened for a while."

Hopefully she was being accurate enough with all that Shiro had or hadn't done; Malin hadn't exactly given her the chance to watch. But she did know this much ... the explosions that had been heard were definitely from Shiro. From the file on Shizuki, she wasn't capable of such things, having been trained by Yakushi Kabuto. And he almost never, if ever, used exploding tags. So something had definitely happened ... and with Shiro failing to return to her, she was pretty damn sure he'd done a stupid, stupid thing.

Hopefully, he'd wounded her enough before then, though. so either herself or Orochimaru could deal with the medical kunoichi.

The loss of Shiro wasn't at all that troubling pawns like him were a dime a dozen, and he still Aiyasha, and now the metal breaking child as well. The last of a strong blood line like his would prove too be a handy weapon one way or another. This body was after all rather borrowed, and didn't carry with it any special talents, only the knowledge Orochimaru himself had saved up over the years. Forbidden jutsu were one thing, but maybe he could use Malin's body as a temporary host and take with him a new set of powers. Leaning back into his chair he listened too the rest of Aiyasha's report, the only thing he found truly troubling was the pressence of shizuki. He blinked for a moment hearing her name.

~So Kabuto's little brat was still alive~ She wasn't as useful as Kabuto, but she knew most of his old medical tricks. Her master had served him ever faithfully in the past, and now it was about time that his student started too do the same. He could easily get fifty years worth of service from someone as skilled as Kabuto, and just the thought of it made his eyes seem too glow. She was weakened? Now was a time that he could take her, if he remembered correctly she did still have the cursed seal on her. It's corrupting influences would make her easier too track now that he actually knew she was alive. He always found his children after all. He got up from his chair sliding slightly across the ground as he did. "You have done well for me Aiyasha, if you would be so kind too guard Malin while I am away cleaning up after shiro's messes."

Root had been one of his more successful take overs, who knew the village in the mist had so many spies, but in becoming the mizukage and inhareting all of it's influences and powers it seemed he had found at least one new child that he could use. "It's tiring for someone like me too have too clean up after another mess, but you did well. And I wouldn't want too send you back out there when your still injured." He put his hands on her shoulders, taking an appraising look at her. He would have too deal with Shizuki, which wouldn't be the easiest task in the world, but he would want too keep track of this one a little closer. He ran his tongue along his teeth inside his mouth showing her none of the motions as he contemplated it, his eyes percing hers for a moment. "Rest easily for now." He said with a small sigh and started too take his leave, as much as he wanted too he felt he would need his chakra for the encounter with Shizuki, and if he gave her the cursed seal now there was no way that she would be able too remain conscious enough too take care of her prisoner, and he couldn't risk that boy escaping a second time. It made the Mizukage look bad if it were too happen again.

Even while Aiyasha had been in Danzo's 'custody' and training, the elderly man had never really bothered him. But the second the Sannin's hands rested upon his shoulders --- she felt herself damn well nearly tense up and jerk away. There was just something about the man that was .... making her incredibly anxious all of a sudden. And when even Danzo hadn't had that sort of charisma within him .. it said something about what type of person this Orochimaru truly must be. Thankfully, she'd passed the 'emotionless' test very well; enough that she had enough faith in herself to hide the fact that the Sannin was actually making her nervous, regardless of how much or little.

The silence seemed to tick like an annoying ass clock and after what felt like forever, Orochimaru finally spoke up. Her head bowed, deciding the orders were more than fair enough. "Of course, Orochimaru-sama." She replied, glad that she wouldn't have to clean up after Shiro-baka. Really .. had he been beaten so badly that the only way out was suicide? Or what must have been, given she failed to find any hints of him. If so ... Shizuki was more than she appeared, just like herself. It would make things interesting for the Sannin, if nothing else.

Her feet easily and wearily led her back to the dungeons. Collapsing in front of the door, she allowed her eyes to close. Even Orochimaru had just finished thanking and praising her. That was more than enough incentive for her to sneak in a quick nap. Besides, if Malin moved, it wouldn't be like he would be able to get past her. And if worst came to worst ... she could be a very light sleeper when needed. When the timing was right, even just mere movements could catch her ears and make her wake up.

For now, the ROOT member allowed her eyes to close. Her breathing got lighter ... lighter ... before finally she fell asleep in front of the door.

On the opposite end, Shizuki woke up with a bit of a start. That damn nightmare which showed Kabuto getting killed before her own eyes had repeated several times over ... and it was making her pant and hold herself. It really hadn't helped knowing the blade had been meant for her ... and he still took the blow. It made a low whimper pass her lips before she got a mental grip on herself. Slowly getting to her feet, Shizuki began to look around. And as the dawning came to her that Malin was still gone, it made her frown slightly.

Whomever he had gone against must have been rather strong and tough. And aside from seeing the individual had worn a mask of some sort ... Shizuki hadn't gotten any hints. So she had no idea on what to possibly expect ... and it made her rather terrified. But she ignored the inward shivers for now. At the moment, the medical kunoichi had another focus; surviving for at least one more day and then leaving. There would be no point in remaining here; they'd been found out of already. Though how ... was still bothering her.

"First thing is first .... " She murmured lowly, going and gathering some berries and coconuts. It was a bit odd ... but without Malin, her appetite seemed to have decreased. Then again, she now had to defend herself ... worry for herself. A bunch of invisible weight seemed to find and rest upon her shoulders ... and goddamn it hurt like a bitch.

Wincing slightly, she went back toward the place they'd made a fire at and begin to eat. Her eyes rested upon all the books that her clone had brought and no sooner than her violet hues caught them all did she make up her mind. She would get rid of them after studying the maps and remembering exactly where each nation and island was. That, though, would come after eating. A quick glance upward showed it was night ... evening most likely to be precise. Hopefully, that would work to her advantage.

When she needed to, Shizuki could see rather well in the dark. And thankfully, she knew it wasn't often the same with other people. So hopefully that would give her an edge ... for whenever it was needed.

Malin's head hurt, like a bitch actually. It was a low thud as he awoke his eyes stinging as the colors bled into the room around him. It felt like a hang over, but was due too being dehydrated, and electrocuted. He felt around feeling his hands and feet move freely. He seemed too have been dumped into a cell. He looked around the room, it was most certainly a jail cell. The first solid thought that hit his mind actually made him laugh slightly. He had once been a guard on the other side of those doors. It was a staggering thought one that made him slightly more sober as he woke up. He needed a plan, as he looked around the room, he could already feel his energy suppressed. It would have been difficult if not impossible for most people too make a jutsu work under these conditions. He gave a small horse cough as he sat up taking better note of his surroundings. He had a bed, he had a bunch of chains on the walls, and he had his chakra suppressed. Okay no ninjutsu that was shitty, metal would work on him now like any other material, he felt a little vulnerable without his skin protecting him.

He couldn't focus on what he couldn't do that type of thinking would lead him too dead ends. He was tired, and thirsty, but he could still move, and that meant he still had taijutsu. Not his best skill... but it was better than having nothing. He had full mobility even as he checked everything he gave a small cough feeling how dry his throat was. He sighed. "Hey guard... any chance you can get me a drink? water would be nice?" He said lightly. He wasn't sure what he was gonna do about his abilities, but he knew that this place was too dangerous for him too linger around in. He was gonna die if he stayed, executed and then dissected, non of that sounded pleasant too him, and so Malin had too hatch some kind of escape. The only thing that was really getting on his nerves was the lack of time he probably had. Who knew when he would be taken and killed, and that was if he was lucky. Kiri was known too doing a lot worse too it's criminals. He just never thought that he would be one of it's criminals.

Orochimaru stood still as a serpent carried him along the waters edge. It wasn't every day that he actually had too do field work. In fact he much preffered being in the shadows. Now however wasn't one of those times, and he actually felt a bit of a chill of excitement creep into his veins. Orochimaru still had too wear the skin of a deadman, so it wasn't immediately recognizable too who he was. Though the giant snake he was riding on was a bit of a dead give away. For now this was just the fastest mode of transport he could summon, and for right now he needed that speed. His target was Kabuto's student. That made time of the essence because every moment he wasted was one she was healing. The really frustrating part was that he didn't actually know where on the island she was.

By the time the island came into view it was late evening. He took a deep breath of air preparing himself. He would either need too take her down completely, or convert her back too his side. She had worked with him once before, but that had been for Kabuto's sake. Damn it! she was his mistake, he should have made Kabuto send her away when they found her. Let her starve on the street and die like so many others. Instead he let Kabuto keep a pawn of his own because he believed that Kabuto would never have betrayed him, and in the end he hadn't. The fool had just thrown away his life before he could have been more useful, and now all the medical knowledge Kabuto had was gone, apart from what remained inside that girl. He stepped onto the shore the snake dismissing as he walked onto the sand. This island would either be the girls grave or the start of her new life, that choice was up too her. It was dark, which suited him just as well. After all he had spent most of the last twenty years living in cave after cave, he had multiple ways of seeing in the dark. too him this was just like home.

The weak but still very audible voice that suggested Malin had woken up caused Aiyasha to follow suit. If he hadn't recognized the head of raven hair, the harsh and emotionless tone that would soon echo in his ears would definitely give away whom his 'guard' was. "Hmph .. do you take me for a fool, boy? No. My orders are to watch you; nothing more nor less. Just be good and sleep upon the cot. Regain your strength while you have the chance. The Mizukage has gone to retrieve Shizuki personally. He will be back soon enough ... and once he is done with her, you're likely to be next. So take full advantage of what time you have left. That would be my best advice."

If one could call it 'advice', that was. Still, the words were genuine despite the cold and cruel tone that came with them. That much could be obvious to Malin. Now ... would he heed the words or not? She had more than enough ways to make him if push came to shove. True, she was weakened and nothing would be quite as effective; but compared to what she'd allowed him to keep .. it would do a lot worse to him than he could begin to do to the ROOT spy. And that, in itself, was a hell of a good start.

With the lack of desire to eat, Shizuki finished up soon enough. She had finished studying the last book and had been ready to pick them all up and toss them away. It was faint ... but soft sounds of footprints upon the sand got her attention. And without a second thought, she got up to her feet, pulling a kunai out. With how almost no one knew of this island - and those that did had been against her - she assumed the worst. This wasn't Malin; he would have likely called out for her by now. Hell, maybe even run to her and embraced her. And the lack of such a reaction only confirmed this was probably Shiro and that other ninja's ally of sorts. Definitely no one she wanted to deal with ... especially while still wounded.

The bleeding had been stopped for a hell of a while by now. But the pain still remained and even as Shizuki got up to her full height, she let out a low wince, panting lightly out of instinct. Her eyes went to the fire ... before she shook her head no. Even if she got that put out, there would be no point. There would likely be little to no time to do that plus get herself distance from ... whomever this was. So she went with the latter.

And with all her instincts plus an adrenaline rush surging through her, Shizuki broke into a run. As much of one as she could get into, at any rate. Hopefully though, this individual whom had gone through the trouble of trying to seek her out hadn't been too close. Or if nothing else, she could keep her footsteps as light as possible ... get enough of a head start even in her wounded start ... something of the like. On the off chance she couldn't fully prevent herself from dealing with this person, however, her grip upon the kunai increased in her right hand.

She hated taijutsu .. but if push came to shove, she could use it. Hopefully the other individual wouldn't be much better though as she remembered Shiro .. a shudder trailed along her spine. It definitely wouldn't be likely. Simultaneously, it didn't stop the slither of hope from entering her mind.

Malin leaned back on his bed, smiling as he realized who his guard was. he hadn't actually looked out the door, but it was something he was actually grateful for. He refused her advice, he had been a guard in this prison. He knew it better then most, and she was a spy from another nation. Aiyasha hadn't really searched him, and he still had his clothing. He breathed happily for a moment opening his vest too open up his chest more. Looking over himself for a moment he could see where he was burnt. He kept as quiet as he could for a moment looking over his chest, and the inside linings of his vest. He smiled lightly as he found what he was looking for and let his head collapse against a pillow for a moment. The news that the mizukage was going up against shizuki was troubling too him, slightly tragic even. He liked Shizuki a lot more then he had admitted even though they had only met for two days or so, he missed having her around.

"So you were a spy right? How long did Kiri train you for? actually no... How long till root broke you?" As Malin spoke he let his head hang off the side of the bed looking at the door. "Your clearly not Kirigakure anymore. Maybe one day you would have been, but not anymore. So what was it? torture? They broke you, rebuilt you, and then what? Or did you make a friend? you had someone on the other side you thought you could trust and then they went and exploded? or is there a third option that I am not considering. Oh you don't have too answer any of this. See I don't have anything too live for at this point so I may as well just poke around inside your mind while you have too sit out their and guard me."

Malin spoke with a bright smug smile, watching the door constantly. He was waiting, calculating. Trying too hit as many of her buttons as was possible. "Oh Maybe the friend you had was the person who tortured you? come on you can tell a fellow traitor, what made you turn away from your parents village."


Orochimaru sighed lightly as he heard someone run off into the night. The camp fire he came across was still burning bright as he walked into it's light. He Licked his lips for a moment scenting the air and confirming that it was shizuki. So Aiyasha had been correct about who they had been following. He looked around for a moment finding the foot prints of his target. She was hurt and running. However before attempting too run after her he consealed himself in the shadows, using a transformation jutsu. He staggered out into the light of the fire, not looking like himself but rather as a much beaten Malin. He gave a heaving acting breath as he fell in front of the fire trying too explain why he hadn't immediately called out for shizuki.

"Shizuki?" He coughed pretending too be badly hurt. Orochimaru laid out on his back by the fire, setting a trap, for when the girl returned too the voice of her crippled friend. Why run after her and waist the energy? This way she could come right into his trap, and he would have her easily. Of course he needed too use all of his skills as a liar too convince the girl that he was hurt. Kabuto could see a faker from miles away, this girl on the other hand wasn't Kabuto, she wouldn't even do as a replacement, and the fact that he died instead of her was an insult too his greatest tool. Still he waited laying down and looking up at the stars, waiting for his pawn too fall into his trap, and take the bait.

" ... None of your damn business or concern." She merely replied. Though the tone was mostly calm, it was slightly annoyed. But that was all she would begin to hint to him. What he couldn't hear echoing through her mind ... was in all honesty, she hardly recalled was the better wording. In the midst of all her training, she'd been - for a lack of better wording - rewritten completely. And not just in her personality but memories. All that was coming to her in terms of people and things she could immediately remember were things like Malin, Kirigakure, Danzo, the Sannin ... things of that nature.

But her true past and family? All gone. Malin may as well have popped a bubble and burst it; the lack of being able to remember anything had been as swift and effective. But she had been trained soon after and taken the lessons up easily enough. She was nothing but a rather emotionless soldier, assassin if she needed to alter her jobs. But she was damn proud of herself ... right? As her eyes blinked, she suddenly began to ... question that?

But ... why now? Why at all? No one had made her second guess herself before; so why was this boy starting on her? She shook her head furiously and quickly, scoffing softly. "Still none of your affairs ... " She replied again as the last question barely managed to catch her ears. By now, Aiyasha wasn't sure whom she was trying to convince more; herself or Malin.

"....Malin?!" Her heart raced as she turned. It hurt to stop herself in midrun ... but if that really was him, she couldn't go much further. It wasn't permanent though a slight limp was in her legs as she hurried back. And sure enough, her eyes saw what appeared to be Malin. But Kabuto had taught her everything he knew; and refusing to let her guard down so easily was one of those things. If something was too good to be true ... there was often a reason for it. And right now, her mind was screaming that .... something was very amiss.

Slowly, she began to approach 'Malin', albeit her grip on the kunai did anything but loosen. If anything, it seemed to get more firm. "That kunoichi ... you got away from her then?" She asked softly, staying a few steps away from his arm being able to grasp her. Just in case it would be needed for something of the like; much better safe than sorry. "So .... who was she? That was a she, wasn't it? It was hard to tell with the mask she had on." The real Malin would know basic answers to the seemingly simple question.

Though even with those ... she wasn't sure if she'd feel confident enough to just .... help out. Not yet. Her mind and heart both raced ... and a better question came to her mind that she would use after she heard the replies to the first couple ones. If this Malin seemed to pass the first test, then the next one would no doubt be more difficult to answer correctly without having read his mind. Or doing a similar tactic of sorts.

Malin smiled lightly, he didn't have too see her face too know his taunts were working ever so lightly. He leaned back against his bed, his fingers were still messing with his vest, trying too make a sound as he moved through the internal netting of his clothing. He smiled lightly his eyes still focused on Aiyasha as he searched his clothing. He knew that the door was only gonna open from her side, his plan thus came in two parts, getting her too open the door, and then dealing with her when he had the chance. "Certainly the only concern I have is my own looming and fortelling death, and since that is a bleak and ever so depressing subject I choose too take up a business that is not my own. In example yours." He said with a light smile, He knew by her silence, and just how lost in thought she seemed too be that he was pushing the right buttons, but he decided too stir the pot a little more.

"Aiyasha, do you have any regrets? Do you remember your mistakes? Mine was too not take a kiss from a woman I liked when i had the chance." He sighed lightly as he thought back too the whirlpool which was only a few hours ago, but felt like a life time ago by his records. "I didn't take a step forward when we were both vulnerable, and instead I ended up here, gonna die still a virgin still without a kiss. That's my sad story. So what about yours? which was it? come on I shared mine. Is it you don't want too talk about your history with kirigakure? or is that you don't remember. Funny really I have heard about some genjutsu that can litterally rewrite your mind if you aren't careful. Indoctrination... truly one of the worst possible fates I could imagine." Malin gave a sad sigh, trying his hardest too play with Aiyasha's head, and he was almost damn certain it was working in his favor too.

"Course even if you don't remember it Kiri keeps the records of every spy they send out. Just because you don't know who you are doesn't mean the village won't, and when they uncover this whole conspiracy thing, well I would hate too be you. Kiri does terrible things too there deserters." Of course Malin was a deserter as well but he already had his fate, unless Aiyasha helped him which seemed very unlikely there was nothing more for him too do aside from play with her mind and continue going through his vest for every last usable item he had on him.


Orochimaru sighed lightly still pretending too be Malin. He listened too Shizuki slightly disapointed that she asked questions. It wasn't that he didn't know how too respond too them, it was that he wanted things too be simple. He hated it when things like this took too long. Still she was now several feet away from her. He caughed slightly laying back his eyes watching her as she brandished her Kunai, if he could make her drop that, and then go in for the surprise attack he would have this job done easily. "The girl was from kiri. I stabbed her in the back when she thought i was uncouncious and twisted the kunai. She dropped me and i ran back here."

Orochimaru gave several heavy panting breathes as he explained the false situation. It wasn't exactly false, He was just changing around the story that Aiyasha had given him. Making it sound like Malin had actually escaped from the final encounter. He looked up at Shizuki seeing for the first time in a long time the woman who Kabuto had spent so long training. The pawn of a pawn, and currently his most depressing mistake. He should never have allowed Kabuto the kind of room he had. The girl was now an annoyance too him, and something he would take an amount of pleasure in crushing the life out of unless she came back with him. But before he sent her back too kirigakure with him, or crushed the life from her body and sent her too hell. He was gonna play with her, and make sure she understood the game she was playing. He gave her a soft smile, wanting only too mess with the girls head for as long as he could.

Aiyasha allowed her own sigh to pass her lips. Dear gods, did the boy never shut up? If she didn't know better, she'd swear she was talking with another woman. But she had personally tended to and captured Malin herself; she knew it was a male. Her teeth found her lower lip as she rested upon her kneecaps. "It's ... none ... of your .... business. How many times do I need to spell it out for you, hm? Now shut the hell up." Even in between words and pauses, she tried to recall. Still nothing ... goddamn this brat! Why? Why was he the one able to do this to her? Even Shiro hadn't been this ... irksome to deal with. And he'd tried such tactics before.

An arrogant laugh passed her lips as he tried to suggest she would dare desert Kirigakure. "Ha! You wish! Me? Abandon the Mizukage and Kirigakure? What do you take me for, boy? Some idiot? No no ... I know better. I have no reason to make such a pathetic move. He's eccentric ... but the Mizukage is the only reason I've grown over the years." Of course, the adjective she'd used to begin to describe Orochimaru was more fitting for Danzo; she knew this. But Malin didn't need to. None of this was his affairs.

All he was hearing ... well, he should consider himself lucky in her eyes. Still, she was being damn careful about not revealing Orochimaru's true name or much of the past she did know and recall. Her head remained upon her kneecaps as her eyes slowly closed. "Now just shut up and wait with me .... " She murmured, her tone not attempting to hide she was definitely, if nothing else, getting more and more annoyed with him.

The quick reply had been somewhat of a reaction that Shizuki had half expected. Ah well, that was why she'd prepared the next question even before he answered this one. A slow nod left ... before she allowed it to pass her lips. "Back at the waterfall and hotsprings .... did you mean everything you began to .... hint?" She asked. It was vague, she knew. But the real Malin wouldn't require more of an explanation. Maybe if she was a few years younger ... she'd be naive and foolish enough to immediately lower her guard.

But she'd changed, thanks to the war, Sasuke killing Kabuto, and a few other things in the past .... things of the like. She may not be as good at actually lying like Kabuto or Orochimaru; but she wasn't by any means a mere fool either. That much was being proven. Her grip on the kunai loosened; but not enough that it would fall out of her hands just yet.

Malin stretched out slightly with a long sigh, he was still powerless but he was starting too feel better. Especially now that he had the advantage. He gave a loud yawn keeping his hands closed as he stretched up wards. He was actually enjoying poking around with Aiyasha's head. It was rather fun, sadly though not everything can last forever, and he was gonna have too work on getting his way out of her sooner rather than latter, he was getting the sinking suspicion that he would need Aiyasha's help if he really wanted too get too the water alive, but at the same time he would deal by himself if he had too.

"but waiting is so boring. Wouldn't you rather know for certain that your brain hasn't been tampered with? Wouldn't you want too know for certain what you were like as a child? As paranoid as Kirigakure is of course there is a place you could look up all of the information you ever wanted. Shame though.. you would need someone who knew where it was too find it." He now gave a loud yawn curling up slightly on his bed. "Family Archives are held down rather tight, shame you don't know anyone with a clan name. We are all recorded and interviewed at various times in our lives. Checked upon just frequintly enough that we know where our information is stored, along with everyone elses."

For all the paranoia he had been able too sow into this conversation he was now hitting a solitary truth. Kiri kept very intricate archives on all it's members. He knew where those files were, and if he could destroy the majority of them, it would cause a lot of damage too kiri as a whole. Certainly it would delay anyone trying too recapture him if he was able too get away. He rolled his neck around feeling the cold steel in his hand that he was currently doing his best too hide from any and all prying eyes. When he made his move it would be one too remember, no one breaks out of Kiri's prison. At least that's what he had been told his entire life, but due too their own sloppyness they had put him in here with his vest and other clothing on. For a man with Malin's ability too shape metal at will it was rather easy too sow a hand full of weapons into his vest and make sure that no one really noticed the senbons.


Orochimaru had too refrain himself from rolling his eyes. Shizuki was now pretty well in view, and easily in range of his attacks, but she was also still holding tight the weapon that threatened him. His eyes glazed over for a second regretting not torturing Malin for all the information he had for a moment before coming here. Sadly with time being such a precious resource for him. His eyes watched her for a moment as he let out a long sigh. for a moment it would have looked like Malin wasn't sure what he was about too say, and then a toungue that most certainly was not Malin's lashed out. The tongue was a long unmistakable appendage, that attempted too quickly wrap around Shizuki's feet, too lift her off the ground and if he could get away with that he would slam her hard against the ground. "Not a clue."

Malin's image slowly faded, the elebrate genjutsu was more then just the transformation jutsu, and the image of the boy bruned away leaving Orochimaru in it's place. "Hello Shizuki, it has been such a long time. Really I wanted our first meeting too go a little smoother but time and patience is a resource I have little of these days. If you really want too know the answer to those questions you would have too ask Malin himself." Orochimaru spoke making it clear that he actually had the boy somewhere. He stretched his neck slightly as he waited for the reaction. This would be far more interesting then letting everything stand still and stagnate. And it was clear from the way shizuki looked she was still weakened, that was really all he needed too confirm.

Aiyasha waved her hand quickly in annoyance. "Past doesn't mean shit anymore now does it? No. Just the here and now. So just shut the hell up." Gods, she'd give anything by this point to block out his words. But alas, she didn't have any device in reach. So, she would have to endure it all for now. Her eyes closed again as she rested her head against the back of the cell door .. and then moved away. Enough to ensure he couldn't grab and pull her hair or force her to release him somehow. That would have been a very fatal error on her behalf.

All the while, she thought on his words. Did she want to know the truth? No, of course not! But then ... why was part of her arguing otherwise? She was definitely confused and though her face wasn't looking at Malin, the clenching of her fists may have otherwise hinted the possibility. As she thought yet again, still only the same faces and images raced through her mind. But her head wound up shaking no. What did it matter? Danzo had kept true to his word -- up until he was murdered. Why would Orochimaru be different?

Sure the Sannin was a lot more eccentric and eerie .. but he had plenty of chances to make her question him. And nothing bad had happened to her. So this was just some bullshit trick, a lie to confuse her. Another nod, but this one more firm and full of resolve, left as she took another deep exhale. Just focus on keeping him here. Nothing will happen ... The inner thoughts were mostly working but deep in the back of her mind, something was screaming and begging for Aiyasha to accept his help. And why ... was beyond her logic.

Her ankles tensed at the reply. That had been all she needed to hear to know that definitely hadn't been Malin. Before Shizuki could jump back though, the tongue accomplished all of it's goals and soon, she found herself on her back with a gasp and wince mingled together. Her eyes quickly blinked to get rid of any and all double vision trying to overwhelm her. By the time it finished and she saw who was towering over her, Shizuki swore her heart stopped for a few seconds before resuming.

"....You! Why?! You let Sensei die! Why?! He was nothing but loyal to you!" Any and all logic, like trying to close the distance between them, was long gone as was self-control. Her grip on the kunai had definitely lessened and weakened but not fully left. Adrenaline and fury made her even start moving once again ... though it'd likely been way too late and futile. Her body may have been healed, but even before the grapple, it'd been sore. The additional pain did nothing at all to ease how it was feeling, only worsening the sensations.

"Malin ... where the hell is he?" Her body was practically on auto-pilot and not caring enough on the agony it was feeling. Weakly - but still - she shoved herself back onto her feet. More from anger than any other emotion, her body was definitely trembling by now. And now that he was closer, she could hear the mental commands, all louder, stronger, and clearer than before.

Run! Fuck sakes, run! Don't just stand there!

As much as Shizuki wanted to oblige, part of her actually stood her ground, ready to confront him. Yeah, it was stupid, borderline suicidal. But there was maybe one hope - even if only a small one - racing through her mind. If he'd wanted to kill her, that could have been done in seconds. He needed her ... alive. What for ... she wanted to know and didn't all the same.

Malin grinned he had done enough. He could tell by her voice, he had struck a pin in her mind and set a timer now he only had too wait. He leaned back with his slight arrogance. "Well then answer me this, if the past is of no concern too you, how do you know what your doing is right? Hell how do you know that what your doing is what you even want too do? Without your past, how can you ever know who or what you are, aside from some ones usable little pawn. Thinking for yourself must have been difficult if all you have been programmed too do follow orders."

"want too know an interesting fact? There are Metals that explode, Alkali metals for instance tend too have violent chemical reactions when situated by a drop of water one of these metals robi. Now of course that would be rather hard for a person like me too carry, unless these metals were hidden away inside a vacuum, or covered by a secondary layer. All i would then have too do would be crack that second layer, drip of my blood and well." Malin's body had rested up and at this he was ready too make his play. He sighed for a moment letting the world pass him over for a moment. Before he rolled out of his bed and onto his feet. There was a small snap of metal as he creacked the senbon and flicked both halves into the door.

Malin kicked up the bed so that it was between him and the door just as a drop of his blood settled and started the violent reaction. In only a hand full of seconds it was like Malin had just set off two hand gernades on the hinges of his cell door. The heat and pressure pushed the bed against the wall as he protected himself, blowing the hinges off the cell door. Malin walked out of his cell as the dust began too settle. He dusted himself off lightly as he watched for Aiyasha's retaliation.


Orochimaru smiled as he watched Shizuki face him, standing her ground. He had put forth enough information for the moment. He retracted his tongue walking up too her slowly so that the two were pretty much face too face. "The loss of Kabuto was a tragedy. I didn't want too loose him, he was like my own son. Had i had any power too change what happened that day I would have. I didn't let him die, I wasn't there. You let him die."

Orochimaru gave a thoughtful look as he watched Shizuki teasing her lightly with the fact that she was alive while Kabuto was dead. It must have burned her rather harshly. But there was something else too that as well. "Of course dead doesn't always mean dead Shizu chan, you should know this better then most people considering how he found you. If you really wanted too see your friend again. Wanted Kabuto too live again it could be arranged. I know a way too bring back those we have lost." A chilling breeze kicked up rustling the trees around them, but Orochimaru didn't seem too even flinch at the sudden weather change.

"A storm is brewing Shizuki, and I have done my best too build it's winds. With the world recovering from it's wars so few people can really say they know what direction people are moving. Certain enemies we have in common are moving, and the world is too weak too rise up and stop them if they can rebuild as quickly as they have been. You may not like it but we are on the same team for once shizuki. Kabuto knew I was the hope for the world, and served me loyally. If you take his place at my side, I can help you bring Kabuto back. I even have a sacrifice I can part with in my new villages jail cells. I could teach you how too bring back your Kabuto, in return you help me too save the world, and the only person who dies tonight is a small water boy that got in over his head." Orochimaru's snake like eyes seemed too gleam in the moonlight. He had a long smile on his face. Of course there was more too what he was saying than he would ever actually let on, but this was a rare opportunity. "Kabuto taught you everything you know, In his death he chose you, don't you think that legacy is best served helping the one he was helping? If nothing else can't you say that you owe dear Kabuto that much."

Aiyasha scoffed, her head shaking again. "Instinct and training combined." She merely replied. But was it really that simple? Upon being referred to as a pawn, she finally turned, an infuriated glare in her eyes. "Shut up! I'm not! If that's all I was, I'd be merely used. The Mizukage trusts me! That's why he's ... why he's been .... " She then stopped, listening to the words leaving her lips. That didn't make sense, somehow. Wasn't that only confirming all Malin was saying was true? Her hands shook as she glanced down, as if trying to seek some type of reply from them.

The light snap made her glance quickly back up and her eyes widen. Maybe if the wound from the backstab had more properly healed, dodging wouldn't have been an issue. But as it was, she was still tired and sore. Her eyes shut as her arms shielded her face, the explosion knocking her back but not out. It may as well have, though, with how slowly her eyes reopened. Her own body was practically on auto-pilot also, fear adding into the adrenaline rush as she stood.

"I .. can't just ... let you leave." She murmured, placing herself shakily in front of the door. "Nothing personal, really. But he'll kill us both if I allow you to waltz out."

Wait ... had she really just said that? But hadn't she been convinced he wouldn't harm her? Her hands grabbed at her face as a confused and terrified scream left. By the time it stopped, she felt herself gasping frantically, her body trembling so hard the only thing keep her standing was herself and the desire to keep what balance still remained. As her hands slowly moved from her eyes, she looked slowly to Malin. A single tear fell from her right eye as she kept the eye contact.

"Wait .. please. I ... I don't know ... anything. What I'm doing, what to do .... please don't .... don't go. Don't arrange for us to just pointlessly die ... "

"Don't bullshit me! You could have tracked him... intervened ... something! You can't seriously expect me to believe you had no idea where that Uchiha brat was!" Her ankles tensed more as she found herself staring up at the amber eyes. Her head shook no firmly, her right hand pulling back. With them being this close, the only way she'd miss is if he dodged. She didn't want to hear anymore from him, Shizuki just wanted this all to end somehow. She wanted to find Malin again .. try to live normally ... something. But talking to the Sannin was definitely not on her list. Her hand had thrust forward, ready to stab through but abruptly stopped at the offer.

" .... Bring ... him back?" She repeated, her gaze quickly going back to the sand. By the time the offer echoed in her ears, the weather was the very last thing she was worrying about. "But .... he wouldn't .... want it ... " She mused, her grip on the kunai getting less and less firm around the handle, barely staying in her hand.

Or .. would he want that chance? Tons of people had been cheated out of the war, out of their lives. But Kabuto had definitely been one of the most unfair ones by far. At least to Shizuki's mindset. But to bring him back at the expense of taking a life ... was that right? Of course not! But there was a small and selfish part of her that couldn't help but want to see him at least one more time.

And yet ... hadn't that been part of the reason that she'd befriended Malin? Not just to be his ally but aid herself out and move on from the loss? By the time the Sannin tried to convince her they were on the same side, another scoff passed her lips. "Tch, like hell we are. No ... I'm not ... never have been .... " Her argument trailed off and though the urge to move away echoed again in her head, the ankle muscles still refused to move.

Goddamnit, why?! Move, Shizuki! Move! She was ready to scream out loud, cry even with how panicked and frustrated she was. But the last straw for her was the revelation that the way to bring Kabuto back would be to lose Malin. Her head shook no firmly and she all but forced herself to stagger backwards. "No! You fucking leave him out of this, leave him alone! Not ... not at his expense, no. This ... this isn't what he'd want. No ... I'm not ... no ... "

And she wasn't only referring to the offer of seeing Kabuto again, but also serving Orochimaru. Fuck and no; the two words continued to repeat quickly in her head. Her ankle muscles tensed up yet again and before she could second guess how stupid the next actions might be, she broke into a shaky run. It seemed somewhat pointless in her mind, but the hell with it. If she continued to remain as close to the Sannin as she had been ... there was no way that could end up good for her. No, it'd definitely get worse before better.

Hopefully that wasn't the only way to keep herself alive ... if she'd said yes. Because now the very real possibility of dying within seconds was going through her. And finally, she felt herself cave in as tears began to steadily fall down her face, mingling in as soon as the rain began. Well .. at least it hopefully wouldn't be too obvious.

Malin stretched giving a slight yawn. He wasn't at full power, but he was well rested and now that he was out of his cell he was feeling better, he could feel his energy returning too him, and feel the air of freedom that was around him. However he was by no means free, if he wanted toa be free he had too hurt this place, and hurt it hard. That was a slightly depressing thought, Kiri was his home, many people here had been his classmates his teammates. His family was gone, but this was his city, and he looked down at Aiyasha. She seemed too grasp just how desperate the situation actually was now, which was a good thing for him honestly. It meant he had an ally in this place, even if he had too seriously play with her head in order too get her too this point. With any kind of mental erasure there was damage, and he couldn't sit by repairing her all day.

"Get up then, because I hate too say it Aiyasha, but we were already scheduled for a pointless death. At this point if you want too live your gonna have too work with me, and we gotta work quickly. If the Mizukage is away like you said than our time is precious." Malin held out his hand for her too take. Of Course there was by far a larger problem with the fact that the Mizukage had left too deal with Shizuki, and as worried as he was about her, he couldn't immediately run too her aid. She had seemed strong and competent at least enough too kill the last assassin, she would need too hold out alone while they dealt with the village. If they wanted any chance of really getting away from Kiri they had too cripple this place, and make sure the village was in no way capable of launching an attack.

"First Question how many are currently locked away in this prison. We are standing in the largest collection of this villages enemies, if we turn them loose at once they could sure as hell do a lot of damage here. Enough that the Mizukage would have too do some clean up for sure." He said lightly walking foward taking Aiyasha with him. "After releasing everyone, we head for the archives, we can find what ever in formation we want, and burn the rest. These are our kin in this village so if possible I would like too avoid non military interactions, but if we hit hard enough we can cause a large enough commotion that two or three people could slip away in the smoke."

Malin gave Aiyasha a smile. "Stick with me, and neither of us are going too die today."


Orochimaru raised an eyebrow for a moment as he charged after Shizuki. It was slightly depressing too learn that he couldn't play with Shizuki's mind as much as he had wanted. It had seemed like a good offer in his mind, but perhaps he had lined it out too quickly. The Sanin could easily keep up with Shizuki, but he didn't want too kill the woman that Kabuto had invested so much time into. If he had too he would, but he had no real intention of doing so. Forming his hand signs the ground under Shizuki suddenly turned too mud long before the storm ever truly picked up wind as it was starting too. The ground seemed too explode into a pool of half solid earth like a sink hole. "Doton: Doryū Taiga" It was odd using one of the jutsu that the old man had taught him long after Sarutobi had been murdered, but the situation called for it rather nicely.

"Where are you gonna run this time? Oh sure you could get away, I will even let you. But Malin will die, and you loose the chance too ever see Kabuto again. I want you by my side dear girl, but don't dare test me." Orochimaru snickered slightly after all he held all the cards in this fight. Though it would have been such a tragic loss too give up Kabuto's student like this if she gave him no choice he would deal with that loss over time. "I have been rather kind you know, I could have send some of my people too deal with you, instead I came out here by myself too greet you. Kabuto sacrificed too much for me too simply kill you, but if you really insist on dying I will oblige your requests."

There was something about fighting a medical ninja, that annoyed him. His thoughts drifted ever so slightly as the rain started too hit harder and thunder rumbled in the distance. She didn't really remind him of Tsunade, but it was annoying non the same that he was now up against a medical konoichi. He didn't have too worry about insane strength or slugs, but there were always tricks these medical ninja knew, and Kabuto was his best. Even though he had given that boy rules too how much he had been allowed too teach this brat there was no telling how much she had actually learned, and so he stayed on his guard.

Her eyes stared at Malin's hand for a few moments before she finally took it, slowly ensuring her feet didn't fail her and she would remain standing. All the training Danzo had given her .. and he seemed to break it as if it were the weakest form of glass possible. Or maybe something even simpler. Hell, all she knew was no one had an effect on her like this boy before now. It astounded her to realize that not only was he strong physically, but mentally as well. When the subject got altered, though, she looked briefly up in thought. And finally, her head nodded no slowly.

"... I really don't know, honestly. I haven't been with him for as long as I could have been. I used to be with Danzo for so long ... and transferred upon his murder. I wasn't given such details but from what I know and have noted, as many as before your eyes. I don't ... think there are any others hidden away." His plan ... what exactly was he trying to do? Moreover, would it work? It almost felt and seemed so very redundant. This wouldn't make Orochimaru stop going after Shizuki so ... what would this do?

Still, he seemed to have a lot more of an idea than herself. So she would follow his lead. "Keys .. should be in his office. I'll be right back." Letting go finally of his hand, she broke into a swift run, looking for the ring of keys. Once she found what she'd sought out, her hand grasped them gently and soon she was beside Malin once again. Her hands trembled and without anymore questions or words, she began working on undoing the locks, trying to work as quickly but efficiently as possible.

A gasp left Shizuki's lips as she felt herself sink slightly. Her eyes quickly glanced back up to the amber ones as she began trying to push herself out, her head adamantly shaking no. "Yes, I do want to see Kabuto, no doubts about that. But it's not worth killing another for that. Your word ... even if I agreed, I have no reassurance you'll stick to it." If anything, it was the exact opposite, she knew.

Her hands trembled, staying at her sides for a few more moments before slowly moving up. With a clap and pressing them together, a strong gust of wind - one not from the storm - would be felt. While it was true that most of her techniques were from Kabuto, she'd self-taught herself some Water and Wind ones from scrolls; specifically ones that Orochimaru had kept hidden away. While her main goal was to push herself out of the mud, she wouldn't mind if it gave her more distance from the Sannin either.

"Fūton: Reppūshō"http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Gale_Palmhttp://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Gale_Palm

And once she felt her feet free, Shizuki broke off into another run. It wasn't only because of her strong dislike for Orochimaru in which she was so dire to get away. There was also the fact she didn't want her seal or anything being used against her. And the closer he was to her, the more chances Shizuki would only give him. She would keep her ears open and use any possible verbal hints to determine if any of the wind had hit Orochimaru; but she wouldn't dare glance back and risk tripping over something like an idiot.
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