War Really Does Change Everything ... [Naruto RP, Yuna x Malin's 1x1]

Malin got up not really surprised that she hadn't heard. Kiri was seclusive, and they hadn't let any information get out yet. He watched Shizuki get dressed with a small, but heavy sigh. that was probably as close as he was ever gonna get too actually seeing an actractive woman naked, and she was already getting dressed. of course nothing was gonna develop from that, but the small depressed voice still told him that was the most he was ever gonna get. Pulling up his pants he got dressed rather quickly in comparason. He had nothing to torture Shizuki with, rather he wasn't even sure if the woman was interested in men, and so far no women had ever really been interested in him.

"Mei Terumi died two months ago. Her body was discovered in her office, a tragedy really. She was one of the strongest influences Kiri ever had, her death caused a lot too go crazy." He breathed heavily for a moment blinking. He had admired Mei, and worked under her happily, if she could have seen what Kiri had become it would have been disappointing. Having it fall back to where it had been so many years ago after they had gone so far too escape that history. "The new Mizukage is Achi Muroro. I honestly don't know much about him, Kiri is always so shrouded in mist that sometimes even our politics are veiled in it... He was rather quick too reinstate many laws that seemed to match with the old ways though."

"Enough politics let's eat, Itadekimasu!" Taking a freshly cleaned kunai he cut part of the boar for him and Shizuki. He nodded smiling slightly at the idea that they would have to survive together. Though he felt it kind of awkward after all had been said and done he was thankful for three things, the first being he had his health. the second being that he had company, and the third being that he now had food. He ate quickly cleaning off what he had taken. and taking a second chunk. There was some good news that he hadn't thought about. "If there are boars on this island that means there has too be some fresh water somewhere."

He took a bit more food and ate happily sitting with his legs crossed. The meat was delicious, and he enjoyed every moment of the small feast. taking as much as he could knowing they had no real way of preserving the meat for now. By tomorrow morning it would probably have gone bad. "If were really lucky we could even find a village."

The more Malin spoke of Mei Terumī's 'death', the worse she was suddenly feeling. There was no way the woman had offed herself via suicide; no damn way. That had to be murder ... but it didn't sound like even Kirigakure had proof of this. "I ... I see. I'm sorry about the lost, honestly. From what I saw of her in the war, she was a strong woman." When the name of whom had taken over was brought up ... it somehow sounded familiar but not.

Achi Muroro?

Still, it was a shame the ... individual had been so hasty to bring back such horrid tactics. Though ... what exactly was the rush? Were they the same person whom murdered Mei and wanted to keep the people too busy to suspect them of that?

Malin had a point after a while; no sense in remaining on the subject of politics. Her head lightly shook as she sighed then smiled, now bowing her head politely. "Itadekimasu." She murmured with Malin.

And yet, even while they ate, she still couldn't help but think on the new Mizukage, only being able to truly dismiss the thoughts when her mind reminded her they weren't there and for now, therefore, it wasn't a concern to them.

Another thing helped Shiuzki remained distracted and that was the point of there needing to be fresh water somewhere if boars were able to live here. "..... I'm astounded I didn't think about that. You're right so ... it's probably hidden in one of the areas I've yet to check. Maybe there's some way to make the source more like a hot tub too. A warm bath would eventually be nice as well." Moving strands of hair behind her ear with her left hand, her right firmly held onto the meat as she eagerly ate.

Usually she tried to maintain what manners she was taught to use at tables ... but she could forgo them for now. She was too damn hungry and something told Shizuki that Malin wouldn't judge how sloppy she may be seeming at the moment. A content sigh left her lips as she got her fill for now and stood up on her feet. "Alright then ... hm .... " Her eyes went to Malin as a new thought came to her.

"Split up or no? We would cover more ground if so but ... without fully knowing what or whom is all here ... that may not be wise also, I realize." Strapping her pouch back against her hip, she did a quick count on how many tools were inside should any of them be needed before making eye contact again with Malin. Her ankles tensed as she got ready to head off after hearing his reply.

Malin got too his feet only yesterday he had been limping half dead, it was surprising what a bit of good food did your spirits. He kicked some dirt into the camping fire extinguishing it, and smiled lightly towards Shizuki. "Stick together. This isn't a small Island, I would rather that if we got lost we did so together."

The litteral worst thing he could think of happening right now would be one of them taking a wrong turn in unfamiliar woods, and than vanishing from the others life. It didn't seem possible sure, but at the same time he didn't want to take the risk of loosing her. She was after all the only person he could trust, and he didn't want too lose that. Being alone would also suck because than he wouldn't have anyone to talk too. He laughed slightly at her hot tub comment, he was hoping for a full on village in all honesty, but he would settle for a river. A hot spring of some sort would be amazing. Though he blinked for a moment. "I could make you a hot tub.... well okay it's not all that great of a tub... more like a giant water prison made from hot water, but I would still need fresh water to do that, and it would kind of involve me standing there doing the jutsu, and well... never mind."

Malin flushed with embarrassment as he walked foward and as he walked he drew his kunai marking the tree's they past so that they wouldn't walk in circles. He didn't hear any sounds of water, though he knew it would have to be in land a bit. Probably deeper into the forest they would find something of value. It would only take them a matter of time. The sun reached the point where it was early afternoon, and Malin smiled that they pretty much had all day too work on finding the things that they needed too like water.

As they walked Malin blinked looking at the plants and trees trying to place where they were from. This whole area was more tropical than Kiri. it was greener, and there was no mist. the coconuts though were his biggest clue and thats when it hit him. "Were in the land of fire!" He said hitting his fist into his palm. "All be it an island on their coast, but think about it, tropic's warm heat, it's practically a resort town made right out of the land of fire's brochure... I just don't really remember their being any islands off the land of fires coast.... at least none on my maps." It seemed wrong to him that they would be on an island in the land of fire. Maybe this wasn't an island but some kind of peninsula, or maybe he was wrong and they were off the coast of Kumogakure, just close enough for it too be tropical instead of cold. It could also just be summer anywhere else in the world. He sighed loosing grip on the only idea of where they were.

"Fair enough then. Alright ... " Hazel eyes slowly began to gaze around as they walked off, though she never ceased listening to all Malin spoke about. In fact, when it got to the creating a hot tub, she smirked teasingly. " ... Oh? Is that an offer, fantasy, or both?" She quickly retorted. Alas, unfortunately for poor Malin, her having been around Kabuto and the Sannin - though her mentor more - resulted in her coming up with quite a few quick and witty retorts such as that. Had he met her several years ago, she wouldn't have said anything quite as fast but because of her living circumstances .... ah well. He'd learn to adjust ..... eventually.

She wasn't sure what triggered the idea, but soon Shizuki quickly buried her face in her hands. "... My gods, I've been such a fucking idiot! I know how we can figure out where exactly we are ... assuming you won't mind the wait, that is." Her head shook, low chuckles at herself leaving her lips. "Sometimes ... " She murmured at herself, still in disbelief she hadn't thought of the idea sooner. The handseals were incredibly simple; a technique both had no doubt learned whilst the two individuals had been children themselves, with or without an element ....

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu ... " She murmured softly under her breath, a clone of herself soon appearing ... and probably seeming as confused as Malin may have at that moment. Giving her clone a reassuring smile, she went on to explain to them both, "Seek out the one towards The Valley of the End ... "

".... But you don't know where you are! How do you expect me to figure out what direction to head?"

A sigh left Shizuki's lips. Admittedly, her clone had a bit of a good point ... which made her quick thinking kick in again before she nodded. "You remember the direction we came from via the boat, yes? Use that as a base. I wasn't unconscious the entire ride over here after all. Look ... just ... please. If it takes you too long, dispel yourself, okay? But fuck sakes, please try."

With a slightly irked nod, the clone turned on her feet before glancing back at the two. "... I'm looking for what now?"

"The maps! The maps and books Kabuto-sensei gave us!"

The poor clone looked as if her heart sank then and there. "But -- !!"

"Yes yes, I know they'll be heavy as hell and I am sorry about that. But please .... "

".... You owe me somehow .... " And with that, the clone turned back around and resumed heading off, clearly annoyed at her host for the request but not enough to disobey the real Shizuki.

" .. Geez ... " The real Shizuki murmured lowly, sighing as she watched the clone leave and vanish out of sight within minutes before turning back to Malin. "With any luck, we can get a more definite answer soon. But ... I do think there are actually a few islands not too far away from Konoha. Even ... I want to say maybe a nation but .... I'm not yet sure."

Her eyes then began aiding Malin out in seeking a water source as she finished her verbal contemplations, many mental ones beginning to fill her mind. Some - admittedly - were about the new Mizukage he'd mentioned earlier but for the most part, Shizuki was trying to keep most of her focus upon the here and now. Knowing they had a lot of ground to cover still, she resumed walking beside her new ... partner?

Yes, one could say that for now, that was exactly what she and Malin were. It may not have occurred in the most traditional way; but it still had all the same. And that, in the end, was the main thing that mattered.

Malin raised an eyebrow at the clone. Shizuki seemingly had to tell her clones how to act, which was odd too him. perhaps it was a difference in personality but the clones Malin had summoned had always trusted his judgement never having to say a word too him, or him having to say a word back. For shizuki however it seemed like a miniature argument with herself. He laughed slightly as the whole situation just seemed a little odd too him. yet as it persisted that little laugh became louder and louder till he actually had too lean against the tree. For all the military training that Shizuki seemed so proud of with Kumogakure, her clones wouldn't follow a single order without protest.

"Your a very stubborn person aren't you shizuki." Malin said with a smile on his face. He wasn't trying to be insulting but after seeing that he had too laugh. It was the first time in days that he had he had laughed, and it felt good, his face was more cheerful and rounded. In a way Shizuki was damn cute, arguing with herself it was like watching a fight in stereo.

How can she owe a clone? It would just vanish or be dispelled by the user before it could ever really collect with a debt. Though now knowing that her clones were just as strong headed as Shizuki Malin thought twice before he made any further remarks. the last thing he needed to do was get on the nerves of both a clone and shizuki and have them start arguing with her in stereo.

After his first really good laugh he started searching for water. It was odd for Kiri ninja's they always used water in their jutsu but they didn't really have any ways to just find the stuff. No wonder they never went anywhere near tsuna, the desert would have been the death of him. He didn't remember any islands on the maps he looked at, but if they were new and the island had been removed for some reason it was a possibility that he could have passed it over. Walking as he went Malin stumpled not looking at where he was going he fell off a small ledge.

Tumbling down a 3 foot drop he fell, not with an audiable thud but rather a loud splash as he broke the surface of water, not just any water, hot water. hot very unsalted vulcanic water. Breaking the surface he cralwled up onto the surface of the water quickly having not expected it. He felt almost like he had been boiled and his skin was smoking slightly. "Ow ow ow. bloody hot..." He blinked looking down at the water he was standing on. tracing it around... they found a hot spring.

He grinned for a moment. "Hey Shizuki check this out!" He called up towards the ledge where he had fallen. It was a shame really his clothes had just dried, and now they were once again soaking wet.

She gave a light shrug, a playful smirk crossing her face. "Guilty." She merely admitted, not bothering to deny or hide it. Yeah, she was stubborn; the Uchiha brat, Snake bastard and Kabuto knew this better than anyone else. Well ... except for her parents and the Raikage maybe. But those whom knew Shizuki knew that was definitely one of her more dominant traits -- in and out of the battlefield. The sounds of tumbling, however, made her quickly snap out of her thoughts, a low curse slipping past her lips as she noticed she'd reacted too slow to try to catch Malin's arm and stop him from falling.

An eyebrow raised as she heard a splash rather than the thud she'd anticipated. " ... Oi ... Malin? You okay?" Carefully holding onto any surface she could grasp, she began climbing down the ledge, her smile widening at the sight of the hot springs. " ... Well, I'll be. I know there's an entire nation devoted to Hot Springs but ... I didn't think I'd see one outside of there. Nice work. Um .... "

Her cheeks abruptly went a bit red, though thankfully she had some of the steam to try to blame should he try to inquire of the sudden coloring of her face. "I know this isn't what we originally came here for ... but I haven't been able to take a good bath in a while .... so .... " She bit her lip, finding herself unable to finish her sentence.

Then again, did she need to?

One by one, she began removing her clothes though this time, all of them, setting each article neatly down as it left her body. A long sigh - near moan - left as her aching body made contact with the water. Plugging her nose, she allowed herself to submerge completely underneath, reappearing seconds after. When she broke the water, she stood up so only her head a some of her shoulders could be seen, the rest of her body concealed under the warm water.

"Sorry but ... I really needed this. And goddamn ... it feels good." Tilting her head back and allowing it to gently rest against a rock, her eyes closed as she felt her body beginning to relax, the water caressing her body.

This didn't mean Shizuki wasn't embarrassed being around a male who knew she was now fully nude. No no, quite the opposite if anything. It was more like she wasn't letting it dominate her mind at the moment. Her focus wasn't on being worried on what Malin had just seen but about getting clean. She trusted he had enough sense to not be dumb and sneak a grope.

.... Or ... if he was ... he'd find out what would happen. After all, the pouch was in reach and even without that, she still had other things to use.

Malin heard Shizuki's voice seeing blush. he took a step back stumbling slightly on the water. Too him it was second nature to walk on it, even with the slight current of the whirlpool he saw Shizuki start to take off her clothing with an audiable gulp. He turned his back too her, unsure if he should really be anywhere near this hot spring. He breathed for a moment trying too regain his composure. Taking another few steps on the water. He desperately wanted too look, but he felt like if he even so much as turned his head that he would be in the most trouble he had ever been in during his life. He swallowed his mouth suddenly becoming dry. "No I um... I understand."

Malin thought about it, they had already seen each other in their underwear, so was this really so bad? He had enough sense to not look at her directly as she got into the water, standing ridedly, but then he started to remove his clothing while still standing on the water. He walked foward taking off his pants and even his boxers. leaving him just as bare as Shizuki. "This may be irrisponcible of me but I may as well join you." He said lightly as he walked on the water now bare naked. His back was towards Shizuki as he stopped the water walking jutsu.

Instead of droping heavily into the water, Malin seemed to sink elegantly into place drifting lightly into the water as he turned towards Shizuki with a heavy blush and smile on his face. He had no idea how he wasn't dying right now. He submerged again but this time felt more natural the heat of the water didn't startle him so much, and as he came back up for air he breathed lightly. It was true he had enough sense to not touch, but he wanted too. It wouldn't have taken much, she was literally submerged in water, all he had to do was form a few hand signs he could have had her imprisioned, or any number of things... however that also would have ruined the only friendship he had.

A mischivious look came on his face however, as he leaned back in the hotspring. he formed a hand sign, and muttered under his breath. "Suiton: Chīsana nami" at his command he touched the water. The hot spring seemed to animate for a second as an unatural wave seemed to come to life, the crescent wave was about a foot tall and crashed down on Shizuki's head spilling some of the water onto the land past her, it probably didn't do any damage but he giggled slightly and stuck out his tongue at her all the same.

~That was for stripping in front of me~ he thought somewhat happily. Her doing so had embarrassed him and tripped him up, it had been the last thing he had expected her to do. So of course he needed to do some kind of retaliation. Besides she was in a hot spring with a water ninja served her right if she was too let down her guard. Sure he was smart enough to not grope her, but there were many other ways he could get at her as long as they were sitting here.

Her eyes had remained shut, her body relaxed. It hadn't even been until Shizuki heard Malin murmuring softly that she paid heed to her other surroundings. "... Hm?" She understood part of what he was saying; after all, she had some Water chakra so the 'Suiton' made perfect sense to her. But by the time she'd even guessed the rest, she felt quite the massive wave wash over her, making her sit up a bit more straight, still keeping at least her breasts hidden -- albeit a bit more of her body was now exposed.

Water slowly dripped off her face and shoulders as for a moment, she silently glanced right at Malin. This time, however, there was no tell-tale smirk or glare on her lips or in her eyes. This was where she was being more emotionless, for once. It felt like forever before she moved or even spoke up once again ...

" .... Alright .... "

Finally, a smirk showed itself and without any warning of her own, she returned the favor in her own manner as she splashed Malin, chuckling softly.

"I suppose it's been a while since either of us have been able to actually play, huh? At least you had siblings to do it with ... I didn't even have that. Actually ... did you even get to do much leisure-type activities?"

The thought had just dawned on her but in all honesty, even she couldn't say she had. From the age of about four or five, it was right to the Academy to begin intensive training. Her parents wanted her to do well, so they hardly interacted with her.

... It almost depressed her to realize ... she never truly had much of a childhood. And if Kirigakure was as similar to Kumogakure, she doubted Malin had much better luck in that aspect than herself.

Malin was worried that he had just triggered some kind of reflex in Shizuki. Part of him told him to run away that he was about to die looking at how frozen her face was and then she smirked and a wave of water hit him. He felt much better as she splashed him back but before he could respond to her she said something.

At least you had siblings to [play] with

A dark look over came Malin's face as she mentioned his siblings. He trembled for a moment thinking back to his time in Kirigakure as a child. Almost always alone. his sister and brother both were older than he was, meaning they had far more responsibility to the family name. He was the whipping child, his sister could be married off too another clan to increase the importance of their name, his brother would have taken over the family and Malin... he was the one left alone, as much as he loved them there had always been a grand distance between him and his siblings. and his reflections now showed a slightly darker side of his family he hadn't realized before.

"Hidden villages don't raise children to be happy, they raise them to be soldiers. Chigiri no Sato is no exception to this rule. Especially for those born to clans with active Kekkigenkai. Even in my days you were taken at a young age and weeded the weak from the strong... it just wasn't as much of a death sentence to be weak." His cold chill was replaced by a small smile things were different now, he had a friend, he wasn't alone anymore, and he also wasn't part of the village of bloody mist any more. In a way he had been spared a fate worse then death.

He smiled slightly and formed a few more hand signs she took the first one rather well, but he had plenty more power in this place than she did. "Suiton: Chīsana uzu" This time as Malin finnished making his hand signs the already flowing current of the whirlpool hotspring increased slightly to the point that it was a visible though small vortex. Malin who was expecting it remained firm against the new current, but in order to do so he had to stand up. His waist was protected by the faster moving water, hiding his privates, but if Shizuki was gonna remain sitting the water would be pushing against her rather harshly.

He stuck out his tongue again. "Challenging a Kiri boy in a splash fight, Sounds like a fun time too me." He said happy to display some of the control he had over the water.

Even before Malin had spoken up, the silence suggested she had been dead wrong. Her head bowed, annoyed that she hadn't been more careful with her wording. " .... I'm sorry." She murmured quickly, inwardly cursing and sighing at herself. She'd have to be more careful on choosing what to or not to say, it appeared. "Though .... we really aren't as different as we may look, it seems." In a way - quite a few actually - that was honestly very good. It meant she had someone to relate to, someone who understood her and all she'd endured so far.

Well ... most anyways. There were a few that she doubted - and hoped - he couldn't, like her Cursed Seal, only concealed at the moment from her hair that was covering the back of her neck. Eventually, Shizuki knew, she would have to tell him about that. But ... not now. It hadn't been activated since Orochimaru had given it to her and that alone was giving her the tiniest slither of hope that maybe it was dormant? Gods she wanted it to be ... the pain that damn thing would always give her and the sight of him smirking as she writhed ....

She never wanted to experience that anytime soon if she could help it.

The combination of the water and falling on her rear, however, made her temporarily forget of her Seal. Rather than submerging, however, she stayed under ... and swam. She may not have been from Kirigakure like Malin was, but she knew some basic things. Swimming was indeed one. Opening her mouth whilst under the water still to let some of the warm liquid fill her mouth, she then closed it but didn't swallow it.

She waited patiently, like a shark stalking it's prey .... and only when she was certain she was right in front of Malin did she stand up, spitting the water at him while simultaneously splashing him again. Hell, maybe the bonus show he'd get would make his will to fight fade?

Yeah, that was definitely a risky move, she knew. But honestly ... she was feeling more and more comfortable the longer she was around Malin.

Her smirk widened more as she stayed standing before them, mere inches separating the two. "Mayhaps not as fancy as you, but I can do things like that too you know?" She teased, abruptly lunging at him and aiming to make him go under the water with her, trying to get them both submerged; though not too far to drown. Just enough to get wet.

Her clone, however, was perfectly dry due to using the Water Walking technique. The rain hadn't persisted, thankfully but gods was the poor clone exhausted. Well, her legs were and she'd just finished walking by Konohagakure. That alone probably was a hell of a hint. Unfortunately, she nor the real Shizuki knew any techniques similar to telepathy, otherwise she would have gladly informed her then and there.

With a weary sigh, she continued making her way towards the Valley of the End, knowing it was at least closeby. "Thank fucking god ... " She murmured, still clearly annoyed at the task she'd been given.

Malin was blindsided by water as Shizuki sprayed him with water she had held in her mouth. He slipped slightly as he was blind and being splashed and then the final hit came in the tackle that pushed them both under. Malin was no stranger to being under water, and he was almost sure he could hold his breath longer than Shizuki, and her non water based training. His arms encercled around her pulling her down with him and embracing her naked body not really caring that he was pressing his chest close too hers, but rather using the weight of his body he turned and pushed so that Shizuki was pinned down beneath him.

He smiled happily as his arms struggled to pin down hers his body sitting on her chest, this was actually the first time he got a good look at shizuki's naked form. He blinked as he wrestled with her, his thin body struggling to hold back her lethe form. As he pinned her, his face blushed slightly from the show he was being given. he noticed Also just how smoth her skin was even without the hot water which felt like it was heightening every little touch against their skin. His balls were under him his privates actually touching against her stomach. The feel of skin on skin making him hard as he looked at Shizuki.

His eyes though weren't on her breasts, as he thought they would be, but rather he was fixated on her eyes. He leaned closer too her face the current moving his hair lightly causing a swaying motion. He blinked not really sure what he was doing aside from holding her down under water. His eyes green eyes were locked onto her purple. His face drew close and for a moment he thought he was going to have the nerve to kiss her. Instead however he realized that he was holding a young woman naked under the water subduing her. Pushing off slightly he pulled away and broke too the surface. It pained him to do so, but he had no interest in over stepping boundaries that they didn't want to cross.

Malin caughed slightly as he reached the surface, his face all kinds of red from holding his breath, to the heat of the water, to seeing and almost kissing the first ever naked woman he had seen.

~Idiot! You should have stayed down there, you could have kissed her~ A small devil's voice was appearing through his mind. He shook his head, He should never have done as much as he had, breathing heavily He regretted the actions he had done. It had all seemed okay in the moment but he was honestly not sure how Shizuki was going too react.

"Sorry... I think I held you down a little too long." His voice was soft, and light when he spoke he avoided turning back towards Shizuki. He honestly expected to be hit with something hard for what he had done.

Most of Malin's movements didn't bother Shizuki, honestly. In fact, it all seemed like instinct. Her smirk widened even underneath the water, managing to look at Malin well enough despite being submerged. Within seconds, she found herself wrestling back against him. Malin may have been born from Kirigakure, but science hinted that doing pretty much any type of activity under water was always more difficult. Ergo, even though Taijutsu wasn't Shiuzki's forte ... the water was helping make the wrestling easier, knowing he didn't have the easiest time in the world either.

Her own blush seemed to deepen as their chests touched, her nipples unable to help but harden a bit from the foreign feel and warm water. With how close he was, he'd no doubt feel her heart race, especially as their faces suddenly got close .... within kissing distance in fact.

.... S.. should I ... ??

She wasn't sure if it'd be the right thing to do or not; her feelings for Kabuto hadn't really truly faded away. Yes, that was stupid, she knew. But the selfish part of her didn't to fully let go. But maybe .... she should think about it. After all, it'd be hard to keep loving a deceased man, wouldn't it? And ... he'd want her to move on ... wouldn't he?

Even as Malin broke the surface, she remained under for a few more seconds, following suit soon after. She too coughed a bit, chuckling in between as she looked back to Malin. Giving what she hoped to be a reassuring smile to him, her head lightly shook no. "N-nah ... it .... it's fine. You'd be in much more trouble if I didn't break the surface with you." She replied somewhat teasingly and equally serious at the same time.

Standing a bit beside him, though still giving them both some distance, she went back to relaxing against the rocks behind her. A lot of her wanted to inquire on if the near kiss had been intentional or not ... but in the end, she stayed silent about it all. There was still too much about herself Malin didn't know; and as much as she felt horrid for keeping it hidden, she knew it was needed for now. Maybe ... when she felt more worthy of him ... she would muster enough courage.

For now, however, that wasn't one of those times.

After soaking a bit longer in the water, she slipped out and stood perfectly still, allowing the sun to dry her off, getting dressed again when most of the water had ceased falling off her body. Parts of the blush still remained, though it was steadily fading away. "Well ... " Clearing her throat to keep from stammering aloud, she continued on, "That's one task down at least. Um .... hints .... right."

Her own back turned, allowing Malin to get dressed with some privacy. "Ready when you are then." She added, holding her own wrists gently behind her back.

"Goddamnit ... " The clone murmured, groaning as she managed to grasp the last of the books. Thankfully, the task would be done soon it seemed.

What the clone hadn't known, though, was she'd never been alone. Her focus was completely upon gathering and finding the books that she hadn't noted the other two chakra signatures not too far away ...

One of which belonged to a female, adorned in pure black clothes like Shizuki. Unlike her, however, a mask hid her face -- most of it anyways. The easiest thing anyone could see from her were the eyes, which were crimson. At her right hip was a sheathed katana, a pouch with kunai and shuriken near her left. Silently, she produced a kunai and held it firmly, in a way that suggested she was ready to toss it.

But she didn't .... not yet. The masked face glanced over beside to her .... partner, apparently. Why Orochimaru-sama had assigned her to be with him was beyond her; she'd always been a loner. But, Danzo had given her very strict instructions before he passed away that whomever took over his spot with being in charge of her, she had to obey. So even though she still had questions, they weren't strong enough to dare disobey her new Master of sorts.

Even with the mask on, the silent question was clear to the figure beside her; it asked whether they should kill the girl now or follow?

Orochimaru had only said to bring her back, not how. But he sounded ... almost desperate for her, as if she were somehow vital to him, so for that reason alone the answer would probably be alive. Incapacitated at worst ... but still alive. And she wouldn't dare come back without her; not without a damn good reason. No ... they wouldn't. Her partner had as much liability and responsibility as herself; she wouldn't be the only one to get scolded should they return with the girl ...

Malin crawled up onto the surface of the water standing once more on the surface of the whirlpool he breathed calmly nothing having been said. He was still naked, but at this point it didn't seem like either of them cared about their bodies, both having seen each other. At this point modesty was lost on them both. He waited in silence as the sun dried them both. Walking off the water so that even his feet could dry. He sighed putting on his clothes. He stretched lightly feeling the still damp fabric, he formed a few hand signs, and his body dried it's self along with his clothing.

Yesterday he hadn't done that because he simply didn't have the energy now he had more than enough strength to cast Jutsu. It was odd how much strength he had recovered, He probably wasn't at full power, but at the same time he didn't need to be. Nothing here seemed like it could hurt them, he doubted it any way, two trained shinobi against an entire island that seemed completely abandoned. "Right, well we know there are whirlpools here. That's a hint."

Malin smiled as he walked beside Shizuki. He was still embarassed but for now he played it off like it was nothing letting his training take over so that he wasn't constantly flushed. He went back to marking tree's so that they could find a place too stay. He was still hoping for some kind of shelter. Looking at how tall the tree's are he smiled for a moment. "Actually I have an idea, give me a moment."

Malin braced himself stretching for a moment before he took a running step his foot connecting with the trees he ran up the slender tropical wood, his feet being held too it by his chakra. As he reached the top of the tree he held onto the top branch. Looking out over top the entire forest. He gazed for a moment. "Looks rather barren honestly. Probably some no... wait a second." He marked the direction on the tree as he fell down.

"It looks like there are some structers to the east of here. Possibly an actual village, but I'm gonna say it's not in the best shape... looked worn down if you asked me." Malin had a sudden case of a chill down his spine as he walked pointing in the direction of what he had seen.


Shiro traced what he believed to be a fugitives movements. This Shizuki woman had led them right to an alcove of secrets, one of Kabuto's old and now thanfully abandoned lairs. Still there was always so much they learned from these places every time they found one they learned of some new secret the snake had hidden away after he left the Akatsuki, and every time he got to explore it than his masters were all the more happy.

She knew of one them that his masters hadn't, but now came the hard part. He could wound her critically now, take her back to his people and they could drain all of the information from her, he could spend his time investigating the entire lair. Or he could find out why she was taking all of the maps out of the room by following her. Finding out what she was planning to do with that many maps and charts seemed to be the best thing he could think of. that excuse at least gave him some denaiabilty when he talked too the rest of ROOT.

Relaxing his bow arm for now he blinked slightly looking at her, watching her run off and leave from the shadows. His only signal to his partner being to relax and wait. Aiyasha was probably drawing the same conclusions that he was, it was better off if they waited for this girl to find out her plans rather than just hitting her hard now. Still he kept his eyes trained on her and his ears alert. The last thing he wanted too happen was for him to be caught off guard like this woman was.

Her head looked back to Malin as the word 'whirlpools' caught her attention. Wait ... huh? Sure enough, as she looked back and saw what he'd spoken about, she mentally face-palmed herself. She must have been so content about finding the hotsprings that they had slipped past her eyes. Looking back in front of her, Shizuki's head then tilted up in thought. " .... That ... is indeed quite the hint. I ... think Whirlpools were somehow included with a nation ... or island ... something .... "

That was bothering her; she was forgetting something and she knew it. But what exactly? It only made her more anxious for the clone to return, preferably before night fell. But she couldn't rush her ... she knew how heavy the books were that she'd made her clone go retrieve. Hopefully, however, she was making good headway.

As Malin pointed towards hints of a village ... former one maybe ... she nodded before stepping forward. " ... This place looks like a hurricane hit it and really hard too." Her fingers snapped as she moved closer to the debris. "Maybe ... it's worth checking ... but there could still be a sign or something ..." It didn't appear likely ... but while the possibility was indeed still there, she'd see about confirming if she had been right or not. Carefully, she began picking up the pieces of the debris and looking for any signs or hints that would finally give away where they had landed on.

Aiyasha merely gave a silent nod to Shiro, not overly astounded to see they were going to follow her back. If he hadn't suggested it, Orochimaru would have ordered it from them anyways. A bit of her was curious why the Sannin hadn't waited here instead though; he could have easily dealt with her, yes? She supposed, though, with him keeping the guise of being the Mizukage .... and besides, the girl wouldn't expect them. Waiting for Shizuki to head out first, she noted wherever she was going required her to walk upon the water first.

'An island? Or somewhere near water?' She signed to Shiro, wondering if he had the same thoughts as to why else she would be using the Water Walking Technique. Only when she was certain she could follow behind and make as little noise as possible did Aiyasha follow suit, the jutsu practically child's play for her as she had been born in Kirigakure, and began the hunt. She would make damn well sure to avoid losing sight of her to avoid either of them getting lost.

Within about an hour, all three arrived, with the clone first landing on the island of course.

After glancing around a few times, the clone sighed in annoyance. "OI! SHIZUKI!!!!! BAKA, YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID WHERE YOU WENT!" Feeling she had done more than enough, she allowed herself to dispel, the books falling upon the sand in a still rather neat pile.

"... A clone? Cunning." Aiyasha murmured softly, a very neutral tone to her voice. Still, it meant they were limited on time; soon the real one would be here and personally, she didn't want to be found. Whether Shiro did or not, Aiyasha found a tree to hide in and jumped up, grasping onto a branch as she firmly held on ... and waited.

A smile crossed the real Shizuki's face as she ceased going through the debris. "Good now ... maybe we can make progress." First, however, she'd wait to see and hear if Malin had found anything helpful. But her ankles were tensed up, ready to go see if her clone had found the books or not.

Malin went into the debris of the town. Looking for not just anything that would tell them in the location, buy anything that would give them a place they could stay. This was a village... or rather it was a village so the idea of shelter didn't seem impossible, clothing or just anything that could be salvaged from this place. Shizuki said that this place looked like a hurricain hit it, but in reality the devistation didn't seem to match up with a storm. It was too focused, and the more he looked at walls and houses it looked...

Malin took a step back, and then another looking at the marks from a distance as he checked one barely standing house. Seeing long gaping claw marks into the building, as if some creature of immense size and power had just stepped on this place. He shivered seeing the devastation close up. It seemed unnatural, and unreal that this kind of place existed. This wasn't a village it was a grave yard, nothing here survived the devastation. Wanting to leave this place he walked back too Shizuki.

"I doubt anything here would be useful too us. I found one or two places that don't look like they would collapse, but they are warn down. Still it would be shelter from the rain, and wind. In door, and the whirlpool isn't far from the village. Given some time... I could actually imagine living here." He didn't really know what here was, but he was starting to get the feeling that Shizuki had more of an idea than he did. Malin saw that her ankles were tensed and he blinked guessing her clone had dissmissed it's self at this point. "Is it time to head back to the beach?" He asked ready to walk or run with Shizuki if she so gave the command.

Shiro took a moment too look through the books and maps that the clone had dropped. Tracing where they had come from too the locations, he snorted slightly. "Uzushigakure, and the old land of whirlpools. No one has been on this island for years... It would make a perfect base of operations." He said lightly, no one would have expected this barren cursed island to have any activity on it. It was close to Kiri, and close too konoha, making it an advantages position, but one that carried with it many superstisions.

Looking at the trees they had been cut rather receintly. within the last day or so. Shiro looked down a bit from where they were, the trail becoming clearer as he lined up the cuts. He Smiled slightly as he looked around they could have followed the road, but Aiyasha had the correct idea. Let them come to us, and then fight them on their terms it was a simple enough idea for now.

Looking a little deeper in land however he notticed something, a fire pit, and a half eaten cooked boar. aside from it being cold and a clear waist of food to have most of it laying out so that it could just expire and rot. He blinked looking at it. "She isn't alone on this island." He said lightly looking up at Aiyasha.

"The portion sizes are wrong. This is still too fresh for it to be anymore than someones breakfast, but look you can see where two different people have eaten it.... logically speaking this woman has a friend." It didn't change much, so there were gonna be two people he would drag back and torture within the confines of ROOT instead of just one. That was fine by him.

Shizuki's head tilted lightly as she noted Malin's reaction. " ... What is it?" There was obviously something that she had missed regarding this place. The way he was moving back and away from here ... suggested he was ... scared? Anxious? Maybe now eager to leave? Regardless, something seemed to get his attention and in a not-so-good way. Her gaze went from Malin to the debris, trying to see what he did ... but nothing was immediately coming to view. Her eyes went back to his as he spoke up again, her head nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, doesn't look like there will be much of anything here. And ... yes, it is time." The idea of living here ... would be something they could try to contemplate, in time. Given his reaction and her uncertainty on how long they could keep finding things -supplies - to last them, she doubted it, personally. And that was when she cursed aloud, "Fuck! I should have asked her to grab some other things ... ah well. Probably wouldn't have been anything edible and with no obvious shops, grasping money would have been useless."

Chuckling softly, she back-tracked with Malin towards the empty firepit, her smile widening at the sight of the pile of books. "She did it .... " Her smile quickly faded, however, as she got up close and easily noted something very off ...

One of the books, though still in a neat pile, was still left open. Her clone would not have been that clumsy.

" ... I don't think we're alone anymore, Malin .... " She murmured softly, deftly pulling a kunai out as she placed her back against his to keep them from getting flanked. Violet eyes began slowly gazing around, suddenly realizing their location was nothing important anymore; not more than their safety.

The very slightest hint of a smirk crossed Aiyasha's face from behind the mask as both Shizuki and Malin came into view. The boy ... she had been informed of him via Orochimaru-sama. "Today is a good day for us I see ... " She whispered softly back to Shiro. Though she wondered ... how likely was it that both of them had found this place on purpose?

Not likely .. in fact very slim of a chance. One of them? Maybe but both? Definitely not, not here.

After another brief study, she caught sight of a small boat and that somewhat proved her mental theory right. With how small it was, only one could have fit which piqued her curiosity on how the other arrived here. Then she remembered ... Malin was also from Kirigakure like herself; he easily could have walked or swam here like the clone had.

Nodding slowly to herself, her smirk seemed to widen more as she turned back in time to see Shizuki had noticed Shiro's error.

Smart one ... She mused silently. While still keeping her grip upon the branch, she looked back to Shiro and signed to him, 'Ready when you are to reveal ourselves to our soon-to-be-'guests'.'

'Guests', of course, was a very poorly chosen word; but she could try to lie her ass off to them if she felt like it ....

But there would be no point, especially if her face was actually seen ...

They would know soon enough, the last thing they'd wind up being were guests and though Orochimaru had altered his - Kirigakure's rather - original verdict of death for Malin, he may very well wish for it rather than enduring what the Sannin had in mind for him.

Shizuki ... wasn't much better at all, from what hints she'd gotten.

Using peripheral vision, Aiyasha waited for Shiro's lead whilst watching a very anxious Shizuki try to spot one of them ... her gaze going in all the wrong places for now ...

Shiro watched from up and away, two targets. He let out a sigh, he didn't recognize the boy, but he didn't have any real interest in him to start with. The girl or rather Shizuki was more interesting. She knew things that his employers would rather have known. He knocked back an arrow into his bow, pulling it back slowly so that the bow didn't make any noise. Flexing his arm he let out a slow breath tracing her movements with his.

Aiyasha could take on the boy, He was of little interest to Shiro or his agenda, hell he didn't even know if the boy was a ninja. He probably was, he knew that no one would be on this island by accedent and they seemed to know each other. This was a case of devide and conqure. He smiled lightly, knowing exactly how he was gonna do just that.

The arrow he had knocked back had a small piece of paper on it tied lightly by a string, as he loosed it he aimed for the ground at Shizuki's feet. The paper struck a spark from the metal on his bow and as it landed the string started to sizzle lightly crackling as it revealed it's self to be a fuse tied to an explosive tag. The sound of the sizzle stopped for a second before the arrow burst causing a small explosion that he was hoping would seperate the two. "Take the boy!" He said Jumping down from the tree and knocking another arrow into his bow, an arrogant grin on his face as he traced the smoke looking for shizuki.


Malin was thrown back towards the beach, his eyes having caught the arrow only a few seconds too late to say anything to Shizuki. He coughed slightly the air knocked out of him. He caughed blinking his eyes somewhat to get the smoke out of them and to stop the ringing in his ears. Drawing a Kunai he did the most logical thing he could think of and ran onto the water.

The waves moved calmly under his feet and he watched for any signs of movement. there was no real cover aside from the water, which meant he was bound to know who their attackers were. He had the advantage too standing on the water, and holding his Kunai he felt safer. Ready for anything as he looked around. He was patient, he wouldn't make any mistakes, and his eyes constantly checked his directions. "Shizuki!"

He called out for her worried about her. He wasn't sure if these were Kirigakure ninja's that were after him, or anything else that was after her. He was separated from her for the moment, unsure of what would happen. He did however have confidence in her abilities. He hadn't fought Shizuki, but he knew damn well that she was not someone he wanted to fight with. He swallowed lightly his mouth slightly dry as he looked out at the island wanting to know more about what happened. He was partly hoping that these were after him, if only because that mean they wouldn't be after her.

Shizuki's eyes quickly looked down as the arrow landed in front of her. Though they were seldomly used, she did still understand well enough what the paper attached to the arrow meant. Her eyes widened as she deftly jumped back and away from the books, reluctantly leaving them there. She wouldn't have had enough time and trying to get even one may have done too much damage to them and herself. Her hands raised and covered her eyes to keep the dust from getting in them.

A few coughs left and by the time the smoke finished fading away, her hands had gone in front of her, an angry look direly trying to hide the same anxiety and fear that she'd felt upon running towards the boat before she'd arrived here. Her eyes narrowed, a blue aura surrounding her hands as she glared right at the archer. " ..... Sorry, I didn't catch your name or reason for being rude and shooting at me like that." Yes, part of it had easily been sarcasm but she hoped he was one of the more impatient types who would reply to such demands and requests. It'd make things ... well ... somewhat easier.

In the sense of knowing what to possibly expect, yes. But with much else? Not really ... but still, she would try to gain any and every advantage possible.

A slightly irked expression formed on Aiyasha's lips behind the mask. As far as she had always been concerned, the only people whom could truly order her around were Danzo and Orochimaru-sama, the latter being the only one alive now. To hear this boy constantly keep trying to seem higher in rank than herself ... hmph. They were both on par. But, alas, he was right; she could definitely handle Malin much better than if he did so.

With nothing more than a mere "Very well ... " She jumped to her feet and walked towards the water ... then upon it! All with an eerily calm pace, as if she weren't in a hurry. To some degree, she didn't think she was.

Yes, she had been warned and briefed on the boy's bloodline and why he'd been wanted to begin with ... but she still felt rather good on this all the same. As she got within a few steps in front of Malin, her head bowed in a half-serious and half-mocking manner.

"Kanda Malin .... about time. Though I can see why no one found you before now. You weren't hiding alone, but with a woman ... " The sight of her own chest and tone of her voice would be the only hints she would allow for Malin to note on whom exactly she was. Maintaining focus on the Water Walking technique, she then wondered how to go about this?

Kenjutsu? Even with the risks it would bring, that was one of her stronger points. However ... ninjutsu may be smarter, especially with the lightning portion already being stronger than his water -- something he would no doubt have from being a Kirigakure nin. She, herself, did also; but liked to surprise others with the Raiton techniques.

She had been able to note from the way that Shiro suggested going after Malin that he probably didn't want this to take too long. Then again, that was maybe one thing she couldn't blame him about. So she began allowing herself to do the proper hand seals as an idea came to her mind, the performance of it being one handed being the only other hint he would get.

Though ... he would have more to worry about soon enough too.

Ram ... Boar .... Dog .... Bird .... Hare ......

Raiton: Shichū Shibari!"http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Four_Pillar_Bindhttp://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Four_Pillar_Bind

As she finished declaring the jutsu, sure enough, four pillars would shoot up around Malin. And all would shoot out electricity at him; so lest he moved before she finished the jutsu up ... he would likely be unconscious or close enough that she could subdue and restrain him easily.

"I am sorry Lady Shizuki, I promise that won't happen again. See the first strike is always a warning shot, so next time I won't miss." Shiro gave an arrogant laugh as he still had his arrow knocked back and trained on shizuki, a calm smile lined his face as he stepped forward.

"You may call me Shiro." He said lastly as he loosed his arrow and fired it towards Shizuki's shoulder aiming for her body. He slapped his hands together and formed his hand signs adapting them for his bow. Ram, Rat, Bird, Boar Tiger.

Arrow Shadow clone technique

His one arrow became hundreds of flying arrows as he finnished the technique adapting the shuriken shadow clones to something more his style and cloning his own arrows. Like he said the first shot was just a warning blow, now came the fun part.

Malin jumped slightly as this new girl attacked him, forming four giant pillars of stone, he formed his own hand signs to defend himself. Ram, Horse, Bird. "Suiton: Mizu Tatsumaki!" As he spoke the water at his feet burst forward into a massive cyclone which was hit by the electricity of the pillars channeling it and funneling the electricity in the past where it was most conductive and least resistant strait upwards.

Lightning ninja's they were always a thorn in his side, and Malin let go of the water walking technique letting the water tornado persist as he swam past the limits of the four towers. He stayed under water for the moment, ending the cyclone and allowing the lightning the hit the center, striking nothing but air.

He had to think for a moment, he was in an ocean facing down a woman who knew who he was. That meant she had to be from Kiri right? There was no other explanation for how she knew him. Holding his breath he smiled he was right where he wanted to be if he was fighting a Kiri ninja. Hidden in the deep waters of an ocean.

He smiled moving lower into the water so that the girl couldn't see him. ~Okay lets have some fun then kiri girl. Just like the acadamy taught us a good old game of shark in the water.~

Thankfully for Shizuki, the Chakra Scalpel Technique could easily enough be used on other objects, albeit it was always more effective when it cut through a person's muscles and tissues. But right now, she wasn't going to have that luxury or advantage it seemed as the arrow flew at her ... and then multiplied abruptly. She'd been ready to cut just the one arrow in half but not close to a hundred! Her eyes widened and she bit firmly on her lower lip. Some of them, she could cut, thankfully.

All? Gods no and those that pierced her made her scream out in agony.

Panting and wincing, she glanced down at her body, glaring up to Shiro angrily. She should heal herself ... and quickly. But doing that ... would only allow him more opportunities than she'd given him. Furthermore, it was clear the more range he had, the more deadly he was. She had to try to close the distance between them ... and go on the offensive.

Darting forward, though a bit shakily, her hands each lunged for a spot upon his body; her left aiming for his dominant shoulder, her right for his sternum. If either of these could hit, even that would be a huge advantage ... for one reason alone ....

Only she could heal those wounds properly. Otherwise, any form of medical attention - pills or other jutsus - would fail and it was what made the Chakra Scalpel Technique one of the most deadliest medical ninjutsu moves.

Another smirk crossed Aiyasha's lips. Even though he had prevented the shocks from hitting him, she'd forced him to go on the defensive. This was good, in a way. Even though he could do hand seals one handed .... she had already forced him to focus on hiding from her, not attacking. As far as Aiyasha saw, his reaction deemed that she would win this; not without a flaw, of course. But still, the end result was all that mattered to her.

Pulling her mask off and setting it so it floated upon the water beside her, she then bit down on her thumb, making it bleed. Wiping it upon her palm, she then did some more hand seals.

Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning_Techniquehttp://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning_Technique

Within seconds, a giant squid appeared, some of it still above the water .... for now.

"Find the boy ... " She merely said, smirking more as she watched it dive down and pursue after Malin.

With any luck, she could force him to try to come back up towards the surface and then ... she would be ready for him. Unsheathing her katana, she remained upon the water, using her left hand to grasp and put her mask back on.

Now ... she waited.

Shiro smiled slightly as she came into close range. His body crumpled as she made contact with him. Her attacks landing home, his shoulder and chest impacting as he gasped for air, falling back, his arrogant smile returned.

There was a large gust of wind as a cloud of smoke filled the air a small log hitting the ground instead of a wounded archer. As it clattered too the ground however it dropped rolling over to show another explosive tag already burning it's fuse away. Words were etched onto the log with what looked like an arrow head. With Love :p

The real Shiro smiled back up in the tree's he shook his head slightly, a small wound on his shoulder. His replacement had been sloppy and he had taken a small cut over his right shoulder. Shifting slightly it stung but it was far better than being completely cut open, or for that matter being where shizuki was standing.

In a few seconds it was really gonna suck to be where shizuki was standing, and he smiled lightly knocking back another arrow waiting for round two to start.


Malin couldn't hold his breath all day, but would probably have too, swimming close to the bottom his heart sank slightly as he saw her use the summoning technique. Malin diidn't have a summon of his own, and that put him at a disadvantage, he also really didn't want to have too fight a giant squid under the ocean where it could easily claim victory.

Forming the tiger hand sign he he focused, there was plenty of water around him for this jutsu. And he soon found himself staring at a second version of him. Both nodded as he motioned for them to split up the clone taking the obvious route too lure away the summon.

The clone swam through the water showing it's self at a higher altitude than the summon trying to get away it moved swiftly through the waters, using the currents to aid it.

The real Malin hid behind a rock watching the surface, watching that girl waiting for a chance to break for air, and a chance too attack. His lungs were burning slightly, but he could hold it. He had done this hundreds of times before, he knew how long he could last under the water.

Shizuki's own smirk appeared and she began to approach closer ... only to stop as the log appeared in his stead. Her eyes narrowed as she turned to glance at the real Shiro. " ... Tch, annoying one aren't you?" She murmured, noting he was already ready to let the next arrow loose. However, her eyes noted she had managed to nick his shoulder -- with some luck, it may still work out in her favor. This fight ... maybe it wouldn't be as hopeless as it was feeling.

Clinging onto the small bit of hope that was surging through her, Shizuki darted for Shiro, one hand going for a kneecap, the other the same shoulder she'd already hit again. She didn't want to give him anymore advantages so easily and more than that, she had to keep trying to work on incapacitating him. She'd already hit once ... she could do so again. Or so she wanted to believe.... very much so.

But before she could even reach Shiro, the explosion went off, making her fall forward, her face finding the sand.

" ... Fuck ... " She murmured, a weak groan following after the curse. Trembling hands began desperately trying to push herself up to her feet, not having even realized that with the way she landed, the arrows had gone deeper in her skin. Oh she'd have a hell of a wake up call once the adrenaline wore off though ...

Aiyasha's eyes narrowed in annoyance as she saw the water clone made. With an annoyed sigh, the squid heard one simple command ....

"Both boys I guess then .... "

She wouldn't allow him to get too close to her if she could help it. His bloodline could make her sword useless in a matter of seconds ... and she was rather fond of her katana. But it'd been clear that even using ninjutsu was a more difficult route. If worst came to worst ... she could resort to normal Taijutsu, without a sword. She was good enough in that field. Still .... she didn't want to try to chase Malin herself, yet.

If her summon failed to do it's job, however, she would have no choice ....

Shiro laughed slightly as he watched Shizuki drop. He dropped from his hidding place in the trees more than a few feet away from her. His eyes were gloating as he walked towards her. The cut on his shoulder bugged him, but he was sure that he did more damage too her.

Shiro laughed slightly arrogantly, choosing to not hit her with another arrow, but instead gloat slightly. "It's hard to imagine that one of the big bosses couldn't get rid of someone like you. Still your worth a lot more to me alive than dead, so if you agree to submit I promise I won't shoot you again."

He was clearly making a deal he wasn't going to up hold, but at the same time he was towering over shizuki for a moment gloating and not really taking her all that seriously. He watched her, but not closely enough.


Malin was starting too get annoyed by this woman, but thank fully he had a plan. From under his rock he formed a second water clone, and then a third, and even a forth. His lungs were burning from the stress and his body was starting to get a little more than exausted.

Me made a brake for it, all five of him going in different directions with the real Malin choosing the direction directly behind and underneath the woman. He stayed as far from the surface as possible, swimming close to the bottem till he turned slightly and kicked off from the ground shooting himself as fast as he could at the surface.

Snake → Ram → Horse → Hare → Ram → Horse → Hare. god that one had far too many hand signs he thought finally breaking the surface behind the woman he took as large a breath as any. throwing his punch and putting his palms out in front of him and the woman. The water seemed too rise up around the kiri ninja girls body.

"Suirō no Jutsu" She could have as many summons as she wanted, but if he caught her there was no escaping a water prison from the inside. He grinned finally taking in some of the fresh salty air. "Got yah."

A weak scoff mingled in with her chuckle. "Submit when I don't know exactly what you want with me? Yes, that sounds so very smart." Her fists clenched and her heart sank as the words 'one of the biggest bosses' echoed. He couldn't mean ... could he? No ... no way he was connected, right? She didn't even want to think on that, her grip on her lower lip tightening along with the one she had with her clenched fists.

Only a few people had genuinely tried to get rid of her; those from the war had merely went for capturing. So .... she was fearing he did indeed mean him. And assuming that was the case, she couldn't let him take her back. Fuck and no.

"Besides .... I have no guarantee you will hold true to your word, especially if I'm on the right track on whom you refer to. If you're as much a snake as he is .... the promise means nothing at all .... "

All the while she'd been speaking, her eyes weren't upon him ... well not exactly. They were at his ankles, the blue-green glow never having been willed to fade away. If he was distracted enough ... and she could reach and touch even a portion of one ....

That could buy her more than enough time. Ankles weren't supposed to heal from normal wounds anyways, not well if at all. So using a technique which the only way to get rid of it was from the user? Oh yes, it'd be very helpful. Continuing to work on shakily pushing herself up - to one knee at least even if not both feet - Shizuki's eyes remained on her target.

Panting and breathing heavily, her head bowed, as if she'd been looking like she thought on his words .... before pushing herself forward, lunging towards Shiro and desperately trying to grab around one of his ankles.

Malin wasn't the only one getting annoyed ... ah well. A fight against another Kirigakure ninja ... she didn't expect this to be short despite it being her preference. Her eyes narrowed as she turned, hearing water break behind her. Glancing around her to see the water begin to enclose, she shook her head and chuckled.

"... Really? You're rather cocky aren't you, thinking that will do me in?"

A single handseal -- the Tiger -- was used and before the sphere could fully wrap around her, it did around another her; a clone of her to be more exact.

"Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu ... " She murmured a few paces away from him and the water prison, smirking to him before her eyes narrowed in annoyance and anger.

"You may as well cease running while you can. Think on it this way ... even if you elude me, you'll have to deal with Shiro whom, more likely than not, has already finished with Shizuki. You really think you're up to the task?"

All the while, she'd done another Tiger hand seal, a Snake then Dog both following.

Holding her hands out towards Malin, she let the word of the jutsu leave her lips, "Raigeki!" Even with the water prison in between Malin and Aiyasha, the bolts seemed to go around them ... and were now heading right for him, aiming to hit him square in the sternum!

Shiro was arrogant enough that he thought he had won, fair and simple, he took any movements that Shizuki had as her own desperate struggle, he didn't even think she had the ability to mold her chakra at this point let alone the ability to hide it from him.

He wasn't however about to hold to his end of the bargan, and as she reached out for him he pulled back on his arrow. "Well if it helps at all~" His taunt was cut short as Shizuki grabbed his ankles.

Shiro fell back his world suddenly engulfed in blinding pain as he fell down. The muscles in his ankles cut and unable to support his weight. He bit his lower lip supressing his screams of pain as he fell back. "Oh you... bitch." He spoke through gritted teeth as he glared. At her moving back away from her. He had left himself open thinking he had won, and now he felt like an idiot, but mostly he felt pain. lots and lots of pain.


Malin was gut punched with electrical energy, the bolts hitting him hard. He was thrown back hard his grip on the water prison failing as he fell back wards and fell back down into the water. He managed to take in some air before submerging however, and felt the sting of cold water against his burns.

He wanted to caugh and breath, but doing so now would leave him open. He was at least hidden from view from her. Malin let himself sink his body playing possem. moving only one hand to do his hand signs. Tiger, ox, monkey, rabbit. His body shivered slightly from the pain and having to focus at the same time. ram, boar, ox ,horse.

His mind went blank for a moment both from the lack of air in his lungs and the water pressure, the good thing for him was, that he made himself look as dead as possible, she could easily blame the fact that he had sank as due to all the heavy clothing he was wearing. Though his mind did also worry about Shizuki. These two were tough, he didn't want to make the same mistake as underestimating this woman. Monkey, tiger, dog, tiger, his hand went over the motions despertaly trying to gather all the chakra that he needed to do this.

Snake, tiger, ox monkey, rabbit bird. The water around him started to flow in a circle creating a massive vortex around his person and then fired diagonally with an emmense amount of force behind it. A giant water vortex breaking the water, Half of Malin really wanted too see the result, the other half, was tired, the technique had drained him of a vast amount of chakra, his limbs felt heavy under the water... his eyes closed softly... The bitch was finished, he could sleep.
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