Poison Ivy RP(mitchthompson484/simpleroleplayer)

"Whaat's your pleasure?" she asked, eyebrow raised pointing to a wine rack that had nearly every fruit wine imaginable. "Pick out a bottle." she continued going into the bathroom where she closed the door, stripped, and used her plant abilities to create a form fitting green "leaf" mini dress. She removed the bun and glasses and prepared to have her 'fun'.
He shrugged as he looked over the different wines... he chose one and pulled it from the wine rack as she went to the bathroom and he poured two glasses... he sat on her couch as he waited for her...
Pam came out in her "Poison Ivy" persona, walked over to him sat down and said "I hope I can convince you to quit that evil paper company." she said quietly and sultry, massaging his leg, "cause we have so much in common on our likes." she picked up the glass and took a sip. "ahh, boysenberry, my favorite. Good choice."
"What the fuck?!!" He stood up and backed away from her, suddenly suprised who was in the same room as him... he couldnt help looking at her, wearing her plants... and looking beautiful... but she knew he worked for the paper company and he heard about her... Poison Ivy.. she killed people that were involved with business... "Now Pamela... I.. I think I should go now..."
"Tut, tut. I said I like you. I'm giving you a chance." Poison Ivy's smle wasn't evil, but it was mean. "Besides, you're not going anywhere. I have telepathically told the plants to block your escape." Sure enough, the plants blocked the door and the windows. "I can be very reasonable..." she smirked walking her fingers up his chest.
A shiver ran down his spine as her fingers walked up his chest... his eyes darted around looking for a way to get out, any chance he could get for escape... but the plants blocked everything... he backed away from her again.. not his back was against the wall... "Please... I want to go home... its just a job Pamela... cant you let me go??"
Poison Ivy sighed sadly, put her free hand's forefinger to her chin and commented, "Problem is your boss didn't listen to reason when I approached as Dr. Isley, why would he listen to you?" Tears started to fall, because here was someone who truly understood. "If nothing else, I'll pull some strings to get you on as my assistant. I'm sure you'd like that, hmm?" her mischievious smile, and closeness of her body, should be all the convincing he should need. "I'm asking you to leave them. Just walk away." he was obviously noticing how real the tears were, which smelled of dew on fresh cut grass, a wonderful aroma for any true nature lover.
He could smell something odd in the air and was quite wonderful.. she did make a good case for him to leave. But even if he understoood her approach, and the reasons why, part of him rejected what she proposed... In fact, he was the one that reaized the red-woods were making a a come back in population and advised logging them, as well as several other decisions.. he was on the fast track.. but could he give it up?? "I.. I dont know Pamela... can I go home and think about it??"
"Let me make the decision easy for you." She kissed his lips, which started the process of her poison seeping into his skin. "I didn't want to do that..." she whispered. "You want the anti-dote? Walk away, right now. You have, oh, " she gave him a once over. "Eight hours, to 'think about it'." She pulled away and the plants moved from the door. "You know where I live. Tell the police? No anti-dote. Batman knows me well. He knows I don't play."
His eyes went wide in suprise as she kissed him.. he could feel his lips tingle from her poison as it entered him... "Hmmphhh" After she broke the kiss he gasped knowing what she did to him... "Your trying to kill me!... Ok ok... I will walk away.... please.. I want to live..."
He eagerly drank it.. he had no idea if he really was going to quite.. .but right now, staying alive seemed like the best idea....
Poison Ivy grinned. "You know... I'm infertile, part of the exchange for the powers I have." she draped her arms around his neck, "the anti-dote's good for 24 hours..." she leaned in and whispered "no matter how much contact you have with me" she pulled away from his ear and gave him a passionate loving kiss. "you get it? All the contact you want for 24 hours..." the way she said it was very seductive.
"All the contact that I want for 24 hours??" He smiled thinking about it... she was making him aroused with her so close to him.. but... she just tried to kill him unless he did what she said.. was this actually happening?? "But... you.. you just tried to kill me... now you want us to make love?" He looked puzzled, un-sure on what to do...
Poison Ivy wore a smirk and played teasingly with his hair. She made a odd movement with her head, shoulders, and body which caused the outfit to vanish, she rubbed herself against him as she whispered sultry "what part of 'i like you' and 'i didnt want to' did you not understand? I was going to give you the anti-dote before the kiss...if you would have walked away sooner. You like what you see, hmm?" she flirted with her eyes as she sank her hand down to his bulge. "are you a big boy? Think you can handle me?" Seducing to get what she wanted was easy, but she didn't dominate and didn't like being dominated. Threaten? Absolutely.
He groaned as she startred to rub on his his manhood through his pants... he breathed heavy as he looked at her beautiful naked form... she was pushing all the right buttons on him to make his blood boil for her... "I can handel you... question is can you handel me??" He pushed her away onto the couch and he pulled his tie off and started taking off his shirt.... "I hope you know what your getting in to..." He gave a slight smile....
Ivy smiled as she propped one long leg against the back of the couch. She watched him strip tease for her and rubbed one of her breasts as she fingered herself in anticipation. "Nice." she said approvingly. This was her intent with him from the beginning, once she realized he was on her side...in a matter of speaking.
He smiled as he stripped for her... the way she responded, fingering herself, getting ready for what was to come made him lust for her even more. He slipped off his pants so all was left was his boxers... he dicided to let her open the gift herself as he climbed over her and started kissing at her neck, his fingers joining her one hand that was on her breast.... what he was going to do after this... he didn't know... perhaps he needed to call the police... his job was making him rich after all.. she did give him the antidote....
Ivy pushed his mouth down on her neck and closed her eyes as she began to gently pull on his boxers to free his dick. As soon as she felt the flesh in her hand she began to jerk on it, allowing her hand to coat it with aloe. She liked how it was responding to her touch.
Unknown to them, James' boss was working late, not knowing that in an hour, the Joker was going to blow the place up, and frame Ivy! Two people besides him would know the truth; Batman and Robin!
James moaned into her neck as she started to stroke him. He could feel the cool touch of the aloe on his cock, lubing it up in her hand and making him harder. His cock throbbed his her fingers. His fingers slid down her body and found her pussy, slipping in two fingers to explore her... "Ohhh fuck..."
"That's the plan, James..." Ivy smiled, "Do you like rose milk? Or will you go straight for the honeysuckle?" she asked in a sultry whisper, hoping he'd take the hint...she did throw two at him. She held his hand gently against her pussy before letting it go. I do hope you are a slowpoke." Yet another hint at the kind of sex she wanted.
He kissed down her body, down he rneck, down her chest and soon his lips were on one of her tits, kissing and sucking on it as his fingers continued to slide in her... his thumb finding her clit... "I like it all.... " He shifted to the other tit, gently sucking and kissing at it...
"Mmm, someone wants rosemilk," she cooed as he sucked on her breasts, his fingers were working their magic too, so much so, she hand to stop the hand job. "gawd, James," she sighed as her body began to tease her lover with the taste of rosemilk from her teets. She squeezed her pussy lips around his fingers, tightly, enhancing her pleasure of being fingered, and ensuring his finger-fucking slowed to her speed of pleasure.
His eyes went wide, suprised that she was giving somwthing off from her breasts... it tasted sweet as he sucked on her tits, enjoying the flavor... he moaned drinking, not expecting such a reward... "I am to please Ivy...." He called her by her villian name.. not sure which to use... he continued to slide his fingers in and out of her slowly, feeling her pussy get tighter around his fingers....
"Ahh, now that feels good...take me up on my job offer, James, and you'll get this perk all the time." she smirked, eyes half closed and holding his head into her breasts, "of course, you'd have to take the anti-dote nightly..." she threw her head back, moaned his name as she embraced him closer, and gasped hapilly. "I know I could go for this every night, I love slow and meticulous." she gave him another smile and kissed his forehead.
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