Poison Ivy RP(mitchthompson484/simpleroleplayer)

Ivy moaned into every kiss given, and when he tried for french kissing, she indulged him. She rocked him with her hips, and tightened her vaginal muscles around his hard thrusting member, giving him just enough room to go up and down, but not pull completely out. She had him now, and his last minutes will be the best sex he ever had.
"Gotham Police," A blonde rookie police woman said as her partner stood nearby. "We're on our way."
She looked at ghe seasoned veteran. "Dr. Bartholemew says Ivy hasn't arrived at Arkham yet."
He continued to kiss her, feeling his tongue run along hers.. his cock slipping in her tight pussy, not letting go of it, yet at the same time he felt her hot venom slip into his mouth, burning more and more as did his cock in her poison pussy... but he loved the moans she gave to him.. he wanted to give her bliss as he thrusted faster and faster
Ivy started begging for the unload with her eyes, and lips as they continued to kiss him more.
Officer Pepper grabbed her hat and looked to the man. She asked her first dumb important question of many. "You coming?" and started for the door.
He continued to thrust into her, moaning as he felt her hot and wet pussy clench at his cock.. her poison making his cock sensitive and cause some pain... his tongue continued to run along hers as his mouth and lips started to burn like fire and his blood veins started to turn a slight shade of green... "Hmmphhh..."
Ivy said calmly, "Atta boy...gimme a nice big unload before you die happy. You can do it, squirt huge in me, sweety," she moaned into him nearing a climax that would be the last thing he feels.
He continued thrusting into her, his cock throbbing from her poison and ready to cum into her... He gasped feeing her poison, dripping down his throat, finding it harder to breath as he continued thrusting into her... "Fuck it hurts..."
"Well, I told you what you needed. It's too late now. You wanted me, you got me...lock, stock and barrel." Ivy continued to urge his cum, by giving him some floral aromas, usually for when she was in love with whoever her victim was.
Pepper, in the passenger side of the c-uiser, shown she was destined for greatness by keeping eagle-eye open for the other officer's vehicle.
He could smell the sweet scent in the air and it drove him over the edge... he pressed deep into her pussy and moaned as he started to cum into her... each squirt like it was fire.. . he gasped for air as his mouth and throat burned from her poison... "Ugg.... fuck..."
"Yes!" Ivy moaned as she orgasmed, finishing him off. He'd be dead as he collapses on top of her, and Ivy herself, collapsed back into the seat. "That was a serious fuck, too bad it killed you." Ivy sighed at the weight on top of her.
"There!" Pepper pointed to her left, where the car could be seen, the back door open, but what was happening, or just did, wasn't clear.
He screamed in pleasure before his heart gave out "Ahh fuck YESS!!! Ivy.... I LOVE YOU!!" HE cummed into her pussy as he started to orgasm and shake.. soon he was dead, on top of her..."
"What the hell?" Pepper question as she got out. The seasoned veteran will get to the scene first and will let the rookie, who saw something shiny in the bushes, know exactly 'what the hell' while she investigates the bushes.
He walked closer and saw it.. the foot of a human... as he got closer he could tell it was of the officer they were looking for... he was naked and wrapped in vines... "Yep... they were here...."
Pepper soon came over, the handcuffs in her gloved hand.
A muffled voice came from beneath the vines that said "get im offa me!"
Pepper blinked and peered into the vines and saw the green eyes staring back. "im too weak to control it...my vines are burying us both!"
"Poison Ivy?"
"It sure da fuck aint the Joker! Gimme outta here!"
The older officer pulled out his gun and pointed it down by Ivy... "Pepper, put on gloves... don't let her touch you and pull the vines off of her...."
"diju say pebber?" the eyes looked at the veteran with a most bewildered look.
"Yes, the name is Pepper," the blonde rookie growled pulling the dead body free first. "like the spray. Real easy to remember, because you don't want me in your face!"
She continued to free Ivy from her self made prison. "If you knew you would get tangled in your own vines, why kill a man by fucking him?"
Ivy looked at the veteran with the 'you explain it' look, as Pepper cuffed her hands behind her back.
Pepper rolled her eyes as she nodded. She roughly threw Ivy in the backseat. "That I believe."
She went to the trunk, pulled out two gas masks and glared at Ivy as she handed her partner one of them. There would be no more deaths on Pepper Anderson's watch. Ironically, Ivy was fine with that.
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