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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Kat knew that she would start lactating soon, it really was only a matter of time. When Rick leaned down and had a taste, Kat giggled at his approval. "Well I'm glad that you like it, but it is for the triplets and you wouldn't want to deprive them of that, now would you?" She was playing coy with him as she continued to eat her second bowl of mac and cheese.
"Well right now they can't have it anyway. So they won't miss it. Later when they are out, I'll save it all for them. However, As I understand it your body will just make more to meet the demand, and playing with your breasts both make the milk come and helps your body to recover from the birth."

Another drop slowly escaped each nipple and ran down her belly, which he quickly licked up, and smiled. "Looks like You are going to need something to catch that, either that or you will have to stay topless, which would be just fine with me!"
Rick always had a good argument and Kat really had nothing more to say on the matter, she just kept eating her dinner. She was lactating because she was aroused so her hormones were working the mammary glands hard. She giggled at him as he licked up the spill. "Oh I know you'd love me topless, you'd love me naked!" She giggled and leaned in to kiss him sweetly. "For now, I suppose you can clean me up!" She winked at him.
"That would be a pleasure. Are you feeling a bit better I hope?" He climbed on the bed beside her and laid his head against her belly listening to the triplets jostle her. "They are really active right now!" He looked down at her belly, it seemed to be sitting much lower than it had been. "How long until they are due?" he asked her looking a bit concerned. It appeared to him as though they were just about to pop out.
"I am feeling better, this mac and cheese helped! She beamed as she finished off the rest of her second helping. Placing the bowl aside, she leaned back and looked at Rick as he laid his head on her tummy. The triplets were moving around and it was visible to see. "Yes they are, must've liked your mac and cheese too!" She enthused. "I've got another two months to go, but my doctor said that it's common to deliver early with triplets." Kat too had noticed that her belly hung a little lower lately. "Are you ready for them to come out?" She asked as he ran her fingers through Rick's hair.
" No! we have a lot to do! Its just that I couldn't helped noticing how far your belly dropped in the last day or so. It looks to me like they are about ready to stage an escape. I guess we better be extra careful, I don't want any early arrivals. " He laid next to her . and pulling up to her, kissed her gently. "When do you see the doctor again? I think you should see him sooner rather than later."
She smirked at his outburst. Kat knew that Rick was excited for the babies, but it was not yet time for them to be out in the world. She gently caresses Rick's face, "not to worry, I'll keep'em in as long as possible!" She leaned into his kiss and settled back into his arms, "I have an appointment next week, but since we're not on vacation, I suppose that I could go and see her tomorrow, make sure that everything is alright." Things were so much different with triplets, it seemed that the pregnancy went a lot faster than with a single child.
"I'm sorry to be such a worrier, but its just that you have gotten big so fast with three of them. That and all the stress you went through. I just don't want anything to go wrong. I'm afraid my overprotectiveness will get worse before it gets better. I just can help it. If you need any help, you better ask!" He smiled at her and patted her belly before snuggling up to her. He liked having her naked and in bed where he could keep an eye on her.
"There's really no need to apologize Rick. You are my husband and a father to be, it's kind of expected that you worry!" She didn't mind all the coddling because she knew that it was only done out of love and concern for her and the babies well beings. She cuddled up close with him, "I will definitely ask if I need any help, but right now, I just want to lay here in bed with you. I think you could use some more sleep so why don't you get some shut eye, I will be right here next to you." She cradled his head to her bare chest and softly ran her hands through his hair. She was already showing signs that she was going to be a great mom.
Rick lasted only a few minutes once she had him laid down. He ad been on high alert now for more than 24 hours, and he just collapsed like a balloon which someone had just let the air out of. He began dreaming of the babies birth and bringing the three of them home with Kat.
Kat was happy that Rick fell right to sleep. As much as she loved that he worried about her, she worried just as much about him. He was a strong abled guy, but the human body could only stand so much. He needed to realize that the best way to take care of her and the babies was for him to be on top of his game. She reached for the remote and turned on the TV. After flipping through a few channels, she stopped on a Disney movie. Soon they'd have those movies running all day long with the triplets. Picasso was at her feet, resting his head on her legs. Kat called him up to her and he went happily. He was a lot bigger now, but knew to be gentle with Kat. Somehow he sensed that she was more fragile than Rick was. After a bit, Kat too fell back to sleep, cuddling Rick on one side and Picasso on the other.
Some time later Rick woke up still resting against her breasts. He decided to wake her by suckling her breasts. For his trouble he was rewarded with mouth full of thick sticky milk. He didn't take it too far, knowing that the early milk was good for the babies, but instead he began to kiss her passionately. "Wake up sleepy head! he said to her. Picasso got up when she started to stir and headed for the kitchen, hoping to be fed.
Kat moaned and lightly muttered something as she felt Rick suckling her breasts. They were sensitive and slightly tender. She smiled into his kiss and roused for her sleep. "Okay, I'm awake," she lazily enthused. Opening her eyes, she smiled at Rick and watched Picasso's back end leave the bedroom on his way to the kitchen, "I suppose he's hungry!"
"So how are you feeling? are you up for a little walk?" he looked out the bedroom window. "It's a nice sunny day, abit on the cool side, but with a jacket, you should be comfortable." May be we could stop and get lunch on the way back at the diner. They do have good food." He smiled at her and pushed the hair from her face so he could see her eyes, then kissed her gently.
"I'm feeling pretty good. A walk sounds lovely and food sounds really lovely!" She winked and leaned in to kiss him. Kat enjoyed the cooler weather, fall was her favorite season of the year, she was glad that the triplets were going to be fall babies! Kat got up from the bed and got into the closet to grab a pair of maternity jeans and a simple tee shirt. Just because she was pregnant, didn't mean that she couldn't still look cute. With her hair pulled back, she slipped on her flats and a lightweight jacket. "Okay, I'm ready! Her belly did hang lower, but it wasn't a strain on her back. Oddly enough, it balanced her.
Rick put on his jeans and a cotton sweater and then wrapped his arm securely around her waist and took her hand in his free arm. He helped her to walk down the stairs and opened the door for her. The way she walked made him smile. She had a distinct waddle, and there would be no doubt in anyone's mind that she was pregnant. Beyond the fact that she had a very prominent baby bump, she also had a motherly glow that Rick just loved. "I'm so proud of you! Its a lot of hard work to be pregnant, and you're doing so well!" They walked slowly down the street toward the park. They got lots of encouraging waves from their neighbors, and just passers by.
"Proud of me huh?" She giggled, "well thanks! I try to make this pregnancy thing look like a breeze!" Kat was in a good mood, it was obvious by her teasing and charming wit. She waved back at the neighbors and other pedestrians as they walked along their neighborhood. This was such a good place to raise a family. "Soon, we're going to be pushing our brood in a three seated stroller!" Kat had her fingers laced with Rick's and as they made it to the park, Kat blushed slightly at the sight of the pond. "This park will always be a fond memory!"
"It can be much more than a memory! I hope you don't think we are all trough with our little adventures. I mean we can pass on the major ones like tornados and train crashes, but a midnight dip in the park, shouldn't be out of the question once the kids are able to be left with a sitter. If we can't have some fun, how am I going to get you pregnant again? How many kids do you want? Do you have any idea?"
"Yes, let's pass on the tornados and train wrecks!" She was quite adamant about that. "I suppose that this park can be our little escape whenever we need it!" She giggled when Rick mentioned that these little rendezvous were how he was going to get her pregnant again. Kat took a seat at the bench, "well let's just focus on these three for now. I really don't know how many I want to have. Whatever we are blessed with, I'll be happy!" She snuggled next to Rick and watched the ducks wade in the water.
When they got to the park bench he helped her to sit down and snuggle up under his arm. Across the pond there was a mom with three little girls playing in the sand. "Just think, that will be you in a couple years. I wonder if they are triplets? They sure look like they might be!" They watched as the little girls ran hither and yon. When they stood up to go, the mother was busy with her hand and a wash cloth trying to leave the bulk of the sand behind.
It was nice to see the mom and her daughters. Kat rubbed her belly lovingly, "yes, that will be happening very soon! Though the only difference will be that there will be a little boy in our mix, probably throwing sand at his sisters!" Kat giggled and leaned into Rick. They were going to be such a happy and boisterous family. When her and Rick got up to leave, Kat and the mother made eye contact. The ladies smiled at one another and went their separate ways. "Okay, let's go eat! I'm hungry!" About halfway to the diner, Kat got a really bad pain in her stomach. It made her stop and grip Rick's hand tightly, "Oww!" She cried out.
"Are you ok?" Rick asked, suddenly distressed. He struggled t remain calm and helped her back to the bench. He sat beside her, and let her relax a minute hoping that it was nothing. "Just rest, and let's see if it goes away."
Kat nodded and took a seat. She had one hand where she felt the pain. It wasn't going away though, then she felt this release and the crotch of her jeans became soaked, "I think my water just broke!" She was slightly frantic because she wasn't due to have these babies for another two months, though she was warned that they might come early. "Rick, we need to get to the hospital now!" With the release of her water, the pain subsided, but she knew that it was going to return and become even more intolerable.
Rick was suddenly energized, and scooped her up into his arms as though she weighed nothing. He began carrying her back to the house. When they got there he sat her in the chair on the porch and opened the door to the van and spread towels on the seat before putting her in. He buckled her in carefully and then climbed in and began driving to the hospital. He was worried about the babies, but he also knew he had to get them their safely.
Kat didn't say a thing as Rick picked her up and carried her back to the house. When she was sitting on the porch chair waiting for Rick to bring the van out, Kat started to feel the pain again. She breathed through it and it subsided once more. As they rode to the hospital, Kat just hoped that their babies were alright, that it was nothing more than a early delivery and not that they were in any danger. Upon arriving, Kat was helped out of the van and into a wheelchair. Rick took care of getting her admitted. The nurses came to Kat's aid and wheeled her to a delivery room. One of the nurses pages Kat's OBGYN. Fifteen minutes later, Kat was in a hospital gown and laying in bed. The nurses were checking the vitals of both mother and babies, everything seemed fine.
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