Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Kat was slowly feeling her own climax building with the slowness of their love making, but as Rick commanded her to cum, that completely elevated things. Kat moved a little faster on him, "I love you too Rick!" With his deep thrusts, she was getting closer to the surface. "Ahhhh, Rick!" She was so close as well and as they kissed, Kat found her orgasm and came loudly as she clung to his body. His frantic thrusting only heightened her orgasm, "yesssss!"
His whole body trembled as he felt her clamp down on him and succumbed to a shuddering climax. He continued to thrust deep within her as he let loose a flood that when mixed with her passion juice soaked them both. Panting and smiling her held her and between gasps, said "How about a warm bath?"
It was definitely a magical moment when they came together. Kat stayed clung to his body and enjoyed the afterglow of their love making. "A bath sounds really good!" She wasn't ready to get up though, maybe it was because she was feeling tired or maybe because it was just too nice to move out of position.
He laid back against the arm of the couch and let her swollen body rest on his chest while his cock slowly softened deep inside her. He rubbed her back an pressed her head to his shoulder. He could measure her heartbeats and the depth of her breathing against his chest, and it wasn't long before he began to suspect she was asleep. It seemed as though the bath was going to wait for a while. His baby was apparently sleeping peacefully.
Kat laid on Rick's chest and was lulled to sleep with the beat of his heart. She was apparently exhausted from their busy day and there wasn't a better place to sleep them in Rick's arms. Her arms wrapped loosely around his waist as she visited dreamland. Lately, all Kat had dreamed about were her unborn children and what they might look like. She wanted them to have Rick's beautiful eyes and charming smile.
Rick might have slept also, but it was apparent that those unborn children were ready to be awake, and had decided to kick. He couldn't understand how they didn't wake Kat, but since she obviously needed the rest, he didn't mind. He just held her and rubbed her belly from time to time. enjoy the feel of her soft skin against his.
Kat was pretty used to the babies kicking at this point and it didn't wake her. She slept soundly, only making mumbled noises here and there as she dreamed. She really didn't move much either. After a few hours, she did stir. She raised her head to point her sleepy eyes at Rick, "hi," she muttered and rubbed her face, "how long was I asleep?" She couldn't see a clock anywhere, but she did note that Rick hadn't moved her to the bed, "you didn't take me to bed?" She seemed almost surprised.
"No. You were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you. Its been about four hours. How do you sleep with the babies kicking all the time? He unzipped the bottom of the bag and carried her down to their bedroom and stripped off the sleeping bag before starting a bath. "That sleeping bag needs laundering. Its soaked!" He smiled and then sat in the tub and pulled her in between his thighs.
She smiled, "I'm pretty used to the kicking. Sometimes it does disturb me, but then I just place my hands on my belly and that seems to calm the rugrats!" She sat at the edge of the bed while Rick got the bath started. The sleeping bag was drenched from their sweat and love making. "Yes, I'd say so!" She laid against his chest and wadded her hands across the surface of the water. "Let me see your hands, let's see if it works with you too!" The babies were kicking and when she had Rick's hands in hers, she placed them on her belly. After a few moments, the kicking stopped. "It does work!"
"I'll remember that if it ever really bothers me. But the last four hours we kind of had fun. They kicked and I poked back, and you slept through the whole thing. It was my first real time alone with them." He rubbed her belly a while then took the soap and began to wash her gently. She was so big he began to wonder just how much her tiny body could stand. "I hope it doesn't hurt you carrying them."
Kat shrugged, "it's a wight that I'm unaccustomed to, but I'll manage. I assume when I get around eight months pregnant, I won't be doing hardly anything until I give birth." She rubbed her tummy and let Rick lather her up. "Mainly, there's a strain on my lower back, but that's only if I'm standing for long periods of time." Before she got pregnant, she did yoga a lot and that really helped strengthen her core which gave her good stability and balance. It also helped her body while she was pregnant.
"Well when that time comes, you will just have to let me take care of things, which I will be happy to do. Between now and then we'll just play it by ear. If something is too difficult just tell me." He kissed her gently. "I love so much. I won't mind, whatever it might be." He knew that she could be independent at times, and worried that she might not be happy being totally dependent on him.
"I will, I promise!" Sometimes Kat let her pride get the best of her, but she was working on letting Rick do more for her because she had to. So far things weren't that difficult for her to do on her own, but she knew that she would need to rely on him as her pregnancy got to it's end. "You know, I have a hard time reaching my feet, do you think you could massage them?" She turned around and leaned back on the other end of the tub and raised her pretty little feet toward him. "Do they look swollen at all?"
"Just a little" Rick said, "but I know how to help them" He took her feet in his hand and began to rub and squeeze them gently. He hadn't paid attention to how really tiny they were until now. "Do they hurt?" he asked. "I know that you are working them harder now. Perhaps I should massage them every day now."
Kat leaned back once Rick grabbed a hold of her feet and began to massage them. They were a little sore, but his nimble hands were quickly easing the pain away. "They are a little sore, but that feels really nice," she moaned and smiled at him. "I would love for you to massage them everyday baby, that would be amazing!" She could not hide the amount of joy that she got from this simple foot massage.
When he could see that she was fully relaxed, he decided to have some fun and began to tickle her feet, albeit gently. He was clearly teasing, not torturing her. He large hands we easily able to hold bother feet and tickle her at the same time with out her being able to pull away. He found it fun and sexy seeing her wiggle and squirm, naked in the tub.
Kat did indeed squirm around. She was laughing and fully relaxed. "Rick!" She squealed as he didn't let her get away. Some water even splashed out of the tub. Though the natural instinct was to get away, Kat loved playing with Rick like this. His wide smile of his handsome face was just heart warming.
Realizing the control that holding both feet gave him, he stopped tickling her feet and reach down with his free hand and began to play with and tease her pussy. The look of first surprise, then shock, then pleasure on her face was priceless. "Seems like I have hit a nerve!" he said smiling at his now helpless wife.
Kat let out a gasp of surprised when Rick reached between her legs and started to play at her slit. They laughs stopped immediately and were replaced by moans. She smiled at his comment, "a good nerve!" She remarked. Her legs relaxed in his hands and let him do what he did best; pleasure her.
He turned her in the tub so that he could kiss her while he played. Just then the train lurched and stopped rapidly, tipping the tub over and spilling the water all over the room. The car creaked and groaned as it finally came to a halt. "Are you ok? Rick asked in a panic as her helped her to her feet. It was then that he noticed that the train car was sitting at an odd angle. he ran up to the observation car and looked out They were off the track and in a ditch along the side of the tracks and buried up nearly to the roof in snow. He ran back down stairs to Kat. "We have derailed!"
Kat knew where this was heading and she definitely wanted to go there with Rick. When the tub tipped over, Kat instinctively protected her pregnant belly and tried to refrain from falling on it. She got to her feet, she was okay, "yes, I'm fine." Her heart was racing because she knew that something was wrong with the train, that was not a normal stop. She grabbed her robe and covered her body as Rick went to see what happened. When he came back to her and told the terrible news, Kat wanted to cry. "How did that happen?" She was starting to panic, but she tried to clam herself down, knowing that too much stress could put her into early labor. She carefully walked to the bed and took a seat.
Rich went immediately into Boy Scout mode. He helped her to lay down and covered her with a blanket. He could tell by the rapidly falling temperature that the car's heat had failed. He got himself dressed and then tried the door which would open but was totally blocked with snow. He went back up to the observation deck, and looked over the situation. Apparently the car had come uncoupled and left the track but the train was gone. It appeared they were alone. He looked at the chimney for the antique wood stove in the corner. It wasn't blocked with snow so he reasoned he could probably build a fire to keep them warm as long as they had wood or coal. He went back downstairs and after comforting Kat he started a fire in the stove to keep them warm. "Were safe for the moment" he said "but were alone. The rest of the train is gone."
Kat laid in bed, completely covered with the blanket and watched at Rick went about the car. She didn't know just how bad it was, but from Rick's movements, she figured that it was bad enough. He had disappeared to the observation deck once more and Kat laid there thinking of what was to come out of all this. It seemed that life didn't like them taking trips. She wanted to get up and help, but she knew that Rick would just put her back in the bed, so she stayed put. When he came back and told her that they seemed to be completely alone, Kat was so confused, "how just the conductor not know that one of their cars is missing?" She was definitely going to be complaining about this. "How long with the heat last?" She was worried that things would get worse before they got rescued. "Rick, I'm scared."
Rick looked at the coal at wood supply. "we have enough fuel to keep the fire burning about a week, and we can melt snow for water." at this point our biggest problem seems to be food. I'll have to see what I can find, but first I need to dig out the door so I can get out." He found the coal shovel, bundled up as best he could, and before leaving gave her strict orders to stay warm. Then he opened the door and dug out a place to stand and then closed it and began digging out.
Kat bundled herself up in the blanket and watched as Rick prepared to make his way out of the car and into the cold. She really didn't want him to go, but they had no choice. She assured him that she would stay put, but she would worry regardless. Once Rick was out, Kat laid there and just prayed that Rick would be okay and that someone would find them and get them out of this mess. This was suppose to be their wonderful honeymoon, but now it was turning into a tragedy.
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