Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Rick shoveled hard and the work kept him warm despite the bitter temperature. After about an hour he had a path cleared up to the tracks so that he could move around and hopefully find some food. He walked down the tracks about 200 yards and soon knew why the train had apparently left. He came to a bridge over a canyon, and could see where the rest of the train had gone. They had run down the embankment and plunged into the icy river some 200 feet below. It appeared that Kat and Rick were the sole survivors. He found the supply car in a ditch and searching the rubble found plenty of food he filled a sack with as much as he could carry and headed back to the car to share the news with Kat. He was freezing when he came back inside. He went to her right away and hugged her thanking God they had been spared.
Kat waited as patiently as she could, but she knew that it was so cold out there. It felt like forever waiting around, but eventually Rick came back. She noted the sack of food that he collected, but what was more important was warming him back up. Quickly, Kat stripped Rick of his wet clothes and pulled her robe off so that they could be skin to skin. This was the fastest way to transfer heat to him. She laid with him under the blanket, making sure her heat got trapped so that Rick could warm up. When he stopped shaking, she was able to focus on what he told her about what happened to the rest of the train. She felt so saddened about it all. She didn't know how many people were on board, but all she could think about was the nice wait staff that catered to them earlier in the day. Her and Rick were lucky to be alive, something must have been watching out for them.
Rick was a bit concerned about her warming him with her body, but she seemed ok with it. Rick was saddened by what had become of the rest of the train, but at that moment, he also knew they might still freeze or starve before they we missed and help was sent. They had been travelling almost 24 hours at almost 40 miles an hour. Walking out was out of the question. They were completely dependent on outside help, which needed to be on its way soon.
Thankfully for them, there was a tracking device on the train and also an indicator system that would send a signal back to the station if anything was wrong. It was now just a matter of time until someone came to rescue them. Once Rick was warmed up enough, Kat pulled her robe back on and retrieved some dry clothes for him, "here put these on." She too got some clothes of her own and quickly dressed and then put her robe on over it. "What did you get for food? I'm kind of hungry." Even in the midst of this chaos, her pregnancy was still in command.
"Well I found a good deal of fresh chicken and some beef, a box of noodles, a gallon of milk and some cheeses as well as several cans of vegetables. Do you think you can make something suitable with only one pan?" He knew it would be difficult, but at least they wouldn't starve.
He laid out the food and then wrapped up in a blanket as he was still cold. He then placed another log on the fire to warm the stove to cooking temperature.
She looked out over the items that he collected, "yes, I think I can make a stew or soup with this and it will last us a good while." Kat got to work on preparing the meal while Rick tended to the fire. She took a moment to just go over and hug him. "I'm so glad that you're okay, I was really worried about you out there. Just stay by the fire and get warmed up okay?" She kissed his forehead sweetly and went back to work on preparing their meal.

After an hour or so, they had a nice chicken noodle soup made, "well I don't think we have any bowls, but we do have utensils so we'll just eat it out of the pan." Kat sat next to Rick and began to spoon the soup into her mouth.
Rick sat with her and sipped the soup, and warming up by he fire. Finally warmed up, but was still brooding. "Trying not to let Kat see his concern, he complimented her on the cooking. "The soup is really good, even with the odd mix of ingredients. I should go out once more and gather what I can before the animals carry off what ever is left." He also wanted to set a fire that evening as signal to rescuers that might come looking for the train. Most of it was under water and couldn't be seen and the rest was rapidly being buried by swirling snow. He didn't share this concern with Kat, not wanting her to worry. When he was finished eating, he hugged her and began dressing to go back out in the snow. When he was finished he grabbed the fire axe from the wall, and the coal shovel and after kissing her, he headed back out before it got dark.
The soup was odd but delicious and Kat smiled at Rick when he complimented her on it. "Well I like to cook so this wasn't much of a challenge." She shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat. She was glad that Rick had gotten all warmed up, but she could sense that he was in deep thought about their predicament. He was always going to worry about her and he was always going to bear that burden, especially now since she was in a fragile condition. When Rick got up and started to get ready, Kat was feeling anxious again. The snow storm only got worse and even though he had dug out a path, she was still concerned. She hugged and kissed him, hoping that he'd be alright and watched him head back out into the cold abyss.
He once again cautioned her to stay put, and then hurried out into the cold. He had to shovel for quite some time just to re-clear the path he had made before. He then climbed up on the foof of the car and cleared it off so its dark color would be visible from the air. After that was done, he got down and went in search of more food. He found the tracks of both wolves and bear among the wreckage, which made him nervous. He did find a dozen tins of beef and three canned hams still undisturbed as well as more canned vegetables. Most of the fresh food had been carried off, but he collected what little was left. The canned food was certainly a blessing though, and he wrapped as much as he could carry in a tarp and dragged it back to their car. He loaded it into the open door as fast as possible and then returned to the side of the tracks and using his axe cut down a tree and built a fire. It would need tending from time to time, but it made a beacon for help to follow if they ever came. Exhausted, he returned to the car and went in out of the cold. His body was shaking, and his lips were blue with cold.
Kat could hear him on the roof, she figured that he was clearing off the snow, then it was quiet and see assumed that he had gone back out to the bridge to check for more food. He was gone sometime, a lot longer than the first time he went out. Kat sat near the fire and had the blanket near to keep it warm for Rick's return. When he did get back, Kat helped him out of his wet clothes and then wrapped him in the heated blanket. She looked concerned because his lips were blue and he was shaking more than he had been. Gently, she ushered him over to the fire and had him sit. Kat spooned some broth from the spoon and had him drink it, warming him from the inside as well.
"We won't run out of wood. I cut down a tree, but I need to be careful outside. The bears and wolves have found us" He was shivering and shaking almost uncontrollably and it made his speech hard to understand. He huddled by the fire as he slowly warmed back up. He had just begun to stop shaking and was resting his head against Kat when he heard scratching and clawing at the train car door.
Kat didn't like hearing that the wild predators had now located the crash and were quite curious about it all. They had no weapons to fight off such beasts. She sat there with him, holding him and keeping him warm when the sounds of clawing was heard at the door. Kat whipped around and got scared, she was half expecting to see a giant bear tearing apart the door, but there was nothing but the noises. She clung to Rick, "what do we do?"
Rick got up and pulled on his clothes then grabbed the axe. He had Kat move to the bed and the he removed the cushions from the couch and placed them between her and the door as a shield., though it was doubtful they would provide much protection. He then went and stood by the door, watching as it slowly began to wear under the scratching. He went to the window and looking out saw a black bear. The animal was huge and intent on getting in. He knew eventually it would succeed if he did not intervene.

Among the items he found was a large can of ground pepper. Taking a large handful he went to the door and opened it quickly and flung the pepper in the huge animal's eyes. It roared loudly in protest, and before it could gain its bearings, he brought down the axe on the top of its head with all of his might splitting its skull. Leaving the bear bleeding outside the door, he closed and locked it before returning to Kat with the blood axe in hand. "I'm ok!" he called out to her beneath the covers. "It was a large black bear, and its dead.
Kat was shaking like a leaf under the cushioned protection that Rick covered her with. She gasped and cried out when she heard the bear's roar, it was so close and she thought that it was definitely going to get in. Then she heard a loud crack and stilled her body. When Rick came back over to her and announced that he was fine, she pulled the covers from her and clung to his neck crying. "Why can't we just have a nice vacation?!" She sobbed.
"I guess our strength and love is just being tested. So far we have withstood it. I see no reason to give up now. He just sat there and held her. His body was shaking with nervous energy. He wanted more than anything to get her to safety. It was then that he heard the sound of chopper blades over head, and saw a search light through the windows. He ran quickly out side and began waving frantically.
She hated that they had to keep testing their love for one another, wasn't it enough already? They were married for Christ sakes! When the sounds of the chopper were heard above them, Kat's tears seized and she got up with Rick. She grabbed the red blanket and waved it out of the window along with Rick's flailing arms. The chopper eventually spotted them and landed safely just up ahead of the derailed train car that they were in. Kat was helped along the snowy path and into the helicopter, "are you all right ma'am?" The copilot was looking at her pregnant belly, "yes, I'm fine, please check my husband, he's been out in this cold twice now!" They had to yell over the chopper's blades, but the copilot understood her and went to talk with Rick.
Rick was so relieved that Kat and the babies were going to be safe that he was unconcerned about himself. "I'm cold, but nothing a hot drink and some blankets won't cure. Please be sure she and the triplets stay warm and if possible just give me a blanket." He huddled next to Kat and the paramedic wrapped them both in blanket and gave them heat packs before taking their blood pressure as a precaution. An hour later they were checked out at a clinic before being loaded into a limo sent by the train company to ferry them home. It would be a 9 hour drive, but they would make it in complete comfort. Rick kissed Kat as they settled in, and cuddled with her. "Well it was a bit exciting, but were safe and sound. Before the car left the driver handed Rick an envelope. When he opened it he found a full refund of their fair and travel expenses, as well as a voucher for a two week cruise of their choice.
Kat settled into the limo and cuddled next to Rick. When he opened the envelope, she saw what was in it. "Agh, I don't want to go on any more trips." She was bitter about it all. She knew that something like this couldn't be predicted, but she was quickly learning that nothing good came out of going on vacation anymore. She was exhausted and took the opportunity to lay her head in Rick's lap and stretch her legs out on the seat. She just wanted to forget all about this and move forward.
"We could sell the gift certificate" he suggested. " We could use the money to buy ourselves a treat, like a year of spa treatments or dance lessons. Anything we could do together without having to leave home. Once the babies arrive we will be itching to get away for a few hours." For the moment he let her snuggle up to him and he rubbed her back down low hoping she would relax and fall asleep.
Kat just nodded at his suggestions, they all sounded nice, but she really wasn't in the mood to talk about them. She enjoyed the back rub that Rick gave her and soon she was lulled to sleep by it. She was thankful that she didn't have any nightmares about being trapped in the train car and almost getting ripped to shreds by a giant black bear.
When they finally arrived home, Kat had been asleep in his lap since they last stopped for food. She was obviously exhausted by the ordeal, so Rick did not wake her but instead carried her straight up to bed and after removing her clothes just tucked her securely into her bed naked. He didn't want to risk waking her by trying to put pajama's on her. It was mid morning when they arrived, so rick went about straightening up around the house, and then started to make a large pot of macaroni and cheese. He checked on her periodically, and about 4 that afternoon, he brought he a steaming bowl of the mac and cheese along with a large glass off milk.
Kat slept through the entire ride home and then some while tucked warmly in her bed. Apparently her body needed the sleep and Rick seemed to think so too. When she did rouse, it was because she smiled something delicious. She opened her eyes to see Rick carrying a tray of food to her in bed. Kat looked around and noted that she was home and safe in bed. She smiled at Rick and sat up in bed with the blanket wrapped around her. Her hair was a sexy mess and she was still squinting from her sleep. "Did you get any sleep?" He didn't look like he had and that worried her.
"Well not a lot" he said smiling. "However, I don't mind. I still enjoyed cuddling you all the way home. It was just as nice as cuddling on the train, and there were no wolves or bears around anywhere. Did you sleep well? " he asked. While she ate he went and got a brush, and sitting on the bed, he carefully brushed out her hair until it shone. He then leaned down and stole a bight of mac and chees right from her lips. "MMMMMMM" he said grinning at her. "Sometimes the simplest things are best. Maybe we should by 50 cases of noodles and 500 lbs of cheese with the money!"
She frowned at his answer. She had hoped that he had gotten some sleep, but he seemed okay by it just the same. "I did sleep well and a lot too apparently." Kat dug into the mac and cheese and savored the flavor. She happily ate her food as Rick set out to brush her hair. It was nice and soothing. She giggled when he stole a bite of her food from her lips. "If you want some, just say so, I'll feed you!" She scooped the fork in and offered it to Rick. "I agree, maybe we should, though I wouldn't want to get tired of mac and cheese, it's just soooo good!" She giggled and leaned back against her husband and fed both herself and him.
When they finished her bowl, Rick refilled it and let her feed them both that too. "I don't want to steal food from the triplets. They certainly need it. They are growing fast." He loved how her long red hair fell about her naked breasts as they rested on her baby bump and stood out prominently. He began to play with her nipples and was surprised to feel his fingers get a bit damp. "your leaking! my dear!" he said enthusiastically, and leaned down to lick the drops of milk away. It was thick and sticky. "MMMMM" he said "Its very sweet."
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