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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

"You get yourself well Charles! he patted Kat's now prominent belly and said there are two little ones who can't wait to be spoiled in there, and we expect you to be around to do it. he sat and talked with Charles and Kat for about 20 minutes before the nurse came back in. "All right you two its time to say goodbye. He will talk all day if I let him, but he has a treatment to do, and then he needs some rest." She looked at Kat and said "Twins?" when she saw Rick nod, she said take her home and put her to bed. You don't want her delivering early." "No I don't!" Rick said grateful for the nurses reinforcement. "Kiss your Grandpa goodbye" Rick told Kat.
Kat didn't much care for the way that everyone was ordering her around, but she didn't fight it. She kissed her grandfather goodbye and walked out with Rick. She got into the van and they headed home. "I'm so glad that he's seemingly doing better, that makes me feel so much better," She smiled at Rick and took his hand in hers. With her free hand, she rubbed her belly, then gasped and looked down at her swollen middle. "I just felt them kick!" She looked at Rick with utter amazement in her eyes.
Rick just smiled "well that is only going to get worse" he said as he reached over and put a hand against her tummy, only to receive a firm kick of protest. The next kick he actually saw. "Holy smokes!" he said "did you see that?" If there was ever any doubt that things were progressing rapidly for Kat and the twins, this was best indication yet. "Well, they are obviously healthy!" Rick enthused proudly.
"It feels so weird!" She giggled and pressed her hand firmer onto her belly. "I think that we may have some soccer players in here!" She was just so smitten in that moment. She was glad that their babies were happy and healthy. Everything was seemingly back on track. When they got home, her and Rick just spent some time on the couch, feeling form kicks and movements within her belly. Kat leaned her head back on Rick's shoulder, "I'm sorry if I worried you. I promise not to just so worked up. I love you."

(I'm going to skip ahead to the wedding in the next post.)
"Just try and understand when I get protective.. This is all new to me too. About all I can do is spoil you and protect you." he laid his head against her belly to see what he could hear but all he got was a kick in the head. He laughed when it happened. "I have a feeling we are going to have a very noisy house when those to get free and start to run around. He kissed Kat and held her in his arms as they sat together. "I promise we will go see Grampa every day till he gets out.
"I know that this is just your way. I will try to be more considerate." She smiled as she laid his head at her belly and got a kick from his children. "Yes, we will have a very rowdy household!" Kat caressed his hair and ran her fingers through it. "I would like that very much! I'm sure that he'd like it too!"

Charles had made a complete recovery in the following weeks and was able to be back at his ranch just in time for the wedding. Kat and her bridesmaids were in the main house while Rick and his groomsmen were set up in the barn. Kat was feeling a little nervous, but so very excited to finally be getting married. It felt like such a long wait, when in reality, it was only a month and a half. She was waiting for the procession to start. She was with her father, standing just off to the side of the aisle and out of sight. The ranch was decorated in twinkling lights and candles everywhere. It was all very romantic. When it was time, she clutched her father's arm and started down the aisle to Rick. He looked dashing in his tux and she looked down at her gown and smiled as her baby bump showed under the flowing material. She felt utterly beautiful.
Rick beamed as she walked toward him. It seemed like he had waited his whole life for this day, and it was finally here. When her father handed her to him, his heart lept in his chest. He knew the woman he was about to marry almost as well as he knew himself, just the same, he was nervous with anticipation of the moment when she would be his forever. As they knelt and listened as they were challenged and eventually said their vows, declaring their love for each other, he couldn't help but look in her eyes seeing no one but her. He promised his love, and placed a ring on her finger and accepted one from her before kissing her and heading down the aisle. The whole thing seemed like a dream, but he knew it was real.
Kat was a blubbering mess throughout the ceremony. Her bridesmaid handed her a tissue to which she kept dabbing her eyes with. She made sure that she still looked her best even through the tears. Rick's vows were beautiful and she managed to get through her own clearly. After they were pronounced man and wife, Kat felt all the nervousness evaporate and all she felt was just contentment and love for Rick. As they walked down the aisle, everyone cheered and smiled at the happy couple. With Rick's help, Kat was hoisted onto a white horse and they rode off into the sunset. Well they rode off to their reception area which was by the lake.
Ordinarily, he would love spending time by the lake, but tonight, all he wanted was her alone. He kept trying to think of ways to escape. Then he found an old row boat and took her out for a boat ride by moonlight. He paddled across the lake and found a small beach where he pulled ashore.
She went willingly with Rick. She too just wanted some time alone. She kicked off her shoes and left them in the boat, "we will need to be getting back after a bit, I'm sure my grandfather and father would like to dance with me!" She stepped onto the sand and wiggled her toes about, it felt really nice. There was a nice breeze and it smelled like early fall. "I love it out here, it's so magical!"
He sat her in his lap and just held her and kissed her. "I think when you return, you should leave your shoes off, then you will be my barefoot and pregnant bride!" he said chuckling at the thought. "Your right we do have to go back everyone will wonder if we don't, and by the way, I want my dance too!" the moons reflection on the lake was beautiful. The sun was still not down, but the moon had risen in the early evening sky.
She giggled and rubbed her belly. "Would you like your dance now?" She rose to her feet and held out her hands. From across the lake, they could hear the music playing faintly, it was enough to give them a nice rhythm. "You can dance with you wife out here under the sun set and moonlight!" The sky was just brilliant, this was what was so magical about this place.
He took her in his arms and started to dance with her on the damp sand of the beach. "Its not to good for your dress. But then you wont likely wear it again especially since your pregnant. I just had a funny thought. What are you going to tell your daughters when they see this dress and how big the belly of it is?" He smiled at her at the thought.
"Even if I wasn't pregnant, I wouldn't likely wear this dress again. It's a wedding dress, I can't just wear it like a normal dress!" She giggled. "Well, it's meant to be flowing from under the bust so when it's on the hanger, it lays flat. I'll tell our daughters the truth, simple as that!" Kat was going to be open and honest with their kids. That's how she was raised and she came out decently enough. "Why, would you have me lie and tell them that I got pregnant after we were married?" She smirked at him.
"I wouldn't! I'm not ashamed of what we did. I just wondered how you would feel when they ask. Strictly hypothetical, but fun to think about just the same." As they floated along the sand he looked at the tiny footprints she left. In the white dress she looked like a fairy princess. It was an image he wanted to remember all of his life, for in a very real way she was his fairy princess, and the light of his life.
"Well then, that's settled!" She continued to dance with her husband. All this felt like a long time coming and now that it was here, it felt like it was going by too fast. "I wish we could just freeze time. Today has been so wonderful and I just don't want it to end!" She leaned up on her tip toes and kissed him, "I love you Mr. Wilson." Her belly was starting to get in the way and it was only getting bigger. She giggled at she looked down, "seems these two are already getting between us!" She was joking of course. Hopefully, Kat and Rick's sex life will still be the same once the twins arrived.
"They might be between us at the moment, but that is right where they belong. I love them, but I love their Mommy even more, and I always will. Nothing will ever stop me from giving you more children, as long as you want them. Besides, I can't think of anything more fun to do!" He pulled he as tightly to him as the twins would allow and kissed her long, hard, and with passion.
Kat returned his kiss with just as much passion. She even stood on her tip toes and pushed her body closer to him. She loved this man with everything that she was. She owed him her life and would spend the rest of her life paying him back with her love. Tears started to roll down her cheeks at the immense amount of emotion that flowed through her. It was a culmination of being pregnant and being utterly in love.
He held her close when she started to cry. He knew they were happy tears but just the same it touched his heart. "Aw honey. I love you so much. I couldn't live without you, the day we got trapped together was the best day of my life until now that we are together forever." After a bit more dancing, he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the boat. "You need to dance with your Dad and Grampa" He let her ride in his lap as he slowly rowed back to the party.
She smiled at his loving words and just clung to him as they danced a little bit more. When it came time to head back, Kat rode on his lap, hugging him and kissing him all the way. Once they were back at the reception, they were formally introduced as husband and wife and had their official first dance in front of all their guests. Kat went barefoot because it just made her feel better. Once she was through dancing with Rick, her grandfather cut in and then her father. She was passed off around the dance floor like a football, but she didn't mind.

Dinner was served and everyone made sure that Kat ate enough. She rather enjoyed the fact that she was pregnant because people were willing to go and get things for her. When it came time to cut the cake, she stood next to the delicious looking three tiered chocolate cake with Rick. They cut a slice together and then fed each other. It was your typical wedding moment, but it was so perfect to her.

After much more dancing, laughing and chatting, it was time for the bride and groom to head out to their honeymoon. Kat's doctor didn't want her flying so Kat came up with the idea of taking a scenic week long train ride through the Canadian Rockies. They had been through every element together but snow and thought it would be fun. Their departure wasn't until the morning though, so for tonight, Charles had set them up in a plush honeymoon suite at the hotel.
Her grandfather's limo delivered them to the front of the hotel, and Rick left their bags for the bellman, and decided to carry Kat, not just over the threshold, but all the way to their room. So he carried her, sandy bare feet in the air through the opulent lobby, amid smiles and applause. Rick just nodded to one smiling face after another, and then as they waited for the elevator, made a great show of passionately kissing his bride much to the delight of everyone. When they finally reached the honey moon suite, he carried her in and kicked the door shut. "This will be fun!" he said as he made great ceremony out of pealing off her dress and exposing the carefully selected garments beneath it. "Wow! Sexy!" he said in response.
Kat giggled all the way up to the room. She was blushing at everyone who looked their way. It was all very sweet and romantic, something that Rick was quite good at. When they got to their suite, Kat felt her cheeks lighten a little now that they were int he privacy of their room. After Rick peeled her out of her wedding gown, she stood before him in a strapless white bustier bra and matching panties. She looked down at herself at his statement, "even with the belly?" She smiled as she asked. Her body was changing so rapidly that Kat found herself unrecognizable at times.
"I love the belly! I made it didn't I. I love the breasts more though. I hear they stay that way as long as you breast feed. I think you should feed the twins until they are at least 3!" he said laughing. "Then we can have some more and start over."

He reached below he belly and hooking the panties pulled them down her thighs so the hung half way to her knees. "God that is a sexy look!" he said as he stood back and looked her over. He took out his phone and snapped a picture. "I want to remember this moment"
She playfully rolled her eyes when he started to talk about her breasts. "I will not breast feed for that long! Are you crazy?!" She laughed, "you know all this changing is going to take a heavy toll on my body as I get older!" She continued to laugh. When he pulled down her panties and then proceeded to take a picture, Kat hid her face, "I better not see that on the internet!" She was joking of course. She couldn't imagine Rick wanting to share any aspect of her with anyone else.
"My eyes only of course. You have to admit its sexy!" He held the camera up for her to see. before pulling the panties the rest of the way off. "You have some catching up to do." That bra wont last long so enjoy it while you can!" he exclaimed. She looked great running around in just her bra. "I know that once we get up in the frozen north, you'll be all wrapped up in sweaters, so I'm taking advantage while I can!"

He had already made a plan to deal with that problem though. One he would spring on her once they were aboard the train. He grinned at the thought.
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