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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Rick was impressed with her appetite, and might have worried about her but it was obvious where it was going, her baby bump was getting bigger every day, but much to his delight her breasts seemed to be gaining the most. It was all he could do to keep from staring, and had it been someone other than Kat, he might well have gotten a black eye. As he sat beside her in the booth, which was back in the far corner of the restaurant, he ran his hand along her bare back and slipped his hand inside her top and cupped her bare breast.
Kat didn't mind Rick's fondling. Her body was changing and he was definitely well aware of that fact. She kept on eating the chips and salsa, occasionally feeding one to Rick. She nudged his hand lightly as she saw the waiter approaching. She didn't want anyone to see her fiance being so handsy. The waiter took their order and came back with a fresh bowl of chips. Kat left those anyone though since she had her fill. She turned to look at Rick, "maybe going out was a bad idea, you can't seem to keep your hands to yourself!" She giggled.
"That makes it all the more fun! I haven't had this much fun since our world tour." He reach behind her and hooking the zipper pull, pulled it down all the way to the seat. He left his arm behind her and slipped it inside her dress. At first he only grabbed her ass cheek but then he wrapped his arm around her and began to play with her clit. Rick nibbled on chips and drank his beer while her teased his bride to be, occasionally bringing his hand out to lick his fingers and smile.
Kat sat their and sipped on her water, but as his hand reached between her legs to fondle her clit, she just about spit the water out of her mouth. She looked at him in surprise, but his good mood was infections and she went along with it.
When the waiter came with there food. Rick made no move to remove his hand and in fact slipped a finger deep inside her while the waiter was serving their food. He looked at her eyes which were wider than normal and gave her a knowing smile. The waiter, if he knew what was going on, had sense enough not to let on.
Kat was glad that she had brought her drink up to cover her mouth because when Rick slipped a finger inside her, she gasped. Her eyes were indeed wide and she stood sat there very still while the waiter placed their plates in front of them. Once he left, Kat put down her drink, grabbed Rick by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a deep, but short kiss. "You make me crazy sometimes!" She whispered as she let go.
Rick loved it. He wanted her crazy as long as it was only for him. He slipped a second finger in with the first and started teasing her in earnest. "I want to see how you do at cumming in public" He leaned down and kissed her deeply and slipped is tongue in her mouth. There was only one drawback, with his fingers busy, he couldn't cut his steak.
She gasped into his mouth as he inserted another finger. It seemed that he was trying to get her to cum and the thought of doing so in public was a little scary, but also thrilling. "What if I end up screaming? Would you be embarrassed?" She managed a full sentence without moaning at the pleasure between her legs. Though her food was sitting right before her, Kat's mind was not on eating at the moment. "You know, I was hungry when we got here!" She leaned her head back against Rick and closed her eyes while biting her bottom lip. "Rick please!" She softly pleaded.
Rick smiled at her comment, and then whispered in her ear, "If I stop, you will just beg me to start again. Just try and be quiet when you cum." With that he slipped a third finger inside her and picked up the pace. Fortunately their table was in the back corner of the restaurant, where they did not attract to much attention. "Besides, we aren't in any hurry are we?"
She heard his words, but was unable to respond much to them. The only form of an answer that she could give were head nods. She really did try her best to keep her moaning to a minimum and to keep it within the vicinity of their table, but when Rick inserted a third finger, Kat almost creamed. "Shit! Rick!" She enthused and scooted closer to him. She was so very close and she wanted to cum because she would be frustrated if she couldn't after all this work. She leaned her head back on his shoulder and buried her face into his neck. Her hand clenched his thigh and her body tensed, signs that she was cumming. "Rick...I'm cumming!" She whispered and then her pussy squeezed his fingers so hard as it covered him in her honey.
Rick winced a bit as she crushed his fingers together, but then smiled and brought his hand out from under the table. It looked as if he had just put it in bowl of frosting, and he licked it just as eagerly as if that was what he had done. "Your quite a mess!" he said chuckling at her. "I think I had better clean you up. He got up from the table and offered her his hand. Then lead her off in the direction of the restrooms. On the way, he stopped their waiter and said" We have been a bit slow at eating. Would you mind warming our food just a bit while we take care of something? We will be right back to the table." He lead her to the restrooms where between the men's and women's was one labeled "Family" normally used for changing babies. He lead her in and closed the door. He opened the bay changing table, and after hiking her dress up around her waist , picked her up and set her on the table, the pushed her thighs wide apart. He grinned at her and began what was to be the tongue bath of a lifetime.
Kat was still on her high when Rick mentioned cleaning her up. She managed to get up from the table with him, surprised that her legs hadn't given out from underneath her. She heard what Rick told the waiter and then she was being ushered into the "family" restroom. When he said "clean her up" she thought that he was going to do that with towels and such, but after hiking up her dress and placing her on the foldout table, Kat knew what his version of cleanup was all about. "Oh Rick!" She moaned as his tongue touched her swollen and very sensitive clit. Her hands clutched the edge of the table and she leaned her head back. He was so good at this and it felt wonderful. She was feeling pretty weak though so her moans and pants were really breathy.
He took his time, and licked every drop of her cream from her thighs and then moved to the source between them. Cleaning her pussy was a losing battle as she continued to cream him. Since I can't get you totally clean, I'm not stopping till you cum again." As he looked up at her from between her thighs he had a big silly grin and his face was slick with her honey. He sucked her clit between his lips. and teased its end with his tongue.
He was pretty brutal with her, at least that was her thought process. Kat whimpered when hearing that he wouldn't stop until she came again. She just didn't know if she had it in her, but she was going to give it a try. As he started in on her clit, her body tensed and she moaned loudly; anyone passing by the restrooms would clearly hear them. Her clit was hypersensitive and every suck and flick made her convulse. Her body was in a flight response and she bucked wildly at his ministrations, but finally, she just gave in and let the please consume her until she came once more.
When he was through, he stood up and grinned at her, but was very concerned when what he saw in her face seemed to indicate mostly exhaustion. Suddenly concerned, he looked deep in her eyes and asked, are you alright? Is something wrong?" he was panicking inside, thinking he had taken this way too far. His hands were shaking and he actually felt ill. "Please tell me your all right. I'm so sorry!" She was the love of his life. He could hardly stand the thought that he might have hurt her.
Kat felt very light headed and when he stopped and asked if she was okay, she just looked at him with a lazy smile, "I...need water," she gasped and ran her hands along her forehead. She was dehydrated from all the cumming, who would have thought that something like that could happen. She didn't blame Rick though because she would have begged for it if he had stopped.
Relieved, he helped her to get her dress back in order, and s=decided that he would carry her to the table. When the waiter asked if she was ok, he simply told him that she was pregnant and feeling a bit faint, and asked for a pitcher of ice water and a glass. He slipped in beside her an and smiling began to eat his steak. " They did a good job warming our food, he said, hoping she was well enough to eat.
Kat felt a little silly being carried back to their table, especially when the waiter saw them and asked if everything was alright. She sat beside Rick and sipped on the water while he ate his steak. Her hands were shaky and the ice clinked constantly in the glass. Kat put down the water and picked up her fork to try and eat, but she found herself not to be hungry. She was also feeling a little irritable. She put down her fork and just stared at her food, she was hungry when she first got here, and she was bitter that her mood had changed.
Rick stopped eating and asked the waiter to bring some take home boxes. "would you like desert instead? he asked her, "offering her the menu. Rick felt sad again. He could see that with a pregnant woman's emotions was going to be a continual challenge. He did his best to be pleasant and patient.
Kat felt upset that she was ruining this meal. She let Rick ask the waiter for go to boxes and when he asked her if she wanted dessert, she shook her head. "I'm sorry I'm ruining this. I'm just a mess." She looked down at her knotted fingers and sulked. The waiter came back with their check and their takeout boxes. Kat put the contents of their food into the boxes and then started to get up out of the booth.
Rick paid the check, and then was careful to be sure that Kay was able to get up safely from the table. He felt responsible for ruining the evening also, He sulked a bit as they walked out of the restaurant and out to the car. "I did a fine job of mucking that up." he said as he tried to apologize for the probems
"No, baby this was my fault, I'm all hormonal and crazy!" She half laughed half pouted, "I'm sorry, let's just get home and cuddle in bed okay?" She got into the car and they headed home. Getting into the house, Kat felt a little better. "I really hope that this isn't how it is all the time, you might just want to live in that treehouse!" She giggled.
Rick laughed at the comment. " No I'm no longer 8 years old. It was fun with you, but alone it kinda sucked. I'll put up with the moods, in a way I kinda caused them anyway getting you pregnant, and seeing as how I plan on keeping you that way, I better learn how to deal with it." He pulled her into a warm hug, flattening her breasts against his chest. "Besides I love what the hormone do to these!" he said as he held her large breast in his hand and massaged her nipple through the thin dress.
She moaned at his took her breasts into his hands. Kat put her hands atop his, "just be gentle with them, they're a little sensitive right now." She smiled at him, "let's go upstairs and lay in bed, I'm feeling a little tired." Kat didn't much care for the sluggish feeling that she was currently having. She was normally so upbeat and high energy, but she was caring for two little bundles of joy and that took it's toll on her body.
Rick could take a hint. He scooped up his bride and carried her off to the bedroom, then sat her carefully on the bed. He then proceeded to slowly undress her and tuck her into bed. He then kissed her gently and said "wait right here". Then he disappeared. he was off to the kitchen, where he got out her food from the restaurant, and warmed it up. He made a fresh salsd and put all of it on a bed tray and carried it up to her. "Your probably famished," he said. " I never let you eat" he served her the food and then kissed her again. You sit and eat, and I will return." before leaving he wrote a note on the refrigerator note pad saying her was off to get ice cream, and took his cell phone. 25 minutes later, he returned to the room with two fresh made bananna splits.
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