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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

"OH crap! I completely forgot! he was supposed to be a surprise, but I blew that! Watch the bacon, I'll be right back! He went down to his office and retrieved the cage and brought the cute little dalmatian puppy, yipping loudly up to the kitchen. He took it out of the cage, snapped on a leash and took it out to the yard. "I'll be right back!" When the puppy was finished with his business, Rick let it back in the house and off the leash. It ran immedately to Kat.
She just gaped at him and watched as he sprinted out of the kitchen and downstairs to his workspace. Kat kept watch over the bacon, eating some of it as it got done cooking. She heard and briefly saw the spotted pooch as Rick rushed it outside to let it do it's business. When he came back in and let it off the leash, it ran right to her, probably because she smelled like bacon. Kat dropped to her knees, "oh, he's adorable!" She quickly looked between it's legs, yep it was a male. The puppy jumped all over her, licking her face and fingers because of the bacon. "What should we name him?"
"I don't know. How about "Spots" " rick said laughing mischievously. Rick set the bacon aside and spread the skillet with pancakes, cooking up a dozen before starting the eggs and then serving Kat up a heaping plate full. "That should hold you over till the eggs are ready. He snagged a piece of bacon, and then fixed him self a plate. When the eggs were ready he divided them between them and sat down to eat them while they were hot. "Your appetite has certainly improved!" Rick observed. "But then that's a good thing since your eating for three." He smiled at her.
Kat was busy playing with the puppy while Rick tended to the rest of breakfast. Once the pancakes were done though, she sent the puppy off to roam the house while she chowed down. The pancakes were so good, even plain, but Kat spread some butter and syrup on them. She dug into the eggs after Rick served her, "yes, my appetite resembles yours!" She teased and continued to eat. "How about we name our puppy Picasso? The way that his spots are, makes it look like a painting!"
"Picasso Spots Esquire!, Picasso for short." Rick laughed with her as they ate their breakfast and listened to the sound of the puppy running from room to room. "Imaging what it will be like with two ther pairs of feet chasing him all over the house!" Rick exclaimed as he shook his head.
Kat giggled at Rick's name for the dog, "Yes, Picasso for short!" She agreed. She continued to eat her breakfast, savoring each bite because it was delicious. "Yeah, and my voice, yelling at our kids to quite running in the house!" She added. When Kat thought of it, she loved the idea of a house full of children. Not a whole lot, nothing like that woman on that TLC's show, but enough to fill the house with sounds of laughter. When she finished with her meal, she waltzed over to the telephone and called her grandfather. She discussed wedding plans with him and he was on board with everything she suggested. "I will even send a wedding gown designer over to the house later this evening okay?" He asked. Kat was more than okay with that. She got off the phone and went to find her husband to be. "Everything's set for the wedding. In a month's time, you will be tied to me forever!" She giggled as she wrapped her arms around Rick. "oh and there's a dress designer coming over to the house this evening so you'll need to make yourself scarce. I don't want you to know anything about my dress until you see in one me as I walk down the aisle, okay?"
"Where am I supposed to go? doesn't this designer have an office? " he protested feigning frustration. Then there was this talk of being tied to her. ... He didn't need to be tied to her, he loved her. For the first time ever Rick was a bit frustrated. Taking her advice he got up without a word and went out side, got in his car and took off. He wasn't sure where to go. His life had revolved around her and now suddenly he was on his own. He had no idea what to do. He thought for a minute and decided to go back to the tree house and try to chill out. He drove the two blocks to the park and walked back to the tree. He was there in 2 minutes, but it wasn't the same. It never would be. He lay there in a funk.
Kat was a bit confused by Rick's change of attitude. She hadn't meant for it to sound like she didn't want him there, it was just she wanted to surprise him. She didn't say anything as he walked out. Sure they had been together since the earthquake, but Kat didn't expect this kind of reaction to a little separation. She really couldn't dwell on it much as the dress designer was scheduled to be by in a little while. Kat cleaned up a little around the house and put Picasso out in the backyard so that he wouldn't be in the way. The designer came over and for two hours, they went over what Kat would like in a dress and various other ideas. She still had Rick's little tantrum on her brain. She needed to talk to him, to find out what was his problem. Kat set up another appointment in two weeks to try on dresses. After she saw the designer off, Kat let Picasso back in and waited for Rick to get back.
Rick laid there fretting and frustrated and as he did his best to kill a couple hours, fell asleep. It was a cool but comfortable evening, and it was quiet so he slept comfortably. He barely moved. The park was quiet and there was nothing to disturb him. He just lay there fast asleep.
When it started to get late, Kat began to get worried. She really didn't know where he was and he forgot to take his cell with him. She camped out on the couch with Picasso and waited. She eventually fell asleep with Picasso cuddled up with her. She was really worried, but also pissed that Rick would just leave her alone in the house like that.
Rick woke with the birds that morning, shocked that he had slept through the night in the tree house. He climbed down and headed back home sheepishly. When he arrived at the house, Picasso greeted him at the door barking loudly. He hushed the dog trying to sneek in quietly, but failed miserably. Finally he just gave up and went upstairs to their room and opened the door.
Rick would not find her in the bedroom, in fact, she wasn't in the house at all. Kat had woken up early to find that Rick still hadn't shone up. She was pissed and felt that a brisk walk would help calm her down. She took a long route around the neighborhood and met a few of her neighbors as they got ready to head out to work. She didn't know what she was going to say to Rick, they never really had a fight before and it was a bit confusing to think about.

When she did get home, she was greeted by a barking Picasso. Kat petted him for a few moments and then went into the kitchen to get something to drink.
Rick heard Picasso sound the alarm again, and headed toward the kitchen where the barking came from. He had not found Kat and was wondering if she was out looking for him, and hoped she wasn't worried. He hadn't meant to be out all night, but just the same she had kicked him out. When He got to the kitchen, he said "I hope you didn't worry."
She heard him come down to the kitchen, "well I did worry, especially since you didn't come home last night, but not to worry, I'm also pissed too." She poured herself some orange juice, walked past him and headed upstairs for a shower. 'Why wouldn't I worry?' She thought to herself. That was a pretty stupid thing to say.
"You kicked me out! he shouted at her back as she headed up the stairs. "Lets remember why I left! It wasnt like you gave me time to plan anything! I fell asleep in the damn tree house! He stomped out of the house and slammed the door. He sat on the porch sulking. This wasn't what he had in mind. He held his head in his hands and pouted, not knowing what to do, they had never had a fight, and he hoped this was the last one they would ever have. He didn't like it.
Kat got to the top landing of the stairs when Rick started shouting at her. She slammed down her glass, spilling most of it's contents and came back downstairs. She opened the front door to find him sitting on the porch pouting. "You make it sound like I kicked you out for good! Jesus Christ Rick, I just didn't want you to see any plans for the dress. I want it to be a surprise." She was half shouting, not caring if anyone could hear them. "And you are too smart of a man to think that I didn't want you coming back! The appointment only lasted two hours! You were gone for twelve! If anyone is going to throw a fit, it's going to be me!" She turned on her heels and walked back into the house, slamming the door. Picasso was hiding under the dining table, his tail between his legs.

Kat went upstairs and got herself ready for a shower. She couldn't believe that Rick was throwing this on her. It was not her fault whatsoever and she wasn't going to back down.
Rick could see that this was going from bad to worse fast. This time he thought carefully before he walked back in the house. then he went in, and not finding her in the living room he went up to their bedroom and found her half naked in the bathroom. " I don't think you fully understand. I fell asleep in the tree house. I didn't know what to do with myself so I went there to try and relax. where was I supposed to go? I thought about a bar, and thought better of it, so I went to the park. When I got home, I said that I hoped you didn't worry and you stormed off. I never got a chance to tell you why I was out all night. You were already pissed, and you said so. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean to. But you need to know That I'm hurt too. What did I do really to deserve your anger? I really, really don't like fighting with you."

Rick stood there and looked at the floor a moment and then back at Kat. "How do we fix this?"
Kat was getting undressed when Rick walked in and explained himself. She really didn't want to hear it right now, but she just let me talk. "First of all maybe not overreact and think I'm kicking you out. Why would I ever do that? Second of all, take your phone. I worried a little too much and hated not knowing where you where. You left me here alone Rick? What if something happened, how was I suppose to get a hold of you?" She finished getting undressed and stepped into the shower, "I need to shower," she looked at him a moment and then closed the shower door. For some reason she wasn't letting this go easily.
Now Rick was angry. He held the door to the shower open. He took a deep breath and then spoke softly. Your being very unfair. I came up here to apologize for my part in this certainly I made mistakes. But you didn't even recognize my apology much less accept it. Instead you took the opportunity to heap on more complaints and then tried to close the door in my face. I understand that your pregnancy makes such things more difficult, but that is no excuse for such hit and run tactics. You don't need a shower so badly that you cant deal with this. That's nothing but a lame excuse and you know it. I stayed away too long by accident. You are running away on purpose. Which is worse. I'll be waiting in our room when you finish in the shower. Your not getting off that easily." By the time he had finished the emotion was clear in his voice and he was not calm. He closed the shower door and went and sat on the bed to wait for her.
Kat was not expecting his out burst. In fact she was figuring that he would just leave her alone, but that was not the case. Nevertheless, she continued to shower as he berated her. Maybe she was in the wrong too, but this all started with him thinking that she would be so heartless and kick him out. He didn't even have the sense to come back home. Sure he fell asleep, but surely he would have woken up soon enough to realize that he needed to be back home with her.

Once Kat was done with her shower, she wrapped a towel around her body and combed out her hair before putting it in a bun. She stepped into the bedroom to see Rick sitting on the bed, looking frustrated. "So what? We both messed up and now we're pissed at each other, what now?"
He reached out and took her hand. "I was through being angry before I even came up here, and I'm done being angry again. "I overreacted when I left the house initially, I fell asleep trying to wait the two hours you requested of me when I was in the tree and never woke up. That was not my fault. I was thoughtless in not taking my cell phone with me and I should never have left you alone. I wish I had just sat on the porch and read a book. I am sorry for all of those things and I apologize. I can't take back what happened, that's the best I can do. What more do you want of me? Is there anything I missed? All I asked of you was a little understanding and forgiveness. Which would you rather have? me or your anger? "
She stood there as he held her hand and talked. Kat realized how much of a bitch she had acted, though a lot of it was in part of her hormones going crazy. In hindsight, they should have done things a lot differently, but they were still getting to know each other and getting to learn to live with each other. It was definitely going to have it's ups and downs. "Of course I'd rather have you, what kind of question is that? Look, we're obviously still new to all this and with me being pregnant, well it just escalated way out of hand." She took a minute to take a breath. "I'm sorry too."
Rick pulled her into his lap, still wrapped in the towel. "I love you you know. Let's see if we can't make lemonade out of this batch of lemons. Usually that means adding sugar." He pulled her chin up and kissed her deeply. His arm wrapped tightly around her and as it tugged on the towel, it came un tucked and fell away. "MMMMMM" he enthused, " this might not end so badly after all. You know, I just spent a night in a tree. I could use a shower too, could I interest you in another?" he asked playfully. "make me a promise? Promise me neither of us will ever leave this house again without kissing each other? Please?"
She was glad that this little tiff was behind them. She smiled at his analogy and kissed him madly. She felt her towel pull away and smirked at him, "another shower? Yes I suppose I could take another!" She giggled and leaned her forehead against his. "I promise to never leave the house or let you leave the house without kissing me madly first!" She softly caressed his handsome face, "now let's go have some makeup sex!"
He decided that the shower would be better after the hot sweaty sex than before, and pulled the towel completely away and laid her back on the bed. he stripped his clothes of quickly and then began kissing her passionately head to toe. He worked his way slowly from the margins of her body inward toward its center and ended at her slit, which by the time he reached it was already wet and glistening with the dew of her passion. He scooped her top to bottom with his tongue and then savored the nectar as he swallowed it. he took her clit between his lips and began to tease it with the tip of his tongue while at the same time he rolled her nipples.
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