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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Rick was nervous, but seeing that Kat was calm certainly helped. He looked over at her when ever he could, and tried to smile. "I love you! when I think about it, it really doesn't matter what your mother says, but I want her to be happy for us. I know that once the babies come, she will come around no matter what.. Grandmother syndrome will solve the problem. When they arrived at her mother's home he got out and opened the the doorfor kat and helped her out of the car. "I guess I'm as ready as I will ever be" he said.
She patted his hand sweetly and then led him up to the walkway of her childhood home. Several years ago, her parent's talked about selling the place, but she was so glad that they didn't, there were so many wonderful memories in this house. Not bothering with knocking, Kat opened the door and walked inside. The first person she saw was her father, "Daddy!" Mark turned to see his daughter walking toward him, arms out and ready to hug, "hey beautiful!" He fully embraced her and kissed her on the forehead. "Dad, this is Rick, the love of my life." Mark smirked at the sentiment and shook Rick's hand, "please come on in!" They were lead into the kitchen where Kat's mother, Hilary was baking. She stopped in the middle of rolling out dough and beamed at both Kat and Rick, "you're here!" She rounded the counter and hugged her daughter tightly, "oh I've missed you!" Kat hugged her mom right back, "me too!" Hilary pulled away and looked at Rick, "so who's this handsome man?" Kat giggled, "Mom, this is Rick, Rick this is my mother Hilary." Her mom just went straight for a hug instead of a formal handshake.

"Where's Ryan and Jordan?" Kat inquired about her brothers. "Their out back," Mark answered. "Well can you go and get them, we've got some news for the whole family!" Hilary narrowed her gaze at Kat, trying to silently figure out what it could be. After Jordan and Ryan said hello to their sister and then met Rick, it was time to tell everyone. "Rick and I are getting married and soon too because within seven months or so, you'll have your first two grandchildren!" Mark sat with his wife, gaping at their daughter and now their future son-in-law. The silence was painful and Kat got a bad feeling. Jordan and Ryan were the first to break the silence, congratulating the couple and rubbing Kat's belly. Hilary stood up and Kat could see a tear in her eye, "I'm going to be a grandma!" She enthused and hugged both Kat and Rick at the same time. Mark joined along in the sentiment, if his little girl was happy, then so was he.
The greetings had gone wonderfully, and Rick was starting to relax a bit. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Kat was the epitome of poise, and she seemed confident in her families acceptance. Rick was stunned at how quickly she just laid it out for them. Then there was that awful silence. It seemed to go on forever and Rick wished he could just sink into the floor. His hand shook in Kat's though no so that anyone but her would notice, and he started to sweat. When the boys broke the tension, Rick had all he could do to keep from sighing heavily in relief. He smiled, and shook their hands once again, and then stopped to offer his new "Mom" a second hug. "I can't tell you how much Kat means to me. I couldn't live with out her. Thank you all for sharing her with me. "Can I call you Mom and Dad? I haven't had someone to say that to in a very long time. We just live a few miles away, so we won't be strangers and you are welcome in our home anytime."
Hilary was gushing at Rick's sweet words. Kat was almost in tears herself, but she kept it under control. It was so sweet that Rick wanted to claim her parents as his own, it really meant a lot to her. "Of course darling! Call me Mom, I could use a forth child!" Hilary beamed and then hugged and kissed Rick on the cheek once more. "Great, we've got another brother to compete with!" Jordan chimed in. He was only teasing as he slapped Rick on the back, "welcome to the family man! I know you're good for my little sister so I would give you too hard of a time!" Mark just shook his head at his son, "Jordan, go get Rick here a beer, he just got welcomed into this crazy family! He's gonna need it!"

Kat and her mom walked off into the kitchen and talk about Kat's trip and everything that had happened since they last saw each other. Her mom gave her good pregnancy advice and told her ways to suppressing any dull aches or pains that came along with it. Kat was grateful for her mom's advice and took it to heart. Together, her and her mom finished baking and walked outside to join the rest of the family that was out grilling up some burgers.
Rick followed the boys and "Dad" out to the back yard where they gathered around the grill. He told them how he and Kat had met and about the earthquake, and how it had changed both their lives forever for the good. the four of them shared slightly exaggerated stories of their various harrowing experiences, and generally had a great time.. The were laughing like school chums when the girls came out with a plate of warm cookies to spoil their appetites. Rick wanted to walk in the park with Kat this evening, but with how well things were going he wasn't sure they would be able to get away in time.
The cookies were gone in a matter of minutes. Kat walked over to Rick's side and hugged him sweetly, "see nothing to worry about at all. They love you!" She smiled up and him, then she remembered that he wanted to take her on a walk in the park today. Being with her family was wonderful, but Kat wanted to know what Rick had in store. After they ate lunch, it was time for them to get going, "Well this was wonderful, but we should be heading out. Don't worry, I'll bring Rick back so you all can see him again!" Kat chuckled and started giving out hugs to her parents and brothers.

Piling in the car, Kat's curiosity was piqued, "so what's in the park?" She reached her hand over and gently ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you so much, today has been so wonderful!"
"A secret place..... do you like secrets? Years ago you would have needed a password, but not any more. Officially its not in the park, but its close. Your curious aren't you?" He smiled at her know that this afternoon and early evening was going to be fun. He drove her home with out anymore talk of the secret. he just smiled knowingly at her every few minutes, building the suspense. When they got home, he went to the closet and got out an old soft wool blanket of his, and pushed it in a knapsack with a couple of soda's and some snack food. he also packed some other things that he had hidden in a paper bag. He threw the nap sack over his shoulder, and wrapping an arm around her said "lets go!".
"Secrecy! I like it!" She giggled and listened to him talk. Rick seemed excited about showing her this place and in turn, that got Kat excited. When they got back to the house, Kat freshened up as Rick got some things together. She came back out into the living room just in time to meet up with Rick. Kat wrapped an arm around her, "okay, let's go find out this secret!" The excitement was evident on her face as she walked out of the house with her man.
Rick lead Kat the two blocks down the street to the park. Kat did not know that as a kid Rick had ridden his bike to the park many times with its basket laden with tools. There was a path that circled the park and in the center was a playground and a small pond. Rick lead Kat down the path, and when they reached the back edge of the park the path went through a small wooded area. Leading off the edge of the path toward the back of the park was an overgrown trail. Rick lead Kat ahead of him and down the trail.
She kept up as they walked to the park. Kat wasn't familiar with this park as since she didn't play at parks much as a child. Her playground was her grandfather's ranch. It was a serene setting with the playground in the center next to a small pond. There were a few ducks wading in the water, but not a whole lot of kids. She followed him to the edge of the park and onto a path that led into the woods, "uh oh, this has the makings of a horror movie!" She giggled as she walked behind him. Kat left completely safe with Rick. "Where are we going?" She asked anxiously.
" We are almost there" he led her about 30 yards further to the base of a large tree. There were steps nailed to it and grinning lack a cat that just cught a canary, he pointed straight up. There in the top of the tree, 20 steps up its straight trunk was a platform with a hole next to the trunk. "Wait here, I need to be sure its still safe. I don't want you falling." Rick then almost scampered up to the platform. He spent a bout ten minutes crawling around up there before he returned to the bottom and had Kat got up the steps ahead of him.
When they stopped at a large tree, Kat was confused for a moment, then she saw was Rick was pointing to and she smiled. It was a tree house, complete with steps nailed into the trunk of the tree. She waited anxiously for him to finish with the inspection and then she started to climb up when he came back down for her. "This use to be yours?" Kat looked at Rick almost out of shock. She didn't think that he was much of a tree house person. She was still learning so much about him.
As they got to the top she could see that rick had spread out the blanket and set out snack from that vantage point your could see the pond below and most of their neighborhood. "We used to pretend that was the ocean. It seemed like it to us at the time. We did everything up here, but I never had a girl up here, so I thought now was the perfect time. Much later and you couldn't make the climb. One thing I never did up here was make love," he said smiling. he laid his back against the tree and pulled her back against his chest and began to kiss her passionately and pull the dress up her thighs. As her sweet pussy came into view he whistled softly, and ran a finger along the length of her slit. " So is this cool or what?" he asked.
She leaned back with him and started to kiss him passionately. Idly she wondered who the "we" he was referring to, but she would ask about that later, right now, her tongue was busy with other things. Feeling her dress being hiked up to her thighs, she smirked into the kiss and spread her legs a little for him. "Mmm," she cooed at his finger touched her slit. Being pregnant made her entire body very responsive, even more than what it was. "No, it's not cool, I think it's hot!" She winked at him and pressed her lips back to his. Her tongue wrapping around his as her arms did the same around his neck. She pushed her breasts against his chest. Clearly she wanted him right here, right now.
His finger traced back and forth along the length of her slit teasing it open like the petals of a flower. She was moist and hot and the realization made Rick almost instantly hard beneath her back. He slipped the sleeves of her dress down her shoulders and helped her to free her arms from them as her large soft breasts came into view. Rick was having a blast. It was the perfect combination of nostalgia and eroticism. He could barely contain himself. He lifted her full breast to his lips and began to suckle her in earnest. "I love you so much!"
She watched as he played with her pussy. It was sweet and so very erotic at the same time. She was wet and ready and could feel his erection at her back. She wanted him and he wanted her, there was nothing more perfect than that. With her sleeves down and her breasts exposed, Rick started to suckle on her. "Oh Rick, I love you too! Ahh!" His lips on her nipple felt so good, "baby I need you!" She moaned and reached her hand behind her to rub at his cock.
He picked her up and sat her in his lap as if she were weightless, her thighs straddling his and deftly lifted the dress up and over her head, leaving her naked save her sandals. He took a moment to admire the view before her resumed playing with her nipples and clit. His cock was now poking a huge tent in his shorts, which were thin enough that it was obvious there were no underwear underneath them. he lump was in easy reach for her now, and just begging to be freed.
Being turned around and placed on his lap only made Kat want him move. Her hands wasted no time in finding his cock again, just like his hands and mouth found her clit and nipples again. Kat knew that he was going commando under his shorts and that was making her salivate. Once his large erection was freed, she scooted her ass closer to him and then sank her wet pussy onto his shaft, "Ahhh yes!" She cried out and tilted her head back in pleasure. These pregnancy hormones were making her so damn needy. Slowly Kat started to move against him, up and down and in a circular motion, "Rick!" She moaned and found his lips.
It was a surreal moment for Rick. The woman of his dreams was impaled on his hard cock as they hid above a public park in his boyhood tree house. He put a finger to her lips when she called out his name. "Listen" he said with a smirk. They could hear the sounds of children playing below them on the swing set in the park. "We need to keep our voices low. We dont want any little visitors up here!" he whispered half laughing half groaning as her ministrations were rapidly bringing him to a state of climax. He thrust up into her in response, enjoying the look of pleasure on her face that mirrored his own.
She listened and could hear the children playing down below. She understood that they would need to be quiet if they were to continue without any interruptions. Playfully, Kat took his finger in her mouth and sucked on it, "I can be quiet, but can you?" She winked and then shoved herself on his cock hard. She kept a slow pace, but each movement was deep and deliberate. Kat could feel herself starting to cum. She grabbed his face, "cum with me!" She whispered and then kissed him, stifling her moans as her pussy clenched around him.
Cum he did. He cam hard and his spasming had barely subsided when he felt himself cumming again. He groaned and stifled it by kissing Kat deeply. He had never cum like that before, but it had him grinning. "My god girl that was great! That has never happened to me before!" His lap was soaked with the combination of their juices leaking from Kat into his lap. "I guess I should have brought a towel he said softly, laughing.
She was just as surprised to feel him cum twice. Kat enjoyed that she could do such a thing to Rick. Her own orgasm had just barely subsided when he filled her again. She could start to feel their mingled fluids seeping out onto their thighs and legs. She giggled at his comment, "surely you would have remembered to bring one, especially if this was what you were wanting to happen once you got me up here!" She leaned in and kissed him lovingly.
"Well I was distracted. Can you blame me. You would have been distracted to if you had known what we would be up to. I'll just have to live with wet shorts. It isn't the first time and it wont be the last." he said smiling. "How brave are you?" he said smiling as he noted that it was starting to get dark. "When i was a kid we used to skinny dip in that pond." he smiled mischievously at her. "I will if you will"
She smirked at him and then looked down at the pond. It was free of any kids and so Kat was game. "Yeah, why not!" She shrugged and got up off his lap and started to head down the steps in the nude. She was in the best of moods so a little skinny dipping felt like the perfect thing. The pond was nice and chilly, but it soothed her heated skin. "So who's this "we" that you keep referring to?" She asked as she watched Rick get into the pond with her.
"do I sense some jealousy?" His name was Timmy and we were only 9. we were best friends, and did everything together. I have no idea what happened to him" he smiled as they slipped into the cool water in the dark. he pulled her into his lap as he sat on the bottom only there heads above water. " We will have to be quiet but if we are, we are far enough back in the park no one will notice." he whispered. He kissed her gently and and they sat there making out in the cool water. Though they would be wet, at least they wouldn't be sticky.
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