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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Kat was smiling happily at him until he mentioned that he'd have her knocked up again by the time the twins were walking. She was gaping at him, but out of amusement. Charles was smirking at her as well. "Well I guess that settles that then," she giggled as she looked from Rick to her grandfather. They hadn't talked about how many kids they would have, but it seemed, at the very least, three. She received his kiss well, leaning in and kissing him a little more before pulling away.

She felt his love for her as their eyes met. The locked eyes for a moment, then Kat remembered her manners and turned her attention back to her grandfather. "Well kids, I'm going to be heading out." He got up off his chair. Kat followed suit and walked him to the front door. "Thank you for everything grandfather, I love you so much!" She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, "it is my pleasure. You know I'd do anything for you!" Kat smiled and then move out of the way so that he could say goodbye to Rick. "We're family now, so you get a hug!" Charles gave a burly hug to Rick and then was out the door.

He'd find Kat looking at him with her hands on her hips and a smile on her face when he turned around, "so if you have your way huh?" She couldn't hide the humor in her voice, nor did she want to. "Just how many times you plan on knocking me up? I'd like to be fully prepared!" She giggled.
Rick laughed "As many as I can get away with" he said with all honesty. "Getting you there is a lot of fun and besides you really are beautiful when you are pregnant. I really mean that." he pulled her pants down in front below her bump and he blouse up over her swollen breasts and ran his hand lovingly over her soft but taught skin, and weighed her breasts in his hands then pulled her into his arms and kissed her with a deep passion. " Don't ever think for a moment I don't like how you look. I love it!"
Kat laughed right along with him. She didn't doubt that he'd have fun getting her knocked up over and over, she'd even enjoy it too. She also didn't doubt that he found her beautiful in every way. She watched as he slipped her pants down and her shirt up. She moaned a little as he ran his hands over her exposed skin. Her belly was jutting out slight, but not so much since she was only newly pregnant; just a few months. She wrapped her arms around him as he deeply kissed her. She always could tell his thoughts and feelings with how he kissed her. "I don't think that, nor will I ever. I love that you love it!" She then placed her lips back on his for a little while longer. "Let's go to bed, it's been a long day and I have a doctor's appointment in the morning."
Rick wrapped an arm around her, and happily lead her up to the bed room. He quickly stripped off his clothes and then hers, and then laying down on the bed, pulled her on top of him. His cock was hard fro the sight of her and it lay throbbing between her legs, its helm just brushing the sensitive tissues at the apex of her thighs. He loved how her soft hair lay in waves on his shoulders and neck. it smelled sweet and clean an was ever so soft. Her large soft breasts crushed against his chest and he cradled the soft orbs of her bottom in his large hands. He pulled a sheet over them and began to kiss her softly as they relaxed together. He rocked his hips slowly, letting the head of his cock gently tease her pussy.
Very soon, she was laying atop him, both of them fully naked and feeling his cock brush against her slit. He obviously wanted her, but was making the moment very sweet and making it last. Kat ran her hands along his face and into his hair. His locks were soft between her fingers and she hummed in appreciation. Looking into his eyes, she slowly lowered herself onto him. She was wet of course, but there was no surprise there. "Oh Rick!" She moaned and soon found her lips upon his, kissing him madly and roaming her hands along his neck and chest. She would definitely let this man knock her up many times because this was what she had to look forward to every time.
He held the soft cheeks of her ass in his hands as she slowly slid up and down on him. He was in no hurry, but rather savored the feeling of her still tight wet womb sling up and down his length. each time she slid forward he met her lips with his own and held her there the head of his cock just inside her and causing her pussy to clench at it trying to keep it inside. The feeling was delicious. He could feel himself slowly slipping toward a climax and didn't resist but just let it sneak up on him. Each time he felt her clench he slipped a bit further toward the inevitable release. He grinned ear to ear at her as he looked into her shining eyes.
The slow and sensual movement also had quite the effect on her. Kat quivered each time her pussy clenched around him, trying hard to to let him come fully out of her. She knew his body well and knew that he was coming close to his own release. Kat didn't speed up or slow down, just the right amount of push and force was applied for them both to succumb to the pleasure. The only thing that changed was her breathing. It was a tell-tale sign of her impending orgasm. She returned his smile and she gazed down into his eyes, "I love you!" She cried out as she came.
As his orgasm washed over him he sat up pulling her into a tight embrace and penetrating her deeply as they shuddered together in a deep embrace and a passionate kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth. "I love you too!" he exclaimed in a breathless voice. His eyes shown brightly as her looked down between their bodies at her beautiful soft breasts and nipples. "You are so incredibly beautiful!" he said. He ran his hands gently over her back and traced the curves of her hips as she straddled his lap and eager cock. Falling on his side on the soft bed and taking her with him he smiled and laughed wit the joy of the moment. She was not only his lover, wife to be, and the other of his children, she was his best friend, and he wanted nothing more than to be with her.
As his hands roamed her body, her hands stayed at his handsome face. She was feeling a bit emotional, but figured that it was just the pregnancy. She leaned her forehead against his when he told her that she was beautiful. Kat truly felt that with around him. In fact, even before they started this relationship, whenever he'd come to see her to take care of a computer issue, his presence would make her feel good. As they fell to their sides, Kat joined him in his laugh. Rick was in such an infectious mood that she couldn't help but he swallowed up in it. "What would you say to getting married within the month? I want to be Mrs. Richard Wilson as soon as possible!" She still had her hands at his face, gently caressing the outline of his lips.
"I'd love it! your mother will probably have a heart attack, but that will probably happen anyway. We'll just have to rely on your grandfather to fix that. All you need to do is breath a word about it to him, and the arrangements will be made.. so best to keep it quiet till you make up your mind what kind of wedding you want." he laughed at how her family might respond. He had no one to please but himself. He continued hugging and kissing her as they lay still entwined on the bed and leaking onto the sheets. "I'm afraid we will be going through lots of linens at this house!" he said laughing.
He had a few good points. Her grandfather would take care of everything and it would be done in record time. Kat didn't need a big wedding, just her family and closest friends to share in her special day. "Well I already know what kind of wedding I want. I'll call my grandfather in the morning, then we can go break all the news..." she motioned down to her belly, "to my parents and then we can finally get married!" She hugged and kissed him back, feeling sated in the afterglow of their love making and enveloped in his warmth and love.

She giggled at his comment, "yes, I suppose so, luckily we have plenty of linens and a top of the line washer and dryer!" It didn't bother her one bit that she would probably have to change the bedsheets once a day, "but the bed isn't the only place where we can make love," she stated coyly.
Rick raised an eyebrow at her last comment and wondered to himself just what she had in mind. True enough they had made love in many places thanks in part to her grandfather, but now they were living a more settled life in a cute little house in suburbia, so he wondered. "Yes I suppose we can, but if you think That I will miss a chance when I have you in bed, think again...If that happens you might think about calling a doctor for me," he said grinning broadly.. He reached over and put out the light. It was certainly late enough to be going to sleep but that was not his intention. Instead he rolled her on her back, and before her eyes had fully adjusted to the light, began to gently tease and explore her naked and slippery body, wet from sex. "Remember the first time we were completely alone in the the dark?" He mused.
"I will most definitely call a doctor if that happens!" She giggled. Rick was such a romantic at heart, the fact that they had had sex just about everywhere else but a simple bed, was very erotic to think about, but now that they were living together in their own home, he just wanted her in the the bed. Kat definitely wouldn't complain about that. With the light turned out, she felt him lay atop her, roaming his hands all over her body. His touch still made her feel tingly all over and she soon figured that he was not down playing tonight. "yes, I remember, it was when we were stuck in the rubble. Just about the scariest moment I've ever had, but I'm glad that you were there, you are truly mt hero!"
"I was just as scared as you, but I didn't figure I dared to show it. Just the same, I was glad to be able to comfort you, and eventually get us out. I love being close to you. He slowly kissed his way down her body following his nose to wet and musky area between her thighs. He began to tease her with his tongue.. He pushed her thighs wide apart and lapped enthusiastically at the warm pink flesh he found there. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of this." His hands slipped up her body and massaged her full breasts and nipples.
His words were sweet and they washed away whatever negative thoughts she had from reliving that terrifying day. Kat shifted a little in her spot as Rick slowly went down on her. His lips and tongue were heaven and she eagerly opened her legs more for him. "God, I hope not!" She enthused. She would never get tired of this either. Rick was her soul mate, for that she was certain. Placing her hands over his, she helped him grope her growing breasts. She wondered just how much growing they were going to do, now that they were having twins. "Mmm, Rick, yes!" She gently bucked her hips at him, wanting more and more of his mouth.
As he was working hard at making her cum when suddenly something she had said half an hour ago registered with him. He stopped suddenly and asked. "You know what kind of wedding you want? tell me.. what do you want? I can lick and listen, that is if you can manage to talk." Rick resumed his ministrations to her while he waited for her to answer. " I bet I can make you cum before you can finish telling me!" he said as he pinched her nipples for emphasis.
"Ahh!" She moaned and then she fell silent as he pulled away. She was confused at his question at first, then her brain started to make the right connections. She giggled at the little bet he made about making her cum before she could finish telling him. "Agh!" she cried out as he pinched her nipple, they were so sensitive now. "Mmm...I want a smallish weddingggg!" She bucked her hips. It seemed that he might win this. "Very romantic, ahhh!" She squealed and gripped the bed sheets. "At the end, shit! I mean...I want you and I to ride off into the sunset....Mmm...on a horse!" Suddenly, her climax erupted and Kat grabbed his head, holding him in place while she came into his mouth, "Fuck! Rick!"
He lapped at her scooping up her cum and when her passion had subsided a bit he said "You liked that riding huh?" from between her thighs. "You have to promise to go pantiless under your dress then. I want to be inside you when we ride. It will be amazing. Of course with the dress no one will see. That sounds like a wonderful wedding. Now if we can just get by the big reveal to your mom. I'm kinda nervous about that you know. " he crawled back up her body and kissed her with his cum slick lips and face. "sorry I'm such a mess! Its not my fault you know."
She laid there panting and smiling happily at him. "I loved it!" She giggled and tousled his hair a bit. "No panties under my wedding dress, got it! It sure will make it easier to use the bathroom too!" With all the material that wedding gowns usually had, no one would be the wiser. "It will be amazing because it is always amazing with you!" She stared at him adoringly. "Don't worry about my mom, once she sees your handsome face, she won't care that you knocked me up before marrying me!" Kat giggled and helped pull him up to her. She could taste her arousal on his lips, it was delicious. "I don't mind the mess, I actually like tasting myself on your lips!"
"I hope your right about your Mom. I never really thought about it as "knocking you up..he said laughing. It sounds like we had a one night stand or something.. Obviously your not getting away with just one night, and while it might not have been completely intentional, I certainly don't regret that your pregnant." He curled up beside her now satisfied that he had a mate and drifted slowly off to sleep his arm wrapped tightly around her and cupping her soft breast.
Kat knew that her mom would love him. Everyone in her family would love him because all that they needed to see to win them over was how happy Rick made her. She giggled at his notion of saying that she was knocked up as if it were a one night stand. That couldn't have been further from the truth. Though Kat was at first freaking out about the pregnancy, it just started to feel like the right thing. She never really did things "by the books," so why should getting married and having a family be any different? Soon enough she was also asleep, sated in her lover's arms and dreaming about their wonderful life together.

Kat was up with the sun the next morning. She began to anticipate what the day held for them. Turning in Rick's arms, she coaxed him awake. "No fooling around this morning, we've got a big day ahead of us!" She kissed him chastely on the lips and then got out of bed. She got in and out of the shower and purposefully slipped on a loose fitting maxi dress so that her pregnancy wasn't that obvious. She wanted to be able to tell her mom first before having her mom see it. Kat finished getting ready, hoping that Rick was downstairs making breakfast because she was hungry!
Rick had followed her to the shower, and though he had tried to play a bit, he could tell that Kat was all business. he had toweled off and dressed quickly in jeans and a button down shirt, combed his hair, and was indeed making breakfast. Well he set out the cereal bowls, milk, and cut a few strawberries for on top. When he saw Kat come down the stairs he poured coffee and cereal and was ready. He hugged her and kissed her and he smiled when realized that there was nothing under her dress.
When she did come downstairs to the kitchen, she happily went into Rick's arms. It took him no time at all to realize that she was pantyless. It was something that she hoped Rick would have noticed, "So what's for breakfast?" She tried to play nonchalant, like going without panties was just no big deal. She pulled away to see the cereal bowls on the breakfast bar. She was hoping for something a little more substantial, but perhaps cereal would do since they had a busy day ahead of them. "Looks good, let's eat!"
Rick wasn't so quick to release her, instead he held her ass firmly in his big hands enjoying just how thin her dress was, he then moved a hand up and covered her full breast. He gave her a naughty grin as he felt her nipple grow hard beneath his palm. "Its a good thing this dress has a strong pattern." he said laughing. "But I know your secret now!" He kissed her passionately and then seated her at the table before sitting down to eat himself. "I think when we are though at your mother's we should take a walk in the park. There are some places I would like to show you." He gave her another wicked grin and started eating his cereal.
"A walk in the park sounds great!" She returned his wicked grin with her own, then started to eat. She have two bowls of cereal and a good helping of fruit. "I never knew that cereal could be so satisfying!" She giggled as she rubbed her tummy. She took a look at the time, "okay, it's time for my doctor's appointment, I'm going to go brush my teeth and I'll meet you at the car!" She got to her feet, leaned over Rick's chair, kissed him and then dashed off upstairs.

Five minutes later, she was climbing into the the passenger side of the van and they were off to the doctor's. The appointment went smoothly. They were seen right away and mom and the babies were given a clean bill of health. "Take good care of her, okay?" The doctor told Rick before exiting the exam room. Little did the doctor know, but Rick took excellent care of her, Kat couldn't have anything better. Once they were ready, they headed out to her parent's house. Kat took Rick's hand while he drove them there, "everything will be fine, I promise!"
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