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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

She just stood there and listened to him talk about how interesting everything was. No doubt he was in his own heaven with her. She obliged him and took the blindfold over her eyes. She was then led to lay on the bed. "I do like wearing my own things, it seems it's been a while and pretty soon I won't fit in most of them until after the baby is born." She chuckled and awaited for him to do something. Though the rabbit vibrator was hers, Kat had only ever used it a handful of times. "I have a bit of a confession to make that I'm sure you'll love. A couple of times that I used the toy of mine, I...I thought about you while using it!" Though she had the blindfold on, she still covered her face. She felt a little silly to admit that, though it was nothing to be ashamed of.
Rick smilled at the thought as he removed some soft cords from the black bag and slowly tied her legs and arms to the bed posts spreading her wide and leaving her quite helpless. finding a feather in the black bag he began to tickle her randomly. He was beginning to see the now familliar silvery wet liquicd collecting between her netherlips. When he had her sufficiently wet he moistened the vibe in her pussy, and turned it on before slowly inserting it fully and leaving it there as he sat beside her and began to suckle her nipples.
She was writhing with anticipation so when he inserted the vibrator inside her, it pulled out a rather loud moan from her lips. Being pregnant made her very sensitive and with the toy vibrating her inner walls and Rick's lips engulfing her nipples, it wasn't going to take very long for Kat to climax. Though she was tied up, she still had a bit of wiggle room and started to move against the toy inside her. "Rick!" She cried out as her whole body tensed, "I'm going to cum!"
"He smiled at her nipple and sucked a bit harder as he rolled her other nipple in his fingers. "Of course you are, thats the general idea" he said. It was fun watching her body buck against the vibe trying to push it deeper. He switched on its clitoral stimulator and moved from her breast up her neck to her lips.

As he watched her inner thighs trembled. The sight of it made him very hard. then he slowly pulled the vbe from her pussy replacing it with his hard cock and resting the vibe between her butt cheeks and against, but not penetrating her ass.

He began slowly sliding his hard cock in and out of her.
It was all so intense. Somewhere between him pulling out the toy and replacing it with himself, she came. Though she had the blindfold on, she still closed her eyes when her body gave into the pleasure. "Rick!" She uttered in a half moan, half pant voice. With the toy now at her ass, it was all a very different sensation. Once her orgasm had subsided a bit, she limbs loosened and hung dangled from the ties. She smiled brightly into the dark abyss. She could only imagine how Rick was looking at her. "I love you!"
I love you too he said lifting the blindfold from her eyes. He shut off the vibrator and set it aside to be washed later leaving her tied for the moment. he kissed his way over her body and finnaly reaching her wet sloppy pussy, he licked it gently with the tip of his tongue, teasing her.
She blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the new amount of light from the blindfold being removed. When the vibrator was removed and Rick moved down to teasingly flick his tongue between her thighs, she squirmed. She was now really sensitive after having came and he wasn't going easy on her. "Baby!" She moaned and bucked her hips at him. "Why aren't you inside me?" She was missing him already.
"So your feeling empty are you?" he said teasing. he put his hard cock at her entrance. Is this what you are needing?? he looked up and smiled at her wickedly. and just teased her with the tip of his cock. Wanting to see he being really needy.
She smirked at his words and when she felt his cock at her entrance, she began to squirm, "please Rick!" She whined a bit more. She knew what he was getting at and part of her didn't want to give him the satisfaction, but that also meant that she didn't get any either. She bit you lower lip, "yes, I need your cock inside me!"
Rick smiled as she admitted the small defeat, but also clamed victory as Rick shove his long hard cock deep within her. He untied her hands and they hugged and kissed as he continued to fuck her wide open pussy hard.
her body was so hot. she was unbelieveably wet, and he loved the way her body tried to grip and clench down on him as they palyed.
She had found her release shortly after he gave her what she wanted and craved. With her hands untied, she caressed his back, shoulders and hair. The kissing was nonstop as was the moaning and panting. Her body was his and he was doing what he wanted with it. Because he was penetrating her hard, Kat kept cumming, her body not allowing time in between for a reprieve.
He could feel her panting and her walls rippling around his cock and it wasn't long before he could resist her no longer. His cock began to throb and swell and it wasn't long before he gave in to a shuddering orgasm. He lay on top of her kissing her deep as they slowly relaxed. He reached down and untied her ankles, and put away the toys and turned out the light.
he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight.
She laid in his arms, still panting a bit, but with the lights out and the warmth of him wrapped around her, she soon fell fast asleep. She slept really well that night as her body was exhausted from the packing and the walking and the sex. It was definitely the pregnancy that had her this tired because normally she would have had the energy to withstand all that.
He woke in the morning, and his little sleeping beauty was snuggled up against him. he got out of bed quietly and pushed his pillow up against her and tucked her into the blanket. He got himself dressed and went downstairs and decided to cook breakfast. He prepared an old recipe, he had learned as a boyscout. He took pieces of toast, cut out the center and lined it with bacon, then putting it in the skillet fried the bacon and cracked an egg in the middle. He made 3 for himself and 2 for Kat and poured each of them some orange juice, and Kat a tall glass of milk. He put it all on a tray and took it up to her and then kissed her awake.
She woke to the smell of bacon more than his kisses. "Bacon," she moaned and smirked at him. She looked over that the tray of food and was surprised that he made that. "Wow, looks good baby!" She sat up and prepared herself to eat. She was eager as always and with her disheveled hair covering her breasts, she absolutely glowed with radiance and beauty.
When Rick saw her salivating over the bacon, he gave her the plate with three helpings and took the one with two, figuring he could always make more. "Be sure you drink that milk!" he said. Judging by her breasts, she was already making milk of her own though he hadn't seen any flow yet, and he knew that milk was esentil to keeping her heathy when pregnant. He kissed her gently while they ate, and then he made her stay in bed while he took the dishes down stairs and washed them. He returned a few minutes later with a warmed bottle of rapeseed oil and an old towel.

He spread the towel on the bed, and made her lay down on it face down. Squirting some warm oil on her back he began to give her a massage. He just felt like pampering her today.
"What's got you in a good mood today?" She asked softly as he massaged her body with oil. She happily let him do so too. She was going to turn down a free massage. The heat of his hands made her quite relaxed and with a full belly, she almost was ready to go to sleep again. "Am I being confined to the bed today?" That was perfectly fine with her, she hadn't a care in the world right now.
"Maybe, sounds fun to me" He tickled her gently teasing her as he made her massage or sensuous by the minute. He buried to oily fingers between her thighs and into the heat of her pussy, working them in and out rapidly, looking for a rapid release, before moving on down her thighs and calves to her feet and then back up a again. He flipped her over and began with her nipples and slowly moved outward in all directions making circles around them. He loved how her nipples responded to his touch.
He did not get his rapid release because Kat had a more pressing issue at hand, her bladder, though she didn't want to get up and take care of it. When he turned her over and worked her nipples, they were really sensitive, "ah, okay, no touching those today." She winced and grabbed her breasts. She lightly touched them, they were sensitive around the nipples and she didn't want them touched. "I need to pee," she spoke softly then got up and into the master bath. Once she was finished, started the tub, then opened the door. "I'm going to hop in the tub to soak, sorry for abruptly ending the massage." She just wasn't feeling her bubbly self today, but didn't want to get moody with Rick.
"Would you like to be washed? or are you planning on just soaking? he asked as he stood by the door watching as she filled the tub, and wondering where the happy girl of five minutes ago had gone. He had expected her to be moody at times, so he didn't let it upset him, but although he didn't show it it did kinda bum him out a bit.
"I think I'm going to just soak for a bit. I'm feeling irritable and I don't want to accidentally snap at you, I'm sorry baby," she gave him a little pout as the water got to where she wanted it and she slipped in. "I don't like moody people and here I am, one of them!" She tried laughing it off.
He left her to have some alone time and went downstairs to his shop, and decided he would answer emails and schedule service calls for next week when he was scheduled to return to work. After an hour, he had finished what he had to do, so he went up stairs to check on Kat and see how she was doing.
He looked in the bath room and asked "everything ok?"
Kat was drying her hair as Rick appeared in the doorway, "yep, everything's peachy. Just needed a good soak it seems." She felt a whole lot better and with a towel wrapped around her body, she went into the closet and chose something to wear. After slipping on a pair of black panties and a matching bra, she found a long tank topped maxi dress and slipped that on. It hugged her curves and that's when she noticed that her belly had a little pooch. "Hey look at this!" She exclaimed and ran her hands along her curved belly.
Rick loved it! he ran his hand over the small bump again and again. There is a child in there! Our child! he said as he hugged her gently. Every day he was more in awe of what was happening in their lives and more protective and nurturing of Kat. He thought of her as this amazing creation made of the finest of glass, fragile yet beautiful in ways noone could really understand. He loved her and all he knew was that some how in roughly 7 moths from now he would be holding a baby, his baby in his arms, and it was all because of her.
Kat started to tear up as she watched Rick's eager and happy reaction. She was so incredibly lucky and happy to have him in her life. He had not only saved her, but brought her so much love and joy. She was more than honored to be the mother of his children. She gently cupped his face and kissed him as tears pricked at her eyes and ran down her cheeks.
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