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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Rick kissed the tears away and asked her don't you think we ought to see your OB doctor today? They told us to see someone as soon as we arrived home, and we have been a bit lax about it. Besides, by now we should be able to see the baby on ultrasound. I cant wait!
It had been a little over a week since she had found out that she was pregnant and Rick was right, they needed to schedule an appointment. She nodded and went to the phone. She set up an appointment an hour from now with her OBGYN. She was excited to have someone other than her, Rick and her grandfather know about the baby. Kat made the bed and tidied up the room before they set out to the appointment. She knew Rick was excited and that got her excited.

Walking into the doctor's office, she was greet by the receptionist, Maggie. "Hello Miss Mitchell, haven't seen you in a while. Here to get your shot?" Kat shook her head, "I have an ultrasound to get," Maggie beamed, of congrats!" She penciled her in and let them know that they'd be called back in just a few moments. Before they could even sit down, they were called. Kat laughed as the service here was always speedy. She changed into a paper gown and waited for her doctor. He already knew the news since she was a good friend of her grandfather's. "Well congrats to you both. Let's see how this baby is doing shall we?" Kat got positioned in the stirrups and the doctor inserted the vaginal probe since it was still too earlier to see the baby through the outside. The doctor took longer than usual and it was worrying Kat, "is there something wrong?" She clutched Rick's hand. The doctor just made a peculiar look, then smiled. "Nope, well that it unless you think having twins is a bad thing?" Kat just gaped at the screen as the doctor pointed out two embryonic sacs.
Rick nearly fell over but almost busted his buttons with pride. "Twins! really?! Kat! I just can believe it!" Rick was beyound excited, he was bouncing with energy and enthusiasm. I guess we needed the big house didn't we. Then he started to think about all the things they would need and have to get ready. "Thank you Doctor! thank you very much."

Even though Kat was no different than when they had walked in the door, Rick now regarded her as all the more a miracle, and all the more fragile, He walked her carefully out to the car as though she she could be damaged by a puff of wind.
Kat stared at the screen with a goofy smile on her face. She paid little attention to Rick jumping out of his skin with joy, though she couldn't ignore his ecstatic tone of voice. The doctor shook both their hands, congratulating both. "I guess it skips a generation. My grandmother on my father's side had twin girl, not identical, fraternal, like ours." She was helped out to the car and noted that he was overcautious with her, but didn't say anything to burst his bubble. On the ride home, she held her belly. She couldn't believe that there were two babies in there, let alone one. "Twins, that's going to be double the trouble!" She started to laugh, she just couldn't resist the cheesy joke.
"And double the fun! he said as he looked over at her as she held her slightly rounded belly. He didn't head home, instead he drove back to the mall, and parking in the expectant mom's space near the door, he walked around to her side of the car and let her out, taking her hand. He walked her into the mall and they started to walk. They passed a store dealing in baby supplies. "want to look?" he asked her?
She was pleasantly surprised when Rick drove them to the mall. As they passed by a baby store, she nodded, "sure why not!" They headed into the store and Kat gravitated to the cribs. There were so many to choose from. She looked around and saw that the baby furniture that her grandfather bought for them, came from this store. "Well I guess we need to double up. I'll have to let my grandfather know that he only paid for one great grandchild!" With the help of a very sweet sales attendant, they got the other half of the items they needed. When Kat gave her name, the sales attendant looked at the screen, "seems we are to bill everything to a Mr. Charles Mitchell?" Kat chuckled, "yes, that's my grandfather. I guess he'll be the purchaser for this stuff too." Kat didn't argue it, her grandfather had more than enough money.

On their way out back to the car, Kat ran into an old friend from college, "oh my god Jenna! How are you?" Kat and Jenna hugged tightly. Jenna looked her friend over, "I'm good, but I see you're doing great! You look amazing Kat!" Kat smiled, "Jenna, this is my...fiance Rick, Rick this is a good friend of mine from college, Jenna!" The two shook hands. "You're getting married before me too?" Jenna playfully scoffed at her, "when's the wedding?" Kat looked at Rick, "don't know yet, it's kind of all up in the air right now." Kat didn't want to say anything about her expecting, it was a bit too soon to announce, she wanted to give it a few more weeks.

"Well let me know, I'm going to be in it right?" Jenna laughed, "Of course!" Kat hugged her friend again and they said their goodbyes. "I guess we need to get started on planning that too!" She mentioned as they walked to the car.
As Rick looked at the back if the van, with all its seats folded away, andstuffed to the gills with baby things, he laughed. "I was never a fan of minivan's till this moment." He set about emptying the van into the garage where he would assemble the furniture, before moving it to the nursery. Since they didn't have any other passengers right now, he left the seats folded away. He went in to get his tools, and looked for Kat. "Hey Kat! where are you?" he called out."what are you up too?"
When they got back to the house, she let him unload the van, figuring that he wouldn't have let her help anyhow. She went upstairs to the study and got online. She needed a new cell phone and didn't see one around. When Rick called out to her, she smiled, "I'm in the study looking for a cell phone to buy!" She found one that she liked and bought it. They she picked up the land line and dialed her grandfather. He was over the moon when she told him that they were having twins and that everyone was happy and healthy. She noted a hint of emotion in his voice, like he was going to cry. Kat then invited him over for dinner before hanging up the phone.

She went down to the kitchen to look for something to cook for dinner. She found a nice pot roast and set out to get that cooking in the slow cooker. There was an iPod and docking station in the kitchen and she turned it on. She was half dancing and half chopping vegetables. Once the roast was all set, she gathered some ingredients to make her and Rick some lunch.
Seeing Kat was busy in the kitchen Rick went back to assembling the furniture. When it was all assembeled, and standing in the garage, he got his tape measure and went to the kitchen. Wrapping his arms around her he asked her to come show him where she wanted all the baby furniture to go. He followed her up to the nursery and pulling her into a kiss, he said "Okay boss, show me what you want."
Kat pointed out a few different scenarios for the furniture to go. The nursery room was definitely big enough to accommodate two of everything. Once she settled on a layout, she had Rick get started on bringing up the furniture, "can I help with anything?" The crib looked awkward to carry by just one person and she wasn't completely useless, she was willing to help.
Rick was reluctant. "I can buy a new crib if I drop it, but where will I get new babies if you fall?" I love you Kat, and i know your capable, but next 6 months, your taking it easy. He kissed her, smiled at her and hoped his athletic and beautiful fiance, would allow herself to be protected for the next seven months, at least when it came to things like heavy moving. "If I need some help, I'll call Jeremy, I'm sure he will be willing to help. When he said it, he had not thought about the fact that she was keeping all this a secret.
She figured that he wouldn't let her help and she didn't protest. "Okay, I will go sit my butt on the couch and watch you then!" She gave him a soft smile and headed downstairs. Rick was right and with the pregnancy still in it's early stages, she needed to be as careful as possible in order to keep the babies safe. She thumbed through more magazine's, then decided to call up Jenna. She arranged a time for them to go look for wedding dresses. Kat didn't want a huge wedding, just something small and intimate with friends and family. She was only going to have Jenna as her matron of honor, just to keep things simple. The girls made a date to go looking at dresses the day after tomorrow. Kat was excited.

"Hey baby, I invited my grandfather over for dinner tonight. I figured that we need to properly thank him for pretty much everything!"
Rick set down the crib just before starting up the stairs. " Yes we do! What time are you planning dinner for?" Rick didn't want to be working when her Grandfather arrived, he wanted to greet him properly. "we do owe him an awful lot. Actually I owe him a lot more. After all he gave me you! I still don't believe your mine!" I have to be the luckiest man in the world.

He picked up the crib, and though it was a struggle, he made it to the nursery without droping it or banging anything up. He put it where she wanted it and started in with the second dresser.
"Around seven, you've got about an hour or so." She replied as she looked through a magazine. She smirked and shook her head, "I think it's the other way around, I can't believe you're mine!" She enthused as she watched him take the crib up the stairs. He got up up there without issue and Kat was relieved that he didn't hurt himself. She got up and checked on the roast. It's fragrance wafted through the house, reminding her of the home cooked meals that she always had growing up.

Since it was getting close to time, Kat finished up with dinner, peeling the potatoes and roasting the veggies in the oven, along with baking the rolls. She set the table and took the roast out, placing it on a nice serving platter and setting it in the center of the table. With the table all set, she ran upstairs just to gussy up a bit. She didn't bother changing since it was just her grandfather, but she made sure her hair was brushed and out of her face.

When the doorbell rang, she answered it, "Grandpa!" She beamed and threw her arms around him. He hugged her right back, "my darling kitty kat!" She kissed him on the cheek, then had him come in. He rubbed her belly, "how are my great grand kids doing?" Kat giggled, "well they are no bigger then a quarter, so I assume they are doing just fine!" She enthused.
Richard walked into the hall from the nursery. He had changed his shirt and brushed his hair but still wore his jeans. "You must be Kat's Grandfather!, I'm Rick as I believe you know. You're an amazingly generous man, and I want o thank you sir for all you've done for me. The greatest thing of course is giving me Kat." He hugged her and kissed her and the hugged her grandfather warmly.

He led them both into the living room, and had them both sit down. "I just have to ask. How did you possibly know that Kat could ever love me? I mean, she is so beautiful and sweet anyone would fall in love with her, why me?"
"Son, first of all, I did not give you my granddaughter, that isn't for me to give, but I just noticed that you two were like kindred spirits. You always got along and were together at company benefits. I figured if you two had time to yourselves outside of work, that you'd become more than that." He put a hand on Kat's tummy, "but I can see that it is much much more than that now!" He smiled at Kat, then looked to Rick, "you two are good for each other, you balance and compliment one another, I was just making sure that you two noticed that as well."

Kat took her grandpa's hand, "you've been so kind and generous to both of us. You are one heck of a grandparent, I love you!" She pulled him in for another hug. Charles looked at the magazines on the coffee table, "so I hope you two plan on getting hitched before the babies come! And not to worry, it's all at my expense. Kat is my only granddaughter after all!" He playfully pinched her cheeks. "That's the plan, though we just need to set a date so that we can get the ball rolling." She smiled up at Rick. "Okay, who's hungry?" She got up and led the men into the dining room where the food awaited them.
Rick walked beside Kat as they followed her Grampa to the table. Kat sat at one end and Rick noticed that she had left the roast and the knife at his end for him to carve. It felt odd, as his father had always carved the meat at home until now. In an odd way it made him feel good, as he picked up the knife and carved the butter tender meat, that Kat had so perfectly prepared.

He stopped and said a prayer, and then placed the cut meat on a platter that Kat had set out, and passed it to her Grandfather.
"This looks and smells wonderful Kat!" Charles enthused as he took a large piece of the roast that Rick had cut. She smiled at him and passed the garlic mashed potatoes and the roasted veggies. "Thank you, the slow cooker did most of the work!" Charles smirked, then looked at Rick, "this girl is too humble. She is a phenomenal cook, don't let her fool you into thinking otherwise!" For a seventy year old man, he was quick with the wit and had a sharp tongue too, one of the things that Kat had acquired as well. Kat poured a crisp red wine for Rick and her grandfather while she just had sparkling water. That was the one thing that she didn't care for about being pregnant, but she was going to put the babies needs in front of her own, that's what a good mother would do.

"Grandfather, I was thinking that Rick and I could get married out on the ranch, near the coast. Since it'll be a summer wedding, it'll be nice and cool there." Charles nodded, "of course my dear, anything you want. How many people are you going to invite to this?" Kat shrugged, "I want to keep it small and intimate, so no more than 100, don't go inviting the entire city okay?" She gave him a stern eye. "Of course not, that'll be your mother's doing! OH speaking of my daughter, she wants to see you. She's going to lose her mind when she finds out that you are not only getting married, but you're pregnant too!" Charles liked giving his kids a hard time. "I should probably bring some tequila with me then huh?" That got both her and her grandfather laughing. Her mom was always over dramatic and quite the lush when it came to unexpected news. "She should be happy, she'd been pestering me ever since I graduated college with getting married and settling down!"
Rick was amused as he listened to Kat and her grandfather, banter back and forth, and quickly realized where she had gotten her rapier the same time , it made him envious, as he had lost not only all his grandparents, but his parents as well, and with no other siblings, his only living relative was his cousin Jessica, which he had not seen in years. For his part all of his guests would be friends, and even with the unborn twins Kat was carrying, his family name might just die with him, if the twins were both girls.
Kat realized that she had unintentionally excluded Rick from the conversation. She grabbed his hand lovingly, "my mom will love you, she's got a thing for handsome men!" She gave Rick a wink. "My dad, well he'll warm up to you and my brothers will probably give you a lot of shit but that's what older brothers are for right?" She squeezed his hand lovingly, hoping that she was making him nervous about meeting her family. They were sometimes loud and rambunctious, but they were her family and she would love them to the end.

When dinner was finished, they stayed at the table and just talked about how crazy their trip was and all the stuff that happened. Charles apologized for the Australia trip and about Rick getting hurt. It wasn't his fault and he couldn't have foreseen it, but he was just doing the honorable thing and apologizing anyway. "I'm glad that you two did connect though and I'm so happy for you both!" He reached across the table, grabbing her hand and Rick's, "you two are really meant to be, just like me and my Alice was." Kat's grandmother Alice pasted away three years ago from complications of a heart surgery.
Rick just laughed when she mentioned her older brothers. “As long as your brothers aren't packing guns when we meet, I think I can handle them.” Rick said confidently. Despite having a geek's job, he was far from the image of a mousy, pail, weakling that his job title might have suggested.. “Your dad and I will talk, but I'm leaving your mom to you.” . He leaned over and kissed her and then turned to her grandfather, “So you own a ranch? What kind of livestock do you have?”
Well her brothers did own guns, but they were mostly for hunting and the like. She was positive that her family would get along great with Rick. Kat would see to it that it was so. She wasn't going to have any issues between her family and Rick, especially with twins on the way. She happily took his kiss, "well there's really no restraining my mother, but I will do my best!"

Charles took a sip of wine before answering Rick's question, "we mainly just keep horses, but we do have a few head of cattle and sheep." Her grandfather's ranch was known for it's prized horse breeding program and had sent out quite a few horses to become champions in horse racing. "Are you good with animals Rick? My Kat here is a natural!" He beamed at her.
"I can ride, as I had to prove in Australia, and I like animals, but I'm certainly not accomplished. That doesn't mean that I'm disinterested though. However, liivving in the city hasn't afforded me much opportunity up til now. I think animals are great for kids.." He gently patted Kat's swewllling belly and smiled. Rick got up and cleared away the dishes and brought out coffee while Charles and Kat continued talking.
Kat looked at Rick lovingly. He was such a handsome, well rounded person and she was happy to be in his life and having his children. When he patted her belly, she caressed his hand lovingly, "yes, these to will love animals!" She giggled and turned her attention to her grandfather as Rick cleared the table. They were discussing what Charles was doing with the construction work at the site. He was having it built a little bit differently than what it was, "I'm trying to give it a modern edge and of course, it will be earthquake proof!" Kat smiled at him. She loved her grandfather dearly and it showed.

As Rick brought over the coffee, she placed a few sugars and some cream in hers and slowly sipped it. "So Rick, are you ready for family life? What will your family say about all this?" Charles didn't know Rick's situation, thus that's why he asked. Kat reached over and grabbed Rick's hand, thinking that if his parents were alive they would be happy for him.
"Kat is my family sir. I have no living relatives. Yes I am ready. I cant wait to have two little munchkins running around, and if I have my way, Kat will be working on their younger siblings by the time they can walk." He looked over at Kat to see her reaction. They hadn't talked about family size but he thought he would float the idea with her grandpa around. He leaned in to kiss her and hoped he would get an enthusiastic response.

He looked at Kat with adoration in his eyes. He liked knowing that she was carrying the future of his family within her.
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