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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

"I think we "cook" well together as it is! but seriously I'll go with you just as long as we can be naked!" He had no idea if nude cooking classes were available, but he had just volunteered to attend one with her. He ate slowly, his stomach still a bit tender. As he ate, mulled over in his mind just how he would feel being with her around other naked couples. That part hadn't crossed his mind when he shot off his mouth. Still how likely was it she would find something like that, and even so, would she even look?

He took to studying her nipples as he ate, the bounced delightfully as she went about eating. He would never tire of looking at them.
"Well I guess then that's out. Not only are naked cooking classes not available, but highly hazardous!" She giggled as she finished eating her bread stick. She noted that he was staring at her chest. She didn't know why, but in that moment, she felt a bit self conscious and crossed her arms over herself, trying to act like she was a little cold. "Besides, you wouldn't want me naked around other people. You would be insanely jealous and territorial!" She picked up her half drank glass of milk and finished it off. "Okay, I'll do the dishes since you cooked!" She got up, grabbed their plates and on her way to the kitchen, she planted a kiss on the top of his head.
"Well then, when its my turn its take out, delivery, or PB and J! he followed her to the sink and gently massaged the nipples he had just been admiring as she washed the plates. They were slippery from the soap suds she splashed on them and the feeling was simply delicious. "So why did you cover up just now? suddenly developing a shy streak? Something I did?" He softly kissed her neck behind her ear. "I love looking at them, you know. touching isn't bad either" he continued as he gently rolled just the hard nipples in his fingers.
Kat chuckled nervously, "I don't know maybe it's because I've never really spent this length of time naked and having someone stare at my body like you do. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed of how I look, it's just different and with my body changing, it's even more so." Once she was done with the dishes, she turned around to face him, "and maybe I'm a little self conscious too." She shrugged her shoulders and through the dishtowel on the counter.
Rick is stunned as he hears what she had to say. His flirty exhibitionist has a shy side. "Lets go do something normal." Rick realized suddenly that they hadn't lived a normal life since the earthquake." Lets get dressed and go to a movie." They went to the bedroom and got dressed. Rick put on jeans and a teashirt, and waited for Kat. When she was dressed, they got in their Minivzn and rick drove them to the theater.
She smiled at his suggestion and realized that they hadn't done anything normal since getting back home. She happily agreed and walked with him to the bedroom. Looking in the closet, she slipped on a matching set of light pink bra and panties, then she found a pair of skinny jeans and a peasant blouse. Donning a pair of sandals as well, she followed Rick out to the minivan, then got in the passenger seat. "I don't even know what movies are out!" She exclaimed, "guess we'll see what's to offer when we get there!"
They went to the local theater and looked over the choices, Rick couldn't find anything he particularly liked. What would you liked to see? he asked Kat. He had his arm wrapped around her as she looked at the choices. Neither the action flicks or the Romances seemed to come close to living up to what they had just lived the last three weeks."Maybe we should just go for a walk? he suggested. We can just start here at the mall and then go from there to the hiker biker trail."
Kat looked at the selection of movies and wasn't too thrilled either. Nothing jumped out at her and she didn't want to waste money, so when Rick suggested that they take a walk instead, she agreed. Hand in hand, they walked around the mall for a bit, then headed out to the trail area. It was a beautiful evening with the sun starting to set. There was a light breeze in the air. "This is much better than a movie!" She enthused.
Rick wrapped his arm around her as they strolled quietly down the trail. as they passed a young couple with a stroller and a newborn aboard, Rick paused and they looked at the young life riding in the stroller and snuggled in light cotton blankets. He hugged Kat and reaching over patted her belly which now had a slight curve to it. Nothing you would notice unless you knew her flat tummy as well as Rick did.
It was sweet to admire the young couple with the baby. In several months, that will be them. Kat placed her hand over his as he patted her tummy. "You're excited for this baby aren't you?" She smiled happily. Though she was scared at first, Kat was now fully on board with becoming a mom and to have Rick by her side, well she couldn't have asked for more.
"Yes I am, I honestly can't wait. Every time I see a pregnant woman, I imagine you in her condition, and I long to see you that way. Anxious? You bet I am, darling." After walking for nearly an hour, Darkness is approaching, and they have nearly an hours walk back to the van. They turn around, but within 15 minutes, they are in full darkness. He walks with her held close as darkness closes in on them. It is mildly scary, but a bit erotic at the same time. He slips his hand in the back of her pants and lets it ride on her ass as they walk.
It made her heart swoon to hear that he was so happy to be having a baby with her. Most guys would have freaked out, but Rick was so excited that it just got Kat that much more excited too. As the sun faded over the horizon, they were cast into the dark of night. The moon wasn't over the horizon yet so it was hard to see where they were going. It definitely got her adrenaline pumping. Rick seemed to be having a good time as she hand slipped under her jeans and rested on her ass. She enjoyed the warmth of his skin on hers, so she didn't try and remove it.

Eventually, they made it back to the van and headed back to the house. "Okay, tomorrow I need to go to my apartment and start packing things, then I need to see about subletting it, it's income that I don't have to work for!" She had a nice apartment in a really nice part of town, she was sure that someone who rent it from her.
When they got home, they were both sleepy, Rick lead his weery bride to be up to their new bathroom and turned on the shower, as the water warmed, her undressed her and when they were both undressed they climbed in lovingly washed each other before slipping on old tea shirts and climbing into their new bed. As they lay next to one another, thighs entwined, they just cuddled and fell asleep.
It was definitely a nice feeling to go home with Rick, to bathe with him and to sleep with him in their bed. Kat fell right to sleep, not worried about what adventure awaited them tomorrow, just loving the fact that if they wanted, they could lay in bed all day. When morning came, they were still in the same position as they fell asleep in. Her eyelids fluttered open to the sunlight of the window. She smiled happily at Rick, then started to give him Eskimo kisses, "good morning my love," she whispered to him sweetly.
"Good morning!" Rick said as he smiled at her. " Well we better get packing!" Rick said as he kissed her, and pulled himself out of bed and got dressed. He went to his computer and ordeed some boxes that they could pick up on their way to her old apartment.

He put on a pot of coffee, and sat drinking his in the kitchen as he waited for Kat to get ready. She was proving herself to be all woman lately, and thoufh it was a bit different, he really loved it. Even though it meant extra waiting while she got ready to leave the house.
Kat got out of bed and got herself dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a t-shirt that she didn't mind getting dirty. She hoped that her placed wasn't too messy, she didn't want Rick thinking that she was a bad housekeeper. Once she was done, she headed downstairs, drank a glass of orange juice and took a bagel for the road. "Waiting long?" She asked with a smile.

Once they were on the road, they stopped by the store to retrieve the boxes that Rick had ordered and then they made their way to her apartment. Seeing some of the neighbors, she chit chatted on the elevator on the ride up. Kat lived on the fifth floor of seven floors. "right this way!" She gestured as they got off on the fifth floor. Once she unlocked the door, she looked in, half expecting the place to be in disarray, but it was immaculate. "Well here we are!" She gestured at the wide open floor plan with a nice view of the city in the living room.
Rick carried the boxes up to the apartment, and when they were all upstairs. He walked around and admired the space she used to call home. It was beautiful, but not a place to raise a family. It was clear though, that if they had not had the new house, this would have been their home. Compared to this, His little apartment was a dump. Why don't I pack your clothes, honey, he said. I can't break them. The apartment was full of delicate accessories, and Rick did not want to risk breaking them.

He headed into the bedroom and started emptying the drawers of the dresser into boxes. He folded sweaters and and packed socks, then he got to a drawere full of her intimates. His quick work came to a hault as he looked over the sexy contents of the drawer. He was having a blast looking at all the sexy things it caontained.
Kat got to work with wrapping up the little delicate items that adorned her apartment. She was already thinking of places to put them in the house. She noted that Rick had been in the bedroom for a while, so she went and checked in on him, "hey, you doing o--, ah I see you've found the intimates drawer!" She leaned against the doorway and watched him look through all the panties and bras she owned. "I see why you wanted to pack my clothes!" She gave him a wink, then went into the closet and pulled out a very sexy maid's outfit, "I guess you want me to bring this too?" She held it out for him to see.
He stepped over and took the costume and held it up against her. "Hell yes, we are taking it." He wanted to ask her why she had it, but, in the end, decided he really didn't need to know. He finished with the dresser, and and moved into the closet. There were plenty of beautiful dresses he had never seen. He shook his head. She had so many that he wasn't sure she could ever wear them all. He packed them away in boxes, and when the closet was empty, he asked her what was next.
She laughed at his gesture, not surprised one bit. She watched him then pack the rest of her clothes into the boxes. When he asked what was next, she looked around the room. "I can leave the bed and dresser to the tenants, but take the blanket and sheets off the bed and any other odds and ends that are in the room." With that, Kat went back out to the living room and finished packing her little knick knacks. She would leave all the furniture and run an ad for a furnished apartment to sublet, that would bring in more money.
He pulled the sheets from the bed, and checked the drawer in the night stand, where he found a pink satin bag. he peeered into at and got a big grin on his face. He said nothing, but carefully packed it away wher he could easily retriev it when they got back. This was going to be fun.
All that was left to pack was the kitchen and bathroom. She had Rick work on the bathroom while she did the kitchen. She tossed out most of the food, it is was nearing it's expiration anyway. Then she packed the dishes. She wouldn't take them to the house though since they already had some, Kat would see about selling them or giving them to a thrift shop of sorts. After a couple hours, the apartment was all packed. There were too many boxes to take in the van, so she arranged for a moving van to pick them up and deliver certain ones to the house while the others went either to Goodwill or storage. "I'm pooped!" she exclaimed as they headed down the elevator to the van.
Rick had loaded a couple of boxes from the bedroom in the van, and while Kat was in the bathroom, he went to the van and brought them in and stashed the pink bag in their night stand. Later that evening when they headed to bed, he pulled out one of her nighties he particularly liked and layed it on the pillow on her side of the bed. When smiled at him seeing the nighty, he pulled the pink bag from the drawer and layed it on the bed before stretching out naked befor her.
"What's all this?" She looked at the nightie that he had laid out for her and then the familiar pink bag on the bed next to it. "I see you found my one and only toy, you were just on a scavenger hunt today, weren't you?" She smiled wickedly at him. She decided to play along and stripped out of her clothes and donned the nightie that he picked out. She gave him a twirl, "so does this please you?" She asked innocently.
" It looks even better than I suspected it would seeing as we are trying to be normal, you might want to wear some of your own clothes for a change, and while your at it play with some of your own toys, of course I will be more than happy to asist you" he said laughing. " I wasn't hunting for anythng, but the finding was certainly interesting to say the least.

He pulled the rabbit vibrator out of the pink bag and held it up. "very interesting, I would say" he said with a chuckle. he then retrieved a black silk bag that had been in the nightstand when he had put her pink one there. I believe this is the work of your grand father, bless him!" he pulled a blind fold from the black bag and slipped it over her eyes.
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