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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

The doctor came out to see her. "Are you here with the young man named Rick?" he asked. Seeing her nod, he said 'he is very sick. He has food poisoning. Did you eat anything that he ate? You are the young woman we saw for a pregnancy test aren't you? If this had happened to you, you would have likely lost the baby. He is sedated and on medication for nausea, but he is asking for you. Don't expect much from him, he's barely coherent." the doctor led her back to where rick was laying on a gurney. 'he is going to be admitted, he will be taken up to a room in a few minutes. You may stay with him in his room if you wish."
When the doctor approached her, she knew that the news wasn't good, but didn't expect it to be as bad as it really was. "Food poisoning? Uh, now, I didn't eat the same foods as he did." She touched her stomach, thinking about the baby. She ran over in her mind what she had eaten, but there wasn't a single food item that they shared. After telling the doctor that she hadn't shared any of the same foods as Rick and was not feeling in the least bit ill, she was then escorted to where he was. He looked so pale and fragile. Kat grabbed his hand, her eyes filled with tears and she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm here Rick," she whimpered trying to hold back from sobbing. She softly squeezed and caressed his hand, letting him know that she was there and that she was okay.
He looked at her through glassy eyes and held her hand, his grip weak, a far cry from the robust hold he usually gave her. "I'm sorry I ruined things, I shouldn't have got drunk like that' He was still thinking he was sick from being drunk. With that his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell into sleep.

The nurse came in and moved him to a private room, and got him transferred to the bed. She brought Kat a pillow and a blanket and a towel. "Since he isn't injured, you can sleep on the couch or just crawl in with him dear" the nurse said to Kat. as she showed her where the call button was, before leaving and closing the door.
Kat wanted to just hold him, to tell him that it wasn't his fault at all. He seemed to not know that his sickness wasn't from the drinking, but the food he ingested. Kat followed the nurse as she wheeled him to his room. She thanked the nurse as she took the pillow and blanket. She nodded at her mention of being able to sleep in the bed with him. When the nurse left, Kat did just that. She positioned her body so that his head rested on her chest and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She just wanted him to be okay, she wasn't concerned with their plans that they had to cancel or making it home on time. The plane would just have to wait. She eventually fell asleep with him, softly running her fingers through his hair, praying that he'd be okay.
The nurse came in a few hours later and waking her, told her it was not necessary for her to move, in fact her body heat was the best thing for him at the moment, he was fighting the infection and having trouble keeping himself warm. The nurse took his blood pressure, and waking him as much as she could coaxed a few pills down him with a sip of water. "he may spit those back up, if he does, push the call button and we'll start an IV. I'm just hoping he ca keep them down. Just so you know, this thing may take three or four days to pass, though with some they recover in two, Its a good thing he's such a strong man."
Kat watched as the nurse tended to Rick. She noted that the nurse told her that Rick may regurgitate the pills and if so, they'd need to start an IV. Kat hoped that wasn't the case and once he has swallowed the pills, she gently caressed his chest, trying to relax his body as best as she could. She laid her cheek on top of his head and just held him. She hoped that since he was such a strong and fit person, that he'd recover in as little time as possible. Kat could not stand it when someone she cared about was sick, she felt so useless. She rubbed her tummy, "it's okay little one, Daddy will be better soon." She smiled down at her tummy.
Rick woke feeling sick again and his whole body convulsed again for a moment before he swallowed hard and kept the medicine down. Momentarily awake. Kat my god I'm so sorry!" he started to say. he was really still to weak to say very much more. He held her hand a little tighter and pulled it close to his chest, then drifted in and out of sleep.
"Shh! Baby it's okay. This wasn't your fault. Just relax, don't worry." She rubbed his chest and tried to get him to go back to sleep. As much as she wanted to stay in bed with him and hold him, nature was calling and she pried herself away to use the restroom. After a few minutes, she went back to his bed and got back in. She wasn't so tired anymore, so she turned on the TV, putting the volume on really low so that she didn't wake Rick. So far he was keeping the medicine done, that was a really good sign and Kat was hopeful of his outcome.
The next two days wore on with very little change. rick wasn't eating and drinking very little, and the doctors were concerned and suggesting an IV. It had been another long night when just before dawn, Rick woke up and sat right up in bed. Seeing Kat beside him sleeping, he kissed her gently trying to wake her. When her eyes opened, he told her he was hungry, and very thirsty. "Do you think I can get something?" he asked, feeling better for the first time in three days.
Kat was feeling so helpless as Rick's condition didn't improve. All she wanted was for him to be healthy. She couldn't even think about losing him, to her that wasn't an option. When he had gently coaxed her awake with kisses, she thought it a dream at first. "Rick?" She eyes opened wide and she examined him. He was asking for food and doing so in a clear conscious tone of voice. She started to cry and smile, "yes of course! I'm so happy that you're okay!" She grabbed his face in her hands and leaned her forehead against his. She was lightly sobbing, but so happy that he was alert. After a moment, she got up and got the nurse. The nurse was happy to see that he was alert as well. "Hello there Rick, good to hear that you are hungry and thirsty, we will start you off with some soup first. I will go and get you some water." The nurse smiled at both of them and went and got him some water.
Rick drank down his cup of water almost immediately and asked for more. He couldn't ever remember being so thirsty. When he got the soup he took things slowly, being deathly afraid of having to vomit again. However, once it was in him, it tasted wonderful and it felt good going down. After about an hour, he suddenly had to use the bathroom, something he hadn't needed in days. he tried to get up but was still a bit wobbly and needed Kat's help to get there and back to the bed.

By that afternoon he was almost back to normal, after some solid, though bland food, he bounced right back. "I want to go home, and I want to get married. get me out of here!"
Kat ate some soup right along with him, watching him carefully to make sure that he didn't throw it up. Everything went well and she was really grateful for it. He was slowly coming back around to his old self and it just made Kat so happy. She helped him to the bathroom and then back to his bed. Instead of climbing back in though, she pulled up a chair to the side, she needed a different position because her body was getting stiff laying down.

"Easy there tiger, the doctor needs to give you the "all clear" before we can fly home!" She chuckled at him and went to see about that doctor. The young Jamaican mad came in, looked over his charts, then looked over Rick, "seems he's ready to go!" She smiled at the two of them, then he looked at Rick, "you make sure to keep this one," he pointed at Kat, "she hasn't left you side once, she's a keeper!"
" i know, I know!" he said shaking the doctors hand. It was then that he realized he had arrive at the hospital naked, and had nothing to wear back to the hotel. "I hope they have some clothes for us to wear home. Its cold back there, and right now I have nothing to wear. It was then he saw the suit cases the concierge had had delivered for when ever he was well.

He got up found his, and selected a polo shirt and a thin pair of whit cotton slacks and got dressed.
Kat too got dressed for a more appropriate climate back home, a pair of jeans and a green blouse. She was so happy that they were going to be getting back to the real world. She needed to let everyone know the good news and to get prepared for the baby as well. Once they were dressed, Rick was discharged and they headed off to the plane. Their things at the cottage had been packed and were already on the plane, ready to go.

Kat helped Rick into the plane and together they sat in the bucket seats, buckled up and prepared for take off. The pilot informed them that it would be a five hour flight back. Once they were in the air and the seat belt sign turned off, Kat looked over to Rick, "did you want to go lay down?"
"No, but that sofa over there looks great!" he got up and oved over to the sofa and sunkdown into it and pulled her into his lap. He turned on the TV and and just kicked back cuddling with her. "I wonder if things at work will be ready for us yet? I would think they would have to have set up at least a temporary operation." He hadn't even thought the slightest bit about work since they had een gone, but now, expecting a family, and getting back to reality, it was fresh in his mind. His arm curled around Kat possesively, and his hand rested on her belly which even though it was still flat, he wanted to imagine that it had the slightest little bulge.
Happily, she cuddled up with him on the couch and watched some TV. She too wondered about work. Obviously the building wasn't back up, but knowing her grandfather, he'd have some other building that the employees could work at. "Yeah, I'm sure when we get back, we will be put right back to work!" She placed her hand over his as it rested on her belly. Kat still couldn't envision having a giant belly and as she looked down, she was have expecting to see one, but her tummy was still flat. "I think we should wait a few more weeks to tell everyone, at least until I am out of the 'danger zone.'" Not that she expected anything to go wrong, but she didn't want to tell everyone and then something happened. Besides it was custom to wait about 8-12 weeks before announcing it anyway.
They sat and cuddled on the sofa the rest of the trip and just rested. It felt good to just relax. When they arrived at the airport another limousine was waiting, and instead of taking them to either of their apartments, it pulled up to cute little hous in the suburbs with a back yard. A minivan sat in the driveway. The driver handed them each a set of keys, and helped them unload their suitcases. Rick was dumbfounded. "You have any idea what this is about?" He asked. Asthey went in, sitting on the table they found the titles to the house and van, made out in both there names. The house was fully furnished, and ready to live in.
Kat gaped as they went into the house. She knew that this was her grandfather's doing. The house was quite lovely, a good home to raise a family in. Kat looked at Rick, "this seems to be our new home," was all she said to him as she took a tour of the place. Kat went upstairs and her first stop was the nursery. It was pretty basic because the gender of the baby was not known. There was a crib, changing table, rocking chair and dresser. It was all very sweet. From there, she checked out the study, then a guest bedroom and finally the master bedroom. "Holy cow! Rick! Come check this out!" She called to him. The master bedroom had a fourposter bed with canopy and was just the picture of elegance. The room was definitely fit for a king and queen.
Rick came in and his jaw just dropped. He then checked out the master bath and broke out laughing. Written on the mirror in grease penncil it said "INVITE ME TO THE WEDDING, Love Grampa"
"Look at this!" he said as he hugged her when she followed him into the bathroom. He kissed her and then was off exploring the rest of the upstairs with her in tow. "He must be expecting a big family, this is a 4 bedroom house!" When he went into the study, there was a new computer at the desk. There was a note on the desk that said "You can work from home, Rick, Your shop is in the basement. Kat, you are on leave untill the baby is born. (yeah I know), Love Grampa.
Kat smiled when the note was read in the study. Of course he knew about the baby. Instantly, she picked up the phone and rang her grandfather. He was so excited to hear her voice. They talked for a bit about the trip, the good stuff and the bad. Kat made sure that he didn't inform any other family members about her pregnancy, she wanted to wait until she was a little further along. Her grandfather consented and she knew that he'd keep his word. Kat made a passing joke that she was surprised that he didn't plan their wedding and have it waiting for them when they got home. Her grandfather had though about it, but knew that she would want to do that all herself. He then told her all the expense was on him and it was the sky's the limit for anything she wanted. Kat humbly accepted, though she wasn't really thinking about a wedding just yet.

When she got off the phone, she took a seat in Rick's lap. "How are you feeling?" She was still concerned for his health. He may have seemed okay, but good luck wasn't always on their side it seemed. "Do you want me to fix you something to eat?"
Rick was still numb and in shock. It was all a little unbelievable. "Uh ....yes please, he finally answered. Do we have food in the fridge? He didn't doubt that there was food, sice everything else had been provided, but they hadn't looked. "How about something simple, like grilled cheese and tomato soup. My stomach is still not completely up to snuff," he said. He followed her down to the kitchen and after huggng her he went to the basement to check out his new computer repair shop.

He just gasped, open mouthed. It was way better than what he had had in his old location, and completely outfitted with best of everything. All he would have to do was pick up and deliver his repairs to where ever the office was for the moment. Sitting on the bench was another set of keys. He bounded up the stairs and out to the garage, where he found a fullyoutfitted mobile service truck. It seemed the van was just for family needs.
Kat smiled at him and went down to the kitchen. She knew that the fridge was stocked and oddly enough, she seemed to know where everything was. She got to work making grilled cheese and tomato soup. Lunch was done within ten minutes and she set the breakfast bar accordingly. She loved the open setup of the kitchen, it looked out into the living room one way and the dining room the other. She opened the door to the basement and walked down, "well isn't this a nerd's paradise!" She enthused as she smiled at Rick, "okay babe, lunch is ready!"
He laughed at her mildly derisive comment, and followed her back up to the kitchen to eat. It wasn't much of a test of her skills in the kithen, but it tasted great, and it settled his stomach right down. "all i have to say is I better do a damn good job to be worth all this!" He ate heartily having two sandwiches and two full bowls of soup. When he was finished, he got up and kissing Kat, went out in the back yard to look around. He stood there in shock as he found, just off to the lef of the patio, a large, in ground hot-tub. "Kat! you have to see this!"
"You already do deserve it babe!" She happily remarked. It was good to see him eating well again and it made her happy to have cooked for him. She could definitely get used to this "housewife" thing. When he went out to look around the house some more, Kat got busy cleaning dishes. When she heard Rick enthuse that she needed to see something in the backyard, she turned off the water and headed out. "Wha--oh my!" She gaped that the hot tub. "That is rather big! It could seat like twelve people!" She stepped a little closer. It wasn't filled as it was the summer time and it was of little use at the moment, but it sure was nice looking. "It's kind of creepy how well my grandfather knows us isn't it?" She chuckled.
"Yes it is" You know we could fill this thing and just leave it cold..I bet those jets are still plenty of fun! he followed her back in the house and stood behind her at the sink, wrapping his arms around her as she did the dishes, and slipped his hands up under her blouse, and pushing her bra up began to fondle her breasts. "Hmmmmmmm I really like this!" he said with a broad smile on his face.

When the dishes were done, he suggested that they go for a ride in her new chariot. When they went out to the van, he looked at the license plate that read "RIXBABY". I love it! Your grampa is the best. He helped her into the drivers seat and climbed into the passenger side himself.
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