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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Kat could see how relaxed he was and she took the time to enjoy that. With all the ups and downs that they had been on, it was just so nice to see him that way. She burned the image of him in her mind. Feeling that she was good and wet for him, she pulled off this speedo and her bikini, restraddled him and sank herself onto his erection. "Ahhhh!" She enthused at the pleasure was just right. She took him all the way to the hilt and just stilled for a moment, "I love you Rick," she moaned and slowly started to move up and down on him.
He reached up and pulled her down to him wanting her lips on his. His kisses were sloppy but passionate. " I think i'm about to cum" he said to her, as though he was talking about some one else. He hiccuped once and then again, and then he felt his body fill her, and a grin spread over his face followed by more hiccups and a fit of silly laughter.
She was surprised that he was already ready to release, but then again he was drunk, so his body really wasn't his to control. Kat smiled at him and continued to moved until he came inside her. It was a warm loving feeling and when he started to hiccup, she started to laugh, "you are so drunk!" She enthused. She kept laughing right along with him. He was so cute when he laughed and Kat couldn't help but love him even more. She slowly pulled off of him and laid at his side, just gazing at him and thanking the heavens that he was in her life and that they were going to have a baby together.
Rick layed against her breasts and fell into a sound sleep. He was a happy boy untill the next moring when he was awaken with a killer headache. He knew he didn't dare complain so he did his best to hide his pain. He forced a smile onto his face, but his head wasn't in it.
Kat fell asleep shortly after he did. It was nice to have him in her arms for once. She felt that nurturing feeling wash over her and as she drifted off to sleep, she imagined herself doing this with their children. She woke up with him in the morning and was feeling refreshed. She figured that Rick wasn't feeling so hot, though he didn't show the usual signs. "Stay here, I will go and get you something for that hangover that I know you must have." She got out of bed, put on her robe and went into the bathroom. So far she wasn't experiencing any morning sickness so she walked with a little pep in her step. In the medicine cabinet was some aspirin, she grabbed that then looked in the mini fridge for a bottle of orange juice.

"Here you go my love, drink the entire bottle, it will make you feel better." She handed over the pills and orange juice to Rick and sat beside him on the bed. "Today will just be an in-bed kind of day okay?" She softly ran her fingers through her hair, "today, I will take care of you."
He had tried hard to hide his condition, but was aparently unsuccessful. he was graetful for her care and drank the orange juice and took the aspirin. then laid back down in her naked lap on the bed. Her robe having parted when she sat back down. It felt so good to him. "Thank you for understanding. I'm sorry you need to do it. "
Kat adjusted herself so that his head laid comfortably in her lap, "baby it's more than okay. I love taking care of you and if we are going to have a wonderful life together, it means stuff like this. Nurturing your hangover when you've drank too much!" She smiled down at him and continued to run her fingers through his hair. "I'm feeling good today, so no worries about me and our little one okay?" She crossed her legs at the ankles and leaned back against the headboard. There was a nice breeze coming in from the window and it felt nice. Kat then began to massage his temples, "tell me if I'm applying too much pressure okay?"
He just layed back and moaned softly as she spoiled him. He fingers quickly chasing away his headache. He laid there, eyes closed, and just relaxed when he did open his eyes, he was looking straight up at her erect nipples peaking on the top of her swollen breasts. "Do you have any idea how great this really is ? I never want to leave right here."
She could feel his body relax and the tension of his hangover start to fade away as she massaged his temples. It gave her so much joy to make him feel better. She smiled at him as he looked up at her, "who says you have to leave baby? This is really nice and I enjoy making you feel good!" She wasn't oblivious to the fact that he was looking at her breasts. It was hard not to, they had grown some since she was now pregnant. "I wonder how long we are here for?" She thought out loud.
Now that he was feeling better he reached up and pulled one of her heavy breasts down to his lips and began to gently suckle it ."MMMMM They are so nice!" He moved back and forth from one breast to the other, spending ten minutes at a time on each one, over and over. It felt so good to him and her nipples were now longer and harder than he had ever seen them.
Kat giggled slightly at his eagerness to fondle and suckle her breasts. She loved that he was still so attentive to her, even when he was under the weather, though it looked like he was feeling more like himself now. She was happy to help. Kat ended up scooting her body down so that she could lay back more comfortably as he pleasured her. Her nipples were a lot more sensitive now, but Rick seemed to be well aware of that as his lips were gentle against her. Within just twenty minutes time, she was feeling very horny. Kat grabbed his hand and lowered it to her pussy, "look how wet you make me!" She took his index finger and ran it along her slit, coating it thoroughly in her juices.
He brought his finger to his lips and licked it clean before releasing her nipples, and kissing his way slowly down her body and nestling his lips between her thighs. He gently licked up her juices, only to have them replenished. He smiled up at her. "Your just a fountain today", he said before returning his lips to her pussy and continuing to lick and suck her seductively.
She smiled salaciously as she watched him make his way down her body and between her legs. Kat was more than ready to have his lips on her there and at the feeling of his tongue on her slit, she squirmed and moaned, "Oh Rick!" She was indeed a fountain that Rick couldn't help but turn on and leave on. She never seemed to be dry around him and she probably never would be. Her hands played at his hair, "baby I love you!" She bucked her hips at him, "Ahh! I want to cum for you!"
"You know that I want you to cum! cum more than once, cum as often as you can" he said as he raised his head before diving back down between her thighs. His hands went back to her breasts massaging her tender nipples. He swallowed again and again as she delivered copious amounts of her cream to his hungry mouth. The phone rang, it was the kitchen staff wanting to know if breakfast would be required today. Rick was far to busy at her pussy to answer or care. but the phone kept ringing.
Kat clasped her hands around his as he groped her breasts. With his talented tongue at work, it wasn't long before he had her cumming. "Ahhhhh yes!" She bucked her hips wildly and let the rush of her orgasm wash over her. When the phone started to ring, neither one cared to answer, but as it was a persistent thing, Kat reached over and answered it while Rick kept at fucking her with his tongue. "Hello!" She said a little too enthusiastically. It was the kitchen staff wanting to know if they wanted breakfast, "uh...Yes!" Her yes was in response to what Rick was doing more so than her answer to breakfast. With that cleared up, she hung up the phone. "Okay, you've got fifteen minutes before they arrive with the food. I want you to fuck me!" She was a little more demanding now as she pulled Rick up from her pussy, kissing and licking his cum covered lips.
He happily did her bidding. She was a sloppy mess and so he slid deep within her with no effort at all. however she was not loose, just wet. In fact he had never felt her so tight as he pussy seemed to be clenching nearly continuously. He had looked at the clock when she made her request, and so he fucked her hard for ten minutes before allowing his body to cum hard within her, his whole body shaking. They sat and shivered for three minutes more before they were compelled to put back on their robes.
Kat could feel her own tightness as he penetrated her. It felt like he was fucking her for the first time and it was wonderful. He gave it to her good and hard, making her cum twice more before his body gave into it's own release. She could tell that it was a really intense orgasm for him because of how much he was shaking and throbbing within her. After a bit, they reluctantly put their robes back on, but Kat kept in his arms, kissing him and caressing his body. When there was a knock at the door, she went to answer it, allowing the cart of food to be wheeled into the front room. "Mmm, it smells wonderful!" She thanked the attendant and closed the door. "Rick, are you hungry?" She called out to him.
"Yes!" came his enthusiastic reply. "What's for breakfast?" He waited while she opened the steaming trays of food, though a few were also chilled. One was a surprising selection, a shrimp cocktail. there were som 20 large shrimp and cocktail sauce. Odly it apealed to him at the moment. "I'd love some shrimp, my love." He licked his lips as she opened up the rest of the food that was brought.
Kat wasn't so keen on the shrimp like Rick was, so it was pretty much all for him. She liked shrimp well enough, but her pregnancy didn't and seafood in the morning didn't appeal to her either. The other choices were french toast, eggs a fruit salad and some bacon. She dished out their meals and took them to the small table that sat in the front room. She then poured some orange juice for each of them and sat down to eat. It was a pleasant meal and Kat ate every bit of food on her plate. "Well that was delicious!"
Rick sat down to his shrimp cocktail and was enjoying it greatly he dipped the steamed and chilled shrimp in the cocktail sauce and savored each one. Then looking over at Kat's still wet pussy her took a shrimp and running it through her slit scooped up a small puddle of her tangy cream. taking it to his mouth he ate it. It was suprizingly good and he decided to have another. He was enjoying his new form of shrimp sauce very much.
"Now my crotch is going to smell like shrimp!" She laughed. The coolness of the shrimp against her flesh of enticing, but she only let him do it a couple more times. "Okay, that's enough." She crossed her legs, prohibiting him from getting anymore. "I take it you are feeling much better?" She slowly drank her orange juice as she awaited his response.
He had eaten all 20 shrimp, and burped with a satisfied smile. He leaned back and was about to pat his tummy, when sudddenly an odd look came over his face and her headed to the bathroom. All 20 shrimp were returned in an instant, and after rinsing his mouth and brushing his teeth, he returned to the bed looking a pail shade of green. He handed her a warm washcloth to clean herself before he laid down. Suddenly the smell of shimp was no longer a pleasant thing for him. He laid on the bed looking a lot like a lost puppy.
She noted the look in his face and watched as he sprinted to the bathroom. Kat knew that face all to well and knew that his breakfast was making a comeback. She didn't go in and check on him, she figured that he'd be okay to take care of it himself. When he came back out, Kat frowned at him, but took the washcloth he offered. She felt bad that he wasn't feeling so great. After cleaning herself up, she joined him on the bed and rubbed his back and ran her fingers through his hair. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. No more seafood for you in the morning!" She leaned down and kissed him gently on the cheek.
He crawled weakly into her lap, and laid his head , his head spinning and dizzy. He didn't hear the phone ring when the concierge called to let them know they would be leaving the next morning. He laid there weak as a kitten until he suddenly had to run for the bathroom again and he wretched with the dry heaves. He rinsed his mouth and tried to return to the bed but fell halfway there, and just lay on the floor his body convulsing. "Kat! something is wrong!" he cried out weakly.
Kat got to his side in a hurry and saw him convulsing on the ground, "Shit! Rick!" She got him onto his side so that he didn't choke if he were to throw up again, then ran to the phone to call for help. Within minutes, medics were in the bathroom, placing in on a gurney. As they attended to him, Kat quickly got dressed in a swimsuit and coverup, then followed them out to the awaiting ambulance. The hospital was only a few miles away so it didn't take very long to get there. She held his hand the entire time, "you're going to be okay, I promise!" She didn't know what was wrong with him, but just wanted him to be okay. He was rushed to the ER, Kat had to wait in the waiting room and it was the most miserable wait she had ever had.
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