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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Kat wasn't much of a "van" person, but she did oblige Rick's enthusiasm. she got behind the wheel and it felt comfortable. "Guess this is what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life!" She smiled and turned on the vehicle. It was a lot smoother drive than she had figured. The van came with all the amenities to keep the little ones occupied while the parent drove them safely to and from places. They drove around the city, they went went by the old office building where reconstruction was well underway. Not a whole lot of places were damaged which was good for the city as a whole. "So where to?" She asked as they waited for a traffic light to turn.
"Head down to river road and turn right then drive till it ends. I have an idea. As she drove, he got up from his seat and laid the back seat down into a bed. then returned to his seat. When they arrived at the end of the road, they were over looking the river and were surrounded only by woods. He looked over at her and grinned. Reaching over he shut off the van, and got up and went to the back. and laid down. "I thought I'd show you this had more uses than just hauling kids!"
Kat followed the directions and ended up at the road's end where you could look over the river. It was a nice little place and looked like a spot for young couples to come makeout at. When Rick folded down the back seats, she figured that's what he had in mind. She giggled at his comment and then joined him in the back. The folded seats were surprisingly comfy. She cuddled up to him, "yes I could see the other possibilities for owning a minivan!" She leaned in and kissed him. "Are you feeling okay? I don't want vomit in my minivan, at least not yet anyway!"
"I'm fine, if you are! "he said teasing, actually surprised she had survived his sickness without it causing her more trauma. he began unzipping her jeans and pulling them down her legs. It was something he had not had to do is quite a while and then he stripped off his own. By the time he had her panties off he was already rock hard and quickly slid his underwear down his legs.
Moving between her thighs he began sliding his hard length along her slit getting her ready.
"I can see that you are much better!" She moaned as he rubbed his cock against her. Kat did the rest of the work taking off her clothes, tossing her shirt and bra to the side. She then helped Rick out of his shirt. "Seems we have to christen all the new things that we own!" She threw him a wink, the grabbed his neck and pulled him down for her to kiss. Her tongue snaked into his, playing with his tongue happily and erotically.
Her words were a pleasant thought, there were plenty of new surfaces that they could make love on in their new house. It sounded like fun, but for now he had other concerns like the wet pussy right beneath him. He lifted her ass and slid his shirt underneith her, not wanting to stain the new seats and being lube and ready sunk deep inside her as he kissed her deeply and their tongues danced. The van was rocking wildly and must have been quite the sight from out side.
It was kind of hot to being having sex in the back of the van. Kat felt like a rebellious teenager who skipped out to go have sex with her boyfriend. It was all so erotic. She didn't even think of anyone else occupying the space, though the windows were tinted so it was unlikely that anyone would see anything anyway. The van was sound proof though and her moans and screams could most likely be heard loud and clear from outside. "Rick! Faster! Ahhh!" Those were the kinds of things that could be heard.
He made plenty of noise himself, and he too felt naughty and the sex was delicious. When they had finished it was a good thing he had tucked his shirt beneath her. It was soaked as their combined juices poured from her pussy. He realized then and there he would be shirtless on the way home, and that set his mind off on another teenage fantasy as he slipped on his pants and Kat pulled on her bra. "I'm going home shirtless, so your going home bottomless" he said quickly grabbing her pants and panties, and refusing to let her have them.
She shrugged at his little joke, "you act like I've never driven half nude before!" She gave him a smug look and crawled back into the driver's seat. The feeling of the seat on her bare ass felt nice. "Well c'mon, we ain't got all day!" She playfully enthused and she turned on the car and waited for him to make it up to the front.
He was in a playful mood, and was wondering when she actually had driven that way. "When? ... when did you drive half nude? and where?" It was obvious to him that there was an interesting story behind this and he wanted to hear it. As they were headed home he saw and ice cream stand, and told her to stop. Giving her a wink, and hoping this adventure was as much fun for her as it was for him.
She waited until he came back with the ice cream before she told her story of her rebellious teenage days. "Well this doesn't leave the car, my grandfather would definitely not approve! I was 17 and a group of friends and I went to the hot springs and while we all wore our swimsuits and what not, about an hour later, we were all in the buff, being daring and not really caring who saw what. Well the thing was we were trespassing on private property and when we heard gunshots in the distance, we just bolted. I actually ended up driving all of us back completely naked, so this half naked thing is perfectly fine with me!" She winked at him while she ate her ice cream. Kat was quite the vixen as a teen and had tamed quite a bit since then.
"I'll remember that! trust me!" he said laughing as he reached over and plunged his cone into her nake pusy and then quickly licked it clean to prevent dripping on the seat. He quickly realized though that he had started her flowing, and now he would need to keep her cleanthe whole way home. he alternated betwen his cone and her pussy while she negotiated traffic and got back to the house. He pushed the electric garage door opener and let her drive into the garage before getting out.

Even when she got in he refused to return her pants and panties saying, "I like you that way."
It was a little tricky driving home, but Kat made it back in one piece. She didn't expect Rick to give her her clothes back and now that they were in the privacy of their new house, she didn't care. "That's fine, you can keep the clothes!" She trotted her naked butt into the house and headed straight into the bathroom. She needed to clean the stickiness away. Once all that was taken care of, she went and had a seat on the couch, with her legs crossed, she grabbed a magazine from the coffee table and flipped through it. It was a bridal magazine, a hint no doubt that her grandfather left for her.
He couldn't believe she was so relaxed about being naked, but then after the three weeks they had just had, it wasnt suprising. he sat down next to her, and started unbuttoning her blose and took it off followed not long after by her bra. "I think I could get used to you being naked all the time! Might raise the heat bill in winter, but I think its worth it." He stripped offthe rest of his clothes and put them all in the laundy hamper.
She allowed him to remove the rest of her clothes and smirked as he joined her in the nude. "Well with the money we save on not buying any clothes, we can put that toward the heating bill!" She remarked matter of factly. She always had a witty response to everything. "Now I can't get married in the nude, so help me look at wedding dresses!" She snuggled closer to him and shared the magazine on his lap.
his cock got hard from being next to her and pushed the magazine out of the way to make itself known but he made no indication that he was even aware of his condition. They looked at the various dresses, and after a bit, he made a comment. "What ever dress you pick, make sure it won't require a bra or panties." he smirked at her, but in truth he was absolutely serious. "When are we going to have this wedding anyway?"
She playfully rolled her eyes at his comment. Depending on how far along in the pregnancy she was when they were to be married, she would decided whether or not she wore a bra and panties. At his question, she shrugged, "probably soon, I don't want to be showing too much and make it miserable for me." She patted her tummy. "I'm sure my grandfather would be more than happy to help, he seems to do his best work on the fly!" She smiled and then closed the magazine. Rick was of no help at all, though he probably didn't care what she wore, just as long as she took it off at the end of the day.
Suddenly the house was very quiet, and they had nowhere in particular to be and nothing they had to do. Over the last few weeks, rick had become an action junky, and suddenly all was quiet. "What should we do?" It would be hard for anything to top the last three weeks, and for a moment he looked at her lost. Like a puppy shut up in an empty cage. It was then that he remembered that they had two apartments full of stuff they had to deal with.
Kat just shrugged. She didn't think that they had to be doing anything. She was perfectly content sitting around doing nothing, but Rick looked lost without something to do. "Well we can go pick up some things at our apartments if you like." She knew that the house was fully stocked with everything that they'd need, but what was lacking was their own decor and mementos that they had come to accumulate. She winced at him, "but I'll have to put some clothes on for that idea," she then smirked and started to laugh.
When he thought about that, Rick lost all enthusiasm for cleaning apartments, and stretched out on the sofa, pulling her naked body on top of him as he continued to read. He could not remember the girl being so relaxed, in all the time he had known her. As she layed on his chest he slowly rubbed her back and bottom, She was so sexy, especially like this, he could see that he was destined to spend most of the rest of his life with an erection, and he didn't mind at all.
Apparently the idea of her wearing clothes changed his mood quite a bit and he was now perfectly fine with lounging around on the couch. As she laid on top of him, she started to get a little sleepy. With the warmth of his body and the caressing of his hand on her back, Kat fell asleep within minutes. She nuzzled her face against his chest and mumbled something that was inaudible to anyone. Clearly she was quite comfortable laying on Rick.
Aparently, she had decided it was nap time, and seeing she was on top of him, he was in no position to argue. He simply closed his eyes and soon he was asleep too. He woke several hours later with Kat still sound asleep and decided that he was hungry and something would need to be done about dinner. he was never much of a cook so that was out of the question. So he rolled out from under her and pulled a comforter over her so she wouldn't be cold in the a/c. He went up to the computer and looked up restaurants with delivery service. He found one that would deliver spaghetti and a salad and the sounded good, so he ordered enogh for two, and went back down to check on Kat. She was stll out like a light. He knew he had about half hour to wake her so he began to kiss her and lick her awake.
Kat grumbled as she was being coaxed awake. then she playfully mumbled, "but I don't wanna go to school!" Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at Rick with a smirk on her face. She had felt him get up and that had woken her up a bit so she knew that he was trying to wake her. With the blanket wrapped around her, she sat up and yawned. "Hmm, I'm hungry! What's for dinner?" She looked back at the dining table, half expecting it to be set with a meal, but it wasn't. "You didn't cook for the mother of your child?" She asked cutely.
Just then the doorbell rang, and Rick slipped on his jeans and headed to the door. He brought in the salad and spaghetti and sat it on the table with a beer for himself and a large glass of milk for Kat.

"Dinner is served! I slaved hard to prepare this" , he said. he helped her to her feet and walked her naked to the kitchen, then stepping back out of his jeans again he joined her. He took out two plates, and served her some spaghetti and salad.
"Saved by the bell!" She enthused as he went to answer the door. Once he brought the food in, he helped her to the table and sat her down. The food smelled divine and her stomach grumbled loudly. Once she was served, she dug right in. "Oh babe, you are such a good cook!" She winked at him with a mouthful of food. Kat had two helpings of salad and spaghetti and leaned back in her seat, eating a breadstick. She felt full and satisfied. "Looks like I'll have to teach you to cook! Ooh, maybe we can go to one of those cooking classes?" She beamed at him.
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