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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

"Ahhh, I don't know, but I'm sure you're going to find out!" She returned his grin with her own, thoroughly enjoying herself. He kept at it, coaxing out another orgasm, though this second one wasn't as quick as the first, it was taking a bit to surface. She wasn't paying any attention to anything else other than Rick, so when he mentioned that they had company, she turned her head to see that there were some teenage boys peeking into their cottage. Normally she would have wanted Rick to close the blinds, but she was so close to another orgasm that she didn't want him to stop. She looked back as Rick, "I don't care, just make me cum again!" She pushed her breasts into his hands, "Rick go faster!" She pleaded.
He was more than happy to oblige. He squeezed her breasts and pulled he long nipples out far from her chest, much to the delight of the boys, and spead up his thrusting. When the promised orgasm surfaced, she was quite a sight, her breasts heaving hard, and her perfectly shaved mound high in the air. "Should I stop and close the curtains? or keep going?"

Looking down at thelonging in her eyes, he was pretty sure he knew the answer, so he didn't stop, but paid attention lest she suddenly change her mind. He was quickly reaching a point where he would not be able to stop even if she asked.
As her orgasm surged forth, Kat threw her head back and moaned so loudly that the teenage onlookers were sure to hear. She could care less about them though, it was only important that she was responsive and paying attention to Rick. She didn't give him a verbal answer when he asked her if he should keep going or stop to close the curtains. She just looked at him with longing in her eyes. She didn't want to break the contact. He seemed to understand as he kept going.

It was the best release and she continued to moan and pant underneath him. She could feel that he was nearing his orgasm too as his pace increased slightly. "Rick! Cum in me, cum with me!" She could feel a third orgasm rising. Perhaps it was the thought of being watched that got her excited.
As he pushed in hard and deep, his own climax was about to wash over him he looked down at her hungry body and seeing her smooth mons pushed high by his intrusion and her throbbing clit peeking out of its hood, he placed his thumb on her button and began to rub. He thrust up inside her, his eyes closed and he began to groan.

Oh Kat! he shouted as his climax washed over him and he filled her with his seed. Reaching down, he pulled her into his arms and hugged and kissed her deeply.
She had cum just about the same time he did. She imagined their fluids coming together and mixing gloriously inside her. She was still trembling when he pulled her up into his arms and kissed her. She felt so loved and safe in that moment and from that point, she knew that Rick would do anything to protect her and their baby. "I love you so much," she began to cry, though not really sure why. She buried her face in his neck wanting to hide her embarrassment at crying after sex. She figured it was just hormones, but it still didn't ease how silly she felt about it.
Rick smiled at her and picking her up in his arms, closed the curtains, the boys had had their show. He climbed back on the bed and held her as her body shook with the tears. He chuckled quietly, and held her. Honey, its ok to cry. Just let it all out. When the tears finally started to subside , he lifted her chin and just kissed her gently.

Just then there was a knock at the door, It was their dinner. Rick layed her back on the bed, pulled on his board shorts and opened the door. They brought in trays of food and an ice bucket with wine, and a large pitcher of pomegranate tea. When the caterer left , he made up two plates, and took them in the bedroom.
He was so sweet to her as she recovered from her little crying fit. No matter how sympathetic he was, she still felt a little silly, maybe that was a hormonal thing too. "I love you Rick," she whispered as he kissed her. When the knock to the door came, Kat covered herself up in the blankets, though she were in the bedroom where the hotel attendant wouldn't have been able to see her.

She sat up when Rick brought in the food. It smelled heavenly. She took her plate eagerly and started to eat. She made sure not to woof it down, she didn't need it coming back up again. She wasn't sure just how long this morning sickness was going to last, but she was quite over it already; she hated throwing up. After she finished her meal, she put her plate aside and laid back in the bed. She was full and satisfyingly comfortable and within minutes, she was fast asleep.
Rick was a little surprised at how quickly she fell asleep. It was barely 2 in the afternoon, and yet there she was laying on the bed completely naked, and sound asleep. It was any male's wet dream. He quickly, peeked out the curtains to be sure the boys had gon, and they had. So he opened the curtains. He took out the digital camera they had been provided and began to take photos. Some were tasteful nude, and others wee pure porn, meant only for his eyes, while still others were strictly G or PG and would be able to be added to their family album.

When he was done with the pictures, he laid down next to her letting his hard cock lay against her thigh and cupping her breast, drifted off to sleep.
Kat was out, she didn't even move really. Her body was adjusting to being pregnant and it must've just been exhausted from all the traveling and sex that they were doing. She dreamed for their baby, though she had no idea if it was a boy or a girl. She just saw that her and Rick were so happy with their little bundle of joy.

When Kat did wake up, it was because she needed to use the bathroom. She noted that Rick was laying behind her, asleep himself. She quietly crawled out of bed and headed to the restroom. Once relieved, she went back into the bedroom, fully intending to crawl back into the bed, but noted the camera. She got curious and picked it up. She looked through the pictures that Rick had taken while she was asleep. Most were tasteful, but there were a few that she definitely gasped at. She smirked at her sleeping man, figuring that he just couldn't help himself. She decided to take a few of him as well, though all hers were completely tasteful.

When she was done, she crawled back in bed with him. She looked at the time, it was close to dinner. Grabbing his face in her hands, she planted kisses along his face, coaxing him awake.
Rick smiled at being aroused from sleep with the kisses of his still naked lover. " You are beautiful!" he pulled her close to him and his face ended up against her lovely nipples. He didn't waste the oportunity, and began to suck at them. He wrapped his arm around her slender waist and continued to suckle her. He felt so good just laying against her breast. "Some day a baby will be here, in just a few months. I can't wait to see that day."

After he had suckled her for about a half an hour, he looked up at the dreamy look in her eyes, clearly it seemed to agree with her. "You are going to love nursing, of that I am sure. We will have a very lucky baby." He felt a wetness on his thigh and looked down to where she lay against him.
Her gaze followed his and it was apparent that from all the suckling, she got aroused. "Look what you've done!" She playfully gasped and then started to giggle. She grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. She would never get tired of this, these intimate moments that were just between him and her. They would need to get a lot of those in before the baby is born, for surely, the baby will preoccupy all there time. "I'm sure I will love nursing, it will be bonding time with me and the baby!" She ran her hand through his hair, "you are just so handsome!" She stared deeply into his eyes.
He held her and then asked, "would you like to go dancing tonight, I think we could find a quiet place to do it here if you like. Maybe have dinner out? or would you rather stay here? He knew that they only had swim wear, but it was Jamaica after all and there was no way that swim wear would matter. Besides, he was looking forward to seeing her dance in a bikini. He really hoped she wanted to dance too.

"Well ?? I'd love to dance if your up for it " he said with an ear to ear grin.
"Dancing sounds lovely, Rick. I would love to go dancing with you!" She nuzzled her nose next to his. "I think I'd prefer it close by here, just in case," she patted her tummy, indicating her morning sickness that wasn't reserved for just the morning. "Perhaps we could have dinner on the beach then dance the night away under the stars!" She looked out the window, it was just barely sunset and it was magnificent. "I wonder if I have a fancy enough bikini!" She thought out loud.
Rick got on the phone and told the concierge he needed a favor. He wanted dinner served on the beach, and he wanted a small dance combo to play for them at dinner and then afterwards for a couple hours. That way they would only be a hundred yards or so from the cottage, in case Kat had problems.

He looked through what he had for suits and found a nice sexy speedo. Since they would be so close to the cottage and not in a hotel or a club, he was not worried about showing some extra skin, and he remebered how Kat had liked it before.
Once Rick was dressed, Kat rummaged through the suit case and pulled out a more elegant, but still sexy bikini. She went into the bathroom to get ready. She wanted to surprise Rick some. She brushed her teeth and combed out her hair, styling it in soft curls, then she put on the white bikini and walked out of the room. "What do you think?" She stood in the doorway of the bathroom door, standing a bit sexily.
"I love it, is my suit ok? we should probably go to the beach, they will be serving appetizers for us and the combo will be there, we can get a dance in before dinner." He walked her to the golf cart, and it wasn't long before they were at their table and there was a wonderful plate of jumbo shrimp, and fried cheeses for them to snack on. There was also a bottle of wine and a pitcher of iced tea. "Would you like a virgin Margurita?" he asked.

He asked the band for a slow song and took her in his arms. They danced close and enjoyed the skin contact and the beauty of each others eyes in the clear moonlight.
Kat was actually pretty hungry, so she was more than okay to head over to the beach for the appetizers. Once they got there, she ate some fried cheese and shrimp and told Rick yes to the virgin margarita. Then they started to dance. It was a slow number and she loved how her bare feet felt in the cool sand. They was a light breeze as the moon pulled close to the earth and it was just magical. Kat rested her head on his chest and danced with him until their food arrived, it was just perfect.
When their food arrived they sat down and ate by candelight. It was a wonderful night, no wind and a clear sky with a full moon. I could hardly have been more romantic. They say next to one another and took turns feeding one another. When dinner was over he held her in his arms and danced the night away.

The longer they danced, the closer they clung to one another, and it seemed to rick that Kat was beginning to get tired. "Would you like to go back to our cottage?" he asked her.
Though she was loving every minute of the night with Rick, as they danced after dinner, she started to get tired. She looked up at him and nodded, then yawned. "I would love to stay out all night with you, but it's not looking like a possibility." She stood on her tip toes and clung to his neck. "Will you carry me to the golf cart?"
He gently swept her into his arms and sat her in the golf cart. and then getting in himself he held her tight. She seemed weak as a kitten, and her was fine with it, When they got inside he layed her on the bed and removed the bikini, before stripping himself and climbing into bed with her, he let his little kitten curl up next to him and fall asleep.
Kat fell right to sleep as she nestled against Rick. His warmth was so comforting that she didn't even need the blanket. That night she had a terrible nightmare. She dreamed that she was about midway through her pregnancy and she was involved in another earthquake. She couldn't tell if she had lost the baby, but there was a lot of blood in the dream. Kat woke up screaming "no" and holding her belly. She was panting hard like she had just run a marathon.
Hearing her panicked cries and seeing that she was still assleep, Rick kissed her softly to wake her. " Hey hey hey, its ok sweety," he said as he continued hugging and kissing her. " Are you ok? does your tummy hurt?" he asked her. He held her tight in an effort to get her to calm down, and tell him what had happened.
Kat opened her eyes and looked at Rick in the dim light of the moon that trickled in through the window. She looked down at her tummy, then back up to him, nodding her head. "Yeah, I was just having this really bad dream. I was still pregnant and involved in another earthquake!" She paused a moment, "Rick, there was blood everywhere and I didn't know if it was mine or what!" She buried her face in his chest. She took a few deep breaths. "That was a real scary dream. I think I need to use the restroom." She got off his lap and went to the bathroom. She splashed her face with water and went back to bed. She figured that dreams about losing the baby were all a part of pregnancy and her fears of the unknown. She cuddled back up with Rick, "I think I'll be okay, just hold me okay?"
Rick was more than happy to hold her, and pressed her breasts up against him while he held her cuddled in his arms. She was quickly asleep again, ad when the sun rose the next morning she was still cuddled just where she had been after her dream, sleeping peacefully.

Rick didn't wake her, but patiently lay beside her comforting her. It made him feel so good that she needed hm now more than ever. He loved that she was dependent on him now more than ever before, and know that would only increase mad him feel so very good.
Kat was sound asleep without having any more bad dreams after cuddling with Rick. He soothed her and calmed her fears, hew as her cure all. Kat slept a little more into the morning and when she did wake up, she found Rick right at her side, caressing her body and looking fondly at her. She fluttered her eyes open, "good morning," she uttered as a yawn escaped her lips. "How long were you watching me sleep?" She knew that he was watching her, but she kind of liked it, it was endearing. She didn't want to move around too much because she had a funny feeling that as soon as she did, the morning sickness would kick in and Kat wanted to prolong it as much as possible.
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