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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

She looked at him as he held her in his arms. He seemed happy, but also lost in thought. She was intrigued by what he was thinking, "what's on your mind good lookin'?" She smiled and kissed his cheek. She carried a puzzled look on her face as she waited for him to respond. "Are you remembering something?" Her voice was filled with hope.
"I was noticing that a few things have changed since I last remember seeing you. Which if I remember what you said correctly was about three weeks ago, maybe a bit more. For starters you used to love fish. Whats up with you not liking it? and then there is your breasts and nipples. They are bigger than I remember, and that was a vivid memory, the last one i had before we fell. they just seem fuller than before. That and the fact that I couldn't be happier if I owned the place we worked.
She smiled and thought about what he said. It was all relevant. She looked down at her breasts and realized that they were a bit fuller. "Yes, they do seem larger, perhaps it's all the hormones with all the sex!" The other obvious reason hadn't even crossed her mind. "As far as the fish, maybe it's just the fish here. I am used to it being prepared in a kitchen too, that may be the reason." She shrugged off the thoughts, they were seemingly not important. "Are you doing okay? Does your head hurt at all?" She wondered if he was having any pains like the ones she had experienced.
"I seem to have a burn on the back of my neck that stings now and then and my fingers tingle, but other than that, no I'm pretty good. He cuddled her up against his side, and his arm laid along her back his hand just able to cup her bare bottom. He gave her a playful squeeze. " I could get used to being able to do that". Even as he said it, it seemed odd to him that the feeling felt so familiar, like he had had his hand there many times before. "I get these odd feelings, like I'm retracing my steps"
"That's because we have done all this before. You like holding me like this and this is how it is when we sleep." She was happy to hear that Rick's brain was bringing back some sensation of familiarity to him, hopefully that will connect to some memories and he regain them back. She smirked, "you've even told me that you would like to have a baby with me, does that jog your memory?" She grabbed his hand and placed it on her flat tummy.
"That doen't surprise me at all. I have always loved you as long as I can remember, and there is no greater way to express our love than through children. Besides the thought of you pregnant is exciting to me any way. I think its very sexy. I'ts not like being fat, its much different." he rubbed her tummy and tried to imagine it with taught skin and a rounded contour.
"Yeah, I guess the idea of something that we both created swimming around in here does sound exciting!" She placed her hand over his and held it gently. "Well that is definitely in our future, since we are going to be together forever!" She leaned in a kissed him. "I love you Rick, so very much!" She nuzzled against him and within minutes, she was sound asleep.
Rick didnt fall asleep immediately. He was still marvelling at the beautiful woman that lay next to him. Even though he felt that there was something eerily familiar about the situation, he pinched himself several times hoping he was not dreaming. He moved his hand lightly over the soft skin of her belly, and eventually he gave into temptation and began to explore her pussy with his fingers. Though she continued to sleep, he was rewarded by a steady flow of slippery liquid, and several times he scooped it up and brought it to his lips.
Kat was unaware that Rick was having his way with her body, though she would have been more than okay with it, had she known. She dreamed a very vivid dream of her being pregnant and living with Rick. She adored Rick and knew that he'd be a great father because he took care of her so well. Kat didn't moved much in her sleep and when she woke up, she was in the same position as she fell asleep in. Her eyes fluttered opened and she looked at Rick. He was so handsome and she softly caressed his face and smiled for being so lucky to have him in her life.
As they laid together, they began to hear hoof beats, and Rick sprang out of bed and pulled on his shorts. He was happy to see it was their guide with fresh horses heading toward them. Kat! get dressed! I think were getting out of here! he hollared as he hurried back to the tent.

The guide rode into the camp and finding Rick and seeing the downed tree, asked "are you two alright? That twister wiped out the town and this was soonest we could get her to check on you.
Kat was startled awake by Rick's yelling. She came to and heard the sound of another man's voice as he talked to Rick. After pulling on her camisole, she peeked out to see their guide, "Oh I've got quite a bone to pick with you!" This little woman came barreling out of the tent toward the horse mounted man. "What kind of vacation is this?!" She was shouting. "Rick got struck by lightening and doesn't remember anything before or after the earthquake a few weeks ago!" The guide just looked at her stunned, "Ma'am, I'm sorry but I was just following your grandfather's orders." Kat glared at him, "fine! But I want to get out of here! take us back to the plane, I've got a bone to pick with my grandfather!"

The guide dismounted his horse and helped them get everything packed. He noted the hole in Kat's jeans, Kat could care less, she just wanted to get out of here, she hadn't signed up for this and her emotions were all over the place. She tore off a piece of the tent and after mounting a horse, she covered her exposed self. The trio then headed out back to where they started from.
"Remind me never to get you angry!" Rick said to her as they rode back to town. " Did you know the tornado destroyed the town too? that poor guy probably doesn't have a house. I'll be ok." When they rode through the town the devastation was evident, not a building was left standing. The airport terminal was a pile of rubble, but none the less her grandfathers plane stood on the runway waiting for them. "My God, that's the plane! the one with the bed!" he was suddenly flooded with memories. As they sat waiting and until the could leave there seats, Rick tested one memory after another. Seeing the plane had been the key to it all.

When they could, Rick led her to the bathroom where they could clean each other up.
Kat was happy to see the plane. She's felt a little bad about shouting at her guide because he had lost quite a bit too, the town was pretty much gone. She followed Rick into the plane, she was surprised that he knew the way, "wait, have you got your memories back?" Her face was filled with hope.
"I think so" he said and then proceeded to retell the story of the last three weeks, hoping it was right. "It all came back to me when I saw the plane". He helped her out of her clothes and took off his shorts and led her to the shower. He took the soap and had a wonderful time washing her as more great memories came flooding back. He handed her the soap and said "your turn!" It felt so good to be clean again.
Happy to hear that Rick was back to normal, she took the soap and thoroughly washed his body. She loved takings care of him like this, it made her feel like she's had a purpose on this world. Once she was done, they rinsed off and wrapped themselves in robes and took a seat out in the main room until they were up in the air. "Okay you two, we are headings to your final destination, it'll be a ten hour flight" Kat sighed with relief, at least they could get plenty of rest.
Rick might have wondered normally, where they were going, but in this case he hardly cared. The fact that he had his memory back, and that he had 10 hours ahead in a comfortable bedroom with Kat was all he needed to know at this point. Besides, after what they had just gone through, he felt confident they would withstand almost anything. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply then took her in the bedroom, and before laying down asked if they might not have dinner served in bed.
Kat plopped on the bed, "oh bed how I missed you!" She waved her arms and legs, feeling the comfy sheets under her skin. There was just something about a bed that was so inviting. She's patted the space beside her, wanting Rick to lay with her. Just as he was getting on the bed, Kat felt an uneasiness in her stomach and quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. She made it just in time to hurl in the toilet. She grabbed her hair, trying to keep it out of the way. She wasn't feeling ill, but they had been through a lot and she thought maybe her body was trying to tell her to slow down.
Rick hurried in the bathroom and held her head as she continued to be sick, but nothing more came up. We wet a washcloth and mopped her forehead. He retrieved a tooth brush and a glass of water and tooth paste and let her wash the taste out of her mouth before carrying Kat, now seemingly weak as a kitten back to the bed. He stationed a wastebasket next to the bed, and laying down, pulled her over next to him, and let her lay against him, he head on his chest. The situation started him thinking again, starting with the increased size of her breasts. He reached down and fondled her nipples a moment checking to see if they were tender at all.
She laid back in bed with him. Her mouth was freshly brushed and didn't taste of vomit anymore. She was a bit weak, but other than that, she was feeling alright. When Rick touched her nipples, Kat winced, "ow, that kind of hurts!" She cupped her breasts, keeping them protected from Rick's fingers. She thought it odd that her breasts hurt, maybe he was just playing a little too rough with them over the weeks and they were now sore. It didn't quite make sense though. Then it dawned on her. She put all her symptoms together and sat up in bed. She tried to figure out when her last shot was and when she was due for the next. She brought up an image of her desk calendar and remembered writing her next doctor's appointment on it for the...the day that the earthquake hit! Kat placed her hands on her belly, "Rick, I think I might be pregnant!" Her voice was shaky, she wasn't sure if she was ready for this.
"Really?! please say its so! when was your period due? we've been together 3 and 1/2 weeks." He hugged her close. I really really hope its true Kat! Certainly we've worked on it enough, but its funny to think it might have happened that first time." He knew in his heart it was too soon, but he couldn't help but listen at her belly. He was like a kid in a candy store. "we'll get you tested when we get wherever we are going! that is for sure!" Then just as suddenly he got serious "If you are pregnant, you gotta be careful! and no drinking!and you gotta eat right!"
Kat wasn't surprised that Rick was excited. She would be too if she was prepared for this. It kind of just sprang on her and though she didn't have a test to prove that she was pregnant, she was 80% sure about it. She smirked when he put his ear to her belly. He was really happy about this so she put a smile on her face for him. "Yes, Rick I know what I can't and can do. I'm sure my doctor will go over everything as well." She laid back down and pondered the idea of becoming a mother. Her own mother was a good role model and thus Kat had someone to aspire to be, but it was all a little daunting as well.
"Are you afraid?" he could see that she was uneasy, and he was reasonably sure that she wanted a baby. Being afraid was the only explanation he could think of. "You know I'll be there for you and the baby, every step of the way." he really wasn't sure what to do to comfort her. While he was happy for having a baby, he wasn't prepared to deal with a moody mother to be. Nothing in his experience in life offered him any help either.

He decided that just cuddling might be the right thing to do. He pulled her under the covers and let her rest against him her head on his shoulders. he ran his fingers through her hair and gently kissed her forehead and shoulders. "You will make a fine mother," he said trying to reassure her of what he new without doubt was true.
She cuddled up with him under the covers, "Rick, I've never had anything that depended on me before! I had pets as a kid, but I didn't learn how to be nurturing and all that. Yes I am scared. I didn't expect this to happen so soon, we've only been together for about a month. What will my parents think?" She buried her face into his chest and sighed. She was glad that he was going to be there for her because she was definitely going to need something.

"Maybe when it's confirmed I'll feel a little bit better, but this is just how I feel right now. I'm sorry if I'm bringing you down, I know how much you want this." She looked up at him and gave him an apologetic smile.
"Don't worry sweety. You couldn't bring me down if you wanted to right now, that is as long as your not leaving me. Besides, you can blame it all on me, or if not me your Grandfather.' he said laughing at the thought." for right now just get some some sleep. Your tired." just then there was a knock on the door. " we have your dinner, the stewardess said through the door. "Are you hungry?" he asked Kat.
She wasn't going to blame this on anyone. It wasn't that she didn't want a child, it was just that it had come a little ahead of schedule. Though many people would and have told her that children aren't planned, they just happened. She was about settled into his arms when there was a knock at the door, telling them that dinner was ready. She sat up, "I'm not really hungry, but I guess I should eat something," she patted her stomach and got up, pulling the robe back on and heading for the door.

It was nice to have a well rounded meal. Kat ate slowly, unsure of whether her stomach was going to tolerate it. She withheld from the wine and just drank water. If she were indeed pregnant, she wasn't going to do anything to jeopardize the baby's health. She cleared her plate, feeling satisfied and sleepy. "Okay, I'd like that nap now," she said to Rick.
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