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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

"Well yeah, right now I'm completely in the dark. Maybe it would bring something back. Did I tell you a lot about myself. I mean how long were we friends, I don't have a clue. Its like i loved you but only knew you like 10 minutes, its wierd."
She giggled, "we've known each other since I started working with my grandfather, which was almost three years ago. I think you were new then too!" She paused so that she took sit up and tell him all about himself. She went over the whole spiel about his life, at least from what she could remember him telling her. She talked a lot about the pranks that they pulled on each other and how she could always be herself around him and was happy to see him at work. Her story was accentuated with little side stories about things, but that was just her way, Kat loved to talk with him, it made her incredibly happy.
As she sat up, he laid in her lap, and looked up at her from below her breasts it was a wonderful perspective and it got him aroused. His cock grew hard and tented the sleeping bag. " Did we spend a lot of time in a plane? " He just had a feeling. "Its odd but i remember there being a bed. Since when do planes have beds?"
She looked down at him and smiled. He was being cute with his head in her lap. She played with his hair as a fleeting memory of the plane came crawling into his mind. "Yes, we have spent a lot of time on a plane and that would be my grandfather private jet that has a bed! He's kind of over the top! We had a lot of sex in that bed!" She winked at him. She noted his erection, but didn't make a move to express her approval, that would be solely for Rick to decide.
He could feel the warmth of her body against the back of his neck, and he rolled on his side and then noticed that the jeans she was wearing had an open crotch. "My God what a sexy idea!" he said. he thought a long minute and then remebering that she had said they made love many times decided that if that were the case, having a taste of her should not be a problem. Extending his tongue he ran it the length of her slit. it collected some of her secretions which he savored before swallowing hard and then delving a bit deeper.
"That would be your idea!" She announced as Rick noticed the alteration to her jeans. She wondered if he were going to do anything with it, then just as she thought it, he slipped his tongue out and licked her. Kat looked at him a bit hesitantly, hoping that he'd like it and when he started to delve deeper, Kat sighed with relief. "Oh that feels so good!" She leaned back on her hands and watched as he pleasured her. With her head tilted back, she moaned and moaned.
He continued to tease her clit and lips and then comming up for air, he said " I have to say it was a pretty good idea. His cock was harder than ever and he started licking his way up her body pushing her tank top ahead of him pushing it up and ver her breasts. He suckled each one as he rediscovered her body, and then hopscotching ove her shirt, met her lips with his just as his hard cock met the soft wet petals of her pussy.
"Oh Rick," she moaned as he continued to lick her. The feelings she had were bittersweet. He was doing all the right movements, but because of his lost memory, she felt that their connection was a little lost. A small part of her wanted to stop him because it didn't feel right, but she was so turned on and horny that she gave into it. But when he got to her lips, Kat started to cry and had to pull away. She quickly got up, "I'm sorry..." She was facing away from him, hiding her tears. She wondered if this was how he felt when her lost memory had just started, though they didn't have as strong of a connection as they did now.
He stopped and pulled away devistated by her tears. "What did I do? what's the matter?." he pulled her into his arms. I thought you loved me, or I wouldn't have begun. I know I love you! I don't know much else, but that I know." he held her close to him. Sitting up and pulling her into his lap. He wanted to be patient with her, but at the same time he felt like a little boy whose new toy had just been taken away. He sighed heavily, and just rubbed her back.
"I do love you, so very much! I'm just sad that this has happened to you. That you can't remember what a wonderful few weeks we have had and how making love with you is more than just sex." She nuzzled to his chest as he held her. She loved his embrace, "I'm sorry, I just feel like crying that's all." She gave a chuckle because there was nothing really to be upset over. His love for her was still there and was still just as powerful as it ever was.
"Oh Kat! please don't think its just sex. It is as you said making love. I'm having an oportunity most men never get. I'm getting to discover my true love's body all over again for the first time. I know its odd, but the one thig I didn't forget was ho much I love you! Your body is all new again, but that is lots of fun! You are very beautiful. I can see why I fell in love with you. Not only are you a wonderful person, but stunning at the same time.
She wiped away her tears and smiled up at him, "you're right. I'm just being silly I guess, heh." It really helped that he called her his true love, that made her heart flutter. She leaned in and kissed him tenderly on the lips. She knew that his memories would eventually come back just like hers did, but in the meantime, she could embrace that fact that he had no knowledge of hoe her body felt and she could give him the experience of a lifetime. That tender kiss soon turned into something a bit more passionate as she gently pushed him back to lay down on the sleeping bag.
As he laid back he pulled her on top of him and their kiss took on a life of its own. they had to breath through their noses or suffocate , as nether one was willing to release the other. As she leaned over him his cock again bumped her now even wetter sex. He pressed against her and popped inside then easily slid down her wet channel. He groaned with excitement and shear pleasure.
She smiled into the kiss as he pushed his way inside her. When it elicited a groan from him, that was all Kat needed to see that things were great with them. She started to pump her body atop him. Taking him all the way inside her and then pulling almost all the way out. Kat managed to pull off her top so the only thing she was wearing were those provocative jeans of hers. She was panting and moaning heavily. She then grabbed his hands and pulled him up to sit up with her. Their chests were pressed together as they made love, "I love you Rick!" She cried out as her orgasm overtook her.
The edges of the jeans tickled his balls at the same time her pussy grabbed at his hard cock, and he loved how her amazing breasts were being flattened against his chest. He locked his lips upon hers, and explored her mouth as though it was the first time. Rick was hungry for her and he thrust up into her with a passion. He turned them on the cot, laid back down on top of her and began taking her like a jackhammer. Just as was about to reach his climax, a huge gust of wind blew up Flattening their tent, and trapping them beneath the heavy canvas and the cot. Rick laughed and didn't stop. "Cum with me! The tent cant get any worse." He continued to pound her hard.
Kat was in the throes of passion with Rick, she didn't even think about his lost memories because they were too busy creating a new one. And what a memory it was, especially with the tent going down. She giggled as he kept going; if he was okay, she was okay. She began to meet his thrusts and soon found herself coming close to her climax,, "Rick! I'm cumming!"
"Oh my god! me too!" He was laughing and out of braeth the situation was almost too funny. He kissed her and smilled at her. Lets see if we can get out of here. he started pushing on the canvas trying to find a way out. After a bit he finally crawled out and held the canvas for her. When they got out he heard a loud noise and looked across the valley. there was a tornado heading right for them. "Oh My God!" We gotta get out of here! he grabbed her and climbing on a horse he pulled her up with him and let the others go. He rode hard away from the tornados path.
This was by far, the craziest sex session that they had. With the tent collapsed, they each found their orgasms and gave into one another. In the afterglow of their love making, they got out of the tent to see the worst possible situation. There was a pretty sizable tornado heading their way. The wind picked up and the rain was now cold. Kat got onto the horse with Rick and clung to his body. With the tornado to their backs, they rode as fast as they could and after fifteen minutes, they either got away or the tornado dissipated.

Kat was just in a pair of crotchless jeans and she felt vulnerable without a top to cover her. "Shit! We were supposed to be out here for two more days, our guide just left us to fend for ourselves, I doubt he knew that there would be a tornado!" She rested her forehead on his back, she had no idea what they were going to do know. It was more than likely that the tornado got to their camp and vacuumed up all their stuff.
While Kat had only jeans on, Rick was naked. The air was cold, and they both had goosebumps. They rode slowly back. and when they got to camp and looked around there wasn't much left. The tree which had held their food was down and the food bag was nowher to be seen. The tent was still there the fact that it had been down probably saved it. Rick got to work getting it back up, it had a few holes hut at least it offered shelter. The bedding was still there. To ricks releif he found the hunting knife and a few dry matches. he got to work imediately and got a fire going. Since they could not relight it they would need to keep it burning. He got Kat busy drying bedding and then he carved another spear and started to fish. They needed food. She might not like fish, but at this point it was eat it or starve.
Kat was a bit relieved to see that the tent was still at camp. At least they had a place to sleep. She wasn't keen on eating fish, but at this point, she couldn't be picky. She get out to dry the sleeping bag and found an pair of Rick's shorts and a camisole that she was wearing earlier. She slipped on the cami and handed Rick his shorts. There were no other clothes to be found, but at least they had something. With the sleeping bag all but dry, she placed it back in the tent and set up the bed. There were a few things that the tent kept from blowing away, not nothing of necessity. She came back out and huddled around the fire, poking it periodically to keep it going.

"How's the fish coming?" She just hoped that her stomach would handle it. Kat liked fish well enough, but at the moment, she just couldn't really stomach it. "I miss the rattlesnake," she mutter to herself.
Rick had caught two fish but the fish weren't plentiful so he started to walk the tall grass looking for snakes. It was dangerous by they were hungry finally he got one. That with the fish meant they would not go hungry They had no pan and no oil, sor he cleaned the snake and the fish and skewered it on sticks nad broiled it. He saved the snake for Kat and ate the fish himself.
She was happy to see that he had brought a snake back with him. She would have eaten the fish if that was the only thing. She watched at his cooked the meat, then took the skewered snake and started to eat the meat. It was delicious even with being cooking in a pan with oil. "Mmm!" She enthused. She looked over as Rick ate his fish, "did you want some of the snake?" She offered him some.
You eat all you want first, I'm doing well with the fish. Once they were finished eating, he built the fire up so it would last the night and took Kat to bed. "you know we were lucky today. if we had stayed in the tent we might have been dead." the air was cool and it made for good cuddling if not sleeping. The tensions of the day had worn him out and he was tired, but laying with her sleeping in only the tank top and him naked, there was no way they were going to sleep with out some serious sex.
She happily ate all of the rattlesnake. She was eating quite a bit these days. It must've been from all the adventuring that had been doing. Once dinner was out of the way, they took to the tent and got into the warm and dry sleeping bag. Once Kat felt Rick's warm body against hers, she started to get aroused, "jeez, you've made be sex crazed and insatiable for you!" She giggled and started to kiss him, "we were incredibly lucky, but that's what you do now, save my life!" She kissed him more passionately, overcome with raw emotion that they could have died today.
Rick was so happy at that moment. Kat was laying against his side. He loved how her full breasts we wrapping around him. he couldn't help but notice that they seemed be somewhat larger than they had been. Especially they were larger than what he remembered from that day he had fallen with her. when he had pushed her under the desk, his arm had wrapped around her chest and he vividly remembered the experience.
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