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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Rick was really glad to see her eating and they both ate well for the first time in 4 days. When they had finished eating he climbed back into bed and pulled her up against him, and just softly rubbed her back. He had thought they would just take a brief nap, but 7 hours later thee was a second knock at the door. Rick got up and sleepily pulled on his robe,and leaving her sleeping opened the door. Were landing in an hour sir The temperature in Jamaica is a balmy 84 degrees. we have a suitcase for you and your breakfast. Rick brought in the suit case and the cart with breakfast on it. He opened the suitcase, and found swimsuits, shorts and tropical shirts and tee shirts. There was also a clear plastic bag labelled "for Kat" inside was a supply of soda crackers, antiacid tablets, vitamins, and a home pregnancy test. Rick looked at the bag and put it back. "She's going to kill him!" he thought.
Kat groggily woke up to see a suitcase at the end of the bed and a tray of food. She examined the food and noted that they were breakfast items, "jeez, did we really sleep the whole flight?" She stretched out her limbs, feeling a bit sore from the horseback riding. She smiled lazily at Rick, "good morning!" She was in a better mood today and as she got up, she noticed a bag with her name on it in the suitcase. She picked it up and looked at it's contents. "How does he--" she looked puzzled for a minute. "Of course!" She looked to Rick and explained. "My gynecologist is a good friend of my grandfather's and he must've called him when I missed my appointment, which was suppose to happen the day of the earthquake." Kat then pulled the pregnancy test out of the bag, "well no time like the present!" She then took it in the bathroom with her. It said to use "morning pee" for the best result, "how apt" she stated to herself.

She peed on the stick, then put the cap back on the end and placed it on the counter. After cleaning up, she opened the bathroom door. Before Rick could say anything, she held her hands out, "it takes three minutes," she was sure he was going to ask. For the time being, she ate bits of her breakfast and looked over the clothes, "another coastal place?" She held up the bathing suit, at least this one had more material to it. She wandered back into the bathroom and grabbed the stick. She didn't look at it until she was facing Rick. a plus sign meant pregnant and a negative meant not. She looked at the results then looked at Rick, "looks like you're going to be a daddy!" She had a genuine smile on her face as she showed Rick the plus sign on the stick.
He he got up walked over and sweeping her int his arms began to spin around, stopping just before he got dizzy, he was so happy. It wasn't until he stopped and saw the green look on Kat's face that he realized that wasn't a good idea, and that unless he was quick he was about to be baptized.

He turned to head for the bathroom, the words "I'm sorry half out of his mouth.
The spinning tossed her stomach into a whirlwind and upon suddenly stopping, she felt nauseous. Rick must've seen in in her face as he sprinted to the bathroom and got her there just in time for her to puke in the toilet. It wasn't much, but it was still disgusting, "agh, this is embarrassing," she muttered. When she was done, she flushed the toilet and stood up. She didn't look Rick's way, instead she grabbed a hold of her toothbrush, squirted a generous amount of toothpaste on it and vigorously brushed her teeth. Once she no longer tasted the vomit, she returned to the bedroom. "Okay, no picking me up and twirling me, especially not as forty thousand feet in the air!" She giggled. She was still in a good mood even after the morning sickness, though she was a little hesitant to eat, so she decided to just eat the soda crackers. "So where are we headed?" She asked Rick as she started to dress in a more modest bikini and a coverup that fitted her perfectly.
"Jamaica! it sounds like a great place to finish up, but you will have to avoid the rum. Sorry sweety! but at least the food will be good and there is little fear of bad weather this time of year. He took some of the eggs, bacon and coffee they brought and did his best to keep it away from Kat, not wanting her sick again. "Im really sorry about twirling you! I was just so excited, I couldn't help it. he picked out some board shorts and a tropical shirt, and some sandals and sun glasses. "How do I look?" he asked. " You look fabulous in that suit"
"And you look like a tourist, but a sexy one!" She pulled her hair into a ponytail and adorned her face with some sunglasses as well. "I'm not a big drinker so don't worry about the rum, it won't be a temptation for me. I think once we land, I should make an appointment just to make sure everything's okay with me and the baby." She quirk at the sound of that. "It sounds so weird to say that. It's just unreal that there's a baby in here," She looked down at her belly. It was as flat as could be, but soon it would grow and she would be fat, "are you going to love me even when I'm fat?" She pooched out her belly, trying to mimic a pregnant belly, but it didn't work.
its not fat when your pregnant, and yes I will love you even more. I know you think I'm nuts but I think its sexy to see a pregnant woman The breasts twice normal size, and dripping milk, and their belly tight and overhanging their pouty pussy. It sound wonderful to me to know there is a baby in there so yes you should get checked out. By all means.
She found it a bit comical that he thought the look of a pregnant woman to be sexy. Pregnancy wasn't exactly supposed to be sexy, but if it ended up helping her get through it, then by all means, he should think she was sexy. After they were done eating, they took their seats in the main area of the plane and prepared for descent. Upon arrival, they were escorted to yet another waiting car, but Kat needed to make a detour. She told the driver to head over to the nearest hospital. The driver was slightly alarmed, but Kat assured him it was only a check up that she needed.

Once at the hospital, they made their way to the OBGYN ward and made an appointment. Kat sat with Rick in the waiting room. It was a rather nice hospital. The nurse called her back and together, both her and Rick followed the nurse. Kat's details were taken down along with all her vitals and measurements. The nurse asked what the check up was for, "I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant, just wanted to make sure everything was okay. The nurse then took a blood sample to run a test. She told them that the doctor would be in within ten minutes. There were pictures of the vagina all over the walls, "sexy room isn't it?" She joked.

The doctor came in, "well congratulations, you are indeed pregnant, though just barely, let's pull up an ultrasound just to get some measurements and to tell how far along and when the baby will be due." the doctor smiled at the both of them, then instructed Kat to remove her bottoms as the ultrasound would be vaginal. With the probing wand inside her, the doctor looked at the screen and pointed out a very tiny blip, "that's your baby, looks to be about 4-5 weeks, so yeah, just barely. I take you you're having symptoms already?" Kat nodded, but didn't take her eyes off the screen. 'Wow', she thought to herself. "Well you're in really good shape, I'll give you some prenatal vitamins and just make sure to schedule your 8 week appointment with your Gynecologist." with that, the appointment was done, Mom and baby were doing just fine.
Rick had watched the proceedings in silence only holding Kat's hand. It was amazing how tiny the baby was, but judging from the doctors given age, the baby was conceived that very first time they had been together. He thought to himself what he might tell the child when they asked some 15 or more years from now where they were conceived. For the moment he was content to know with certainty that she was pregnant and healthy. The next 9 months would be different in so many ways, and though he was excited, he wasn't afraid. He hoped Kat wasn't, and from that moment he made it his mission to keep her as safe and comfortable as possible.

They got back in the car as it waited outside the hospital and he pulled her into his lap. "How are you feeling? are you alright with this? I'm here for you, no matter what." he hugged her and kissed her gently.

In the meantime the car headed back out toward the beach and onto a long spit of land that poked out into the ocean. Near the end was a small cottage where the car finally stopped. The driver helped them out and showed them inside and brought in their bags. The cottage was smaller than their hotel suite on Hawaii, but it was elegant, and the views were incredible. Outside there was a golf cart for their convenience, and the driver told them that meals would be brought to them within a half hour of their calling and handed Rick a cell phone to use for the purpose. "don't worry its completely water proof" the driver said. Rick tucked it in a zipper pocket in his board shorts.
Once they were back in the car and driving to their temporary home while here in Jamaica, Kat cuddled with Rick, "yes, I'm good and I am starting to get excited about this. At first I panicked because I didn't feel that I was ready, but having slept on it, I just assumed that this is what every woman goes through; not thinking that they are ready. I will acclimate along with the process." She smiled genuinely at Rick, letting him know that she really was okay with it.

When they arrived at the cottage, it was quaint and rather elegant for the size. Kat felt immediately at home for some reason. They were told that there was a golf cart for them to use as well as a cell phone that could call in for their meals. Kat was relieved to here that this trip was more of a relaxing type thing because she didn't want to do anything too extraneous, plus Rick wouldn't even let her if she tried. "So what did you want to do?" The weather was a little hot today so she stripped out of the coverup and pulled on a floppy beach hat to protect her face.
"we have a golf cart, lets use it." he led her ot and they got in the cart and headed up the beach. The sand was beatifully white and the air clear and clean. He spotted an ice cream stand and discovered that it was included in their stay. "Ice cream is good for you, would you like some?" he pulled up to the stand wit the golf card and got outr to place an order. "What are you going to have? We can eat them in those deck chairs over there!" He got their order and walked with her over to the chairs.
She could a ride with him on the golf cart, the breeze felt nice and she closed her eyes and enjoyed the ride. When he pointed out the ice cream stand, Kat beamed, "ooh, yes!" She became alert instantly and when they got over to the stand, she looked at her choices, "I'll take the coconut ice cream please?" Once they got their ice creams, they walked over to the lounge chairs and snacked on their delicious treat. The ice cream actually was helping her upset stomach, "oh I know what I'm eating throughout this pregnancy!" She continued to eat her ice cream enthusiastically.
He noticed that she had dribbled a little ice cream on her belly and leaned over to lick it up with his already cold tongue. He licked it up and while he was down there he ran his tongue quickly along the the top of her bikini. He then got up and taking another bite from his cone he fed it to her from his lips. It was a playful moment and he wanted more, but it was a bit to public where they were. He got kat back in the golf cart, and headed down the beach with cat holding the cones. As he hurried down the beach the warm wind was melting the cones and showering her with cold sticky cream. When he finally stopped, he had a big mess to clean up, he looked at kat and grinned.

He took his cone and they both cleaned them up a so the wouldnt drip, and then he got down to business cleaning up te mess. the lowest drips wer at the tops of her knees. He started there and worked his way higher. He licked his way up to along the edges of her panty and pushing her thighs wide apart he licked all along the edges before reaching up and untying the strings at her hips. grabbing his cone, he pushed it against her hot pussy and then proceeded to clean up the sticky mess.
The ice cream was delicious, but the heat was making it melt faster than she could eat it. When he licked a droplet off her belly, Kat realized what he was getting at. Glad that he wasn't going to continue with where they were seated, they got back in the cart and drove off to a more secluded site. By the time that they got there, the ice cream had done a number on her and she was covered in the droplets of it.

She handed back his ice cream and tried to play catch up her cone. Once that was taken care of, Rick thought it his duty to clean her up. He used no napkins, just his tongue and Kat wouldn't have had it any other way. "Ah that's cold!" She squealed as he pressed his ice cream to her slit. It was followed immediately by his warm tongue. She sighed with relief at the feeling. She smiled at she watched him play, he seemed to love playing with her body.
They sat and finished their cones, and and then began to kiss. It was then that Rick realized that despite his licking Kat was still very sticky. "How about a swim?" he asked her. The water was just a few yards away and he he got down from the cart and taking her by the hand led her out to surf. He couldn't believe how warm the water actually was. Just cool enough to be refreshing, it was not shocking at all, and it was as clear and blue as a swimming pool.

They had that strip of beach all to themselves with the next person barely visible in the distance. He couldn't resist pulling the strings on her suit and soon had her playing in the shallow surf as naked as nymph. He loved how her now larger breasts bounced and swung as she played with him. " I love you so much Kat. "
She felt sticky and happily consented to a swim. They walked to the water's edge and Rick pulled off her suit. She smirked at him, but was okay with it because there was no one around. She used the refreshing sea water to rinsed herself off. She felt better once she wasn't so sticky anymore. "Ah this is nice!" She playfully splashed and dunked water onto Rick's head. "I love you too Rick!" She leaned in and kissed him. "So do you have any opinions on what we are going to call this little guy or gal?" She placed her hands on her tummy. It was probably too soon to even think about that because she was still in the danger zone of something happening to the fetus. Once they were passed the 12 week mark, things would be okay.
He smiled at her. I don't know, I haven't spent any time thinking about it. he wrapped his arm about her and picked up her suit from the sand he walked he over to the cart, and helped her in it still naked. He sat beside her, the two of them still wet from their swimming. He pulled her over to him, and they kissed each oher deeply as they looked out over the clear blue water. Across the bay they could see there little cottage. Well little momma, he said patting her naked belly, shall we go back home?" he leaned over and kissed her again , before driving down the beack toward the cottage.
When they got back to the cottage, Kat headed straight for the bathroom, but not to puke this time, just to pee. "Ahhhh!" She sighed and then shortly after the toilet flushed. She came back on flaunting her nakedness and took a seat on the bed. It was mid afternoon, but a little bit too hot to be out in the direct sun. She pulled her knees to her chest and just looked out at the clear ocean water, "it's just so peaceful here," she uttered.
Rick picked up the phone and ordered thier lunch. Then as he looked across the room his eyes caught sight of Kat's pouty pussy peaking out between her thighs and ankles as she sat on the bed. It was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. He dropped his board shorts to the floor and then laying on his back on the bed, his hard cock in the air he picked her up and lowered her over his cock smiling. "God your so cute," he said. His body parted her thighs and he pulled her body down against him." Lunch will be here in a half hour but we have time for a quicky!" He was almost giggling with excitement. "We need to learn how to do this so we can have sex on lunch when we get home!"
Kat couldn't help but giggle, he was so insatiable when it came to her and she love it. as she laid there on his chest, she looked down at him, "I love you," then she started to move her body against him. Half and hour was plenty of time, but Kat felt a little rushed because she didn't know how her body was going to react to it. Ever since finding out she was pregnant, it was as if her body got the green light to just do what it wanted and it did. She pushed down hard on him, finding that she was a lot more sensitive now. "Ahhh!" She stared deep into his eyes, leaning down, she kissed him hard and kept moving her hips.
At first Rick was a bit alarmed at her cry. She hadn't been so verbal so early in a sex session since her first or second time. However, the rocking of her hips reassured him and her cries only made him more passionate. "Don't ever let me hurt you! I mean it! If 'm hurting you just say "stop" and I will." Rick knew that everything was different now that he pregnancy had begun to progress and create symptoms.

The doctor had handed him a couple pamphlets for new fathers when they had been in the Hospital, and he had quickly read them cover to cover. In particular he had noted that mood swings and copious tears, and sometimes nausea or discomfort might arise for strange and unpredictable reasons, and that these were beyond the new mother's control, and needed to be met with patience. The pamphlets also warned of strange cravings that might come and go.

For the moment though Kat seemed happy and turned on by the casual sex they were having on the bed with all the curtains open and over looking the sea on both sides of their little spit of land.
She was a bit confused at first when he mentioned that if he was hurting her to tell him to stop, then she realized that her moan was a bit sudden and more vocal than usual. "Of course Rick," she answered. She kept the pace slow and steady. She didn't know what rough sex would do to her. She was certain that the fetus was safe because it was as small as a pea, but that part of her body was sensitive. After a bit, she wanted to change positions, "baby, can you get on top?" She looked down at him with the sweetest smile. She knew that he liked her on top, but right now, she'd be more comfortable with the reverse.
He quickly pulled her down to his chest and then cradling her there just rolled them over and did a push-up. He was on top and they had barely missed a beat. "There you go darling " He smiled down at her as he pushed her thighs wide apart with his knees. He then lifted her ass and slid his knees beneath her raising her ass in the air, but supporting it for her. This had the effect of forcing is cock into harder and almost constant contact with her G-spot, which he knew she loved. Once there he continue his thrusting, and reached out and played with her breasts as he was now sitting on his heels and his hands were not needed to support his weight above her.
She hadn't expected the position that he put her in, but she was pleasantly surprised. She smiled up at him as he position himself under her ass, then when his cock pushed forward, making contact with her g spot, Kat moaned, "god that feels good!" She closed her eyes and caressed his arms as he reached to fondle her breasts. They weren't as sensitive as earlier, so she let him grope and play however he liked. With his continued thrusting, she was feeling the tell tale signs of an orgasm. She really couldn't believe how fast one was surfacing. Gripping his arms, she arched her back, "baby, I'm cumming!" She went silent a moment, then burst out, "yes!"
"That was quick!" he said with a grin. "How many more of thise do you think you have in you?" he was hoping two or maybe three, fairly certain he could last that long, and wanting her to enjoy her self as much as possible. He looked out over the water, as they continued their lovemaking. It was fun watching Kat's full breasts sway across her chest with each time he thrust into her. It was then that he noticed some teen age boys and floated up on air mattresses and were watching them. he reached for the curtain but could not reach it. It was obvious that Kat was about to cum, so he just gave up and let them watch.

"Kat sweety! I think we have company!" He finally said, indicating the boys directon with a nod of his head.
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