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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

His climax sent her into another and she clung to him, feeling that he could have fallen over at any minute. It was always like this whenever they made love, so passionate and full of desire. It was exhausting, but so worth it. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him hard, "I love you so much!" She said between kisses. She knew that there would be no one else that could make her feel this way and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Rick, there was no doubt about it.
Rick was panting, and he slowed the horse, as he looked at the half mile that lay ahead. A gentle walk seemed more appropriate, sort of like a slow fuck which is what it turned out to be. Just as they were reaching the new oasis, he threw back his head and came again. I love you Kat. What did I ever do without you? He kissed her deeply, still panting, and trying to catch his breath.

He looked down at the ground. They had a problem. They both were exhausted, and had legs like rubber. He wasn;t sure how to get down without falling.
He was just the sexiest man alive to her. He never failed to surprise her and she felt that he never would. When he came a second time, Kat sank her tongue in his mouth, just after he declared his love for her. "It's a good thing that you will never had to know what it will be like without me ever again," she softly caressed his face as they neared the oasis.

Neither of them good off the horse immediately because they were tired and the drop down from the saddle seemed daunting. After a few minutes, Kat grabbed the reigns and lead the horse over to a tree. "We'll use the tree to get down." She reached out, grabbing the tree trunk and popped off of Rick, releasing a flood of their fluids. She giggled, but managed to get off the horse in one piece. "Okay, my sexy cowboy, your turn!"
Rick just laid across the saddle ad slid down. His legs barely supported him and he staggered a bit before he was steady. He pulled Kat to him and kissed her deeply. "We better get our hunting done, it will be hot here in the afternoon and we are going to want to be back at camp. He held her hand as he too the spear in the other and they walked carefully. Watch out for snakes he warned, and just in time, as a rattler raised its head. A quick stab with th spear pinned it to the ground and he crushed its head with his boot. "That is good eating", he said.
Kat wasn't becoming too fond of all the snakes. She practically clung to Rick's side after the first rattler reared its nasty head. Her eyes searched every inch for snakes, "there's another in with the leaves!" She exclaimed and pointed four feet in front of them. She stayed back and let Rick take care of it. "Can't say I've ever eatin' rattle snake before." It didn't sound appetizing at all, but she would need to eat some protein if she was going to stay healthy out here.
By the time they got twenty yards they hand 4 large snakes, which was plenty of meat if Kat would eat it. "You do realize there are no chickens or ducks out here. The most familiar meat you are likely to find besides fish is possibly a rabbit, if we're lucky. So should we keep looking or do you think we have enough? Don't worry, I'll clean them." They had about ten pounds of meat.
She rolled her eyes at him, "yes I know there's no chickens or ducks!" She stuck her tongue out at him. She found herself to be in an antsy kind of mood and didn't really know why. "Yeah, I think that's enough, let's go back." They turned themselves around and headed back to the horse. She hopped up on the horse by herself and patted the back of the saddle, "giddy up!" She winked at him. Once he was up, she grabbed his hands and wrapped them around her waist, "hold on tight, I want to stretch this horse's legs!" After turning the horse around and getting it out onto smoother terrain, she whipped the reigns and kicked the side of the horse, "heyah!" The horse was jostled into a wide fast gallop and Rick could hear Kat giggling with glee. This wasn't her first horse ride.
They got back fast, but the poor horse was slathered in sweat and definitely needed cooling down. rick got their bucket and dipped water from the pond and after giving the horse a drink, poured a bucket of cool water over its back. He tied the horse with the others, and taking the hunting knife he cleaned the snakes and cut them into little rounds that looked kind of like pork medallions. Rekindling their fire, he put some fat in the skillet, and started them frying. After 20 minutes they were cooked and he placed four on a plate for Kat and handed them to her with a fork. "Now this time you better eat." He cooked all the meat o it wouldn't spoil, and wrapping it in a piece of canvas, stored the unused portion in the tree top.
Kat looked at the plate of snake meat that he had given her. It didn't look too bad and when she bit into it, she was surprised that it tasted good. "Mmm, tastes like chicken, sort of!" She ate through all four portions of the snake and grabbed two more from the fire. She was definitely hungry due to the fact that she only had biscuits and coffee for breakfast. "Good job with the cooking babe! Is this how it's going to be when we get home?" They hadn't talked about what they would do once the vacation was over. Kat toyed with the idea of having him move into her place or vice versa, but she didn't know what his thoughts on it all were.
"Well I do know how to cook. But I am kinda curious about you. I never really thought about it until just now. You planning on fixing the car when it breaks or taking out the trash? I guess that just depends" he said smiling at her. "Are you planning on moving in or were you thinking I should come to your place? I don't see us living seperately after this." he kissed her and then took her plate to wash afte she was done. While he was busy with the dishes a bright flash in the western sky caut his attention. Looking out over the valley, the sky was almost black. "That is nor good!"
"I could fix a car and I'm no stranger to taking out the trash!" She replied with a giggle. It was true that after their vacation, it would only seem logical that they move in together; spending all this time with him, she didn't want to be without him. "I guess that depends on who's place is bigger, but we will see to that once we are back home." She gladly kissed him right back and watched as he washed her plate. He was good that this housekeeping stuff, Kat could get used to it. The bright flash in the sky caught her attention too, "oh Australia and it's unpredictable weather!" She got up and deeply inhaled the air, "yep smells like rain! Better get everything inside the tent!" With that Kat started collecting things that shouldn't be out in the weather and put them inside the tent.
Rick finished washing the dishes and handed the clean things to Kat to put away. He secured the food bag tightly in the tree and was heading back to the tent when lightning struck the tree next to him, knocking him from his feet and causing him scream and then temporarily black out. He lay there unconscious on the ground, a whisp of smoke rising from his hair. After a moment, he woke up and found himself naked and in a strange place. He had no idea at all who he was or where he was. He just sat there confused. It started to rain hard, and seeing the tent her ran to it and went in for shelter.
Kat was busy putting things away inside the tent when she heard and felt a loud thunderous crash just outside the tent. It had shook the ground so bad that it knocked her off her feet. She panicked and rushed tot he tent door just as Rick ran in. She noted his smoking hair and his complete nakedness. "Oh my god! You got hit by lightening, didn't you?" She rushed to him, looking him over then helped him lay down on the sleeping bag. she rushed to get a cloth and wet it. "Rick! Talk to me!" She worriedly shouted at him as she ran the wet cloth over his forehead.
Rick struggled to cover himself. Miss I'm so sorry! he got up and tried to leave. I I mean, I didn't know anyone was in here. He headed back out in the rain totally confused. He would have run, but he had no idea where to run to. "What the hell is going on!? Where am I? Fuck! Who am I?!." He sat down in the mud in frustration as the rain poured down on him.
Kat was puzzled, why was he pretending not to know her or know where he was? She watched him go back on in the rain. She ran after him and saw that he was sitting in the mud. "Get back in the tent, please?" She helped him up to his feet, "Rick, c'mon!" She practically had to drag him back. She noted the back of his head and gasped, "What do you remember?" As she asked, she feared that what had happened to her, had happened to him. She knelt down with him and looked into his eyes. She was almost positive that the lightening caused some memory loss because he wouldn't pretend not to know her, that would just be a cruel joke.
"Who are you? I don't remember anything. I just woke up in this place, and ... " he noticed he was naked again and pulled the sleeping bag over himself. "should I know you?" he last thing I remember was an earth quake at the office. I was just going up to the reception area. Kat! what are you doing here dressed like a cowboy? Is this one of your pranks? How did we get out here? Damn! this is confusing! tell me what's going on! please!. Where the hell are we anyway?" He couldn't believe that even though he was naked, she acted as if it were all perfectly normal.
Kat put her hands on his shoulders. She was relieved that he had remembered her at least. "Yes there was an earthquake at the office about a few weeks ago. You practically saved my life. My grandfather repaid your efforts by flying us around the world. We first went to Hawaii, then New Zealand, now we are here in Australia." She paused a minute. "Rick, we're together now. That earthquake, well it brought us closer and I was going through a similar situation as you are now. I lost some of my memory when the building collapsed, but I've regained most of it back." She rummaged through their bags and found a shirt and pair of pants for him because he was trying to cover up. "I love you and I'm so sorry that this happened to you, but try not to freak out, please." She looked like she was about to cry as she handed him his clothes. She just hoped that his memories of their time together would come back.
" You mean we have been alone together for almost three weeks?!" He could hardly believe what she was telling him. "You mean we have ,,,, he could hardly speak the words "had sex?" He looked her in wonder, and disbelief.
She smiled at him, "yes Rick, many, many times!" She scooted a while closer to him and slowly leaned in to kiss him, hoping that it would jog back some of his memories. She said a silent prayer that he would regain the wonderful memories that they had recently created.
He sat their confused. It all seemed like a dream. He wanted to speak but he didn't know what to say. he looked up into her eyes, they were shining. it seemed too good to be true, but at the same time, you couldn't make up what he was seeing. "We must have fallen a long way!" he said. Is that why I lost my memory? He looked up at her. she was barely dressed. The tank top was thin and now wet and he could see her breasts almost as if she was naked, yet she was unashamed. He ran his hand along her side and brushed them gently yet she did not flinch.
"No, you lost your memory just now, you were out in the rain and I assume the lightening had hit you," She ran her hands through his hair, it looked better now since it had gotten wet. She noted that he was touching her, that was a good sign. "Look Rick, I don't want to push you, so if you touching me is too much or me touching you is too much, we don't have to do anything." She looked sincerely into his eyes. "Just try and rest and hopefully your memories will resurface. Here, lie down..." She helped him to lie down on the sleeping bag. She didn't lay with him because she wasn't sure if he wanted her to.
A funny smile crossed his face. "We really made love? honest? you know what I do remember? That I have loved you for years, and couldn't tell you. But if we did that, i must have told you some time. At least I hope I did because its true. You said my name is Rick? I wonder why i cant remember that, but your name I remembered. " Will you lay here with me please?"
She smiled and caressed his arm, "yes, you've told me you love me about a thousand times so far and I've said it about the same number of times!" She leaned in and kissed him, then cuddled into the sleeping bag with him. "That is odd that you remember my name, but not yours. It was the opposite for me when I lost my memory, though my lost memories seemed to concentrate around you." She propped herself on her elbow to look at him. "Do you remember your childhood, parents, growing up, stuff like that?"
"No... my memory starts as i was heading up the elevator the day of the earthquake. I was all geeked about being called to your station, though I don't remember why you called me. Did I work with you or something? I remember thinking I was going to tell you I loved you when I got there, but them i saw the ceiling falling and ran and pushed you under the desk. I remember falling and then the next thing i know, I'm here and laying in the mud. "
She heart sank that he couldn't remember anything before the earthquake, though all of his memories of her were intact. "Rick, you work in IT for my grandfather's company. I had a computer issue and that's why you were called." She scratched her head a moment, debating whether to try and jog his memory about his past. "Would you like me to tell you about yourself?" She giggled, thinking that it sounded just as odd saying it out loud as it did in her head.
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