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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

She playfully scoffed, "no, no jealousy, I just haven't heard you talk about any of your friends before. I was starting to think that you didn't have any," she sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around him. "Perhaps we can track down this Timmy, sounds like you two had quite the bond." That was the end of talking about Timmy as they both were too immersed in each others mouths to do any talking. Kat liked being in the water with Rick, his body felt really nice when it was wet and slippery. Suddenly, she pulled away and swam off, she wanted Rick to come and get her; she wanted to have a little fun in the pond.
Shocked that she suddenly disappeared, instead of swimming after her, he submersed in the dark water and swam under water after her and when he found her grabbed her feet and pulled her under suddenly. He then surfaced and waited for her to come up. Two could play this game and he was as ready to have fun as she was.
She turned around to look at him, but he was gone. She figured that he was underwater somewhere, but since it was dark, it was nearly impossible to see him. Then she left him grab her foot and pull her under. She smiled at this little game and felt for him underwater. Kat brushed her hands against his thighs and slid her body against his as she reemerged from below with her face just inches away from his. "Hi," she whispered and wrapped her arms around him.
He felt her nipples slide up his thighs along his belly and then his chest as she broke the surface. In answer to her "Hi" he smothered her with kisses as she hung around her neck. Stopping to take a breath, he said "I love you so much". As her body slid along him his manhood came to attention almost immediately. He grabbed her thighs and pulled them up around his waist and lowered her until the head of his cock rested against he entrance The warmth compared to the cool water was amazing. "Some one is hot!" he said.
"I love you too, always!" She remarked. Kat was well aware of his erection, it was something of an occupational hazard when they were together. With her legs wrapped around his waist, she felt his cock just at her entrance. "Well what can I say? I'm a pretty hot girl!" She giggled and leaned in to kiss him while her hands ran through his hair and along the back of his neck.
He wiggled a bit and let her settle down over him. " MMMMM that feels nice" he started to swim on his back and let her ride along. He was being silly and really enjoying him self until he saw headlights coming down the foot path. It was the park police checking things out. He sunk down in the water. "Get ready to duck!" he whispered to Kat. Just then the spotlight started to scan the pond and he pulled her under.
Kat rather enjoyed the ride along. She loved it when Rick was playful like this, it was so infectious. She too noticed the lights and drew herself closer to Rick. It didn't seem like they were looking for anyone, just a routine patrol just to make sure that things were in order. She nodded at him as he mentioned that they'd have to duck under the water. Kat took a deep breath and ducked under the water's surface with Rick. She couldn't see him because it was so dark, but she could feel his heat. The lights briefly scanned over the pond and then they were gone. Kat and Rick waited a few seconds longer then slowly surfaced. The coast was clear. "It's a good thing that we came down her naked or else they would have found our clothes!" She giggled. Not that they would have gotten into much trouble if they were caught, but the thrill of almost being caught was still there.
"So are we staying the night? or going back home? This is certainly fun." He looked at her in the moonlight, as they held each other in the cool water. " We do have a blanket... If the boards get hard you can sleep on my chest if you like." He was really hoping she would be playful enough to try it, but realized that being pregnant it might not suit her. As they talked he resumed swimming on his back and let his cock slip in her again. With each swimming stroke he slid in and out of her warm body.
Kat smiled cutely at Rick, "well far be it for me to ruin the fun that you are obviously having. I think we can try and camp out here, sounds like fun!" She softly moaned as he penetrated her while they swam together. "Besides, if we can make it in int outback, this will be a piece of cake!" She giggled. Those few days of camping in Australia were the pits, that was the worst part of their vacation. "It's a good thing that we don't live too far away though, just in case..." she patted her belly, "these little one's aren't so keen with the idea."
He last thought worried him a bit. "Maybe I'm pushing things a bit. You've been great and very patient. If you could do what ever you want what would you do? We could always get dressed and go out to dinner instead." He was really quite happy to do what ever she pleased. Either way, they were getting out of the pond so he started swimming for shore. When they got to shore they snuck across the path and down the trail to the tree house and he followed her up the tree to the platform. When they arrived there the city lights were wonderful from their high vantage point.
Kat swam over to him and gently grasped his face in her hands, "this is what I want to do. Just to be with you is all I ever want. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I feel really good." She could see the concern on his face and hear it in his voice. It was sweet and endearing, but she didn't want this night to end with them just going home. She followed him out of the pond and over to the tree house. Once she got to the top, the view made her gasp, "oh, it's beautiful! Yes, I definitely want to stay here!" She slipped on her dress because she was a little chilly and then she grabbed the wool blanket and snuggled up with him to look at the view. "This is perfect. I want to be right here with you," she leaned up at kissed him tenderly.
Rick had not bothered to get dressed but it felt good to snuggle with her under the blanket. As they looked out over the city, he pulled her between his thighs and against his chest. He massaged her soft breasts through the thin dress. " So how are the little ones taking it now?" he asked her as he kissed the back of her neck. He adored her and now that she was expecting twins, well that just added to the things that made him love her. "It is beautiful, but it is a whole lot safer" He pulled her chin around, and kissed her deeply.
She felt warm and safe in Rick's arms. As long as she had Rick, then there wasn't anything wrong in the world, at least to her. "Oh they're just fine, I assume that their sleeping, though they are still so small that I wouldn't feel them moving around yet. With him guiding her chin, she turned and received his deep kiss. Kat turned a little bit more and kissed him a bit longer. Then she leaned her head against his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. "Today has been wonderful. If this is any hint at how are life is going to be together, then I'd say we have it made in the shade!"
Rick fell back on the floor of the tree house and let her lay back on top of him. He loved the way her hair caressed his chest and he kissed her cheek. as he continued to massage her soft breast. He looked up through the branches of the tree at the stars. He rolled her onto her back on top of his chest. "Look how beautiful the stars are!" he said as he held her in his arms and caressed her breasts. Though she could not see him he was grinning ear to ear.
She laid back on him and looked up through the treetops, the stars were brilliant in the night sky, "oh wow! They are amazing!" She softly ran her fingertips along his thighs from under the blanket. The breast massage that she was getting from him was nice. "Look, there's the big dipper!" She pointed up and outlined the constellation with her finger. "You know you can really see the night sky from my grandfather's ranch. As a kid, I'd lay out in the meadow and gaze at the stars. I toyed with the idea of being an astronaut when I was eight. That didn't last very long!"
"An astronaut?! your kidding! That I wouldn't have guessed. I would have figured you for an anthropologist maybe. Truth is I think your going to make the best mom ever! and that is really all that matters. I hope you feel that way too. I can't wait to be a Dad! and the coolest thing is that I can work from home."
He held her again and slowly massaged her nipples gently enjoying how they grew long and hard. " Do you know how much fun it is to play with your nipples?" he said with a laugh in his voice.
She giggled at his reaction. Being an astronaut was just some kid idea. She was certain that most kids felt that way at one point or another. "An anthropologist huh? Yeah, I could see that too!" She hummed in approval of his parenting remark. "I think we are going to make great parents, the best mom and dad ever!" She enthused. She let out a soft moan as he started to play with her nipples. They were very reactive to his touch. "Well it does feel very nice and I am glad that you are having a ball!" she replied. Her body was his own personal playground. "Get in there while the gettin's good because soon you'll have to share them!"
"Oh that's right!" he said...."I hadn't thought of that! well I'm certain they will do the job. The are way longer than the rubber ones. The babies will think they have gone to heaven. I'll have to sneak a taste once in a while. I'm told your breasts will be even bigger when they start to fill with milk. That will be fun!" He kissed her neck. and let on hand slide slowly down between her thighs. " I like having you lay on top of me."
"Yeah, I hear that they double in size and that's for just carrying one baby, I've got two in here!" She giggled and tentatively rubbed her belly. She just rolled her eyes playfully at his comment about wanting to taste her breast milk. He was a kinky bastard when he wanted to be. "I like laying on top of you too, you are surprisingly comfortable!" She shifted a bit so that her forehead was resting at his chin. "I'm getting a little drowsy, how about you?" Kat was quite complacent where she was and with the beautiful view of the night sky and her loving man holding her, she was utterly happy.
"Yeah.. but I'm enjoying playing with you. We'll see if you or I fall asleep first. either way I'm sure we will have sweet dreams. His finger slipped between her nether lips and found her clit. He gently, and ever so lightly massaged it and he continued rolling her nipples. He loved how soaked his fingers in response. He wasn't sure how long it took to fall asleep, but he woke to the sound of birds in the tree, and found his finger still inside her, and began to slowly massage her to wake her up. "Good morning sleepy!" he said.
She started to drift off to sleep, even with his finger playing at her clit. It was light enough to not keep her awake. Kat awoke to the sun shining through the treetops and of course, Rick's finger playing between her legs, "good morning!" She rolled over, forcing his finger out of her as she looked down at him. "I slept heavenly, what about you?" Her hair was a sexy mess, but she looked rather rested, like she had just gotten back from a spa vacation.
"Oh I slept wonderfully! You make a great blanket. We will have to try that at home. Speaking of which, our poor puppy is going to think he was abandoned. I hope he hasn't wet on the floor!" As she got up, he pulled on his shorts and gathered up the remains of their snacks. "we'll have to do this again, when we are in the mood for more children!" He gave her a knowing smile, and wondered just how many they would have. He could definitely see a large family in their future. He kissed her and then started down the ladder ahead of her staying close so he could catch her should she fall.
"Puppy?" Kat asked as she got to her knees and started to fold up the blanket. She giggled at him, "yes, this seems like the perfect place to conceive more children!" She looked over to the playground. Once Rick was dressed and heading down the steps, Kat followed behind. She was careful with her foot placement, she didn't need to take a tumble, though Rick would surely catch her if she did. They couple made their way back to the house, Kat noticed their next door neighbor coming out of his house to collect the newspaper. "Good morning!" She enthused and waved at him. "Uh, good morning!" He replied back.
"Bet he is wondering where we were." Rick laughed as he went in the house leading Kat. "Are you hungry?" I'll make you a real breakfast this time." As he said it he got out pancake flour, milk and eggs. and started mixing it all in a bowl. "I'm starving." While he let the batter rest he started heating the skillet and got some bacon out of the fridge. and put several slices in the pan, then started cutting strawberries. "So do you think that will do? or would you like scrambled eggs too?"
Kat took a seat at the breakfast bar and watched Rick get to work on breakfast. She was happy because she was actually craving pancakes. Her tummy started to growl as he started cooking up the bacon. "Better make eggs too, I feel like I could eat an entire IHOP's worth of pancakes!" She was borderline salivating so she took a few strawberries to sate her hunger temporarily. "Now where's this puppy you are talking about? You're not teasing me, are you?"
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