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Insufficient Memory-A challenge for IT (Wolvenrogue and Quiet Seductress)

Rick was really sweet to carry her to bed then to bring her the food from the restaurant. She sat up and began to eat the food that she didn't even touch at the restaurant. He was off again and this time, Kat heard the front door close, so he was really out. She sat there in bed and slowly ate her meal. It was really good and brought her into a better mood. Perhaps all she needed was to eat to keep her spirits up, it made a lot of sense. Picasso was sitting at the edge of the bed, begging cutely at Kat. She would throw him a piece of meat or two even so often, "shh, don't tell Daddy!" She giggled. She was about done with her meal when Rick returned. He had two banana splits in hand and they looked good. "Ooh, I get dessert too!" She laughed.
"Yes you do, and so do I" he sat on the bed and began to playfully feed her ice cream. A little bit dripped on her breast, but instead of getting a napkin, he simply licked it off. That gave him a devilish idea. He pulled back the covers and began to paint her with the cold and sticky ice cream and toppings. He loved how it made her nipples stand out. Then he began to lick her clean. smiling broadly.
"Oooh, that's cold!" She squealed as he painted her body with the ice cream. Kat was in a much better mood and so she let him do this. She liked how the coldness of the ice cream was met with the warmness of his mouth. "I'm glad that we're both in better moods! I think the ice cream helps a lot!" She laughed. "I think I want to put some ice cream on you and lick it off!" She grabbed a spoonful and lifted up his shirt to spread the dessert along his torso, then she took her warm tongue and licked it all up, "feels good doesn't it?" She smiled at him.
Rick responded by simply undressing and laying next to her on the bed. "Fair is fair" he said as he left him self completely available to her, and leaned over and teased her by suckling a prominent nipple. "Just be sure what ever you put on you lick completely off." he said with a smirk. The idea had him excited as was by now very obvious to Kat.
Once all his clothes were off, Kat really went to town. It wasn't a problem to lick off all that she put on because the ice cream tasted even better right off him. She dolloped a little spoonful onto the tip of his cock and quickly placed her lips over him. He would feel her tongue twirling the ice cream around and around until she sucked it completely off of him. "I'm liking this way of eating dessert!" She took a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth and then kissed Rick on the lips, allowing him to partake in tasting the treat right out of her mouth.
He grinned and savored the sweet flavor then said "My turn". Taking a banana slice covered in melting ice cream, he parted her thighs and slipped inside her. He then painted her pussy lips and clit and began to eat from her snatch. He licked her clit and outer lips and then sucking the banana from her a bite at a time consumed the entire thing flavored with her tangy juices. "I like this too!" he said and laid back again so she could continue. He was as hard as he could ever remember being.
When she saw the banana going between her legs, she moaned and stared wide eyed at Rick. He was so very kinky and she loved it. "God that feels good!" She exclaimed as he licked her and slowly ate the banana out of her. Her body felt the mixture of cold and hot and it was so erotic and stimulating. When he returned to lay down, Kat gathered the bowl and poured the melted ice cream along his chest and licked up every bit. She felt his hard cock at her abdomen, it was poking her as she leaned over his chest. She quickly straddled his cock, "I think I'm done with the ice cream, I just want you now!" Then she sank her body onto his.
"Felling better I see!" he said smiling as he reciprocated by bucking up between her thighs and into her hot wet womb. " You can have me any time you want me darling! he said grinning ear to ear. He ran his hands along her thighs as she bounced up and down on his cock. He pulled her into a kiss and savored the feeling of her hot wet body sliding over his. "I have no idea how many time we've made love, but every time we do it its one more time too few!"
She moaned as he bucked underneath her. It was such a great feeling when her and Rick connected like this. "You better believe that I will have you anytime! You will be mine soon and I will definitely try to get my fill of you!" She winked at him and circled her hips on top of him. She lightly bit his bottom lip and slowly pulled on it, "I don't know how you turn me on so much, but you do!"
As she rolled her hips over him, Rick groaned. He could usually hold on quite a while, but this time she got him and he arched his back up high on the bed and thrust up into her just moments before his cock took over and began to throb and filled her with warm cream instead of cold. He fell back to the bed exhausted and shaking. " My God what you do to me girl!" he exclaimed.
Kat hadn't expected Rick to cum so quickly, but as he did, she felt a bit of pride. Something about getting him so excited really made her feel good. She felt his seed shoot into her and it warmed her from the coldness of the ice cream covered banana that was inside of her. "I rather like what I do to you! I think you like it too!" She giggled and leaned down to kiss him.
Just then there was the sound of the doorbell. It was pretty late at night. Rick got out of bed and told Kat to stay where she was, then pulled on some pants and went down stairs. He went to the door to find Kat's brother. "Rick get Kat and head to the hospital, Its her grandpa! he has had a heart attack he might not last long. Rick thanked him and ran upstairs to Kat. "Get dressed now!" he said. Ricks face was ashen. "Come on! I'll tell you about it on the way! we have to hurry!" He helped her quickly down to the van, on the way he told her about what her brother had said.
Kat was just as surprised by the doorbell and stayed put as Rick went to go see who it was. When he came back up looking like he had seen a ghost, Kat felt sick to her stomach, "what's wrong?" He ushered her to get some clothes on and that he'd tell her on the way. She quickly got out of bed and slipped back on her dress and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Once they were in the car, Rick told her about her grandfather, "what?" Kat was in tears and this damn van couldn't go fast enough. When they got to the emergency room, Kat ran to her mom and dad and cried uncontrollably. They consoled her as best as they could. Charles meant the world to Kat because she was his only granddaughter. Kat turned and went into Rick's arm, "he can't die, no!" She was just a mess.
They waited in the waiting area about an hour until the Doctor came out to talk to them. "I'm Doctor Green. Charles is a lucky man, but a very very sick one. He didn't have a heart attack. He's been poisoned accidentally. Apparently he purchased some ceramics from India, and decided to eat out of them. The glaze contains a poison that leaches out into acid foods and causes severe chest pains. The good news is his heart is fine, but he will be very sick for a couple weeks. Another week or so and he would have died from it. You can go see him now."
When the doctor came in and told them what had happened to her grandfather, Kat was relieved that he was alive. She was the first one to go in and see him. He was awake, but very weak. She sat by his side and held his hand, "Grandfather, you know you're suppose to wash any new dishes that you buy!" She playfully scolded him. He smiled at her, "I will make sure to remember that darling, I am so sorry I worried you, but I'll be fine, you'll see. In time for your wedding too, I promise." Kat wiped away her tears, "you better be, plus you've got great-grandkids to play with yet too! They'll need you in their lives!" She leaned in and kiss him on the cheek.
Rick stood behind Kat and just comforted her as she spoke to her Grandpa, then gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and a smile as he said weakly, "take care of her" "I will sir, I promise" Rick answered him and then ushered Kat out so the others could come in and also so that she could compose herself. Rick was still worried about Charles. He knew about this kind of poisoning and that it could be fatal. When they got out of the room he told her. "Don't get your hopes up to high just yet. He is still very very sick. Lets go home and let you get some rest, we will come back in the morning." he knew that all this was not good for her as far along as she was.
Kat didn't want to leave her grandfather's side, but she knew that she needed to be resting. All this stress was not good for her or the babies. She nodded to Rick and walked with him out of the hospital to the van. She was visibly shaken and nothing could get her out of this despair that she was in. Once they got home. She made her way upstairs and got into bed. Picasso was at her side, gently licking her face. Kat couldn't imagine her life without her grandfather. Sure, she knew that at some point, he wasn't going to be with her anymore, but now was just too soon. She hated seeing him looking that frail, he was such a strong man and seeing like that that just broke her heart.
Rick cleaned up a bit and then came back to the bedroom, and undressing got in bed with Kat and just held her.. He knew that until things went one way or the other for Charles, Kat would be miserable and need a lot of pampering. He did what he was best at, giving her comfort and security. "However things go, I'll be here with you darling." he said. Kat was trapped between Rick and the dog and was getting as much comfort as they had to offer. He pulled her head to his chest and rubbed her back. "Why don't you just let all this go and have a good cry, It will do you some good."
She was trying to be strong, trying to be the brave girl that her grandfather had helped raise, but the more that she thought about her grandfather's situation, the more hopeless she felt. Rick held her and told her to just let it all out and she did just that. She cried and cried and cried. She never thought the tears would end. She could feel Picasso at her ear, nuzzling her and whimpering slightly. Kat did feel loved for having such a wonderful man in her life, but she was so sad for her grandfather. Eventually, she just cried herself to sleep. Her cheeks were red and tear strained and some of her hair was matted to her face. Rick's chest was just about soaked in her tears.
His chest was indeed wet but he had not worn a shirt so it would soon dry. He let her fall asleep and pulled a cover over her. He kept his cell phone beside him in case the hospital called, but kept it on vibrate not wanting to disturb her sleep unnecessarily. About 7 am, her brother called to say that her Grandpa was resting peacefully, and that there was no reason for Kat to hurry down to the hospital. He promised to call should he wake up and want visitors or if anything turned for the worst.

Now awake, Rick slipped from under her and tucked her in beneath the covers without waking her. She was sleeping peacefully so he went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast for her. He made her pancakes with sausages and warm maple syrup. He poured some orange juice and put it all on a try and took it to the bedroom. By then it was almost nine and though she was still asleep, she had slept 9 hours, so he sat on the bed and gently kissed her awake. Seeing her worried face, her said "Grandpa is fine. he is resting, but I brought you breakfast." He helped her sit up and then set the tray on her legs in front of her and propped it with pillows so it didn't move. "You need to eat. If not for you, for the twins."
When Kat did wake up, it was to Rick kissing her. She opened her eyes to see that he brought her breakfast. Hearing that her grandfather was doing fine made it easier for her to eat. She wasn't particularly hungry, but she had two little ones to care for so she ate. The breakfast was delicious and she managed to eat most of it. She looked at the clock, it was well after ten. "I'd like to go see my grandfather today. Thank you for breakfast." Kat was still feeling a little hollow inside, but that wasn't going to go away until she knew that her grandfather was clearly going to be alright.
"That's fine." rick said " but I want you to try and stay calm." I love your Grampa a ton, but I'm sure he would tell you, that your first concern has to be the twins. So we will go but we are taking it easy. Promise?" He looked at her a little sternly but with loving eyes.
"Of course. I know that my health and well being come first. I just can't wait around here all day." With that, she got out of bed and went into the closet to slipped on some clothes. She came out wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top. She really showed in this outfit. She was getting bigger and bigger everyday, it was sort of weird to see her own reflection in the mirror. After slipping on some sandals, she put her hair in a ponytail and headed downstairs, "okay, I'm ready."
Rick grabbed a couple bottles of water, and a sweater in case the A/c in the hospital was too much for her and took her am and lead her to the van. " I want you to calm down please." He asked her earnestly. When they arrived at the hospital, They were bathing her Grandfather and they were asked to wait. He could see the anxiety in Kat's face. He took her to the waiting room and had her sit down. "You promised me you would relax. I expect you to keep that promise." he said to her just a little sternly. After about half and hour they let them in the room. Her grandfather was still a bit pail, but looked 100% better.
Kat was really trying to calm herself, but it was hard. The drive to the hospital was nerve racking, so she took deep breaths to steady herself. The wait for the nurse to get done bathing her grandfather was even more of a challenge. When Rick pulled her into the waiting room and told her to be calm, Kat nodded and took a seat for a moment. She did promise that she'd relax. She focused her breathing and when she was ready, she got up and went to see her grandfather. He was still pail, but he didn't look as bad as yesterday. He was awake and he smiled when he saw Kat.

Kat sat next to him and held his hand. She felt much more relaxed just seeing him alert. "Hi," she said. "Hi my darling girl, how are you feeling?" Kat patted his hand, "I'm feeling alright, how about you?" Charles shrugged, "oh I can't complain, I have myself a really pretty nurse!" This made Kat laugh, Charles was getting back to his old self. "Yes, she is pretty, but don't get on her bad side, I'm sure she has a nasty side too!" Kat winked at her grandfather.
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